The Prognostication for America’s Survival

Image result for doctors making a prognositcation

The word prognostication usually pertains to a physician’s estimate for a patient’s life expectancy given his present condition whether due to disease or hereditary history, but it can also mean a prediction for the future, a divination, or prophecy. If a physician were to look at the current state of America’s health under the Democrat Biden regime I’m sure he would determine stage 4 cancer, inoperable! Of course this is just an analogy that we Americans would rather didn’t happen, but the undeniable conclusion is that it is impossible for the nation to continue down this road at the present over spending, lawlessness, and influx of illegal aliens through our opened borders.

Image result for the politically apathetic public

Deaf Dumb and Blind

As the people of this country go about their oblivious way, paying little attention to all the ominous signals being given off by unemployment, unsustainable inflation, the undeclared invasion of our country as the Democrats carry out their Cloward Piven Strategy, the end draws closer. Thinking that if the drive the systematic failure of America into completion that they can build a socialist society from the ashes, is typical of the schizophrenic vision of reality these fools have. Worse than that though is the spellbound, mesmerized, asleep at the wheel, mindset of the sheep who unbeknownst to them are being driven to slaughter!

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Setting the course for oblivion

The assassins have struck telling blows to our society that laid the groundwork for an unaware and apathetic public. Poor educational standards that refused to address low grade averages and achievement and lowering the standards for tests and levels of difficulty just as the refusal to teach the very principles of American exceptionalism that not only changes the world, but gave meaning to the concept of human rights. Instead of teaching kids mathematics, geography, history, and objective science the John Dewey concept of the state coming into the classroom and manipulating the minds of children has brought for generations of indoctrinated group think rather than critical thinking. Now add the cell phone to that equation and you have mentally lazy fools expecting immediate gratification with minimal effort! Recent generations of unpatriotic, self-centered mental weaklings!  

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The death equation

Fleeing the church, moral compass, and the infatuation of false idolatry and you have nothing but a Druid-like mentality that inhabits a society that once had backbone and self-reliance as its calling cards. The federal government has spawned a corrupt ideology that unelected bureaucrats imposed upon the people without an answer to it. As Yuri Bezmenov, former KGB Agent defected pointed out that Soviet takeover of societies they targeted was a long term proposition. One of the biggest contributors to the success of the poisonous formula was when the conservative and traditional culture of that country failed to clearly debate and address the radical element propagandized to them, the way was paved for the lies that would replace truth. America is guiltier of this than anything else as the mass media did its job of reinforcing the leftist narrative that deceived generations of dumbed down Americans!

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The toxic formula

Labeling those who did debate the false talking points of liberalism and socialism as right wing extremists, John Birchers, birthers, alt-right, neocons, Trumpsters, or whatever insulting label they could on those who were more likely better educated, more affluent, and more independent of government demonstrates one of the planks of the Communist Manifesto-always blame your opponents for the very thing you are doing! Sadly, their antics have been successful! A great nation is likely to fall as a result of this insanity. Big tyrannical government, a globalist owned media, an intentionally flawed educational system, a stupefied public, and you have an equation for disaster!

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Prognosis, you ask? Unless there is a miracle, a sudden massive awakening, or a revelation among all Americans, government, civilian, and all, a successful 200 year old constitutional republic is headed for the tomb of failed social experiments that favored human rights, freedom of speech, due process of law, and the right of the individual to hold the government accountable for its violations against its people. All this as members of that great society watched TV, refused to vote, spent weekend watching ballgames, allowed school boards to unleash filth to the minds of their kids, and allowed the corrupt news networks to do their thinking for them. If there’s a doctor in the house tell him the patient is dangerously close to organ failure!

Image result for dumbed down students



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