The Self Lobotomization of Too Many Americans

Image result for stupid low information fools in America


What do we here in America have that keeps the masses lobotomized? That’s not a trick question. There are distractions, denial of the blatant truth, all sorts of distracting entertainment, globalist controlled news channels, and can’t mention all this without attributing blame to the public school system that helps keep the minds of our young students indoctrinated. First, though let us not forget that the average American citizen is already beyond the loop of enlightenment, is apt to accept the lies of the mainstream media, and would rather just get drunk at the local sports bar or have dinner during the 6:00 o’clock news hour and accept the outright propaganda that permeates from the TV, radio, or online program.

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Asleep at the wheel

The freedoms that our Founding Fathers guaranteed us under a Constitutional Republic required vigilance, not complacency! That “We the People” had a responsibility to monitor what is happening on Capitol Hill and prevent the deal makers and profiteers from selling out the country, but over the decades that has not taken place. The people have surrendered to the lies of the political hacks, their mouthpiece the media, and simply being the hamsters running in their cages, oblivious to what is going on and, quite frankly, not giving a damn either.

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Understandable? Please

How does self Lobotomization occur? First, through choosing to be willfully ignorant. Secondly, through choosing not to be involved. Of course with the modern day stresses of each grueling crises that are imposed upon us via political party incompetence or intended circumstance the people grow more and more willing to escape through alcohol, drugs, video games which are rotting our children’s brains, or reality TV shows, there’s no shortage of meaningless entertainment for the non-critical thinker. And, of course, we have our false gods to worship in the form of the fans of our soulless, gutless, celebrities and actors who specialize in insulting the intelligence of their paparazzi.

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They don’t want queries

Of course, it would be an understatement to say that that we have an intellectually adverse environment for critical thinkers who question corrupt authority and expect the government to do what it’s actually supposed to do rather than exploit the taxpayer and violate our Constitutional rights. The very backbone of the Democrat Party aside from having adopted Communist doctrine has been to welcome ignorance and willingness to be propagandized rather than to be an illuminated individual who doesn’t buy into the dogma and rhetoric of a corrupt party that is destroying America.

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Comedians and egotists

Just take a look at social media today with the shallow self-aggrandizing behavior that borders on the absurd as people want to share their personal lives with the world and hopefully everyone out there will envy them or life another glass to their personal cause. As David Bowie once said, “Raise your glass raise ,your glass high.” For me to say that the Trojan horse is already behind the gates would be closer to the truth than most conformists would like to admit. Why can’t we just party forever, go about our lives, and blow off all the serious thoughts? Why can’t Americans simply get on with their lives despite a sold out federal government willing to commit acts of treason and sell out the people? Why? Haven’t you noticed the increasing numbers of people who don’t speak English, may even be flying foreign flags, and seem to be making a living despite newly arriving thanks to envelopes of money they’re receiving or debit cards they get from the Biden Administration?

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Defining the condition

We have tent cities across America full of Americans who can’t find a job, chose to drop out due to being unable to afford the cost of living, or maybe are under the influence of addictive medications. As your government kindly spends billions accommodating the foreign invasion of America (illegal aliens) While “We The People” experience out of control inflation, lawlessness, immoral social engineering by the Democrat Communists, and the rest are simply brainless enough to be oblivious to all this or simply distracted and unconcerned and we call this behavior “Self Lobotomization”.

Image result for drunk assholes at sports bars

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