The message and tripartite motto; "Liberté, égalité, fraternité", (a synonym of fraternity is brotherhood"), that has recently and often been quoted following the false-flag attacks in Paris on Friday 13th, - was not addressing the multi-millions of non-Freemasons, thus the majority of the world’s population, as it was particularly addressing and calling on the millions of Freemasons around the world for their co-operation in Hollande's call to "War", that will ultimately lead to WWIII - that "they" and Albert Pike have long been awaiting for.
There are too many reasons to list as to why this Masonic Brotherhood is "now" deciding to step-up a gear and embroil Europe, the middle-east and then the rest of the world in such upheaval that ultimately will lead to millions, if not billions of peoples deaths as the weaponry that will eventually be used will be unprecedented. Modern nuclear and energy type weapons capable of wiping out hundreds of thousands of lives in one go is on the agenda; though among the main reasons they are "now" leading nations into war, is due to the internet.
This is why they are doing "they" can to evade everyone's privacy and control what's being said and published on it, as they know that despite them having millions of their own members manipulating the vast majority of comments, posts and shares made on forums such as Facebook, Twitter, Google and YouTube, they still cannot currently prevent those non-Masonic members of the public from keep on exposing all the corruption and cover-ups that are still to be addressed and yet judicated on.
Paris attack showing Nike Imagery- New brand -Blood splattered?
On the very day of the alleged "terrorist attacks" in Paris 13 November, Nike released a new brand of blood stained trainers that "someone" must have deliberately choreographed and specifically placed on the pavement outside the Batalcan theatre near a blood stained t-shirt. It was shown in the media to represent that obviously the owner of such trainers had either been shoot and killed during the alleged attacks, or had to flee for their lives; which would almost be a possibility as they are designed to securely lace-up to your ankles and would be very difficult to quickly and easily remove.
Though even if they were lightly fitted, not laced-up, what’s the possibilities the pair would be left behind and so they would get the best ever brand positioning a company like Nike could only dream for on the day of their launch.
It's also alleged the Nike "swoosh" logo is a positive, life-affirming symbol and an acknowledgement to the Greek Winged Goddess of Victory and the Roman equivalent known as Victoria. Yet the "brotherhood" know it really represents the rings of Saturn which is very an important planet in the world of the occult.
Then in another amazingly and what more seems like a "product placement" feature, as we know of the millions of pounds or dollars paid by companies who compete with each other to have their products placed in films such as James Bond, it is being reported; '...a French man, named Sylvester, was hanging around outside the Stade de France when a suicide bomber and a gunman created havoc by detonating a bomb, and firing off rounds. Sylvester was hit by a fragment from the bomb. Under normal circumstances, he would have ended up a statistic in a body bag. But as luck would have it, his Samsung Galaxy S6 edge (seen above - Samsung must be rubbing their hands in glee. Sam-sung literally translates as 'three stars' or 'tristar'.) was there to take the brunt of the attack. While his phone was in pretty bad shape, it can be replaced. His life, not so much.'
"They" know there is so much evidence that proves 9/11, was in fact an "Inside Job" so as "they" could introduce far more draconian wars than there already was and under the guise of the "War on Terror" was technically born. The Chilcot Inquiry, that will prove the like of Tony Blair and George W Bush are actual war criminals.
In 1929 the New Welcome Masonic Lodge No. 5139, open inside the Palace of Westminster. At its founding membership was limited to Labour Party Members of Parliament, but its scope has since broadened. The lodge is alleged to have influenced the outcome of the 1935 Parliamentary leadership elections. Its founding was reported in a number of national newspapers including the Daily Telegraph and Sporting Life, and was created at the suggestion of the then Prince of Wales, afterwards King Edward VIII, who was concerned by the antagonism between Freemasonry and the British left, and the fact that a number of Labour MPs were blackballed when applying to join Masonic lodges.
What the Chilcot Inquiry or Blair himself will of course not mention is that he basically had no other alternative but to adhere to the Masonic/Illuminati cabals instructions from the Bush administration-family, that are higher ranking Freemasons than Blair. They may share the "same level" of Masonic degrees, but with the American led war on terror following 9/11 they had Blair up against the wall; "A Mason should know how to obey those who are set over him, however inferior they may be in worldly rank; or condition.." Macoy‘s Masonic Monitor, p. 14. "Disobedience and want of respect to Masonic superiors is an offence for which the transgressor subjects himself to punishment." Mackey‘s Masonic Jurisprudence, p. 511.
Not forgetting the Libor Scandal in which conned trillions of pounds, dollars and euros out of millions of people’s bank accounts by fixing the interest rates. The paedophilia scandals that seems to include the highest ranking members of society; members of royal families, governments, the EUC, and the same banking cartels that led to the world’s financial crashes.
The austerity measures, that again is a financial scam, as governments deficits will never be cleared under the present corrupt system that creates money, thus debt, out of thin air and then charges interest rates on something that never existed in the first place, fully well knowing it will be members of the public who will have to pay this interest via their unjust taxes and forever more.
