The US: “A Distorted, Bastardized, Illegitimate Government.”

The US: “A Distorted, Bastardized, Illegitimate Government.”
By Ed Ward, MD, MT 9-10-04 Updated: 6-9-13


“Do not separate text from historical background. If you do, you will have perverted and subverted the Constitution, which can only end in a distorted, bastardized form of illegitimate government.” — James Madison.

James Madison, “Father of The Constitution“, and all of the signers of The Constitution were adamant, or in agreement with the historical background interpretation. Without a historical background interpretation, our Constitutional Founders could not give The People their inalienable rights and protection from their own government. They made sure their intent was known via various quotes, manuscripts and Preambles.

Ever seen the  Preamble to the Bill of Rights?  The People are informed of the Preamble to the Constitution whenever the Constitution is referenced. Yet, the Preamble is rarely seen when referring to the Bill of Rights. Immediately after: the official notice of time, place, and who, the very next paragraph of The Preamble to The Bill of Rights is: THE Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution. (The Preamble started out as an amendment, but, apparently after discussion, it was felt that this was too important to make just an amendment. The Constitution had a Preamble. The Bill of Rights, which was required for ratification of The Constitution, certainly should have one too.)

Yet, these predominately learned lawyers of this klepto-nazi’cratic government, don’t have a clue on how to interpret “this Constitution”. Where do the ‘other interpretations’ enter “this Constitution”. There are no ratified others in ‘this’ Constitution.

Wow, I must be brilliant! When it seems so clear to me while all these lawyers are confused. Are my readers confused? Does it sound very complex? The framers of the Constitution say, the Constitution must be interpreted by historical background. Our present day klepto’crats know exactly what interpretation is the only verified Constitutional Interpretation that they must use and have sworn an oath to that effect, but, alas, oops, that’s the only one they don’t like. Any of the others keep the state/fed ‘crats fat, while the Historical Background Interpretation cuts them back Tremendously in Power and Size.

I wonder why the Preamble is no longer part of the Bill of Rights when distributed by this government? All these coincidences, who could figure? What were the odds? Who knew? Seems they seem to know well enough what to keep out of The People’s view, apparently, the press has become confused also. Shouldn’t the press insist on the full legal document? What are the odds? . I wonder, since it is disappearing from government documents, press releases, etc., has it disappeared from the government’s school books?

So, is everyone up to speed? The People that wrote the Constitution said that the text must be interpreted by Historical Background. This is the only true Constitution, unless there is a Constitutional Amendment to change “this” to “the”, for the builders were extremely precise in each and every word they finalized for ratification. What? What’s the difference? This sets a reference point in time. At that time, the Constitution was only to be used with the Historical Background. It is that interpretation to which they are forced by their oath of office to support. “do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

How have the ‘crats become so powerful? From decades and years of CIA information gained on trying to take over other governments. From decades and years of hiding and classifying information from The People. From decades and years of bogus various illegitimate “interpretations” that have absolutely no place in “this Constitution”.

How is it, that these 3 branches of this government can’t quite seem to figure out which interpretation to use? The average 4th grader, when presented with the question of Constitutional Interpretation, must be slightly suspicious after learning Mr. Constitution, James Madison, says, the text must be considered with Historical Background. “Do not separate text from historical background. If you do, you will have perverted and subverted the Constitution, which can only end in a distorted, bastardized form of illegitimate government.” — James Madison

Since the ratification, in 1787, of “this Constitution”, every representative of The People has had to take an oath to “support ‘this Constitution’”. (Article VI.Para 3…”The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution;”

The route of “various interpretations” of the Constitution is The Root of all government abuses against The People.

These scam,  gee, we just can’t figure out ‘which interpretation’  to use is the source of power of this government’s abuses against it’s Own People. There is only  one interpretation. There can be no others. Any other interpretations are Tyranny. The Historical Background interpretation is the only acceptable interpretation. It gives The People back their Rights and Power. It takes unauthorized power and stolen Rights from this klepto-nazi’crat government. More clearly, for all those fighting for your individual battles, against one of the ‘burrow’ agencies, remember, that agency can draw on the resources of an entire government. Focus on the root, the Tap Root, the theft of the Historical Background Interpretation from the text, is the lever that destroyed this Republic. You can struggle against the branches forever, for the root of tyranny will just grow another using your body for nourishment. It is this root that must be destroyed, for it is the route of nourishment to the ‘crat illegitimate government’s abuses on The People.

In the ‘route’ is the cure.

Take “this” route to a True Democratic Republic that has never before been seen on the face of this planet (even the Authors of “this” Constitution knew what they had written was far from a True Democratic Republic, for the Historical Background shows that they were ready for a True Democratic Republic, but, this newly formed nation was not. For “this” Constitution not only gave us the Rights granted by Nature/God/Common Law then, it also gave the future the chance to make a Real one later. ) Take “the” Constitution route to the ‘crat government that will only get stronger and make more abuses on The People.

All Laws/Agency Rules/etc., et al., Must Be Interpreted Under The Historical Background Interpretation of The Constitution.

Many millions  realize they are choosing between a rat or a snake in a hen house in a fixed ‘thin air vote count’ of black box voting, and don’t vote.  Many millions that realize a similar comparison, try to decide which is the lesser of The People’s parasites, and vote in a ‘fixed lottery’  on many levels  , giving legitimacy to the farce of an ‘election’.

Many millions more vote for anyone but the 2 parties of ‘crats which are nothing more than two sides of the same coin, and give their approval to the scam of voting. Many millions do not even know they are entitled to the Rights of “this” Constitution that have now been ‘bastardized’ to the point that rights simply do not exist in a nation controlled by murderous fascists in desperate need of Constitutional trials and accountability.

Virtually all of the atrocities of government are solved by the Historical Background Interpretation of the Constitution. The few problems that remain can then be addressed. It’s in the details that there are problems. Let the details be damned. The People are in desperate need of their Rights.

Unfortunately, the people have arrived at their last bastion of defense from a fascist government.  The people themselves.  In retrospect, it is the only defense we have ever really had.  Wake up and Work Strike. The only action that has ever been able to be effective against ‘homegrown government fascism’. It is a painful but effective remedy, but requires sacrifice, courage and action that must be free of ‘controlled opposition leadership’. Then and only then, can Constitutional trials and accountability for treason and crimes against humanity be done.


Ed Ward, MD – ; ;

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Dr. Ed Ward MD, AS, BS, MD – Reporting and investigating Constitutional abuses of the US government for almost 2 decades. AS, BS in Medical Technology – Minor in Organic Chemistry and Physics, volunteer during the Viet Nam war 6 years stateside active duty ‘med tech’ ‘US Air Farce’ – a decade experience in Medical Technology. MD degree from LSU, New Orleans – 2 decades in the field of General Practice. (My) Articles are also referenced by valid experts in their field. Dr Ed

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