When taking an oath of office there were two important factors that Democrats and RINO’s refused to do. 1) To protect and defend the US Constitution 2) That they are public servants, not Lords of government who rule the people! These two fundamental rules have been consistently violated by these ego maniac office holders who would rather raise taxes, unleash suffocating regulations that no voters cab have a say so in, and secretly profit off the corruption that has run rampant in the federal government agencies, who operate with no accountability.
The ongoing deception
As a result of years of not being held accountable the people have been overtaxed and over regulated to the point of their lack of ability to survive the increasing cost of living due to not only higher taxes of every aspect of their lives, but inflation that has shrunken the buying power of the US dollar. Inflation is the result of dollar devaluation. This occurs when the US government continually spends more money than it takes in yet continually over taxes the American people. Who’s responsible? Those who would commit voter fraud, those who would operate disguised as a news caster or TV journalist and support the corrupt policies that have enslaved an ignorant and gullible viewing audience!
Oppression spelled out for you
This has gone on for decades! Committing our young men to wars that have done nothing but profit weapons makers. Taxes that have punished every aspect of the US consumer and his or her ability to survive in our present economy while the federal government unelected bureaucrats come up with more inventive ways of make life more costly for Americans. Limiting energy production forcing gas prices and heating oil to increase, so it helps the environment? Sure, by mandating EV’s that use poisonous lithium batteries that cannot be recycled and are toxic to the water table? Wind turbine blades that not only cause bird strikes but are not recyclable once they are dumped in landfills? How about EV’s putting such a demands upon an electrical grid that is almost on the verge of collapse? Closing more than 100 coal burning plants that back up the electrical grid was certainly not a viable option!
Key to economic viability
The simple refusal to implement policies that make practical sense of Americans characterizes the intentional failures of the Democrat Party who is committed to forcing the people to suffer in order to become victimized by their convoluted energy and social engineering. When energy is more expensive and done so through government policy such as refusal to open federal oil lease land and abolishing drilling for oil in the gulf, we have an imposed shortage that increases the cost fuel and that impacts every product made! Yet, Democrats, leftists, liberals, socialists, are not concerned with how these draconian rules impact the common man on the street! They are only concerned with the imposition of laws and legislation that force the people to bow down to them!
The spread of misinformation
When did those holding office decide that they were gods? When did they decide that the federal government was to rule over the people rather than govern them fairly? When did the schools decide to become indoctrination tools for creating the compliant minds of social justice slaves? When did debt foolishly incurred by the federal government become the weight of expenses that end up enslaving the populace? All it took was the people not paying attention and instead listening to the lying mainstream media which has become a mouthpiece for an out of control rogue federal government! Of course there was voting fraud, but the media told you either it didn’t exist or that it was so minute that it didn’t make a difference! The media told you who to love and who to hate. And, the majority of the time it was those who were trying to liberate the people from corrupt government who were the ones they told you to hate!
If America is to survive it must preserve the common sense economic ideals of the emerging Trump Administration and observe the rule of law as spelled out by the US Constitution, never allowing the shadow of the Democrats to darken the door of the White House again! The Democrats who vote lock and step with their America last policies have no vested interest in the environment, human rights, or the future of this nation. They are hooked into the kickback benefits, the industries that are paying them to push their agenda, the Big Pharma companies who sell maturity blockers for sex reassignment operations so, of course, the Democrats will transform the conversation from mutilation and drugging of teens into a question of individual rights to identity rather than biological reality! Social engineering in America has meant seducing society into becoming more dependent on big government and less self-reliant! The exact way that a draconian centralized government implements a Soviet Style Communist regime, and until Donald Trump emerged, we were headed over that cliff!
"Destroying the New World Order"
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