It was reported, that on Monday, North Korea had fired two nukehead missiles, - though in my mind, this is more like a US led Military Industrial Complex farce; and looks as if we're seeing a run-up to the annual saber rattling contest, - as let's not forget, it was only last Christmas, when a huge military annual exercise took place in the region between the USA and South Korea, and when two people were killed when allegedly North Korea fired missiles on a village close to the N. Korean border on the 23rd November 2010. And if this was the case, I personally blame the US and the South Korea for the provocation, just looking into the matter and what’s gone on in the past, proves neither of these parties can be trusted. On the 26th March 2010, the mysterious sinking of the South Korean warship the Cheonan was due to a ‘close-range’ explosion under the ship, a preliminary inquiry first found. After examining the bow of the salvaged ship, officials said the warship was damaged by a ‘bubble jet’ caused by an external underwater blast. Analysts say that such an effect could be caused by a torpedo or a mine exploding below the ship. An explosion split the Cheonan in half and it sank, leaving 46 sailors dead.
The ship’s sinking fuelled tensions with North Korea, who “many” South Koreans believe were responsible for the sinking. Anxieties were mounted, as an earlier investigation had already concluded that the explosion which sank the ship was external, fuelling suspicions North Korea may have been involved. South Korea avoided blaming the North outright, and Pyongyang denied any role in the sinking of the vessel. But tensions have escalated over the incident, with Pyongyang accused Seoul of ‘deliberately linking’ it to the sinking. The two countries are still technically at war since the 1950-53 war ended without a peace treaty. There have been three previous naval clashes in the same area as the Cheonan went down, off the west coast of the peninsula. [1]
On the 3rd of April 2010 it was reported by the BBC, that at least one person had died, and eight were missing after a fishing boat sank during the search for the South Korean warship Cheonan, officials said. The South Korean boat was one of a number of private vessels searching for the warship, which sank last year near the maritime border with North Korea. One official said the boat appeared to have collided with a freighter. The fishing boat lost contact with the coastguard after sending a distress signal when it left the search area. “We’ve captured the Taiyo 1, a Cambodian-registered 1,472-ton freighter, which was apparently involved in the collision”, an Incheon Maritime Police spokesman told AFP news agency.
[ It was reported that if fishing boat was confirmed to have sunk, it would add to the sense of shock that many South Koreans are feeling following the loss of the warship, the BBC’s John Sudworth, reported from the South Korean capital, Seoul. He said the press was full of speculation about the possible causes of the explosion that sunk the Cheonan, including a deliberate attack by North Korea - a possibility that wasn't ruled out by the South. N. Korea denied any involvement in the sinking of the Cheonan warship, and had threatened ‘all-out-war’ if Seoul was to retaliate [2] [3].]
Then on the 20th May 2010, concluded the vessel was struck by a North Korean torpedo. As the US and South Korea push for fresh sanctions against North Korea, ‘aid groups’ were warning that the country was on the brink of a catastrophic famine, so what happened then?
With all the celebrations in February 2011 going on out there, they seemed far from being on the brink of famine, but these NGO’s and ‘aid agencies’ love to sensationalise, and use it as an excuse to justify as to why swarms of Jesuit-‘Christian-Aid’ kind of ‘aid-groups’ are ready to scramble-out there and invade North Korea, as they recently have in Haiti, and with their Bible’s in hand, are more interested in converting the starving inhabitants to their religions, - than actually feeding them.
Why are we always busying ourselves, can’t we leave these people alone, - okay, so they don’t have a microwave oven, or colour TV, - nor are they up to their eyeballs in debt to the world’s financial terrorists, or living in constant fear of their own government using the threat of ‘terrorism’, as to why we’ll no doubt be expected to have internal probes inserted in us the next time we want to fly, - and perhaps the real reason the so called West are concerned about N. Korea, is probably because there out of the fold of a possible NWO, so therefore more difficult to boss around the place. So they might have nuclear weapons, yeah, well so have we, and time and time again we keep hearing the; ‘calling the kettle black’ rhetoric.
For four days during August 2010, US and South Korean troops fired artillery into the skies and dropped anti-submarine bombs on underwater targets in a dramatic exercise to warn North Korea not to strike again [4]. - Who said they struck before? Other than the South, with the backing of the West, nothing has been proved, and with our track record of no WMD, we can hardly talk. I’m more likely to believe North Korea’s denial, as it’s a bit like a 5 year old going up to a 13 year old kid-built like a brick shithouse, and then punching him in the balls, knowing full well he’d soon get a good old beating! It’s not likely to happen, - is it? And what I know about the British and US and their love for a 'false flag' operations, then my bones tell me something’s not quite right.
Nevertheless, an armada of American and North Korean destroyers, and stealth fighter jets, led by the world’s largest 97,000 tons nuclear-powered super-carrier seem to silence the North Korean regime. Like some husbands beat their wives into submission of silence, who wouldn’t scared of such actions, and by showing such a brute force of bullying, which involved a military parade of 20 warships, 200 aircraft and 8,000 US and South Korean soldiers, may reinforce Pyongyang’s resolve to keep building its nuclear program, and perhaps this is the real reason, remember what is likely to happen if you push a rat into a corner. The Korean peninsula technically remains in a state of war because the 1950-53 Korean conflict ended with an armistice, not a peace treaty. Decades later, the two Koreas are divided by one of the world’s most heavily fortified borders, and the U.S. keeps 28,500 troops in the South.
