I’ve already written about the Purple Political Reform movement in the UK following the May 2010 General Election, and discussed the interpretation of the 1627 Purple Robe Incident in Japan that led to the formation of the Early Modern Soto Zen Institution. So is it right to assume a kind of nondescript “Purple Revolution” is a form of a Masonic/Protestant message announcing the ‘new dawn’ of the ‘new coalition government’ in a country that still upholds a law that prevents a Catholic from ever becoming a reigning Monarch.
The same Masonic fraternity and group of brothers who also see to it that the USA’s only Roman Catholic President was no longer, when they assassinated him after he attacked their influence and the existence of secret society’s controlling the government of the US as well as others around the globe, and without actually uttering the word; “Freemason’s”.
Those defenders of the realm and establishment, who also made sure no Muslim connection was ever made possible with the same bloodline of the next likely monarch. And among these ardent defenders of the Crown are the Orangemen, those who have held strong to this very day on the shores and in the streets of Northern Ireland. The Orange Order flag, known as the Boyne Standard, consists of an orange background with a St George’s Cross and a purple star, which was the symbol of Williamite forces. [4]
Williamite refers to the followers of King William III of England who deposed King James II in the Glorious Revolution. William, the Stadtholder of the Dutch Republic, replaced James with the support of English Whigs. Those same men who so blatantly and proudly participate in the “Orange walks” [5] which are a series of parades held annually by members of the Orange Order during the summer in Northern Ireland, to a lesser extent in Scotland, and occasionally in England, the Republic of Ireland and throughout the Commonwealth. [5a]
These typically build up to the 12th July celebrations which mark Prince William of Orange’s victory over King James II at the Battle of the Boyne in 1690. He is still depicted in the iconography of the Orange Order, whose name comes from William's dynasty and Black Nobility/Illuminati group of families the House of Orange-Nassau. The Orange Institution in Ireland works on a pyramidal structure, where at its base are around 1,400 private lodges; every Orangeman belongs to a private lodge. Each private lodge sends six representatives to the district lodge, of which there are 126. Depending on size, each district lodge sends seven to thirteen representatives to the county lodge, of which there are 12. Each of these sends representatives to the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland, which heads the Orange Order. As a result, much of the real power in the Order resides in the Central Committee of the Grand Lodge, which is made up of three members from each of the six counties of Northern Ireland, Londonderry, Antrim, Down, Tyrone, Armagh, and Fermanagh, as well as the two other County Lodges in Northern Ireland, the City of Belfast Grand Lodge and the City of Londonderry Grand Orange Lodge, two each from the remaining Ulster counties [Cavan, Donegal, and Monaghan], one from Leitrim, and 19 others. There are other committees of the Grand Lodge, including rules revision, finance, and education. [6]
The Orange Order in December 2009 held secret talks with Northern Ireland’s two main unionist parties the Democratic Unionist Party, [DUP] and the Ulster Unionist Party [UUP]. The main goal of these talks was to form greater unity between the two parties, in the run-up to the May 2010 general election. Sinn Féin’s Alex Maskey said that the talks exposed the Order as “A very political organisation”. - Shortly after the election, Grand Master Robert Saulters called for a single unionist party to maintain the union. He said in a very Purplite revolutionary way; “...that the Order has members who represent all the many shades of unionism”, and warned; “We will continue to dilute the union if we fight and bicker among ourselves”. - Throughout the history of the Orange Order, Orange walks have faced opposition, generally from Catholics and nationalists, who feel that the parades are sectarian and full of triumphalism, and find the parades offensive wherever they take place, in which conflict usually only arises when a walk passes through or near a Catholic-dominated area. [6]
During ‘The Troubles’ many marchers were verbally abused, had things thrown at them or, and less commonly were shot at, and particularly with fireworks. The marching season required high levels of police involvement to prevent major outbreaks of violence, and as a result parading was banned in the region on several occasions in the early 1970’s, [5] although the ban was never in place on the 12th of July, when most of the trouble is likely to take place.
