The Signs are Here in America Something is Afoot

Image result for Biden White House treating the people like cattle


Just as the CIA analyzes social content, government conduct, citizen unrest, and reoccurring themes in the media, the signs are here in America in the form of distractions and manipulation to get the public unfocused on the corruption of the federal government. Some very odd signals are being given off that should sound the alarm to those who will lift their head form the trough and notice! Strange news that seems to sensationalize bizarre headlines. For distraction? Why so many articles about UFO’s past and present? We’ve gone from UAP’s being taboo and unrealistic to just about every day astronomers are suddenly sure we will make extraterrestrial contact in days. That we are mysteriously losing satellites as though someone or something is knocking them out. Where people had to sue the government to release details of UFO events, now we have an outpouring of this stuff? I don’t trust it, and neither should you.

Image result for a deadly attack upon AMerica from foreign government

Hint of a deadly event?

A very strange advertisement for products came across YouTube yesterday. It claimed that the government and the media are refusing to reveal a very dangerous possibility of a massive threat to the health and lives of Americans that could take shape very soon and could kill 9 out of 10 people! The advertisement advocates buying gas masks and other toxic filtering paraphernalia! It implies that due to the US involvement in the Ukraine Russian war we have invited a grim retaliatory response. Could it be a series of dirty bombs? Could it be a low altitude device that scatters anthrax aerosol over the land? The Biden Administration has certainly done a great job of getting Americans involved in dangerous situations!

Image result for Tucker Carlson and Donald Trum[p

A worrisome inquiry

While the GOP presidential debates went on without Trump’s presence and seemed lackluster to most observers, Tucker Carlson conducted a compelling interview with Donald Trump that attracted millions of listeners. In that interview among other things Tucker brought up something that former Fox contributor and Secret Service Agent, Dan Bongino, also showed concern over while Mark Levin has been pointing out that Trump’s life has been put in danger under the constant trips being made to these arraignment events at the Democrat courts. Tucker Carlson asked Donald Trump if he had thought about the possibility of the Democrats attempting to kill him. Trump stated that the Democrats are savage and sick people, quite capable of doing it!

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Diabolical conduct of the Democrats

Ever since the Obama Administration the Democrats have become more and more sinister about causing whatever disruption, violent protests, or extreme measures it takes in order for them to remain in power, the deaths of Breitbart, Michael Cormier, Seth Rich, Michael Hastings, and others demonstrates that murder is an acceptable tool, and they will use it. Encouraging attacks on the police, inciting violent riots all over the US, Democrat donors paying professional agitators to burn down public property, and even threatening the lives of Supreme Court Justices at their homes is not off the table for the Democrat demonic character that has laid siege to America.

Image result for eil Democra attacks

In all likelihood

So, what can we expect now? A new wave of deadly Corona variants requiring masking, quarantines, people getting paid to stay home, food shortages, a wave of more fires at major food production plants, more vicious rioting, more mass shootings, and of course more inflammatory remarks villainizing President Trump? By all measures of past Democrats actions it would be safe to assume we will not only see these things, but be challenged to resist the fearmongering and demands to be knuckled under! Could there be more catastrophic events as in the Lahaina wildfire with the earmarks of more DEW’s? This is what America has degenerated down to in recent years, the equivalent of a banana republic dictatorship! Widespread poverty, hopelessness, lawlessness, lack of human decency, dysphoria, but even worse the outright gal to carry out all this insanity blatantly right in front of our eyes with no compunction! If America ever needed a helping hand from God it would be now!

Image result for America under siege by Democrats

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