“The Shot Heard Round the World” by
Domenick D’Andrea
In every human being there exists a balance, an internal fulcrum, a guide to what is honest, to what is true and constant. When this
balance within us is broken, by ourselves or by others, it tends to
attract grief and desolation, like some terrible and ferocious gravity.
Just as this is true for individuals, so is it true for nations.
A country’s political structure must reflect accurately the dreams and aspirations of its people, and foster those dreams with respect and
care. In most cases throughout history, this does not occur. Often,
the desires of government break from the life of the people and it
becomes an obstacle to the intellectual, philosophical, and spiritual
progress of men it was originally designed to protect.
This change takes shape through the mechanizations of elitism; the conception of organized minorities who believe that they are gifted with
“superior insight,” and are thus better qualified to make decisions for
the people than the people are for themselves. They pose as our
saviors, as defenders of the species, as “parents” of the social order.
They invoke this image just as much for their personal benefit as they
do to keep the masses agreeable. They want to believe that they are
noble, that they serve the so called greater good. In every tyrant’s
mind there is rooted a unique rationalization, an ambition towards a
twisted brand of heroism, but they have neither the wisdom nor the
fortitude of heart necessary to become truly heroic. Because elitists
and their fractured ideas can never earn the fundamental and voluntary
admiration of the citizenry, they turn towards thoughts of power,
domination, and deceit. If the people cannot be convinced to accept
their supremacy, then perhaps they can be forced.
This philosophy poisons cultures, making them volatile, self-destructive, explosively unstable. In the process of attempting to
coerce society into a particular kind of “order,” elites actually sow
the seeds of disorder. Internally, people know when they are being
oppressed, though they may not immediately and consciously recognize it,
and this pain of imbalance can grow into a collective storm. In this
way, humanity turns away from the establishment, away from complacency,
and towards revolution.
Revolution is necessary when injustice and criminality become the tools of government to maintain authority. True authority is derived
from earned esteem through decisive and honorable actions. A real
leader, leads by example, not force. When dishonorable leaders pervade a
nation without accountability, they must be uprooted, or that nation
will pay a terrifying and incomprehensible price.
However, in revolution, there can be many consequences and pitfalls. Nothing is ever as simple as getting up from one’s chair and taking to
the streets. Without a conscience, without an honest methodology,
revolution can become as nightmarish as the tyrants it seeks to
In this article we will examine some of the ideas that make for successful and meaningful revolution, as well as those that lead only to disaster…
Truth, Not Anger, Must Drive Rebellion
I have heard it said that revolution is “its own justification,” usually from people who style themselves towards the so called “Far
Left,” of our political spectrum. I may have even said it once or twice
long ago when I was still a Democrat. But, anyone who has deeply
studied the history of revolutionary action understands that it is in no
way its own justification. Rebelling simply because one knows nothing
of himself or his circumstances, because one is merely ‘angry’, is
foolish, and leads to monstrous forms of moral relativism. I call this
‘the revolutionary mask’; and it develops when a person who is
fundamentally weak in character takes on the notion of rebellion as a
faux identity. For them, revolt requires no purpose or goal beyond self
gratification. This is why overtly Socialist methodologies prevail in
college and university settings; most (not all) people at the college
age have not yet developed self awareness, nor do they have ample
experience of life. Their inner contents have been neglected, often
because at a young age our society discourages us from bothering to look
They feel when there is an imbalance in their world, but are not equipped to understand it. The revolutionary mask allows them to
placate their anger and confusion without requiring them to make the
effort of fully understanding the problem. Like toddlers, they rebel to
feel like they are making a difference, even though subconsciously they
know they are not. At bottom, the world does not need yet another
uprising of overgrown children…
Certain brands of Anarchism (not all of them) also subscribe to the revolutionary mask concept. Proponents usually believe in an
existentialist basis for insurrection, and this includes the adoption of
“blank slate theory” (a thoroughly discredited fancy) which suggests
that all human beings are inherently empty and devoid of morality,
making ideas of right and wrong “relative.”
