Let us start with some unpleasant facts.
1. The debt-based economy of the private central banks has failed and is collapsing.
By design private central banks such as the Federal Reserve, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the European Central Bank, etc. all create debt faster than they create money with which to pay the debt. Under the rules of private central banking money can only enter circulation as the proceeds of a loan at interest. All the so-called "bailouts" are simply more loans, plunging the subjugated populations deeper into debt. The private central bankers cannot change the rules without admitting to the public the system was flawed from the start and governments that sold their populations into the slavery of private central banking cannot change the rules without admitting they were stupid (or corrupt) for falling for the fraud in the first place.
The "Eleventh Marbles" keep piling up and now the total debt for all the nations with private central banks has reached unpayable levels, and worse, economies are struggling and starving just to make partial interest payments and like the United States, are not able to pay down the principle, even as the borrowing continues.
A crash is coming. It is unavoidable. The bankers and the governments know they cannot fix the problem, so they are desperate to find someone or some thing they can blame for the disaster. War makes a great scapegoat for the greed of banking and the corruption of government, and it is a formula which has worked before. Economic crash? "Solve" it by creating a war to blame the hardships and starvation on.
Crash of 1907, "solve" it with World War 1.
Crash of 1929, "solve" it with World War 2.
Crash of 2008 and the US and Wall Street are well on their way to "solving" it with World War 3, at present wars against ten nations on two continents.
Prior to the creation of the Federal Reserve, there was no such thing as a World War.
2. There is not enough healthy and safe food to feed the present human population. Between GMO mistakes, diversion of food farms to ethanol production, the Gulf Oil Disaster, and Fukushima, the already razor-thin surplus of food safe for human consumption has vanished, which is why you are being told that eating radioactive, oil-soaked, genetically damaged food is okay for you.
3. There is a surplus of human beings in the eyes of the bankers and governments.
It is easy to be glib and say there is a population problem because sex is more fun than dying. But one can look at the vast expanses of empty land across the globe and realize that the issue isn't too many humans for planet Earth but too many for the current infrastructure built to sustain them.
That infrastructure built to sustain human life and human enterprise is the one and only true function of government; the only purpose for which humans tolerate the intrusion and control of government. Yet as history has shown, governments will neglect development of infrastructure as they turn towards corruption and as corruption progresses, allow the existing infrastructure to deteriorate. Eventually, infrastructure that is not maintained reaches a point of decay where the cost of replacement and repair becomes huge, more than the governments can afford or bankers care to invest in at a time when most humans are no longer of use to the ever-more-automated factories. Sooner or later, governments and bankers realize its cheaper and easier to murder off a few billion people rather than have to spend the money to build decent communities.
The pattern is a traditional one. Europe under the rule of the Popes neglected the primitive infrastructure of the time. As the public baths built by Rome began to crumble, the church, instead of working to sustain hygiene, simply taught the masses that bathing was a sin! And the public clamor to repair the baths subsided. But eventually, population pressures on an ancient and unmaintained infrastructure pushed medieval Europe to the edge of collapse, when just at the last minute, the Black Plague decimated the population. All of a sudden, there was ample food, room and buildings for the survivors, and the political structure didn't have to spend a farthing to do it!
That was when the money-junkies realized the advantages of killing off masses of humans rather than have to take care of them.
All that is needed is a mechanism of mass death that obfuscates the real agenda.
Or plague.
Or both.
We got both in World War 1, a war notable for the Trench Warfare system. This was a system of soldiers in trenches urged to run towards each others' trenches into the fire of machine guns and the clouds of poison gas. As warfare it almost seemed intentionally designed to kill the maximum number of humans while damaging the least amount of real-estate. And when Germany collapsed, it almost seemed that someone somewhere did a calculation and decided that not enough humans had been killed, because all of a sudden, a lethal illness appeared during experimental vaccine tests at a US military base, Camp Funston, Kansas. This illness, misnamed "Spanish Flu" to obfuscate its true origin, raced around the world, killing an estimated 30-40 million people, more than the 15 million killed by World War 1, and more than had died in the Black Plague.
So that is how it is. Got too much debt? Got too many useless eaters who see the true nature of the banking system and the corruption of the government? Want to head off a revolution and skip that whole guillotine "inconvenience."
Start a war.
