The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations

From Ken Adachi
June 4, 2004

The authoritative expose of the greatest brainwashing organization to ever exist in the course of human history is now revealed in Dr. John Coleman's latest book, The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations: Shaping the Moral, Cultural, Political, and Economic Decline of the United States of America. The Tavistock Institute is located in the City of London and at Sussex University in England.

Tavistock Institute coverDr. John Coleman, Dr. John Coleman, the author of 15 books, the best known of which is Conspirators Hierarchy, The Committee of 300, was one of the the first writers to bring the world's attention to the existence of Tavistock, hitherto unknown to press and pundits alike, in a monograph published in 1969. Since his initial 1969 revelations concerning the pivotal role that Tavistock plays in shaping political, social, educational, and economic 'opinions', especially in the United States, more than a few writers of global conspiracy have attempted to place laurels upon their shoulders for revelations about Tavistock's key influence as the Mother of all Propaganda Ministries, while ignoring the fact that this pioneering work was first published  by John Coleman. Dr. Coleman's new book, however, leaves no doubt as to who is the master and who are the students when it comes to the subject of Tavistock.


from Whale Website

To weaken the moral fiber of the nation and to demoralize workers in the labor class by creating mass unemployment. As jobs dwindle due to the post industrial zero growth policies introduced by the Club of Rome, the report envisages demoralized and discouraged workers resorting to alcohol and drugs. The youth of the land will be encouraged by means of rock music and drugs to rebel against the status quo, thus undermining and eventually destroying the family unit. In this regard, the Committee commissioned Tavistock Institute to prepare a blueprint as to how this could be achieved. Tavistock directed Stanford Research to undertake the work under the direction of Professor Willis Harmon. This work later became known as the "Aquarian Conspiracy".

---Targets of the Illuminati and the Committee of 300 by Dr. John Coleman.

Tavistock, England

--This has been the primary programming center for England. The Rothschild programmers work out of Tavistock. A large number of slaves in America have been programmed there. Tavistock has been doing mind-control since before W.W.ll. Under the supervision of London’s W Board & 20 Committee MI6 and MIS’s Section BIA ran double agents and mind-controlled spies/couriers during W.W. II. MI6 has had an office at Century House, No. 100, Westminster Bridge Road. MI5 offices have been in part on Curzon St. MI5 has operated behind a number of fronts, incl. their fake travel agency Casuro Holidays. MI-5’s address for mail is Room 055, The War Office, London. Special Intelligence Service (SIS) dealt with all types of mind control. Tavistock was under SIS. The British government has had their own telephone exchange with a 222 prefix, which was later linked to another secret exchange YTAN. Outsiders could dial 222 8080 to get into the secret govt. exchange.

The Royal Free Hospital at the University of London works with Tavistock Clinic, as well as the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) of Sussex University. A large number of Britian’s psychologist, social workers and police get their training at Tavistock. Tavistock has set themselves up as the authority on ritual abuse and MPD (DID). In other words, the primary programming site, is pretending to be the leading institution trying to solve the problem! That’s a good cover.

The Illuminati Formula Appendix I: The Programmers

The "LSD counter culture" originated when Sandoz A.G., a Swiss pharmaceutical house owned by S.G. Warburg & Co., developed a new drug from lysergic acid, called LSD. James Paul Warburg (son of Paul Warburg who had written the Federal Reserve Act in 1910), financed a subsidiary of the Tavistock Institute in the United States called the Institute for Policy Studies, whose director, Marcus Raskin, was appointed to the National Security Council. James Paul Warburg set up a CIA program to experiment with LSD on CIA agents, some of whom later committed suicide. This program, MK-Ultra, supervised by Dr. Gottlieb, resulted in huge lawsuits against the United States Government by the families of the victims.

The English Tavistock Institute has not restricted its activities to left-wing groups, but has also directed the programs of such supposedly "conservative" American think tanks as the:

  • Herbert Hoover Institute at Stanford University

  • Heritage Foundation

  • Wharton

  • Hudson

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • Rand

The "sensitivity training" and "sexual encounter" programs of the most radical California groups such as Esalen Institute and its many imitators were all developed and implemented by Tavistock Institute psychologists.

Tavistock, England

--Men like mind-control expert/hypnotist Eric Trist worked for Tavistock. A six-man team which wore black berets also helped w/ mind control at Tavistock.

