WE have all been dreaming while put to sleep by methods shoved right in our faces, resulting in not only Nightmares but ‘Daymares’ as well. We conclude that if they record enough of your life and your spoken inner thoughts, they will know how you will think and react under any of the coming Staged Events. This is what we would do if we wanted to exercise Total Control of a large population. WHAT!

So you are awakening with the many disclosures demonstrating what has been done to put you to sleep, and all this Talk about a Revolution; WHAT. A revolution of one?

Hollywierd and the media have since day one conditioned us with exposures of what has and is being done. You saw it, digested it consciously or unconsciously and now it has become Real. Imagine the originator of the World Wide Web, astounded and upset that they are using it to Spy. Are we not all caught in His Spider Web, and how did he get the idea in the first place. “I read about the concept in an Old Victorian Book”. WHAT. Here’s the latest from a Born Idiot professor in UK, “The sun will burn hotter as it is using up its fuel and after a Billion Years only small microbes will remain on earth” Got that, a fire burns hotter as its fuel is used up, which means you could use less fuel to cook? Yep, if you want your steak rare. We first hear Billion Dollars, now years. Your descendants at 80¹ºººººº will be well-done.

They have had a lot of time to practice for us. President Woodrow Wilson was around back in those Victorian times and he felt the ‘Control’ within his own Day and Nightmares:

“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the U.S., in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it”.

Consider the revelation of Chemtrails, GM food, unnecessary medicine and Chemicalised water. All of this reportedly poisoning our systems. Are not the enforcers, police, DHS, TSA, IRS, FBI, etc., parties not consuming these same ingredients? Are they then not also part of the Disposal Plan? Convince them of this and half the battle is won. The Interlocked, Complete, Pervasive Control many have feared, cannot function without its ‘Gofers!

DHS worker comes home after a Hard Day. “What’s wrong with you Freddie, you look terrible. “I don’t know Marge, my whole body feels bad and my head is spinning”. “Baby let me run you a hot bath, do you think it’s the Flu” “No, no Marge, just look at me, I’ve got so much bulk from the gym that I can’t buy any regular clothes, even my new uniform is XXL and today I had this protestor, a slim fit looking woman in a headlock while Ed was giving her the old taser and she just looked at me like I was from outer space or something. It made me wonder what the hell we are doing out there and what the director had said about these people being a Real Threat to National Security. Marge I tell you I’m convinced that woman and the rest of them aren’t any threat to the rest of us, just to the sick system.

Here’s a very good one about defeating the system by attacking the funding. Go into your employment personnel office and change your W2 form to Exempt, which means they can no longer Illegally deduct from your wages. The writer of the Blog Post cites the fact that any check you write to the IRS is endorsed to the Federal Reserve. Yes that Privately Owned bank or we have also heard of payments into the UN. Done In mass this will cause a real distortion of their agenda. They have repeatedly admitted that there is No Law for the collection of Income Tax. It is Voluntary. Difficulty will be State Department Revoking your passport for Debts Owed. They are closing your potential to escape. Under RICO Racketeering and Corrupt Practices Act:

It is unlawful for anyone employed by or associated with any enterprise engaged in, or the activities of which affect, interstate or foreign commerce, to conduct or participate, directly or indirectly, in the conduct of such enterprise's affairs through a pattern of racketeering activity or collection of Unlawful Debt. 18 U.S.C.

Where is the called for Citizens Grand Jury? Time to Bring Back the Runaway Grand Jury by Hugh Turley January 2007: (In Part)

The Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution states, “No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury.”

A presentment was a communication to the public of the grand jury’s investigation and was a means to present grievances against the government. Presentments could lead to an indictment or exoneration.

Unlike a petit jury, which considers evidence of both guilt and innocence during a trial, the grand jury considers only accusatory evidence to determine if there is enough evidence for a trial. ‘YES’.

A grand jury had powerful oversight over the government. Ordinary citizens were allowed to pass information to a grand jury, meaning that every citizen could act as an attorney general. The grand jury served the public in two ways: by limiting government’s power to prosecute and by issuing presentments about its activity.

Now, only a prosecutor can pass information of criminal activity to a grand jury. Grand jurors are mostly unaware they still have the power to investigate any criminal activity they know of and that they can issue subpoenas. They can also refuse to indict persons that the district attorney wishes to prosecute.

When citizens take charge of the direction of a grand jury investigation, it is called a “runaway grand jury.” But it’s a grand jury acting like a real grand jury, consistent with the long history of common law. A runaway grand jury is running away from the prosecutor and the Federal Rules in the same way Harriet Tubman was a runaway slave running away from a corrupt institution. Imagine a whole grand jury of Harriet Tubmans. What administration officials might get indicted, and for what?

WANTED – Out of Work Lawyers – Paralegals and Retired Judges – Concerned Citizens.

You will be Sworn in to work on Citizens Grand Juries to weigh evidence, issue subpoenas and Indict parties that have worked and conspired to Destroy America.

Right now we have Lairs Lying to the Lairs. In the Congress Critter hearings, on the news programs and in the papers, they are all telling stories and in some cases claiming that they know Nothing. Well it’s high time to correct their lies and momentary lapse of recall. Any of them in their limited roles of power are not only breathing, eating and drinking the same air, food and water as the rest of us; they are also very much Vulnerable to Public Exposure. If they live near you go picket their house, print their photo with what they have done and post it around town. If they or their family wants to shop in your store or business, discourage them with a polite rebuttal, sorry we cannot serve your today. This should be true of FBI, DHS, TSA and all the rest; ID them, find where they live and let them come home to the public outcry. If the Paparazzi does it so can you. With Internet the sharing of info on these Statis is not complicated. Uploaded photos and names will soon produce the much needed results. Tom, down the block travels a lot, who is he really when he merely says he works for the government. You can bet that someone in another city will recognize him as William ‘The Beater’ and he will be exposed. He can have his fifthteen minutes turn into a Lifetime! No agent can be effective once he is exposed to this kind of publicity. How did the FBI find one of their most wanted in South America, yep, Facebook. They have given you the weapon – now use it.

If you want to see what this present system is all about, you need only one book and read it from cover to cover. All the rest of the books in your library will be meaningless as most have been subverted. The author of this one paid with his life. We will call him the Front Agent of Group B, as they no doubt used him to put out the word on Group A. Yes for certain there are two factions at work as now demonstrated in the disclosures coming out about one group by the other group: See Jon Rappoport www.nomorefakenews.com articles that outline this situation and how Mr. Snowdon, whether fake or not, may be used for the same game.

As background, Francis Parker Yockey was a prosecutor in the US and chosen for the NürnbergTrials after in rebellion he traveled through war torn Europe and while staying in Scotland wrote ‘IMPERIUM’ a banned book. It is downloadable www.vaidilute.com at and worth you turning and mentally digesting every page. Your world outlook will never be the same and you can begin to make sense of this present system of Pure and Simple Control. So Yes there can be a Revolt of One, which can attract the Many.


We are Legion

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