When a revolution is overwhelmed by such people, individual liberty is thrown to the wayside, and mindless collectivism takes hold. The
Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and the birth of Communism is a perfect
example of rebellion gone awry, resulting in nothing but empty futility.
In a collectivist revolution, there is a denial of innate truth; the
truth of individualism and its necessity in successful society. Without
the individual, without an acknowledgment of inborn contents such as
unique personality and universal conscience, life bears no meaning, and
so revolution becomes inconsequential.
In fact, if Socialist revolutionaries were correct in their belief that there is no inherent conscience or morality, then no man would ever
rebel, because without an internal sense of justice, he would never
question his circumstances. Environment would determine his outlook
completely, and whoever controlled that environment would in turn
control his moral bearing. As most of us know, though, this is not the
reality of the human condition.
Revolution cannot succeed, nor even exist, without fundamental truth, and the act of rebellion must be inspired by the need to restore
balance, not destroy it. Otherwise, no good can ever be achieved.
Without archetypal conscience, man lashes out blindly, and discovers too
late that he has only injured himself.
Know Who The Real Enemy Is
American politics today are like an overly long joke with an unintelligible punchline at the end. Many in the U.S. are so caught up
in the pageantry of the left/right paradigm that they don’t realize it
is a ridiculous farce. There are even people (on both sides) who
understand that we are dealing with a globalist minority, but still think
that these elites are somehow affiliated Democrats, or dedicated “Right
Wingers.” They write blogs and journals and diatribes on the threat of
centralization and global government, raising my personal hopes, then
end up blaming all our ills on “extremist right wing nuts” or “extremist
left wing commies.” I can’t help but slap my own forehead in
disappointment. The insane obsession with Left and Right must end if we
are ever to stop the Globalists from thriving.
Taking aim at the wrong opponent, blaming a proxy for the crimes of an entirely different group, is very common in revolution, and this is
frequently enabled by the elites themselves. Life is not a football
game with clearly delineated sides, but we seem to enjoy treating it as
such. It makes the world simple. It allows us to relax and not have to
think or scrutinize over why we believe what we believe. It also
encourages the illusion that many of the malfunctions in our country are
caused by “random chance,” chaos, and political indecision. Even
though it is becoming more obvious to the general public that the
Democratic and Republican leadership have the same exact agenda and push
the same exact Anti-Constitutional legislation, they still cannot
accept that this is by deliberate design. Sometimes, it is easier for
people to close their eyes and swear by coincidence than it is to open
them and honestly appraise the ugliness dancing in their doorway. This
collective mental block helps to insulate globalist groups, such as
Central Bankers, the CFR, the Bilderberg Group, etc., from any blame,
and any retribution.
By controlling the leadership of the only two major parties made available to us, Globalists in government do indeed engineer disasters
in our culture, and thus garner much of the culpability for the
disjointed nature of our society. The rest of the blame goes to the
average American, who is unwilling to make the slightest effort to study
on his immediate situation, or to care about his overall future with
any sincerity. The great danger lay in the moment when these people
finally do snap under the growing weight of injustice in their
environment, and mindlessly attack the first group they imagine to be
responsible. Most revolutions in history have gone in this unfortunate
direction, always resulting in the deaths of innocent scapegoats, and
providing the opening for even more tyranny.
In this scenario, the elitists who discreetly triggered the breakdown of the nation usually escape untouched, ready to start the entire
process over once again, until every ounce of power and influence is
siphoned away from the people.
Unguarded Movements Are Always Co-Opted
Elitists understand all too well that every move to acquire new power draws natural polarized opposition. It is the way the universe works.
In many cases (especially in modern times) the Globalists cannot meet
and disrupt every one of these movements head on. Instead, they sit
back and allow them to develop as they naturally would. When these
rebellious groups appear ready to mature into an organized and serious
threat to centralized power, Elitists’ primary strategy is to co-opt
A direct confrontation carries incredible risk for the Globalists. They are, after all, a minority subculture that is heavily outnumbered.