Currently, there are more than 2,000 annual parades in Northern Ireland and the best known of these is the “Drumcree conflict”. The Drumcree area, near Portadown has a history of parading disputes going back to the nineteenth century, and the current dispute centres on the refusal of the Parades Commission to allow the Portadown lodge through the Catholic Garvaghy Road during their annual celebrations in early July. However, today most of this route falls within the town’s mainly-Catholic and nationalist quarter, which is densely populated. The residents have sought to re-route the parade away from this area, seeing it as antagonistic and even supremacist. [5]
Just like the Freemason fraternity in general, they have affiliation groups and organisations all over the world, and as I’ve already said, many other Orange Order marches and parades also take place in these other countries. Even a distinct women’s organisation has grown up out of the Orange Order, called the Association of Loyal Orange-women of Ireland, this organisation was revived in December 1911 having been dormant since the late 1880’s. They have risen in prominence in recent years, largely due to protests in Drumcree. The women’s order is parallel to the men’s order, and participates in its parades as much as the males, apart from ‘all male’ parades and ‘all ladies’ parades respectively. The contribution of women to the Orange Order is recognised in the song; “Ladies Orange Lodges O!”
The Royal Black Institution was formed in Ireland in 1797, two years after the founding of the parent body. Although it is a separate organisation, one of the requirements for membership in the Royal Black is membership of the Orange Order and to be no less than 17 years old. The membership is exclusively male and the Royal Black Chapter is generally considered to be more religious and respectable in its proceedings than the Orange Order. [5] The society is formed from Orangemen and can be seen as a progression of that Order although they are separate institutions. Anyone wishing to be admitted to the Royal Black Institution must first become a member of an Orange Order Lodge, and many are members of both. [6]
The Royal Black is often referred to as the senior of the loyal orders. In Northern Ireland it holds a very colourful annual parade in the village of Scarva, County Down on the 13th July [the day after the Orange Order's 12th July celebrations] and often has as many as 100,000 people in attendance. It is commonly referred to as “The Sham Fight”. The other major parade of the year is “Black Saturday”, also known as “Last Saturday”, held on the last Saturday in August at several locations throughout Northern Ireland. The Royal Black Institution has adopted a more conciliatory attitude to contentious parades than the Orange Order, and is less overtly political, though not without political influence and clout, though they often say, it’s the quiet ones you want to watch out for. [7]
Neil Jarman author of; The Endless Parade stated that the difference between the Royal Black Institution and the Orange Order is that; “The Black Institution is best understood as reflecting the more middle class, rural, respectable, even elite elements of Orangeism”. The stronger emphasis on religion as opposed to politics or history is shown in their parade banners which usually depict Bible scenes rather than scenes from history. The origins of the institution are clouded with much secrecy, however information does exist that demonstrates its true roots. [7] Predominately the Anglican [C of E] church was the Protestant church in the late 1700’s, which is known today as the Church of Ireland. Freemasonry in Ireland was then, as now, based in Anglican Dublin, while in the North of the island, Freemasonry was more closely linked to the Scottish rites and the Presbyterian Church, the “black-mouths”, a derogatory name given to those of Scots descent [from where the nickname used in Dublin to this day for Northern Ireland is the Black North.] [7]
The origin of the term “Black North” is obscure, though it may indirectly be related to the Black Nobility families such as the House of Savoy, and the Royal Black Institution, also known as the Royal Black Preceptory or The Imperial Grand Black Chapter Of The British Commonwealth or simply as the Black Institute, whose symbol is a red tilted cross speared through a crown. The Royal Black Preceptory is alive and well today than it ever was, and consists of eleven degrees: [1] Royal Black Degree, [2] Royal Scarlet Degree, [3] Royal Mark Degree, [4] Apron and Royal Blue Degree, [5] Royal White Degree, [6] Royal Green Degree, [7] Gold Degree, [8] Star and Garter Degree, [9] Crimson Arrow Degree, [10] Link and Chain Degree, [11] Red Cross Degree.
