The Typical Liars Claiming Communists are not Aggressively Poised

For years we have seen the trend in Democrat talking points, in leftist governed nations of the world, and among the Marxist propagandists who claim to be patriots merely preaching isolationism while denying the aggression of China, Russia, North Korea, and Cuba. They attacked the CIA for operating Asymmetric warfare against Central and South America Communist dictatorships in the western hemisphere when under the Monroe Doctrine, the US made a pledge long ago to protect the western hemisphere against hostile ideologies and regimes.

Image result for US Navy partoling South China sea

False talking points

They accuse interdiction of Communist expansionism as hawkish and influenced by defense contractors looking to sell more implements of war. They deny incidents at sea such as Chinese and Russian vessels ramming US Navy warships on routine patrol keeping international shipping lanes free of hostile actions of China who violates international maritime jurisdiction building artificial islands hundreds of miles into the South China Sea and using them as jet fighter runways and missile launch platforms. China has been bullying all of its neighbors for some time with territorial disputes over islands belonging to Taiwan, Vietnam, and the Philippines always making grave threats of attack. Yet, we are told by those who would rather believe the lies of the Communist regimes that their incursions of foreign air space are okay. That their threats of attack display the peaceful intentions of a human right violating republic that imprisons thousands of their people for demonstrating against such tyranny.

Image result for Chinese live war games around Taiwan

Chinese aggression really?

The Chinese in a series of border skirmishes with India have been mutilating the bodies of Indo soldiers killed during these clashes. India has been forced to spend billions while constantly innovating their avionics in order to meet the continued pressure of China’s hostility. When China threatens to attack Japan, Australia, and the Philippines in the event that they form an alliance with the US in the event of retaliating against an invasion of Taiwan, we have fools who tell us that Communist hostile intentions are somehow not aggressive or war mongering. As we speak, Russia’s Vladimir Putin is holding European energy hostage as he regularly cuts off supplies creating panic and excessive utility prices. President Trump warned the EU correctly that if they prioritized reliance upon Russian crude there would be grave consequences and he was right.

Image result for Chinese live war games around Taiwan

No hostility to see here

We are told that it’s the US and the west who are the aggressors and that the Communists are merely reacting. Oh really? Tell that to the Taiwanese when a record 68 Chinese fighters and bombers enter their Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) requiring interception. As China conducted live fire exercises in every body of water surrounding Taiwan for more than a month simply because Nancy Pelosi was going to make a visit to the land of Formosa, the Chinese claimed a state of potential war existed! The peace loving Chinese also threatened to shoot down the US plane carrying Nancy Pelosi, but nah those comedic Chinese always horsing around and making threats they never follow through on, right?

Image result for 2 US warships enter Taiwan straits recently

The making of a paper tiger

Only after a month did the US Navy dare enter the Taiwan Straits with 2 war ships which are considered to be international waters. They just recently finished their entry and departure, but the reaction of the US Navy was typical of the weakened Biden presence among our allies ever since the fall of Afghanistan, which Biden had been warned if the American military suddenly withdrew that ally would fall, and they did. The US left 5 billion in weaponry and a strategic base just 40 miles from the Chinese border as the Taliban now conduct human rights violations all over the country. Not to mention hundreds of Americans never rescued and left behind the lines to fend for themselves or be rescued by privately funded patriot groups. 13 US servicemen and women died for nothing due to a suicide bomber at Kabul International Airport as the Biden White House actually bribed the Taliban with millions of dollars not to all-out attack the bottled up refugees and US forces.

Image result for Hugo Chavez kissing Barack Obama

In our own hemisphere

Venezuela in the western hemisphere, once a prosperous producer of crude oil and tropical produce was the very diamond of Central America. Caracas, the capital city was often the site of famous boxing matches, international diplomatic meetings, and manufacturing. Under the gradual infiltration of Communist insurgency and President Chavez, a once dynamic and economically viable nation slipped into food riots and grave shortages, the very signature of the Marxist scourge that plagues civilization.

Image result for North Korean attacks pn South Korea

Oh those peace loving North Koreans

Over the years in the often turbulent waters and borders between North and South Korea there have been 75 unprovoked military attacks from the north up until 2016. Numerous maritime incidents have occurred with the North Koreans attacking the South Korean navy in limited engagements involving torpedoes and salvos being fired. North Korea who has at least 250 thousand of its people imprisoned in concentration camps even abducted an American female TV journalist who was taken hostage for several months before being released. But, gosh aren’t those poor Communists constantly being harassed by the hawkish west only doing their best to survive? Wake up stupid!

Image result for putin threatening nuclear war

Are you serious?