When the presentation of a scapegoat is not enough to bamboozle the
masses, co-option can be used to deflect the momentum of revolution.
COINTELPRO, a program instituted by the FBI in the 60’s and 70’s, is a
well documented example of government disruption tactics. FBI “moles”
insinuated themselves into anti-war and anti-federal groups, then
created internal divisions, played egos, promoted undue violent acts to
discredit the cause, and in some cases even weaseled their way into
leadership positions in protest organizations, allowing them to totally
unbalance and sabotage them. These same tactics are used today, with
very little variation, except that the false left / right paradigm is
utilized much more effectively.
Republicans, who once considered themselves conservative and anti-big government, were utterly seduced by the sales-pitch of
neo-conservatism. George W. Bush used the “War on Terror” as an excuse
to triple the size of the Federal Government and introduce legislation
like the Patriot Act that lays the groundwork for the dissolution of
civil liberties and the institution of dictatorship. Hardly a
traditional conservative philosophy. Yet, orthodox Republicans, whose
root beliefs are an obstacle to the formation of world government, were
overtaken and then led by the same elitists they despised; all because
they refused to hold true to their individualist traditions, and were
manipulated like cattle into focusing their attentions on fabricated
Democrats are just as guilty. Not long ago they were building a large and intricate network of protest groups throughout the presidency
of George W. Bush with the express goal of stopping aggression and
wholesale slaughter in the Middle East. In response, the Globalists
bowled their entire weight behind the campaign of Barack Obama.
Immediately, Democratic resistance to the war crumbled as Obama assumed
power and instituted the same exact foreign policy as his predecessor.
His promises of leaving Iraq within 6 months of his election were
quickly forgotten, and he has exacerbated conflict in Afghanistan and
parts of Pakistan. Some Dems even began to support the war, casting
their principles to the wayside simply because a Democratic candidate
was now in office. Only after Obama buried Patriot Act renewal
legislation in his latest jobs bill did some still considering
themselves Democrats finally realize that their candidate of “hope” was
nothing more than a puppet for Globalist interests.
The Liberty Movement itself is facing co-option assaults as neo-conservatives who once attacked us, now falsely rally to join us!
Globalists fear a Republican return to traditional individualism, a
methodology we expound with vigor and proficiency in the Liberty
Movement. It is only natural that they would endeavor to divide and
dismantle us by overtaking us with the same strategy again; “neo-con” (a
bogus ideology) vs. “traditionalist.” Also, by forcing the now widely
despised “neo-con” label onto the Liberty Movement, many Democrats who
may have listened openly and objectively to our arguments will now turn
away from us blindly without any consideration.
Co-option works when a movement is not self-aware, when it does not stand on steady foundations. Revolutionaries must constantly examine
and reaffirm their commitment to their original ideal, and that ideal
must be centered on internal truth, and uncompromising individuality.
Without these two elements, no revolution can succeed in removing
elitism or mindless collectivism for any significant period of time.
Movements grounded in self-awareness cannot be induced towards bias and
misdirection, nor can they be overtaken by false leadership. A
revolution of true individuals cannot be subverted, only confronted on
its own terms.
Peaceful Resistance, Or Armed Revolt?
There is a very common misconception amongst the average citizen when considering the intricacies of rebellion; the misconception that one
must “choose” between peaceful and violent revolution, that one ideal
must somehow be subservient to the other. Actually, these two
methodologies work in tandem, and compliment each other depending on the
circumstances of revolt.
One might ask, “How is it possible to support peaceful and violent means of revolution at the same time?”
Actually, the philosophy of the Martial Arts is designed around this very concept, turning what we thought was a confliction, into a
symbiotic relationship. A martial artist draws a mental line in the
sand. He retains a peaceful, non-aggressive attitude up to this mental
line, sometimes allowing jabs at his ego or his beliefs in order to
maintain a non-violent dialogue. When this line is crossed though, when
no concordance can be found and the enemy becomes life threatening, he
neutralizes that threat with corresponding force. Meaning, the martial
artist is trained to use both non-violent and violent means to resolve
the situation depending on the circumstance.