I also wonder if the Royal “Black” Institution and term “Black North” has any reference to the already mentioned Prince William of Orange’s dynasty and Black Nobility/Illuminati group of families such as his own House of Orange-Nassau, and when years later another group of Black Nobility/Illuminati families who sided with the Papacy under Pope Pius IX after the House of Savoy family-led army of the Kingdom of Italy, entered Rome on the 20th September 1870, overthrew the then Pope and the Papal States, and took over the Apostolic Palace, and as a result for the next 59 years, the Pope confined himself to Vatican City and claimed to be a “prisoner within the Vatican” to avoid the appearance of accepting the authority of the new Italian government and state, and because of this ‘state of mourning’, those noble families loyal to the Pope, were termed ‘Black Nobility’, due to this reason and throughout that period of time.
Presbyterians were linked with their Catholic neighbours through the United Irishmen during the rebellions in Ireland in the 1700’s, and for this reason serving Freemasons, such as Dan Winters in County Armagh broke away to found an exclusively Protestant Masonic based organisation. This original organisation built upon the agrarian [8] [pro-farmer, land ownership] Orange Order by adding the Masonic degree of Arch-Purple. To bring the middle class Protestants on-board, the Black Institution was organised, following closely on the degrees and rituals used by the Scots Freemasons with their clear link to the Templar Lodges and Knights of Malta [mainly Catholic organisations]. For some time there were two Black Orders operating in Ireland, the Anglican purely Protestant one, and the original Scots Masonic Presbyterian one. [8]
A letter outlining the historically provable facts was published in the press during the early 1900’s in Ireland. The aprons worn by the Order started out as black, but then became royal blue to make a further distinction between the two. The first warrant for the Black Order in Ireland was in fact issued by the Masonic Grand Lodge of Scotland and subsequently this Order disappeared underground, leaving the Anglican Order that can be seen during the parades and exists around the world where Protestant Irish have emigrated over the years, due to the rule forbidding previous membership of any other order referred to the original Presbyterian and United Irishmen linked Orders [8].
The Purple Degrees: The Royal Arch Purple Degree, and; The Orange Order’s Royal Arch Purple Degree. - A ruling authority over the Orange - a Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland - wasn’t formed until 21st April 1798. This body brought much needed stability and leadership to the Order at a strategic period in its history. Grand Lodge immediately addressed the bewildering amount of unnecessary ritualism that had found its way into ‘Orangeism’, and here began a process of reform which purged out all the ritualistic baggage which had settled itself within the Order. This resulted in the disposal of the original three degrees of the Orange Order. From that date forward, the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland accepted only simplicity within its Order.
Between 1798 and 1800 Grand Lodge began a process of implementing this simplification by standardising procedures throughout every lodge in Ireland. That they might eradicate any lingering injurious behaviour by spurious characters, they abolished the old Orange Order in 1800, with its ritualistic connections, obliging every Orangeman to rejoin a now simplified new Orange Institution. Those ritualistic Orangemen inside the Order who bore allegiance to the former neo-Masonic degrees were far from happy at this radical reform. Some continued to practise these illegal degrees in a clandestine manner, in blatant violation of the rules of the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland. Facing strong persecution from a now powerful Grand Lodge and realising their beleaguered position, they merged the three old degrees into one large ritualistic degree. [9]
The Arch Purple Chapter’s book; History of the Royal Arch Purple Order explains: “Sometime between 1800 and 1811, possibly in 1802, a new degree was devised. This degree was; developed from the three pre 179 ‘old degrees’” [p. 59]. This elaborate degree became known as the Royal Arch Purple degree. From its inception, the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland looked upon this neo-Masonic Royal Arch Purple degree with understandable abhorrence. It was viewed as being incompatible with, and contrary to, both Protestantism and Orangeism. Those ritualistic Orangemen who practised the degree were persecuted by Grand Lodge, forcing them to practise the degree in great secrecy for fear of expulsion from the Order. Grand Lodge maintained this position throughout the whole of the 1800’s and into the early 20th century. The hard line assumed by the Orange Institution in Ireland mirrored the resolute stance of Orangeism throughout Great Britain. Whilst opposition to the Royal Arch Purple within 19th century Orangeism was enormous, a proposal was made to the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland to accept the Royal Arch Purple degree into the Institution in the early 1900’s. It succeeded in that it passed two readings, but when it came before the Grand Lodge meeting of 8th December 1909, in Dublin, delegates present resolutely rejected the introduction of the Royal Arch Purple degree into the Orange Institution of Ireland.
