In the recent propaganda campaign, designed to use a measles outbreak as an example of what happens when parents don't vaccinate their children, commentators have stated that, prior to the "epidemic," measles cases in the area had shrunk to zero---as if eliminating the disease were a proper goal of vaccination.

This is bluster and nonsense. At one time, before the obsession to give shots took hold, parents would take their children to the home of a child who had come down with measles, so these kids could catch the illness and be done with it.

Zero reported measles cases is no sign that all is well. Vaccines can and do cause other very serious disease problems, and because the symptoms don't resemble measles, other names are given to these conditions, and no connection is made to the effects of vaccines.

The true goal of immunization has nothing to do with vaccination. It has to do with strengthening a child's immune system so he/she can stage an acute and full inflammatory response when illness occurs, after which the child gains lifelong immunity from measles, mumps, chickenpox, and the like.

A child with a weak immune system will become ill from a number of causes, regardless of vaccinations. One of these major causes is poor nutrition. No vaccine can cure that. Good clean food can.

But these simple facts are ignored as "conspiracy theory" by doctors. If a mainstream doctor gives any credence to the idea of making the immune system stronger, he'll deny this reduces or eliminates the need for vaccination.

Of course, the medical attacks leveled at "anti-vaxxers" are, at the highest level, nothing more than an insistence that chemical drugs and vaccines must continue to sell. These power players are quite aware that a sensible and natural approach to healthcare does, as a matter of course, vastly reduce the interest in their products.

When it comes to fundamental politics, the medical cartel has, for a hundred years---backed by government and huge media operations-been engaged in the process of holding the planet hostage to chemical treatments. This is an example of why the Founders never permitted government to engage in commercial operations.

The result would be enforced monopoly.

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Comment by Chris of the family Masters on April 5, 2019 at 8:55pm

I stopped using psychiatrists disease names, all agreed on by show of hands. Autism is really brain damage and I'll refer to it as such from now on.

Comment by dogitydog on April 5, 2019 at 4:25pm

Vaccination is not immunization, but they use the words interchangeably as if they were. The body's immune system provides the best immunization. Vaccines destroy the body's immune system and many other biological processes without providing immunity. It's unbelievable that they are getting away with this shit. People are so fucking gullible.

Comment by Chris of the family Masters on April 5, 2019 at 1:22pm

Agents of the big pharma (doctors) believe food keeps us alive, but deny choice of foods can make us healthy. Here is the paradox. Change of thinking would kill vaccinations.

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