The Tipping Point Is Here – And It’s All About You

The Tipping Point Is Here – And It’s All About You

by Zen Gardner

There’s no question about it. We’re there. And I’m not just talking about the globalist takeover bid they’re hastily and clumsily trying to execute.

The awakening is erupting.

Many feel lost and afraid right now all across the spectrum of humanity. This deliberate creation of chaos is designed to do just that. However, parallel and simultaneous to their psychotic designs is a massive arousal of the human spirit, spurred on by an arising of conscious awareness and a deep sense of growing personal realization and empowerment.

Most may not recognize these rising seemingly confusing energetic changes as being the creative process at work, but it is. Awakening is first of all a destructive process, eliminating everything that is unreal and inhibitive of personal development and progress. These two dynamics work concurrently.

When you stand back and observe with washened eyes you’ll see it, and it brings great peace in the midst of these stormy times.

What Price Awakening?

Being awake comes with a price, and it may have been upped a bit or even a lot lately. You’re being worked on. Letting go and getting the most out of challenging circumstances and conditions is vital to growth. Don’t fight it, whatever you do.

It’s very sad to see unawakened humanity being tossed to and fro without a clue as to what is really going on. But even that is an “engineered” shake up designed by Universe to help every one of us come to our senses and transcend this false reality. Millions are flocking to alternative news sources to try to make sense of what’s going on, and they’re stumbling on realities they never considered before.

And that’s a wonderful thing. It will cause a lot of pain to make the realizations they’re being presented with but again, that’s alright. Truth comes with a cost – the end of the lies and illusions they had previously based their entire lives on. And it’s an ongoing process.

Many will be forced to enter the “dark night of the soul” whether they want to or not. I can tell you from personal experience that it’s a hell of a lot easier and quicker if you elect to let yourself go through it, and in many ways the sooner you do, if you haven’t already, the better.

What Do We Do?

So what should we do? If we know the truth, we’re responsible not only to share it passionately, but also to live it. This is where it gets even more uncomfortable, but it must be done. The hour is late and the times we are living in are dire. There’s no alternative any more.

We have to rise to the occasion. It’s virtually us or them, life or death, truth or lies, freedom or slavery – for not just ourselves but our loved ones, progeny and the entire human race. That’s what makes this the opportunity of a lifetime, and our marvelous creative Universe is there to meet you if you dare walk the path.

In fact, you’ll even meet your true self, what you’ve been looking and longing for your whole life!

The Tipping Point

I posted two remarkable videos today (see HERE and HERE) that to me are clear signals that the tide is not just turning, but the tide of humanity awakening is rising quickly. What we do from here is supremely important as we have a growing array of opportunities for active participation unfolding before us. And there will be more, but waiting to start somewhere is not an option.

The time to activate is now. Let anything that hinders this fall away from your life, whatever the cost. The call for our inner warriors to rise could not be any clearer.

You’ll see these manifestations of the tipping point we’ve reached everywhere if you look. People’s tones are changing, minds are tossed about but exploring new perspectives, truths are being outed like never before. It’s an amazing time. Don’t stare at the machinations of the powers that shouldn’t be, they’re designed to distract and disempower. This is crucial.

And don’t think Gaia is going to take all this lying down either. We’re talking about a massive energetic change we have the privilege to be a part of. Remember, nature bats last.

Fed Up? Good!

Many are getting fed up with false flags, mass shootings, war drums, complete media bullshit and the fear riddled bloviations of the psychopaths in the news. That’s actually good, and one of the main symptoms of what I’m addressing here. You’re fed up – you’ve had enough. So turn it off. Just get the essentials from the independent and alternative news to keep an eye on things then turn it off. Draw on empowering sources that feed your soul and inspire your heart and draw close to supportive loved ones.

Take the exploration of self you’re no doubt being presented with and see where it takes you.

That’s the primary battle at hand. We need to become who we truly are if we’re to finish this out the way we should, could, can and will. But don’t dwell on your own damn ass all day either. Activate and proliferate the truth and build community and bonds of love with those you’re being called to be with. We all need this support and strength, and environments where we can be our authentic selves and grow into the full stature of awakened, empowered souls.

Enjoy the ride, but don’t buck at the pain and sacrifices when they present themselves. They’re small fry compared to the glorious new world being birthed in the hearts of our beloved mankind.

Love always,


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