However, we will have the ever intellectually challenged who will call Vladimir Putin an enviable strong man for Russia who is somehow resisting the “New World Order” when he is pounding Ukraine into rubble and making the remaining Eastern Bloc nations nervous as he pursues his ambition of resurrecting the old Soviet Union. NPR in 2012 broadcast a radio show honoring Vladimir Putin because he liked the Chubby Checkers song “Strawberry Hill” as he was interviewed many Russians looked on contemptuously as it was Putin who had locked up and had their family members who were tortured, and they wonder how an American news network could feature this murderer. We recall without sentimentality the known role of Putin as a former KGB Agent who enjoyed beating people up during interrogations. Don’t you know it takes a real he man and humanitarian to beat the snot out of someone tied to a chair or chained up, but Putin in the eyes of some miscreants, seems to be a hero. Oh, yes those peaceful Communists and their undeserved reputations for hostility and worldwide domination. So unfortunate!

Image result for Putin singing Strawberry Hill




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Comment by Parrhesia on September 16, 2022 at 1:38pm

Funny how the "numerous sources" about Putin beating the shit out of prisoners have all been "scrubbed from the internet".  You are admitting you have no evidence, so you should stop saying it happened.  Funny you never seem to have any evidence about all the "evil" things you say Putin has done, so you try to change the subject to Obama, China, Vietnam, ABC, whatever...

"According to reports"...from where?  

Do the math.  Even if your report is correct, 100,000 from Russia's standing army is a small portion compared to what they could send if they wanted to annihilate Ukraine like you claim the "Madman" Putin wants to do.  

Per 2022 Ukraine Military Strength (  Active military personnel 200,000

Per 2022 Russia Military Strength (  Active military personnel 850,000

Comment by Doc Vega on September 16, 2022 at 12:54pm


Under peaceful Putin the US Navy was repeatedly harassed by Russian bombers making highspeed bombing runs against US Destroyers on patrol in the Baltic Sea Obama told ship captains to stand down. One retired US Naval officer observd that during the cold war such actions would have been met with those bombers being shot down. 

Putin presented his vision of Russia as a world power, capable of projecting its influence abroad, while painting the United States and NATO as threats to global security. Two days later Russia became an active participant in the Syrian Civil War, when Russian aircraft struck targets near the cities of Homs and Hama. Although Russian defense officials stated that the air strikes were intended to target troops and matériel belonging to the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, the actual focus of the attacks seemed to have been on opponents of Syrian president and Russian ally Bashar al-Assad.

More Peaceful Putin orchestrated actions

Silencing critics and actions in the West

On February 27, 2015, opposition leader Boris Nemtsov was gunned down within sight of the Kremlin, just days after he had spoken out against Russian intervention in Ukraine. Nemtsov was only the latest Putin critic to be assassinated or to die under suspicious circumstances. In January 2016 a British public inquiry officially implicated Putin in the 2006 murder of former Federal Security Service (FSB; the successor to the KGB) officer Alexander Litvinenko. Litvinenko, who had spoken out against Russian government ties to organized crime both before and after his defection to the United Kingdom, was poisoned with polonium-210 while drinking tea in a London hotel bar. Britain ordered the extradition of the two men accused of carrying out the assassination, but both denied involvement and one—Andrey Lugovoy—had since been elected to the Duma and enjoyed parliamentary immunity from prosecution.

Aleksey Navalny, an opposition activist who had first achieved prominence as a leader of the 2011 protest movement, was repeatedly imprisoned on what supporters characterized as politically motivated charges. Navalny finished second in the Moscow mayoral race in 2013, but his Progress Party was shut out of subsequent elections on procedural grounds. In the September 2016 legislative election, voter turnout was just 47.8 percent, the lowest since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Voter apathy was attributed to Putin’s steady implementation of so-called “managed democracy,” a system whereby the basic structures and procedures of democracy were maintained but the outcome of elections was largely predetermined. Putin’s United Russia party claimed victory, but election observers documented numerous irregularities, including instances of ballot stuffing and repeat voting. Navalny’s party was prohibited from fielding any candidates because of its registration status, and Nemtsov’s PARNAS received less than 1 percent of the vote.

By 2016 Putin’s involvement had shifted the balance in power in Syria, and evidence emerged that Russia was conducting a wide-ranging hybrid warfare campaign intended to undermine the power and legitimacy of Western democracies. Many of the attacks blurred the line between cyberwarfare and cybercrime, while others recalled the direct Soviet interventionism of the Cold War era. Russian fighter jets routinely violated NATO airspace in the Baltic, and a pair of sophisticated cyberattacks on the Ukrainian power grid plunged hundreds of thousands of people into darkness. Ukrainian Pres. Petro Poroshenko reported that his country had been subjected to more than 6,000 cyber intrusions over a two-month period, with virtually every sector of Ukrainian society being targeted. Poroshenko stated that Ukrainian investigators had linked the cyberwar campaign to Russian security services. In Montenegro, where the pro-Western government was preparing for accession to NATO, authorities narrowly averted a plot to assassinate Montenegrin Prime Minister Milo Ðjukanović and install a pro-Russian government.

