They succeeded. It took decades but finally they were able to get the American people to accept the unacceptable. Despite imposing laws and legislation that has eroded our quality of life and limited our potential while forcing the nation into a self destructive agenda, they succeeded. How? It began with destroying education in the classroom, intentionally,methodically, and political agenda. It has worked so effectively that the modern Millennial of today refuses to consult history, critically comprehend, or even consider the consequences pf the intended self destruction being implemented by the US federal government which has now became a radical left rogue entity.
We allowed it
Social manipulation has been overwhelmingly achieved. The planned division using racism as a mechanism to create social unrest has been effectively deployed. Clear thinking about what the long term effects of what bad policy could cause has been masterfully woven into the empty minds of conforming students only interested in spontaneous gratification. So that our present society will accept taxation without representation, the government clearly disrupting national security benefiting our foreign enemies, and an educational system that was designed to rob critical thinking and individual effort for self improvement by making everyone into a mandatory group participant, a conformer, a sheep.
Talking with sheep
If you were to sit down with the majority of Americans including young adults you would quickly find that they are oblivious to what trillions of dollars in national debt could do to the American economy very soon. You would find that when they are informed that the US educational system has been trying to convert the classroom into an indoctrination system designed to get kids to accept Communism, overlook the history of its horrid failures, and to live a life compromised by an overbearing government, they would refuse to acknowledge that. To get most Americans to think beyond their video games, sports events, empty headed evil of Hollywood influence, or their dependency on social media would be an exercise in futility. Millennial would gladly sacrifice their liberty to a foreign invader as long as they had the Internet, video gaming, and social media. Considering the brutal history of totalitarianism, dictatorships, and iron fisted Communist regimes that exist today would simply lead to a lame attempt at dismissal, refusal to consider a deadly reoccurring pattern in human behavior, and what conditions that are coming into play now that mirror the atrocities of the past.
Ultimate betrayal
The Rogue US government has completely ejected its Constitutional responsibility and adopted the very same formula that Stalin, Marx, Mao, and Castro decided to use in order to force a society into their twisted vision of a draconian compliant culture devoid of free speech, free will, or free enterprise. How could any well educated society accept these impositions upon their lives, their communities, and their futures? Classroom conditioning! Public schools for decades being run by radical leftist ideology being interjected into every aspect of their curriculum! Told not to question the group. The consensus used by Communists to defeat high achievers and those more talented so that they remain equally dumbed down as the rest of the plodding followers! John Dewey, considered by progressives to be the Godfather of the modern day classroom was the first educator to see the classroom as an opportunity for big government to begin brainwashing the minds of the young. This was the formula that shaped a future most Americans raised differently would not accept, but conditioning would work!
Erosion of the family
Why did the Bolsheviks of the Russian Red Rebellion emphasize working on children and dissolving the family become such a strong part of their Communist doctrine? Why did the Nazis spawn the young Werewolves who would turn in their own parents to the Gestapo? Why did Chairman Mao build his murderous agricultural revolution around brainwashing the young minds who would do the bidding of the ruthless secret police and the Red Army that murdered more than 60 million civilians who had been through Japanese occupation and knew what Mao was selling and didn't want anymore of it? Children reflexively adopt the unthinking poison that will eventually be their worst enemy because their first authority, their parents, their family, their belief in God has been dethroned so that the state would become their ultimate authority. Once the state became God, the collectivists could get the people to endure just about anything because their belief system has been manipulated, compromised, and a new corrupt entity inserted.
Under the aegis of the Reece Committee Norman Dodd conducted an intensive investigation that proved that since the turn of the 20th Century even before World War I began our major philanthropic educational trusts the Rockefeller Foundation, the Carnegie Institute, the Ford Foundation, and many more, seen as major contributors to the American learning resource, were actually involved in converting the US classroom into a recruitment for the Communist Manifesto. Their ultimate goal was to keep individualism at a minimum, to rewrite history into being pro-socialist, to discourage American exceptionalism and the reasons for the War For Independence. Lobotomizing the mind of the American student so that the cumulative effect would be that as the government began more and more to violate the very principles of liberty and freedom the people would be so indoctrinated they would accept it, or at least enough of the population would.
Doing the work of an enemy army
Now the federal government is blatantly allowing the US border to be overrun, an undeclared invasion, a sanctioned territorial compromise is underway. In Washington DC only token resistance by the Republicans that so far has been ineffective does nothing to stop this treasonous act! The US Justice Department refuses to defend the Constitution, the Supreme Court refuses to hand down rulings that represent the US Constitution, and legislators dismiss their duties as defenders of ethics and regulations, and worse, the people are accepting this. The media remains silent on the lawlessness and reports positively on actions that are for the most part reprehensible. An informed and critically thinking public would never allow this to happen, the literal overthrow of America, but they are intellectually compromised with too large a percentage of the population foreign immigrants accustomed to dictatorships and Communism, They have no objective point of view. All the Democrats have to do is spend billions feeding them unearned benefits to buy their vote.
The Devil's workshop
America has long been betrayed from within by its government educational system. In 2011 NEA (National Education Administration) celebrated the birthday of Mao Zedong, former leader of our nemesis-China. Mark Levin, Inspector General for the Reagan Administration witnessed taxpayer funded Communist literature being passed out on the streets of Washington DC. It was the book "Rules for Radicals" by Saul Alinsky, a dedicated Communist advocate who believed in the Mafia tactics of intimidation to force public acceptance of a hostile ideology! Our own government using taxes confiscated from its citizens to fund the distribution of intellectual poison! Now we have reaped the harvest of decades of detrimental public education implemented by a Rogue federal government!
"Destroying the New World Order"
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