The Petition for Support of Audit the Fed Bill, H.R. 459/S 202 IS HERE!!!. - Ron Paul 2012

   With Congress spending TRILLIONS of taxpayer dollars and the Federal Reserve literally creating money out of thin air, it's never been more important you and I force Congress to Audit the Fed.

      That's why it is vital you sign this petition to your Senators and Representative DEMANDING they support Rep. Ron Paul's Audit the Fed Bill.

      After you sign, please make a contribution to Campaign for Liberty to get more folks in this fight.  Unlike the Federal Reserve, Campaign for Liberty cannot just print money out of thin air to spread the word.

"Audit the Federal Reserve"
Petition to the US Congress

Whereas:   The Federal Reserve refuses to give a public accounting of the TRILLIONS in recent taxpayer-backed loans; and

Whereas:   Congress has the responsibility to force a public audit of the Federal Reserve, and the American people deserve to know how their tax dollars are being spent; and

Whereas:   Allowing the Fed to remain out of control and shrouded in secrecy clearly allows for abuse and the continued stealing of our tax dollars through inflation and unaccounted electronic bank "loans"; and

Whereas:   The Federal Reserve's abuses lead to constant economic crises like the current housing crisis, international banking crisis and the resulting chaos; and

Whereas:   The Federal Reserve System forces fuel, food, housing, medical care and education costs upward, meaning that everyone who is NOT on the government dole is forced to make do with less as the value of money slowly decreases; and

Whereas:   History shows us that riots, violence and full-scale police states can result when people finally realize fiat money isn't worth the paper it's printed on and REFUSE to accept it;

Therefore:   I urge you to cosponsor and make every effort to seek roll call votes on the Audit the Fed Bill, H.R. 459/S 202.

Sign the Petition -----> Copies will be sent to your Senators and Congressman.


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Comment by 7R33SandR0P3S on February 9, 2011 at 6:04pm
Latest Title: Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2011
Sponsor: Rep Paul, Ron [TX-14] (introduced 1/26/2011)      Cosponsors (70)
Latest Major Action: 1/26/2011 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

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