Then there's the mass and biggest immigration crisis that now exceeds that of during WWII. This has led to right-wing extremism, protests and marches throughout Europe are cropping up all over the EU, along with violent protests against all the austerity measures being imposed on millions of already impoverished people.
"They" could see this coming and why such false flags operations are needed and so as they can declare "martial law" following a series of hoaxes and genuine killings of their "own" citizens and then blame it on the false bogeyman they have invented in the first place, such as ISIS/ISIL. In America and Europe it was "the Reds are at the door", now it’s "ISIS/ISIL".
They want you so shit scared and distracted that you will not care about the aforementioned invented 'war of terror', or the real financial, paedophile and immigration scandals and crisis’s and why they have been stepping it up a gear with all the distraction of all these so called alleged "terrorist attacks" when they fully well know it is "their" own secret services who are behind them - and why soon after such attacks they know exactly what places to raid and who to go after as often enough they so happen to find fake IDs, such as passports and like they did on 9/11, the 7/7 London bombings, and now again in Paris.
Though more importantly is the European Union itself, and almost on the verge of total collapse and why time and again they have thrown trillions of tax payers money in their deceptive attempts to keep it together. They are aware the UK was to soon have referendum on whether to stay in or out-Brexit of the EU - and why 33rd degree Freemason David Cameron has put it back even further to 2017, the same year the Grand Lodge of England (GLE, now the United UGLE) was established in 1717, making it the UGLE's 300th anniversary on the 24th June 2017. The Freemasons are as pro-EU, as are they the UN, NATO, Agenda 21 and other similar treaties that all benefit their ultimate agenda of a NWO.
Friday the 13th, being "unlucky" for some origins is believed to have originated from Friday 13th October 1307, when King Philip IV of France had hundreds of Knights Templar arrested and who were subjected to torture, and most were burned at the stake, including their leader Jacques de Molay, (above) the 23rd Grand Master of the order.
This is why it is vitally important the ordinary "man and women in the street", understands how important their votes will be, as the UK and all other countries Masonic members will rally around as they know it is "their duty" to help carry out the Masonic agenda and why they are always the majority of voters whenever it comes to such votes and general elections and currently hold the biggest sway.
It was 33rd degree Freemason Albert Pike who goes on to say how to foment and stir-up a frenzy of hatred between Christianity vs Islam, and how this shall be achieved; "With tongue (today - social networking, Facebook in particular that is awash with their foot-soldiers as is Twitter, Google and YouTube), and pen, with all our open and secret influences, with the purse, and if need be, with the sword..."
This is completely in line with a call for a Third World War to be fought between Islamist's and Zionist and their allies on both sides. And with the recent events - suggests we are increasingly getting closer to this time.
Yet in reality there are so many more non-fraternities’, that were they to vote in such high numbers then they could run these Masonic, Illuminati cabals out of town - though on saying that the current election process is run and controlled by them as they and their members have infiltrated all political parties. This is why it doesn't matter who really wins as they will all still be indirectly working for the Masonic Brotherhood.
What is virtually impossible for many to understand let alone conceive, is the fact that what we have been and still are being taught to believe in, is just one gigantic lie. A deceit so extensive and huge in its size and disguise it's surely too unbelievable that it could be true. - Yet this grand scheme and falsehood just continues to perpetuate on and on, century following century, decade after decade, year in and year out, each and every sunrise and preceding sunset, hour after subsequent hour, minute by minute and each and every ticking second of every day - we have been lied to and conditioned beyond belief. So subtly and subliminally has it been manufactured, produced and then enforced upon us that we hardly even realise it or in fact know what's been done to us in the first place - and by those very same people we have put all our faith and trust in.
Conspirators of hate, lovers of greed and junkies of war whom are out to fuck-up the masses of mankind and whatever your country of origin, colour, race or religion as "they" are all in on it and you don't even come into the equation. Those whom occupy the minute tip of the pyramid consisting of a mere few hundred Masonic/Illuminati cabals and linked families with the help of around 140,000 high Degree Freemason running and controlling the billions of the of rest us and which has only been made possible with the help of their 10 million or so Masonic foot soldiers whose sole purpose is occupying the remaining overall mass area of the pyramid. Not forgetting the even more millions of members who belong to the many related fraternities.
On the surface it's difficult to see the “evilness” of Freemasonry, as perhaps the ideals themselves are not so much as a problem as opposed to those who have infiltrated it via the illuminati cabals and who JFK was warning the world about and perhaps the real reason “they” killed him, - as it is with other world religions, they too want us blinded, bamboozled and kept in the dark whilst their bullshitting their way through our lives, emphasising on things such as TERRORISM and CLIMATE CHANGE and how we ought to help out those citizens in oil rich countries such as Iraq and Libya but not give a dam about the thousands of others being hacked to death in baron wastelands of Africa, though they love reminding us how shocking CRIME is here at home and constantly bombarding us with images and stories of war torn and poverty stricken areas from around the world, as if to say "you've never had so good". - Which all acts as a continuous smokescreen and allows them to get away with whatever they want. Remember this is a massive worldwide.