Comment by Doc Vega on September 16, 2022 at 12:30pm

Parrhesia Peaceful Putin has amassed a 30 warship armada of surface ships and nuclear subs close to Alaska waters conducting a massive live fiire exercise. He warns that should the US provide Ukraine with anymore longer range missiles the US will become a target for war. I never saw any indicator during Vietnam that the Ussians or Chinese were ever warned about what weapons they could not supply the Vietcong with in retrospect. Both Medvedev and Putin have warned of nuclear strikes and this is simply a limited regional conflict. I remember when Obama was bungling the job of the presidency in 2010 the Chinese steamed through Alaska waters with a naval task force while the empty suit was on location with Bear Gryls playing TV celebrity rather than doing his damn job. All of these eccentricities of leaders, their actions, and their warnings. 

Comment by Doc Vega on September 16, 2022 at 12:11pm

Parrhesia, according to reports there are more than 100 thousand Russian troops in Ukraine along with tank divisions which have been decimated by ant tank weapons. The Russians have lost 7 generals because of the way they coordinate their troop ranks. American intelligence has studied Russian training and maneuevers and their tactics are very rigid and inflexible. It was always expected that Russian clashes would be clumsy and inefficient and that shows in Ukriane. There has been an uncessary loss of civilan life and you can't pin all that on AZOV. I did not get my information on Putin's brutality from Levin either I got it from several other sources more than 10 years ago. The sources I got that infomation from seem to ahve been scrubbed from the web by Google but I have known about it for quite sometime just like I knew that ABC urged its employees to vote for Obama in 2008 but that too has been expunged from the web. When was China every worried about any human rights violations? Their only concern would have been that they didn't make the bioweapon first! In 2012 the US had 29 terrorist training camps operating in certain states under private ownership. Our government didn't do a damn thing about it yet Russia is supposed to invade Ukraine over bio weapons labs? Funny how you can always rationalize anything Putin does.

Comment by Parrhesia on September 15, 2022 at 8:59pm

Levin blasts 'Putin wing of the media', shreds theory of secret bio...  Video @ 3:05  "Phoney story about American biotech centers..."  Levin is on video calling it a phoney story. I have no idea what Bongino has to do with this.

If Putin was a mass murder, why didn't he just blow Ukraine off the map?  He has very few Russian soldiers in Ukraine.  Most of the soldiers are from the Donetsk People's Republic and Luhansk People's Republic.  If Putin was a mass murderer, he would have poured in thousands of Russian soldiers and kicked ass without concern for civilians, but he didn't do that.  That's why the Special Operation is taking so long.  Putin expressed concern on numerous occasions to the international community about the biolabs, as did China, with no assistance in the matter.

List the "numerous sources" about Putin beating the shit out of prisoners.  You said it in your blog:  "We recall without sentimentality the known role of Putin as a former KGB Agent who enjoyed beating people up during interrogations."  

Comment by Doc Vega on September 15, 2022 at 6:55pm

Parrhesia, WHEN did Levin say we had no bio weapons in Ukraine? That doesn't jive with what Dan Bongino reported at all! My question all along has been if Putin were not a mass murderer than why did he not just take out the fucking Bio-labs and make his case to the world court in Hague? I don't agree with everything Levin might say but most of what he says is spot on! And I have heard from numerous sources about your hero Putin beating the shit out of interrogated prisoners! I never even heard that from Levin!

Comment by Parrhesia on September 15, 2022 at 4:17pm

You knew about the Obama/Lugar biolab in March 2022 when Levin said Ukraine didn't have any biolabs.

Yes, there is a lot of misinformation, and it doesn't help when people say things that cannot be verified.  Saying someone liked beating up people they had chained in a dark basement because they were in the KBG is ludicrous.  There were over 500,000 employees in the KGB, so that must mean there were 500,000 basements with people being beaten because that's all the KGB did.  There are official reports that show the CIA involved in sexual abuse, Satanic ritual abuse, torture, waterboarding, unnecessary rectal examines, mind-control experiments, trying to make unfounded accusations against someone in the KBG while claiming we're the "good guys" is hypocritical.

It is well documented that the US supported the coup in Ukraine which ousted the elected govt and installed Globalists which created the Ukraine situation.  Our own intervention created the problem, as is true in most military operations where we get involved.  Just like our govt has been taken over through a soft coup.  Saying we must support the installed Ukrainian govt is like saying we must support the installed govt here. 

