The Tea Parties And What They Mean To America

The Tea Parties And What They Mean To America

Having attended several Tea Party meetings in the Dallas area, I was interested in getting a perspective on the national level. So we got airline tickets and flew to Washington DC to attend the April 15th Tax Day Rally. I must say in the two days prior to the rally we took in the DC area to get a feel for the land where the birth of our nation took place. Alexandria, Virginia, the Atlantic water front, the Potomac River, and the District of Columbia gave us quite an impression.

It seems locals are rather disconnected from the historical implications of the area. I talked to enough residents to know that for many, the realizations of the accomplishments of our mercurial forefathers seems to fall on deaf ears unless you're a tourist or enthusiast. Though the likes of George Washington, the father of our country is revered in museums and statues, those who live in the DC area seem oblivious. That our fledgling nation faced insurmountable odds never seemed to have phased George Washington. His vision and courage were unflinching in the face of terrible suffering and a powerful English Army bent on crushing the American revolution. Yet, we were blessed to have such great men succeed. They gave us a future that assured all of us freedom, liberty, and opportunity. This made the United States a beacon of light for the rest of the world.

I think of this as I stroll down the Reagan International Airport terminal when I see two life sized color posters of Obama and his wife, and suddenly I taste the bitterness of mediocrity and arrogance on my lips. I reflect on the way this administration has spit upon our Constitution and insulted the office of the presidency. I become angry just thinking of how Obama broke just about all his campaign promises, especially of transparent government so that they could legislate higher taxes for nationalized health care that the majority did not want. Carbon taxes assessed upon Americans who can barely hang onto their mortgages and jobs as liberals applaud this idiocy. A federal government charged to protect our borders from illegal aliens and enemies that now scolds its state governors for taking matters into their own hands when our leaders in Washington DC won't.

The Tea Party members showed up in great numbers with enthusiasm and anger over the federal government's refusal to listen to the people. We met citizens from California to Ohio who wanted the same thing. Educated, decent, well meaning professionals, who are asking why the federal government is not conducting itself according to the Constitution. They ask why is our president catering to enemies of our nation. Nurses, teachers, managers, and small business owners who all want to know how our great American heritage can be dissolved in a short period of time by a President who was practically elected by our liberal media. This supposed free press who never asked why a junior senator form Chicago who has to hide his personal information from the public, that accuses Tea Party members of being racist, religious, ignorant, and potential domestic terrorists. ABC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, they all painted us as losing momentum and not attending organizer meetings when I can tell you I was there and they lied! The press cannot be trusted!

With major Tea Party and Patriot demonstrations going on all over the country, the US news media ignored us. Only Fox had communication vans near the Washington Monument where we staged the rally and listened peacefully to the speakers such as Dick Armey and Lord Monkton. What does that tell you? It was the major news event of April 15th yet all the major news networks acted as though it wasn't happening. I'm here to tell you that the people of the Tea Party were there, actively engaged, and determined to take back their country. How much longer will a liberal minority be allowed to run America into the ground? This is the question that all Americans of the Tea Party are asking.

The republic that we call the United States of America is not a socialist regime. Our nation is not a third world country that we must suffer within because energy is unaffordable, and the standard of living is destined to decrease because of the influence of foreign interests in our government. We the people own this country. We are the government. It is elected by us. Unfortunately, these arrogant elitists that refuse to give up their seats in the Congress and the Senate think that they know better than we do what is best for us. The Tea Party is the most significant development in American politics in decades. It is our only hope if we are to overcome the insanity of Obama's term as president. It is their intention to take back our country. We who believe in the original values of our Constitution must support the Tea Party if our republic is to survive.

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