Accepting the facts is a hard taskmaster. It demands rigorous thought  and continuous circumspection, something of which many are incapable today,  if not always.
The   same page
By   John Kaminski
A massive conspiracy against humankind has been going on   for hundreds if not thousands of years.
A dark shadow grows larger every day across every area of human   endeavor. What everyone once knew was a lie is now legally enforced as   the truth.
The Sun that sustains us is now blotted out by thin, artificial   clouds as the trees beneath it turn brown. The ice has disappeared from the   North Pole,
and all across the northland, methane smolders from the melting   tundra.
The experts say they can't predict what will happen, but peace and   tranquillity are not part of the forecast.
The voices from the electronic media tell you this is paranoia.   Occasionally these voices tell you they have drugs that can cure this. Take   this pill and all will be well.
Those who take them go glassy-eyed, as they sit   transfixed in front of their trusted friends on TV.
How does it happen that when nations are destroyed, their   leaders always seem to be foreign?
In the French revolution the leaders were foreigners, from   Italy and Spain and Switzerland.
The Bolsheviks were Jews from New York and   murdered 66 million Russians.
The current American president hails from Kenya, or was it   Indonesia? Everyone knows he faked his birth certificate, his   college degrees and his entire history. 
He has hired Russian troops to quell dissent in America, which   will occur in earnest when enough people realize that the U.S. has already   been sold to China.
Warm and friendly people tell me it couldn't be all   Jews. In order to say this, they can't be talking about the U.S.   political scene, which is definitely controlled by all Jews.   
They're surely not talking about the U.S. media, which is   totally dominated by Jews. They can't be talking about the   universities, or the medical profession, or the lawyers.
And they're not talking about their own lives.
It's happening in your hometown right now. A special day to   recognize homosexuals in elementary school.
The final nail in the destruction of the family. Big Brother is   Jewish and he wants to rape your children, just like the rabbis and the   priests. 
But you can't say it out loud because nobody is supposed to know.    So everyone pretends it's not happening.
Or worse, that it's a healthy development. Another lie   becomes the legally enforced truth.
You know they teach in school now that Muslim terrorists   knocked down those buildings in New York. And that our brave Seal   Team 6 went
to Pakistan and slaughtered the arch terrorist Osama bin Laden,   then dumped his body in the ocean.
Funny how Seal Team 6 was later killed in a helicopter   they should never have been in.
Turns out they were talking about how none of them knew about the   bin Laden script they were supposed to be following, so they had to be   silenced lest they
ruin Obama's Osama story, which was written by   Jews.
The same Jews who have controlled every American president of the   20th century (except the ones they had to kill because they just wouldn't   follow along = JFK for example).
Did anybody die at Aurora, Sandy Hook or Boston?   Or were they Hollywood productions? They even announced it in Boston. It was   only a drill.
But the media ignored it, and it was forgotten. After they   butchered his brother, they even replaced Dzokhar Tsarnaev at his arraignment   with somebody
who wasn't him. But he's already guilty of something he didn't do,   so his presence wasn't necessary. 
Remember, the people of Boston cheered when the government locked   them in the own houses, and then came around to frisk them one by one.   
Another lie applauded as truth, as another preplanned terror drill   magically became real.
Oh sure, you get the occasional Catholic reading the news, or the   occasional Methodist becoming the mayor of a large city. And you get all these   Jews with gentile names
in all walks of life, ashamed of their own real names because they   reveal the worldwide conspiracy that nobody is supposed to see. That's   why they change there names.
But the kosher beast is revealing its fangs now,   because it's too late for anybody to stop them. Their major extermination   programs are now in place and thriving.
The slave trading weapons making Monsanto family is now in   charge of the worldwide food supply, joined by Bill Gates and Ray   Kurzweil making even the
false information they peddle more difficult to acquire. All Jews,   all homicidal, all the time.