Two people who became terrorists after their visits to Tavistock are Angela Davis and Stockley Carmichael who went to a conference at Tavistock entitled Dialectics of Liberation in 1967. It’s main building is a bland 6-story building. The address is The Training Office, The Tavistock Clinic, 120 Belsize Lane, London, UK NWs SBA. Tel. no. 071-435 7111. The chief exec. is Anton Obholzer. The Chair of Prof. Comm. is Nicholas Temple.

Both are skilled in psychology. The Tavistock Clinic was founded in 1920, and in 1946 the Tavistock Institute was created as an independent body to assist the Tavistock Clinic. The Institute does more of the research. The Royal Free Hospital at the University of London works with Tavistock Clinic, as well as the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) of Sussex University. A large number of Britian’s psychologist, social workers and police get their training at Tavistock. Tavistock has set themselves up as the authority on ritual abuse and MPD (DID). In other words, the primary programming site, is pretending to be the leading institution trying to solve the problem! That’s a good cover.

APPENDIX B. THE PROGRAMMING SITES Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula

The Best Kept Secret in America

Tavistock Institute Pens Global Conspiracy Script

Tavistock Institute Pens Global Conspiracy Script Like a cat toying with a mouse, the elite teases us with fleeting glimpses of our true predicament. One such peek was the 1998 movie "The Truman Show" directed by Peter Weir.

Truman Burbank, played by Jim Carrey, is unaware his life is a live reality TV show. Everyone, including his wife, is an actor, and everything that happens is staged. In other words, his life is a fraud. Truman Burbank's predicament describes our own.

According to John Coleman, the elite has been writing and directing the script for almost hundred years at the "Tavistock Institute of Human Relations" based in London.

John Coleman, 71, a former British Intelligence officer (MI-6), first exposed the clique that dominates the world is his "Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300."(1992)

His latest book is a rambling cry of anguish: "The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations: Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political and Economic Decline of the United States of America.



The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations and the destruction of the west

Dr. John Coleman, Dr. John Coleman, the author of 15 books, the best known of which is Conspirators Hierarchy, The Committee of 300, was one of the the first writers to bring the world’s attention to the existence of Tavistock, hitherto unknown to press and pundits alike, in a monograph published in 1969. Since his initial 1969 revelations concerning the pivotal role that Tavistock plays in shaping political, social, educational, and economic ‘opinions’, especially in the United States, more than a few writers of global conspiracy have attempted to place laurels upon their shoulders for revelations about Tavistock’s key influence as the Mother of all Propaganda Ministries, while ignoring the fact that this pioneering work was first published  by John Coleman. Dr. Coleman’s new book, however, leaves no doubt as to who is the master and who are the students when it comes to the subject of Tavistock.

The book is stunning in the new knowledge that it reveals about the hidden role of British oligarchs to shape and control public opinion in order to manipulate the British public (and later the American public) into accepting the notion that war with Germany was necessary in order “to secure a lasting peace.”

The plan to ‘create’ public opinion began in 1913 as a propaganda factory centered at Wellington House in London. Sir Edward Grey, the British Foreign Secretary at the time, installed Lord Northcliffe (Britain’s most influential newspaper magnate) as its director. Lord Northcliffe’s position was over sighted by Lord Rothmere on behalf of the British Crown. The operational staff of Wellington House consisted of Lord Northcliffe, Arnold Toynbee (future director of studies at the Royal Institute of International Affairs), and the Americans, Walter Lippmann and Edward Bernays (nephew to Signund Freud).

Funding was initially provided by the Royal family, but soon to include the Rothchilds (related to Lord Northcliffe by marriage) and the Rockefellers. Wellington House would grow into the Tavistock Institute in 1921 after the propaganda “victories” of the First World War and the Federal Reserve banking system (created in 1913) had been secured.

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Comment by Sweettina2 on April 3, 2015 at 4:12am
Comment by Not mainstreamer on March 6, 2014 at 3:52pm

Tavistock Institute (psychological warfare)

1) Created in Oxford 1921 (Knights Templar heartland/Freemason)
2) Funded by Rockefeller Fundation (Khazarian/Zionist)
3) OSS -> CIA (globalist intelligence/Khazarian)
4) Allen Dulles (Khazarian/CIA director/mass murder/Protocols debunker)
5) Kurt Lewin (Jewish/Khazarian)
6) Project Paperclip -> CIA was built with Nazi expertise
7) Club of Rome (Agenda 21/Khazarian thinktank)
8) Alexander King (another King - John King/CNN)

Pyramide / the all-seeing eye

"Destroying the New World Order"



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