We are beyond getting caught with our pants down, we are a Banana Republic and citizens can't afford to eat and put a roof over their head, much less afford pants or more military spending.  This has occurred over many decades, and it wasn't just Democrats that got us here.  It was the Warhawks at NATO and their minions.  NATO membership led to the US propping up weaker countries at US citizens expense, spending trillions of dollars on bases and spending vast amounts on the military industrial complex so we could force the bidding of the Globalists onto the free will of other countries (Yugoslavia is a prime example).  NATO is nothing but the Satanic military arm of the UN and we have nothing left to give them, so they'll turn on us too.

Comment by Doc Vega on September 15, 2022 at 1:31pm


There is so much misinformation about what is going on in the Ukraine it is mind boggling. We cannot trust almost anything coming out of there. No I do not at all support pouring another dime of US funding to the Ukraine as Biden is pouring billions of US dollars into that country to cover his fucking ass! I know that Obama and Richard Luger were starting the development of bio-weapons labs as early as 2005 no I did not know that in 2005 as it was secret. You might recall that America was forced to liberate the world twice over in the 20th Century and each time we were caught with our pants down because we had under funded our military and were not prepared for war and the world paid a bitter price for that. The world has changed, weapons systems are far more deadly with a longer reach. The US cannot afford to caught with its pants down again there won't be time for our industry to catch up and retool as we did in WWII. There is a need for us to maintain a constant military presence as the NATO countries are too weak. others do not have the will, and once they become havens for terrorism you can bet they will be planning to hi the US. We are in an all or nothing chess match and we can only maintain a balance with our allies in play with our nation. It is an unfortunate reality and each successive Democrat Administration they over spend. appease our enemies. allow treason to go unpunished, and defund the military putting us in a precarious position. I'm not worried about Russia challenging the US militarily, but there's no doubt China after all we have done for them over the decades have become our number 1 adversary! We should be funding Taiwan instead of the Ukraine.

Comment by Parrhesia on September 14, 2022 at 8:29pm

" I DON'T GIVE A SHIT WHO HANDED LEVIN AN AWARD I LISTEN TO HIS ARDENT DEFENSE OF THE US CONSTITUTION AND THE CIVIL SOCIETY EVERYTHING ELSE IS EXTRANEOUS!"  Your statement.  This shows how you dramatically disagree with any fact that you don't like.  So, you scream, cover your ears and say "LaLaLa" until it stops and then accuse others of twisting the facts up.

The idea that Putin is resurrecting the old USSR came from a statement by Biden, then repeated by Levin, but you'll keep repeating it because you blindly accept anything Levin says and never check to see if he's basing his rhetoric on concrete facts.  Of course, it's easier to just regurgitate whatever he says than to actually do research.  If you did research, you would see how many things he has said that turned out to be not true.  A few from one show in March about Ukraine alone:

Says Ukraine has no bioweapons - you said you knew they had them

Claims there are mass graves - proven false by a French reporter

Russia bombed a maternity hospital - AZOV had removed patients and took it over

Bucha - the corpses were moving

Asserted that Putin was moving beyond Ukraine - Per Biden 

And when he refers to the "Founding Fathers" and then talks about "Having the Biggest Kickass Military on the Face of the Earth", he apparently didn't read about their thoughts on a standing army or what they wrote in the Constitution about a standing army.  

America/NATO are imperialistic military bullies.  I know you won't make the effort to look up all the countries where we have intervened, invaded, drone-striked and have military bases, but it far exceeds the Russians, Chinese and Iranians combined.

You have pointed out that you know that Obama and Lugar (REPUBLICAN) got a bioweapon lab in Ukraine, but you still somehow try to blame Russia because there are biolabs in Ukraine.  You are agreeing with Obama, Biden and the Globalists that we need to keep pouring billions/trillions of dollars into Ukraine.  Why you are on their team is not a question I can answer.  Although I would suspect it comes from your guru Levin.

I do not hate America, but I hate the warmongering BS and to say we've been "keeping the peace" is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard.  If that were true, we would not have we been in almost constant war for decades.  

Now, it's time for you to scream, cover your ears and say "LaLaLa", call me a Russian shill and tell yourself I twisted facts until the pain stops.  

Comment by Doc Vega on September 14, 2022 at 6:31pm

Parrhesia now I know are nothing but an America hating propagandist pro Russian shill! When faced with the facts you twist shit up! You use the typical diatribe of the left to make America look like an imperialistic military bully while it's perfectly okay for the Russians Chinese Iranians and old Russian federation eastern bloc politburo to vilify America for keeping the peace and you have already revealed your true allegiance as you do support Obama and you support Putin resurrecting the old USSR you are an infiltrator using disinformation! I already pointed out that Obama was the fucking culprit along with Richard Luger both Democrat Commie operatives! Why in the fuck would I support them? You are a disinformation advocate! No doubt about it!  

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