The Shadow Government Illuminati news -


The Shadow Government

Last Updated: Saturday, September 26, 2009 07:59:21 PM

The Illuminati News Mission Statement

 Thoughts Aside

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[Make a donation and collect the BONUSES!]
- I have noticed that I have had to neglect some things in life that are very important to me and others, while working hour after hour on my website. Therefore I ask you, kind visitor, for a donation, so I can spend the same amount of time, and more, on research, and less time trying to manage my finances. -
by Wes Penre, Jan 01, 2006 -

 "The idea was that those who direct the overall conspiracy could 
use the differences in those two 
so-called ideologies [marxism/fascism/socialism v. democracy/capitalism] 
to enable them [the Illuminati] to divide larger 
and larger portions of the human race into opposing camps so that they could 
be armed and then brainwashed into fighting and 
destroying each other."
Myron Fagan -

You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. - Mahatma Gandhi -

 "The falsification of history has done more to impede human 
development than any one thing known to mankind"
- Rousseau 1712-1778 -

"Behind every great fortune there is a great crime." 
-- Balzac

"I'm part of an organization that predicts the future. And we have found 
that the best way to predict the future, is to invent it." 
- The Well Manicured Man from "The X-Files".

The Shadow Government: Who Are They?


The Illuminati
Definition in Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia Online -
(Posted here: Aug 6, 2005)

The Secret Order of the Illuminati
(A Brief History of the Shadow Government) 
by Wes Penre (November 27, 2003) -
(Posted here: Jan 01, 2004)

Confusion Regarding the Terms "Illuminati" and "New World Order" Ex...
- Just like with the term "Illuminati", the "New World Order" is also used by different groups with different agendas, so therefore I need to clarify for people who are new to this which New World Order I am talking about. There are those among us who would welcome a New World Order, because obviously the current Order is not working in our favor. So they think a New World Order is the solution. It doesn't help that certain groups use this term to describe a benevolent future, where the Illuminati I am concentrating on is overthrown and a world of peace will emerge. - 
- by Wes Penre, Illuminati News, Dec 27, 2008 - 
(Posted here: Saturday, December 27, 2008)

Illuminati and New World Order - Unfortunate Choice of Terms
How the Top Elite Have Confused Researchers and Truth Seekers

- Not until just recently did I realize were we all went wrong. When I talk of "we all" I mean all researchers and truth seekers digging in trying to expose the "New World Order" and the "Illuminati". It is crucial for everybody reading my website and other similar website to learn what I just learnt, or we are indirectly attacking the wrong group of people! The Illuminati is not trying to create a dictatorship or a slave society. In fact, they are trying to do quite the opposite! - 
- by Wes Penre, Illuminati News, Jan 27, 2009 - 
(Posted here: Tuesday, January 27, 2009)

The Illuminati

Ring of Power 
- From the mystery religions of ancient Egypt to the Zionist role in 9/11, "Ring Of Power" unrevises 4000 years of revisionist human history with never - before - seen revelations. "Ring Of Power" puzzles together the pieces of a giant puzzle into one BIG PICTURE documentary series. -
- by AmenStop Productions -
(Posted here: Wednesday, October 10, 2007)

The Global Elite: Who Are They?
- There are two common misconceptions held by those who are critical of globalism. The first error is that there is a very small group of people who secretly run the world with all-powerful and unrestrained dictatorial powers. The second error is that there is a large amorphous and secret organization that runs the world. In both cases, the use of the word "they" becomes the culprit for all our troubles, whoever "they" might be. -
The August Review - Global Elite Research Center, Vol. 5, Issue 12 -
(Posted here: Dec 26, 2005)

"Fallen Angel"

EXCLUSIVEThe Secret Covenant of the Jewish Secret Society Known As the Order...
Illuminati Document | - I can't guarantee the authenticity of this document, although the context pretty much describes the truth as it is. We don't know when it was written and exactly by whom, but it looks like it was composed by a British person if we look at the spelling of words, which is British English. -
- Illuminati Document, Presented by Wes Penre, Apr 09, 2008 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, April 09, 2008)

Richard Wurmbrand

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Comment by Robert Carobene on March 15, 2012 at 12:21am
Therein much to learn that I know.It has taken me 2 years this April to get the knowledge where I am now
Comment by suzie on March 15, 2012 at 12:15am

there is a lot here robert .. there is so much i don't know

"Destroying the New World Order"



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