The Psychology behind the Inherent Doom of the West

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A basic foundational flaw exists in the personality and conduct of the present day citizen and public official. It has often been said that the family is the bedrock of the western society (the family, marriage, effective parenting), but a fatal error occurred in recent decades through social engineering and social platforms that made acceptance of this mental disease simply part of the everyday psychological makeup. De-emphasis of the importance of the responsible parent, reliable spouse, and family unity doomed the future of western society, transforming men into women, women into the men’s role, and grooming of children into a sexual assignment monstrosity have been the symptoms of a misdirected society.

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Loss of meaning

Weakness, lack of proper personal judgement, and out of control narcissism have earmarked the future for a rough ride with voters stupid enough to continue re-electing government officials while these same corrupt bastards plan the demise  of their society! Full of hormone blockers and warped ideology, western society no longer has a moral code it can count on or the iron grip of a loyal military there to protect, no to intercede in wars for profit or to distract the public from the criminality of a president and his insane cabinet.

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We have college campuses burned down by the students and threatening the lives of the conservative or Christian speakers rather than wanting to hear the truth or some kind of guidance. Self-delusion, is without a doubt the latest pandemic where destruction caused by a programmed mind will serve as the final knockout blow. Served up by the powers that be, the Globalists, the Deep State, the Marxists, who cannot let others peacefully co-exist. The has been the problem all along that no matter who wins an election the opposing factions continue the persecution on and on! The winner continues the attack and the losing political factions suffer even more!

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Never ending destruct button

The most tragic manifestation in all this is the widespread corruption that ensues as the courts, the police, the upper echelon of society soon begins to show the cracks in its underpinnings and the society begins a gradual but sure economic and moral collapse. Those who engineered this insanity think they will be insulated from the calamity, the violence, the murders that will be unleashed, but rightfully they shall perish among the rubble they developed to bring about the intentional social breakdown they attempted to cause. How does this same self-repeating behavior cycle re-emerge time and time again? Why haven’t we seen an end to this self-destructive tendency in the human species?

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Taking wellbeing for granted

It happens once society has become too comfortable with itself and with its conveniences. Human nature cannot be coddled or led down paths of decadence or the human mind begins to accept what any sane society would consider unacceptable. Extremes, perversions, abnormality, rationalization of evil conduct, as well as the non-existence of God! Without that equalizing effect of goodness and decency, man descends into the depths of the darkest kind of inhumanity in wars, brandishing death as the ultimate way of conveniently disposing of those who possess enough sanity to disagree, and that’s where the present day has led us to the very brink of a warfare that will leave scorched and poisoned earth to cradle the millions of charred bodies on innocence that were really not all the innocent as they turned their backs on God, on decency, and made the world into a giant mirror from which they could gaze at themselves like the mythical Narcissus who spent his time gazing into a pond reflection of himself until he died. So, too, do we have a society full of the mentally deficient ready for the funeral pyres?

Image result for greg Lake

“If we make it we can all sit back and laugh, but I fear tomorrow I’ll be crying, but I fear tomorrow I’ll be crying!” Greg Lake, vocalist and lyricist for King Crimson.

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