Have you ever wondered why it seems that things just don’t work as advertised? Why the government continually raises taxes yet continues to accumulate more debt, more deficit spending, and why Democrat governed cities are going bankrupt in lieu of these facts? Few people realize, especially the low information voters that our federal government does not adhere to sound accounting practices and never intends to balance budgets or find ways of operating more cost effectively. Those who condone this vast illusion of leadership and its intended corruption want to make this institution their god who fights all their battles for them as they live off the entitlements of the Welfare State that was formed by the Democrats not for the best interests of the poor and under privileged but to buy the votes needed to keep a leftist agenda alive and well within the central government!
The size of the beast
Robert David Steele is an economic analyst and more importantly a policy research whistle blower who knows the fraud and waste that is a part of the US federal government in their unholy alliance with the US banks who have been enabled by the Federal Reserve, a cabal of private banking families who control the US monetary and lending system. This system has criminally embezzled some 43 trillion dollars from taxpayer funds forcing the future of America into a chaotic banking failure with resulting catastrophic currency devaluation! This is not if, not how, but only when this intended failure will happen!
Real money again
Much like President Kennedy who in 1963 was beginning to reconvert the US dollar into a silver asset backed currency in order to move away from the Federal Reserve with the “Silver Certificate notes” that he advocated. President Trump has already recovered 15 trillion of the stolen funding from the taxpayer confiscation funds and is attempting to back the US dollar once again under a gold standard! Robert David Steele reveals that a typical formula used by Washington DC is 50% waste in all departments and 90% profit by the US banks who have been lending money to cover the incessant deficit spending of the federal government! This form of operation has stolen the confiscated money from the people to perpetuate an inherently corrupt system that functions in complete indifference to the needs of the people. It is only re-election of the “Rigged System” that Robert David Steele agrees with the President on that drives the machinery, not the will of the voter.
Detesting the liberator
Why has President Trump been so hated by the Washington Establishment and by the compromised US media? Because, Donald J. Trump is a threat to that institutionalized gravy train that has been stealing tax dollars, uncontrolled spending, expanding a woefully inefficient government that lavishes it’s fraternity of federal employees with exorbitant benefits not awarded in the private sector for comparable jobs titles and responsibilities because they are out of control! H. Ross Perot once intended when running against Clinton to make the US government function as a business entity that handled its debt obligations and services in a responsible professional manner, not a sacred cow giant that dictates its own terms, refuses transparency, and becomes a greater and greater tax burden to the people with each passing year as it bathes in the feces of its own waste like swine entity it really is!
Creating chaos
Robert David Steele exposes the 2008 financial collapse of the markets as a bank contrived conspiracy along with both political parties and Secretary of the Treasury, Hank Paulson, who forced a massive failure in exchange traded funds linked into bad real estate investments in order to gain control of the economy and destroy the middle class. When the US government should have allowed the banks to fail, the companies who had over extended themselves on bank credit and used irresponsible accounting practices like GM and Chrysler, would have had to reorganize, while the lost funds of retirement investors were covered through FDIC insurance. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac two federal loan guarantee agencies that President Obama had once stated were too big to fail, knowing that they were absorbing unsustainable default losses, should have been dismantled and sold off to private sector firms who could spin off assets and liabilities into solid fiscal reality.
Easy pickens
The “Real Estate Bubble” as the media termed had reduced huge sectors of real estate ownership from over leveraged worth to pennies on the dollar ripe for the inevitable absorption that would allow more assets to be cheaply reacquired by the banks who would in turn gain an even larger fiscal influence that would ensure larger percentages of gains for the banks appearing to operate under the illusion of a massive economic crisis to be putting the pieces of the puzzle back together again with the 787 billion dollar taxpayer funded Obama bail out of 2009! This move only added further insult to injury as bread lines formed, unemployment soared, and job growth virtually went negative. One might recall Joe Biden saying those 8 million jobs would never come back when in less than two years under the policies of President Trump 4 million of those jobs did come back!
Planned poverty
According to Robert David Steele just as in 2008 in 1932 shortly after the 1929 Stock market Crash the banks, just as they would do years later in 2008, would facilitate a massive fraudulent failure in order to buy back all the repossessed properties, defaulted real estate, worthless bonds, while gold ownership was being restricted by the US government and citizens were forced to give up their holdings in it. What did they achieve by rendering America and the world into poverty? The banks gained control of the US government, gained even more ownership of American investments and real estate. The banks solidified their hold on the federal government ensuring that the unholy alliance that virtually destroyed the Middle Class would remain unchallenged for decades to come!
A trickle of sanity
Even before President Trump there was a little known movement within the federal government by officials operating beyond the purview of President Obama who were slowly restoring some true equity to the US dollar by backing it once again with gold, but under that White House they had to proceed undetected therefore slowly. Under President Trump the conspiratorial role of the federal government, the US banks, and the Federal Reserve is not only being exposed but being restructured to operate like an honest accountable system that uses sound banking principles.
Reversing the fraud!
Plans for Trump to authorize 1 trillion in grass roots funding to encourage further economic growth and recovery is already underway. This would be 1/3 of the 3 trillion in so called equity that the Federal Reserve claimed was owed to it for floating the economy under President Obama’s dismal performance for 8 years under QE 1, QE 2, and QE 3 at the fiscal controls. However this was nothing but a fraud as the Federal Reserve created that zero interest funding out of nothing but credit issued without any cost or asset backing from their computers into the coffers of the government and the banks that made loans to those involved.
In Part II we will learn further about the true collusion that has plagued America and its citizens for decades!
"Destroying the New World Order"
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