Peaceful Resistance is a tool. It is the first line of defense in the fight against tyrannical imperative. However, it is only effective
as long as the oppressive government finds it necessary to limit its own
brutality. In the case of Gandhi’s peaceful rebellion against the
British Empire, government brutality worked against British interests
because they were required by the atmosphere of the times to appear as
though they cared about the Indian people they were trying to subjugate.
Public sentiment was important to the elites at that particular moment
in history, and so Gandhi’s non-violent method worked to his advantage.
However, there is a limit to the peaceful method’s success…
If Gandhi had been born German and Jewish, for instance, and organized non-violent resistance to Nazi aggression, it is likely he
would have been murdered within a fortnight along with anyone who
followed him. The Nazis (another elitist organization) had absolutely
no concern over world opinion, and they certainly had little interest in
appearing “just,” thus, their brutality was unlimited. Peaceful
revolution requires that a person be willing to sacrifice everything,
even their own life, without fighting back, in order to make an
undeniable psychological impression on the public and their aggressor.
But what if the aggressor has abandoned conscience and morality? What
if the rest of the public is not in a position to exert “concern” over
your movement’s welfare? What if the government is willing to kill you
and your people with indiscriminate impunity because it is likely they
will suffer little consequence? In this situation, your peaceful
sacrifice becomes empty. It achieves nothing.
Therefore, the manner of a revolution is entirely dependent upon the circumstances of the moment at which it takes shape. If a movement
limits itself to non-violence in the face of another fascist-like
government, one which seeks global control and the annihilation of any
resistance, if they refuse to adapt when necessary, they will fail, they
will be written out of the history books, and they will be forgotten.
As in the martial arts, a revolution must know when the line has been
crossed, and it is time to defend itself.
The Purpose Of Revolution
The word “revolution” draws a loaded set of reactions from people living in our information age. It elicits ire, suspicion, even shock,
and with good reason. Most revolutions of the past two centuries have
ended in disaster for the people who supported them, leading only to a
more tragic state of affairs than what they had suffered before. We
have grown to distrust immediate change, even when the alternative is a
misery stretching generations. We turn towards words like “hope”;
hollow words that denote apathy and vacillation. When one “hopes” for
change, one generally sits and waits. Unfortunately, people like this
realize too little too late that it takes much more than a “positive
disposition” to establish a viable and sovereign future. It takes work,
and it takes will. Somewhere along the line, “revolution” became a
four letter word in our culture, but the reality is, revolution is a
logical extension of all cultures. If imbalance exists, it must be
undone, one way or another. There will always be times in which revolt
is the only rational option.
The natural inclinations of man lean towards a search for wholeness, connection, and understanding, not isolation and obscurity, not slavery.
When a government turns away from the people, when it institutes laws
and legislation that are an affront to the average citizen and benefit
only a select few, when it turns towards domination and fear as its
means of social communication, when it must lie unswervingly in order to
function, it is no longer feasible, nor maintainable. It cannot exist
without offending the intuitive proclivities of a free people.
Often these kinds of governments refuse to be diplomatically replaced, even if the laws of a system demand it be done. The only
remaining alternative is for the average man to take matters into his
own hands, and drag them kicking and screaming from their self-appointed
throne. Whether we like the term or not, this act is called
“revolution.” Not “terrorism,” not “insurgency,” not “extremism,” but
All men who seek to keep a patch of earth free from despotism, as long as they remain faithful to the ideals of individuality, and truth,
honor the tradition of revolution. A war for liberty, whether waged
with information, or with force of arms, is one of the few wars worth
fighting for, worth dying for. Victory requires not that we “hope,” but
that we act. Not that we “believe,” but that we know. To stand in
defiance of criminal reign, regardless of the odds. To truly risk
something for the sake of ourselves, and for the sake of others. To
cast aside the malformed standards of an age, and begin anew. This is
not extreme. This is essential.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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