Don't be suckered into that school of thought of - 'here we go again, another conspiracy theory’, as I can assure you this is not a theory, - though it is most certainly a conspiracy!
Perhaps you would like to consider why Iraq was really on the Masonic agenda; in Iraq Masonic lodges existed as early as 1919, when the first Masonic lodge under the UGLE was opened in Basra and later on when the country was under British Mandate just after the First World War. However, the position changed in July 1958 following the Revolution with the abolition of the Monarchy and Iraq being declared a republic, under General Qasim. The licences permitting lodges to meet were rescinded and later laws were introduced banning any further meetings. This position was later reinforced under Saddam Hussein, the death penalty was prescribed for those who promote or acclaim Zionist principles, including Freemasonry, or who associate [themselves] with Zionist organisations.
With the fall of the Hussein's government in 2003, a number of Lodges have begun to meet on military bases within Iraq. These lodges primarily cater to British and American military units, but a few have initiated Iraqis. - Several Grand Lodges have expressed a desire to Charter Lodges with completely Iraqi membership in the near future. And as I've already pointed out in my book Trapped in a Masonic World, Freemasonry has a long history and has been well established throughout the middle-east.
"Cleopatra's Needle", which is a misnomer, as they were already over a thousand years old in her lifetime; is the popular name for each of three Ancient Egyptian obelisks re-erected in London, Paris, and New York City during the nineteenth century.
The London and New York "needles" were originally made during the reign of the 18th Dynasty Pharaoh Thutmose III. The Paris "needle" dates to the reign of 19th Dynasty Ramesses II and was the first to be moved and re-erected as well as the first to acquire the nickname, "L'aiguille de Cléopâtre" in French.
It was François Pérol, whilst as an adviser to Nicolas Sarkozy, who said; "...that he intends to reduce the influence of Freemasons at Caisse d'Epargne and Banque Populaire...” obviously admitting he recognises there is a major problem with the fraternity and their influence in the banking world. He also said that he; "...does not want senior posts shared among the bank's various rival lodges".
Like that of premier football teams, and I will not go into the Masonic organisation known as 'Thief-a', I mean FIFA, they too act as rival lodges, and it is this kind of lodge rivalry isn't just subject to France or their banking fraternity, as it's the same in the UK, USA, Germany, Canada and many other countries throughout Europe and the rest of the world and especially in the worlds of politics, banking virtually all other major industries, including the military, secret services and police.
So folks, this is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth as to what's really going on in Europe and the rest of the world – as it is their desire to take us into yet another world war, whilst at the same time doing the complete opposite to “Liberté” as they will enforce even more draconian laws and measures that will in fact take away our present liberties and keep us in a more controlled mass European concentration camp than-ever; look how unpleasant it is now to fly anywhere in the world and principally if you have not got a First or Business Class ticket that permits you to sail through all the security checks that the rich and famous can presently do.
Following Friday 13th in Paris, we will now see even more armed guards, police and soldiers patrolling our streets, train stations and carriages and along like that at the airports - extra security measures will be introduced, including some form of body scanners making travelling by train as unpleasant as it is to now fly by air.
Whilst it is dodgy politicians, lobbyists, corrupt businessman along with their secret services, army and police forces who ultimately benefit from each and every ‘false-flag’ incident – and who are ultimately behind them the first place.
I can assure you something else will deliberately be concocted and so as each bombing raid and advancement into Syria will draw more and more countries into a war, - a world war and exactly what happened prior to WWII.
It is also pretty ironic, as it was the "Freemasons" who were behind the French Revolution following far-reaching social and political upheaval in France that lasted from 1789 until 1799, and was partially carried forward by Napoleon during the later expansion of the French Empire. The Revolution overthrew the monarchy, established a republic, experienced violent periods of political turmoil, and finally culminated in a dictatorship by Napoleon that rapidly brought many of its principles to Western Europe and beyond. Inspired by liberal and radical ideas, the Revolution profoundly altered the course of modern history, triggering the global decline of absolute monarchies while replacing them with republics.
"The Masons (in which the illuminati cabals have now infiltrated) are the invisible powers behind the thrones of earth, and men are but marionettes, dancing while the invisible ones pull the strings. We see the dancer, but the master mind that does the work remains concealed by the cloak of silence." - Manley P. Hall - Morals and Dogma.
On 26 August 1789, the Assembly published the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, which comprised a statement of principles rather than a constitution with legal effect. The Declaration was directly influenced by Thomas Jefferson working with General LaFayette, who introduced it, - though it almost as if what was originally achieved following the French Revolution and with the illuminati cabals totally taking control of the original Masonic Order, whom many of the illuminati were members of royalty, that they are now attempting to take-back what they had lost due to the revolution itself.
"The Third World War; Must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the agenda of the Illuminati between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Arab world) and political Zionism (the State if Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion. We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the bloodiest turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilisation, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time." 33rd Degree Freemason Albert Pike - seen above.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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