And don't even think about telling me it's not all   Jews. Are you going to risk increasing your already long odds of   survival by insisting there is some minuscule fraction
of Jews who MIGHT be on our side, and we sure    wouldn't want to hurt them
Are you going to risk your life for a few poseurs who, no matter   how "progressive" they sound, have never once in their lives talked to   a non Jew about the scam of the Holocaust,
why Israel can kill children to steal their   healthy organs, or why rabbis mandate death for any non Jew   who reads the Talmud and tells about the psychotic crimes that are prescribed   in it?
Are you willing to risk your life on a Jew telling the   truth?
Well, if you're not on the same page that history has written in   bone chilling clarity, you are definitely risking your life. In fact, some   would say you're just throwing it away.
The same page we need to be on if we harbor any aspirations to   save what's left of our diseased and infected lives is to realize that   throughout the history of the United States and certainly for the past century   there has been a Jewish superstructure of sabotage, manipulation and betrayal   solely aimed at fulfilling the tractates of the Talmud to kill or enslave all   the non Jews of the world.
The principal weapon in this psychotic kosher arsenal has been the    dumbed down goyim of the United States, who have   conveniently
plundered the world to steal everyone's riches and hand them over   to the Jewish puppet masters who control them.
Certainly, ordinary American people have not benefited from these   atrocities.
It's the same page of history, written again and again   across time.
The same page of history when the Hebrews were evicted from Egypt   for stealing everything and swindling everyone.
The same page of history when Jews descended upon Rome   destabilizing everyone with all this talk of the Chrestos, making slaves feels   that they were
equal to the valiant citizens who built the greatest empire ever   known, and forgiving every criminal if they would just at least pretend to   redirect their
beliefs to what the priests told them to believe, a fairy tale   that made them wealthy and destroyed the people who had actually worked for   what they had. 
Remember: the only empirically verifiable fact about the Christian   religion is that it was created and written by Jews.
So wonder no longer why the recently elected Pope Francis says   it's OK for homos to be priests — he's just reading from the same   page.
The same page of history when Cromwell let the Jews back into   England because of the money they possessed, which later led to the Bank of   England
and the empire the Sun never set on, all run by Jews showing the   righteous white Brits how easy it was to swindle and enslave the gullible all   over the world.
The Brits took to it like piranhas to water.
The same page of history as a wedding in 1847   when Disraeli urged the Rothschilds to each pick a side and foment the   American Civil War.
That very next year, 1848, it was the same page when Jewish   revolutions took place in every country in the known world.
No, the Jews didn't win them all, but they did set up a B'nai   Brith chapter in every one of those countries, to plan for the long haul of   sabotage and
subversion that eventually has succeeded all over the   world. 
Just look at the skyscrapers of Shanghai and the people starving   in their shadows. Just like New York.
The same page as the Federal Reserve being set up by stealth in   1913 to fund World War I, the same page as the contraction of the money supply   in 1929
to trigger the Great Depression, the same page as World War II to   hasten the creation of Israel in 1948, and the same page in 2001 when the Twin   Towers
were blown up to justify U.S. participation in wars all over the   world to accelerate the destruction of countries that Israel and the Jews   wanted destroyed.
It is the same page, being played over and over.
And now it is the page we must all be on if we are ever to get off   it — if we plan to survive.
Now, here's the bad part.
The police who enforce the bankers rules and the soldiers who   inflict all the damage on hapless peasants whose valuables the Jews want   
to steal have already been poisoned and will die as soon as they   have finished packing everybody into FEMA camps around the world.
If we don't have a Jew free society we will have no society at   all, only a worldwide Jewish FEMA camp, where the food and the medicine are   poison and no one gets released, except in a plastic box.
And here's the worst part. It's already   here. 
And it's all written in blood on the same page.
Get on it, and erase both its contents and its advocates,   or perish.
John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida,   constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and   pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely   dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 6871   Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287 USA.

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Comment by scotty michele brown on August 3, 2013 at 11:21pm

Wow. Powerful stuff.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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