The Real Conspiracy: Conspiring to Cast Everything as a Conspiracy Theory

The Real Conspiracy: Conspiring to Cast Everything as a Conspiracy Theory

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Via The Daily Bell

Everything is a conspiracy, the elite globalists control us all, they will win, and resistance is futile.

Well, in that case, what’s the point of even fighting it? In fact, if all is so hopeless, why even bother pointing out how hopeless it is?

Or could it be–gasp, conspiracy!–that those ultra-pessimists are really themselves the agents of the controlling elite?

The idea is that those in power get people to throw their hands in the air in exasperated surrender by presenting the war as already won. They inject doubt into every movement, technology, and non-government solution so that it seems like all the paths to freedom have already been compromised.

Will Bitcoin save us from the Federal Reserve, or will it enslave us to a new global currency? Are Airbnb and Uber freeing tools to upset entrenched industries or clever marketing ploys to bring more under the control of the corporate elite?

False flag, or terrorist attack? Leaker or double agent? ISIS or CIA studios?

Machiavelli said that a leader is smartest to be feared and loved, but since this is a difficult balance, if he can choose only one, choose fear. The American government easily breaks the population up into segments, each requiring a different tactic to control them.

If you are inclined to mistrust the government, they will present the ultimate omniscient, omnipresent juggernaut that crushes all in its path.

And if you are inclined to seek government solutions to societal problems, they will present a compassionate, progressive voice of the people.

For the ultra-skeptics who correctly identify all government as corrupt and manipulative, the government cooks up a special recipe.

Overload and overwhelm. Make the waters so murky that it is impossible to tell what the truth is. Promote paranoia to the point of paralysis.

Every tool that is released that could move society foward, compete with government, and help make us free is denounced by seeming compatriots as a front for the government to trick you. And some probably are. But they stymie any meaningful action by creating so much doubt that no one knows what is a real boon for freedom and what is a clever trap.

Nothing happens because the community focuses on ferreting our the truth. A feedback loop is created where no progress towards freedom can happen because no one knows which technologies and movements are shills.

One thing is clearly not a conspiracy: the government actively infiltrates online communities to sow distrust and confusion. It is a well-known fact that various governments pay people to go online and influence, manipulate, and disrupt discourse. Documents revealed by Edward Snowden show the government tactics aim:

(1) to inject all sorts of false material onto the internet in order to destroy the reputation of its targets; and (2) to use social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable.

This means not only downplaying real dangers but inventing fake ones. One story comes out about a real conspiracy, and the government releases 100 fake stories, some less extreme than the real story, and others much more extreme.

A clerical error in a government office, or Annunaki brainwave hijacking all the way from Nirubu? I don’t know, but I am going to curl up in a corner and cry myself to sleep.

It actually benefits those in power for segments of the population to think they are all knowing and all controlling: the people who believe this will become discouraged and paranoid. They end up alienating others who start assuming anyone who criticizes the government, is really just crazy.

In fact, the term Conspiracy Theory was coined by the CIA. They started labeling everything a “Conspiracy Theory” whether it was, in fact, true or not. By associating insane bogus stories with real ones, they found an easy way to discredit their detractors in the eyes of the majority of the public. If some people believed the fake stories, all the better. That just contributes to the smoke and mirrors surrounding the actual crimes of the government.

The real conspiracy is that the government conspires to shape the public discourse. The government spends a lot of effort manipulating online discussion and shaping it for their nefarious purposes.

But freedom is in fact winning, and the future will be wonderful. Some people commenting are the manipulators, and others are just exhausted by the overload of negativity.

Keep that in mind and continue fighting for freedom. More of their manipulations are being revealed daily. The truth will come to light.

Until then, stay positive, stay productive, and don’t be dissuaded from taking real steps that protect you from the powers that be, and lead you down the road to liberation.

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