Realising there was little chance of the Arch Purple degree being integrated into the Orange Institution of Ireland, these clandestine Orangemen, on the 30th November 1911, inaugurated their own Institution - the Royal Arch Purple Chapter of Ireland - with its own ruling authority known as the Grand Chapter. The degree: The draft to the Arch Purple Chapter’s book diplomatically traces the roots of the Royal Arch Purple degree, stating that; “In light of the evidence available it would appear that the degree given today evolved from certain practices which had their origin in the Masonic Order, together with some innovations which had been introduced by those brethren conferring the degree in different areas being added to the original theme of the pre 1800 degrees to form a new ritual” [9].
In their book; The Orange Order:- An Evangelical Perspective, Grand Chaplain of the Grand Orange Lodge of Scotland [which owns the Royal Arch Purple as its second degree] Rev. Ian Meredith and Irish Arch Purple man Rev. Brian Kennaway comment on the Arch Purple degree. They state; “...it has to be admitted that this is the most ‘Masonic-like’ part of our ceremony”. They later describe it as; a Christianised or ‘Reformed Freemasonry’- [pp. 12, 25]. [10]
Following the publishing of the Saville Inquiry into the Bloody Sunday killings, and which took 38 years for the truth to finally come out. A former British Forces commander has said: “Paratroopers who gunned down innocent civilians on Bloody Sunday acted like Nazi storm-troopers.” Battle-hardened Col Richard Kemp said his immediate instinct on hearing the findings of the Saville Inquiry was that guilty soldiers should be jailed for a long time. Col Kemp commanded all British troops in Afghanistan, thought the shocking report into the Derry massacre on the 30th January 1972 should see the full wrath of the law come down on the killers. But he argued that, on further reflection, the shooting dead of 14 civilians and the wounding of 13 more was really the fault of the British state rather than the individuals concerned. Northern Ireland’s Public Prosecution Service [PPS] said it was investigating, along with Crown prosecutors, whether witnesses committed perjury at the inquiry. [12]
The PPS has now received a copy of the Saville Report which refers to certain witnesses providing evidence to the inquiry which was knowingly untrue, a spokesman said. The 12-year inquiry has left fat cat lawyers and judges £100million richer – the total cost of the inquiry was near on £200million. Chairman Lord Saville has received £2 million. Two lawyers earned more than £4 million each. Sir Christopher Clarke QC, inquiry lead counsel and now a High Court judge, got at least £4.5 million. Edwin Glasgow QC, lead counsel for the British Armed Forces, earned more than £4 million for his work over several years. The total bills of four inquiry counsel exceeded £12 million. Sir Allan Green QC, forced to resign as Director of Public Prosecutions amid allegations of kerb-crawling, got more than £1.5 million representing the soldiers. The families’ senior counsel Eilish McDermott got more than £1.4million, while big-name lawyer Michael Mansfield got £740,000, its hard luck life for many, but a grand one for the few. [13]
“No evidence of impropriety or malpractice” - I mentioned this earlier, as in November 2009 Jack Straw’s decision to no longer force applicants for the judiciary to declare if they are Freemasons was announced. Straw said via a written statement that a review had shown; “...no evidence of impropriety or malpractice” [14] as a result of a judge being a Freemason and it would be ‘disproportionate’ to continue with the practice, introduced in 1998, also by the then Home Secretary Jack Straw when he said: “Membership of secret societies such as Freemasonry could raise suspicions of impartiality and objectivity”. And he was of course 100% right then, but goes to show you how powerful the fraternity really is.