Or a plague.
Or both.
But how to do it? After a decade of wars, selling a newer and bigger war is going to be difficult. Knocking down a building and blaming Muslims for it is passe'! Been there, done that, do not want the T-shirt! And, knocking over the World Trade Towers or blowing up the Golden Gate lacks immediacy and presence. People living more than fifty miles from such an event view it at a distance; a tragedy but someone else's tragedy.
But a biological threat that hits everywhere? That might be in the very air you are breathing right now? The presstitutes in the media can fan that immediate sense of threat into a blind panic and lust for vengeance!
So here is what I suspect the money-junkies may be planning.
Recently the corporate media has been filled with stories about how scientists took the bird flu (which bears many similarities to the "Spanish" flu) and through a series of just 12 steps, converted it into a form easily transmissible by air! This makes the new bug, which we shall call Captain Trips in an homage to Stephen King, a slate-wiper for all humanity. Oddly enough, the press gave a great deal of coverage to the possibility that the scientists who created Captain Trips might publish their step-by-step directions, thereby handing to "Al Qaeda" (nudge nudge wink wink) the recipe to wipe mankind off of the face of Earth.
Osama Bin Virus
Some important items were left unsaid, such as who was paying these scientists to create such a horror, why the government did not exercise its legal authority to classify any materials deemed dangerous to the national security, and most important, why was the corporate media blatantly advertising the availability of the recipe for Captain Trips for all to see?
The US Government classifies all kinds of documents. Even college term papers that touch on military subjects can be and routinely are classified. Yet this supposedly highly dangerous recipe for converting Spanish/Bird flu was indeed ... which means the United States Government wanted it published, and wanted it reported in the media.
Which means this is a propaganda operation.
I think someone is planning massive de-population. And here is what appears to be the scenario.
1. In 1974, a document entitled National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests was released by the United States National Security Council under the direction of Henry Kissinger. This document, National Security Study Memorandum 200, declared overpopulation, especially in the third world to be a strategic threat to the United States because of resource depletion and popular uprisings against US foreign policy.
2. In the 1990s, scientists exhumed the body of a victim of the 1918 flu pandemic buried and preserved in the Alaskan permafrost, and recovered the DNA of the virus. The official reason given was to be prepared in case it came back, but we are the descendants of the people who survived the 1918 outbreak, and in theory have inherited their immunity. Over time, we become immune to major diseases, which is why measles today is not the medical crisis it once was. So an unaltered Spanish Flu virus isn't a real threat today.
3. There then followed a series of mysterious deaths of notable microbiologists.
4. Back in 2004, we were being propagandized that Bird Flu was the next pandemic.
5. CDC was talking about recombinant viruses back in 2005. In 2005 it was admitted that scientists were intentionally recreating the 1918 Spanish Flu virus!
6. Gene studies showed that so-called Bird Flu appeared to be similar to the 1918 Spanish Flu. Other studies showed it was almost identical!
7. But the predicted pandemic didn't happen because Bird Flu isn't that contagious. It needed to be blended with a more infectious form of flu, like swine flu (Used as a bio-weapon by the CIA against Cuba), to became a real slate-wiper!
8. In 2006, it was reported that scientists were intentionally creating bird flu and swine flu hybri...!
9. At this stage it is clear that US Government scientists have created the ultimate biological weapon to depopulate the Earth. But too many people know the US Government has been playing with these viruses and in the current climate of distrust, a sudden outbreak would be presumed the work of the US. So a fall-guy is needed. Hence the corporate media announcement that "anyone" can now find out how to turn Spanish/Bird flu into Captain Trips.
10. Stealing a plot device from Tom Clancy's "Rainbow Six" the US Government may be planning to spray the closing ceremonies of the London Olympics with the augmented flu. The victims will fly home during the virus' incubation period, unaware they are doing the dirty work of the US Government. The virus then would erupt all across the globe, while the media points the finger of blame at those gosh-darned Muslims, so that those who do not die from the virus are then off to die in war, a WW1 in reverse with the plague preceding the World War.
I could be wrong. I certainly hope I am wrong.
But there are so many reasons for the money-junkies to want to kill off what they see as useless eaters, and absent some dramatic event, absent a world war, the bankers and the governments are looking at guillotines in the near future.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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