China didn’t have to much to say about those ‘war-games’, led by the US and S. Korea at the New Year in 2011, nor did Russia, - as there’s too much money going through the Masonic lodges around the world, that they have no time for anything else, as they're all to busy counting all their money. - The US has given its ‘unequivocal’ support to South Korea following the ‘alleged sinking’ of the Cheonan. A so-called ‘multinational investigation’, recently concluded the vessel was struck by a North Korean torpedo, and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said; “The world has a duty to respond to the sinking of the ship”, and described the attack as an “unacceptable provocation” by the North. The “International community has a responsibility and a duty to respond”, she added, [and said the same on the 23rd March 2011 about Libya, then look what happened].
And in good old warmongering style, Washington and Seoul also announced their plans for two joint military exercises in the waters off the Korean Peninsula. A White House spokesman said; “The co-operation was intended to - deter future aggression - from Pyongyang”. The US also backed Seoul when it went to the UN asking for new sanctions against the North, and which helped further to financially cripple the country, when the UN did back the call of further sanctions against the ‘innocent people’ of N. Korea.
What’s diabolical about this, is that so called ‘experts’ said that North Korea’s economic situation may now be as bad as the late 1990's, when it’s alleged famine killed hundreds of thousands. It’s been alleged by refugees crossing over the North Korea’s border with China, had described worsening food shortages, while the World Food Programme said food aid will run out at the end of next month i.e. in June 2010, well it didn't did it! North Korean industry is crippled by a lack of fuel. Food aid has dwindled in recent years, as evidence has emerged that it is not getting through to the people most in need, and may instead be being diverted to the military and ‘the governing elite’, - see it’s the same the world over!
The country’s problems had been exacerbated by a government ordered currency revaluation in November 2009 which wiped out the savings of millions of ordinary Koreans. Again, it’s pretty much the same that’s happened in the West, and we still have the worse to come. It was alleged that Pak Nam-gi, the official held responsible for the disastrous currency reform, was executed in March 2010, now why haven’t we got such stringent measures like this in the West, - so we could put into practice the real meaning of a hung-parliament? It was reported by Yonhap, a South Korean news agency, that 77 year old Pak Nam-gi had not been seen in public since January 2010, but there’s no proof his execution happened, and he’s most likely been banished to the countryside somewhere.
If there is any starvation going on there, then it’s due to the sanctions imposed upon their country in the first place. All the Jesuit led army really wants, - is for desperate people to believe in their evil preaching, and to adopt Christianity, than they are truly concerned about their state of health and welfare. Why don’t these so called ‘aid-groups’ descend on the UN headquarters, or their branches throughout the world, demanding to ‘not impose’ new sanctions that results in famines to occur in the first place? We should be out there helping them, without conditions; they have to ‘convert’ before we help them.
And I bet your arse the streets in North Korea are 1000% safer to roam at night than it is in a country village here in England, the USA or Europe. Look I know things are far from perfect out there, and maybe the people do want and need change, but as we are beginning to see for ourselves here in the West, things aren’t necessarily greener on the other side.
As all we presently have to offer them, are villages, towns and cities full of vice, drugs, crime, alcoholism and Aids. Our shopping malls and high streets are cloned in every town and city, where individuality and small businesses no longer thrive. Our economies are fucked, and we’re beginning to have an education system that’s more and more being funded by conglomerates like Nike, BP, McDonald’s and Tesco etc., - so if it means teaching ‘the truth’, then it certainly won’t be taught in these types of subsidised schools. Our NHS and Post Office is getting flogged off, as have and will the remainder of our industries, i.e. the railways, gas, electric, water and oil companies that all make their present owners billions in fat profits, - yet cripple the rest of us in their extortionate prices.
We don’t manufacture anything anymore, unemployment is rising by the day, were flooded with millions of illegal immigrants, our libraries, swimming pools and youth clubs and halls are being closed down, our charities are folding, and no one can afford to buy their own homes, let alone a car. So please tell me this, what the fuck can we offer any of these people in N. Korea?
Hold up, - who’s the hoodwinked one at the back of the hall, - who shouted out ‘freedom’. Well matey, if this is freedom we have over here is the West, - then it just goes to show you how successfully you’ve been subliminally indoctrinated into believing this fallacy, - just because you can walk down the road to buy your shopping, get pissed or drugged out of your head whenever you like, - this is hardly the true meaning of ‘freedom’.
Extract from Trapped in a Masonic World -
[1] "BBC News - South Korean warship sunk by 'close-range explosion'."
[2] "BBC News - Nine missing as S Korean boat sinks in warship search." a href="">>;.
[3] "Capital | Daily News Wire." a href="">>;.
[4] "LATEST NEWS OF THE WORLD: U.S. and South Korean troops fired a href="">;.
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