Okay so some years have passed, but that’s how groups like these work, as their like a dripping tap, - and to not make too much of a fuss about it in 1998 they went along with it knowing there were certain ways around it anyway. But it has obviously still been a thorn in the side of the fraternity, as why else would they challenge such a requirement when in May 2009 the United Grand Lodge of England made representations to ministers and indicated it might seek judicial review of the policy, if they were to be expected to declare their membership of the Freemasons. [16] The announcement by way of written ministerial statement was in the light of a [Masonic] European Court of Human Rights judgment against the state of Italy, which was made in 2006/7, and to which our attention was drawn by the Grand Lodge of Freemasons. “It suggested that a continuation of a compulsory register...was likely to be unlawful. After legal advice I accepted that. It is open to any judge to declare that they are Freemasons”. Straw added: “...that there had been ‘no evidence’ of any unacceptable behaviour by Freemason judges”. [14]
Though this is the point and crux of the matter, - if you are not doing anything unacceptably wrong or illegal, have nothing to hide and are up front and honest such as the kind of Judges or Magistrates Jack Straw has referred to, then why on earth would you fear declaring membership and wish to ‘cover-up’ such a thing, if indeed you’re just a proud member of such a well respected fraternity such as the Freemasons? And it’s because of these kinds of objections by members of judiciary, that makes you wonder if a Masonic Judge would treat a fellow Mason any differently than that of a non-Mason, if they were to come before him during a court case, what do you think would happen? - And now there is no need whatsoever for Judges or Magistrates to declare they’re a member of the Freemasons.
And as a result of these back down, we’ll never be able to get a true figure or know the real extent as to how deep the fraternity has penetrated our judicial system. However, just over ten years ago within the judiciary more than 240 judges and over 1,000 magistrates in the UK had owned up to being Freemasons. [17]
A government survey revealed, - these revelation are not necessary the correct figures, in fact the true figures are very likely to be much higher than those quoted, - that at least 247 judges - or 4.9% of the judiciary - are members of the organisation. And at least 1,097 - or 6.8% - of justices of the peace also belong to the Freemasons. The figures were revealed by the Lord Chancellor, Lord Irvine, in his appearance before a Commons select committee of MPs in 1999. Some 64 judges declined to say whether or not they were members of the freemasonry, and 867, or 5.4% of magistrates, refused to state whether or not they were members. Speaking afterwards, Lord Irvine said it could not be inferred that those who refused to make declarations were in fact Freemasons. – “Some people are refusing to make a declaration on grounds of conscience. I would not begin to infer that they are”, he said. 5,033 judges and part-time judges had returned forms out of 5,290 declaration forms sent out. “The number of judges who declared that they are Freemasons is relatively small at this stage, the figure stands at 247, that is; 4.9% of those who have responded”, he said. For magistrates, he said 26,000 questionnaires had been sent out, with 15,926 or 61% having responded to far. Magistrates who were not Freemason’s accounted for 13,962, or 87% of those who have returned their forms. Conservative MP Gerald Howarth, [Aldershot] branded the survey “Appalling political correctness...” and said it had “...stirred up something of a hornet’s nest amongst the judiciary”. [17]
That fact of the matter is that these figures mean nothing, as of the thousands of questionnaires sent out to, there is no requirement for the recipient to have to answer the questions, and by non admission does not mean you’re are in fact not a Freemason.
Also back in 1998 when those entering the judiciary had to say if they were a Freemason, at the same time the move sparked a furious backlash, and any attempts to make a similar requirement for police officers were scrapped in favour of ‘voluntary declarations’. - Following the European Courts 2006/7 decision, John Hamill, spokesman for the United Grand Union, said: “We are very happy the right thing has been done at long last”. [18]
As from June 2006 Scotland’s 15,000 police officers will be asked to declare their religion as part of a national audit amid claims that Catholics are being denied promotion by a stained glass ceiling. Members of the Catholic Church have previously called for the move to tackle alleged sectarianism within the police’s ranks. The audit was launched to establish how accurately the police service is representing the communities they serve. The Executive has pledged to stamp out sectarianism, dubbed Scotland’s shame by the then justice minister, Cathy Jamieson. But despite this, little is known about the extent to which religious discrimination exists within public bodies. [19]
A spokesman for the Catholic Church welcomed the move. “At the moment we don’t know whether there is a problem within the police service. This will bring some much-needed transparency”, he said. A Church source added: “I’m aware of anecdotal evidence that a ‘stained glass ceiling’ exists in the police service. I know Catholics in the police who have not been able to get beyond the rank of sergeant because they were Catholic, and were not Freemason’s”. - Chief Superintendent George Denholm, of Lothian and Borders Police, said: “This is about finding out how recruits from different backgrounds are getting on in the police service. We want to sell ourselves to the public and employ the best people... Questions have been raised by the Catholic Church, who say people serving in the police service are hitting a ‘stained glass ceiling’, stopping Catholic members of the police force being promoted. That there is some sort of Masonic conspiracy... He denied such accusations but admitted representation in the police could be improved. I think we are doing particularly well but maybe there is a risk that problems will be exposed. However, I think we have far more to be proud of than to keep secret”. [19]
Inequality within the police service with regards to race and gender has already been clearly established. About 1 per cent the police service is from a black or ethnic minority background - compared with about 2 per cent of the population. A recent survey found women make up 20 per cent of Scotland’s 10,000 police constables but only 9 per cent of higher ranks. [19]
It’s not just the judiciary or our police forces that is rife with Freemasons, as is the Military and particularly in the USA, [Masonic Lodges are set up all over the world and wherever they might based at], meanwhile here in the UK; “The following instruction sets out guidance governing the membership by members of the armed forces of societies such as Freemasons: there is no intention or policy to preclude service personnel from membership of any lawful and benevolent organisation. However, involvement in organisations of a secretive nature, such as the Freemasons, carries with it the risk of establishing disparate loyalties which may have a destabilising influence on the chain of command, not least by the perception of preferential treatment and undue influence. While membership of such organisations is clearly a matter for the individuals concerned, serving personnel should not encourage or promote membership amongst their colleagues, meetings should not be held on MOD premises, and use should not be made of any MOD property”, Department policy - the Military of Defence, UK. [20]
And just like Freemason’s in general; discussions about religion, business or politics is banned from doing so whilst inside the actual Lodge, however, what is said in the privacy of the golf green, mess bar, canteen or club bars goes without saying. It was stated in September 2003, that Gaelic Athletic Association [GAA] members in the police would soon be forced to declare their affiliation. Opus Dei, the elite Catholic grouping with links to high business and banking will also be included, according to policing board member Ian Paisley Jr. The DUP man said: “I believe that as a result of pressure from myself and others, the GAA will soon be considered for listing as a notify-able organisation”. Under the Policing Act, associations which could be viewed as sectarian or racist, or which may leave officer’s impartiality in doubt, have to be disclosed in a register of interests, including the Freemasons, loyal orders, the Catholic Knights of Columbus and Ancient Order of Hibernians. [20]
A police spokeswoman said the scheme was being monitored, but insisted the service did not intend to add any more organisation at that time, - but then again the “spokeswoman” is probably a member of one fraternal order or another, and as the rules and regulations presently stand, none of this monitoring lark will mean one iota, as we are after all dealing with “secret fraternities”, tending to remain secret. By making such non-declarations a criminal offence carrying a 3 year minimum sentence is the only way you’ll ever combat these kinds of problems. [21]
Extract from Trapped in a Masonic World - http://www.trappedinamasonicworld.co.uk
[1] http://newcastle.forumj.net/t62-freemasons-from-the-shadows
[1a] http://www.palestinemovement.info/what_matters_most/Palestine%20in%...
[1b] "Continental Freemasonry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continental_Freemasonry>;.
[2] "Freemasons open a lodge at Buckingham Palace ..." a href="http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=24966%3E">http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=24966>;.
[3] "The United Grand Lodge of England UGLE - Pyramid Lodge 5718 . a href="http://www.pyramidlodge.co.uk/3.html%3E">http://www.pyramidlodge.co.uk/3.html>;.
[4] "Williamite a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Search?search=Williamite%3E">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Search?search=Williamite>;.
[5] "Orange walk a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orange_walk%3E">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orange_walk>;.
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