The Vulchures Have Taken Over

Last night I got no sleep, this morning I am still in a my own state of "Shock and Awe"!
Have we all lost our sense of decency, honesty, morality as well as our heritage?

When did this country become "NOT A CHRISTIAN COUNTRY"?

Was it not based on Christian values and morals?

Was it not based on the belief that good will overcome evil?

Didn't the good guys all wear white hats? The bad guys Black ones? Maybe that is the problem no one wears a hat any longer, how is the population supposed to be able to tell who is good and who is bad? Perhaps we need some kind of visible sign? Our brains have been softened by flouride, chemicals sprayed in the air and hours and hours of electronic messages delivered to us continuously on the airwaves until we cannot seem to think for ourselves without a visual image.

The man we elected and allowed to represent us to the world has openly, blatently and visibly shown what he is. He is a criminal, a traitor to the very country that gave him his life of ease and wealth and now unlimited power. I say unlimited power because no one is standing up for the country. No one is honoring the very oath they took as elected officials. No one.... Not one elected official has issued a statement against Obama's actions and speeches this past week abroad. Where are the honorable men in this country. Can any of them legitimately wear a White Hat ?

Obama stated: The United States has been enriched by Muslim Americans. Many other Americans have Muslims in their families or have lived in a Muslim-majority country,I know, because I am one of them. In his speech, broadcast live on al-Jazeera and al-Arabiyia, two of the biggest Arabic satellite TV channels, he said Islam "has done so much over so many centuries to shape the world for the better, including my own country".

Now can one of you tell me one thing the Islamic community has done for this country?

Obama said: " We are not a Christian nation, although we have a large Christian population, Jewish and Muslim populations we are a " nation of citizens" who are bound by ideals and a set of values."

( What values,What ideals does Obama live by, Where does his loyalty Lie?)

The French President made a big to do about Obama visiting Normandy Cemetery where thousands of our people are buried, Obama refused to visit the cemetery as he said he did not want to offend the people of Germany!

Barack Obama stood on French soil, a land that our troops liberated in World War II, and called the United States arrogant.

In a nation still holding the remains of thousands of Americans who gave their lives on the beaches of Normandy, the life blood of Americans stained those beaches and Obama called the United States arrogant..

Where are the men and women of this Country who still believe in a moral, free country where citizens can live their lives in peace and with the knowledge our government is there to protect us not belittle our beliefs and moral convictions? What happened to the Government that was based on the protection of the nation, not on putting the people in slavery and forcing obedience by obtuse laws benefiting only those that gain from those very laws?

When are we as a nation going to rise up and get rid of these parasites who put on such a show of dignity, confidence and arrogance totally ignoring their Oaths of Office, ignoring the wishes of the People, Ignoring everything this country was built on.

Are we so scared and weak that we cannot even muster the strength to oust these Blood Suckers from their offices of power?

Who gave them that power?


Who will have to take that power back?

WE WILL or just sit back on our butts and wish for a miracle. God is not coming down with his terrible swift sword and saving a nation that will not even try to save itself.

God Help us All but, We don't deserve his help as long as we allow our elected officials to make a mockery of our morals, values and religion.

Freedom Is Not Dead ?

Or is it?

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Comment by Daniel F Swain on April 11, 2009 at 1:01am
The concept of freedom is at the very least marred with the propagandized infiltration of the media on a pixilated people. Too say this had no effect on me would be ludicrous. I sometimes try to imagine the freedom of the past, and soon realize that the conception is hard to imagine. I am from the generation of the late 60's . I have not lived in a time that has ever seen the freedom of old. The only source of learning is from a system of repression from truth. But mine is not the only generation in this situation, I would dare to say that their is not a soul in the Internet world of today that is free from this oppression of truth.

I am among the pixilated, and striving to uphold a ideal that I can only read about in the a document referred to as the Constitution. So my friends who does know what freedom is, and on what are they basing it on? I can remember a time where I could exercise certain liberties that were common among many, but now only glimpse of the past. But I do not know liberty, as I my body has never experienced the reality.
“ We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,[1] promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. ”

I will attempt to give my uneducated view of liberty in which I hold on to with hope.
I have enlisted the help of the dictionary to help as I have no concept of this in experience;


1. free from or not exposed to danger or harm; safe.
2. dependable; firm; not liable to fail, yield, become displaced, etc., as a support or a fastening: The building was secure, even in an earthquake.
3. affording safety, as a place: He needed a secure hideout.
4. in safe custody or keeping: Here in the vault the necklace was secure.
5. free from care; without anxiety: emotionally secure.
6. firmly established, as a relationship or reputation: He earned a secure place among the baseball immortals.
7. sure; certain; assured: secure of victory; secure in religious belief.
8. safe from penetration or interception by unauthorized persons: secure radio communications between army units.
9. Archaic. overconfident.
–verb (used with object)
10. to get hold or possession of; procure; obtain: to secure materials; to secure a high government position.
11. to free from danger or harm; make safe: Sandbags secured the town during the flood.
12. to effect; make certain of; ensure: The novel secured his reputation.
13. to make firm or fast, as by attaching: to secure a rope.
14. Finance.
a. to assure payment of (a debt) by pledging property.
b. to assure (a creditor) of payment by the pledge or mortgaging of property.
15. to lock or fasten against intruders: to secure the doors.
16. to protect from attack by taking cover, by building fortifications, etc.: The regiment secured its position.
17. to capture (a person or animal): No one is safe until the murderer is secured.
18. to tie up (a person), esp. by binding the person's arms or hands; pinion.
19. to guarantee the privacy or secrecy of: to secure diplomatic phone conversations.

bless·ing (blěs'ĭng) Pronunciation Key
The act of one that blesses.
A short prayer said before or after a meal; grace.
Something promoting or contributing to happiness, well-being, or prosperity; a boon.
Approbation; approval: This plan has my blessing.


   /ˈlɪbərti/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [lib-er-tee] Show IPA
–noun, plural -ties.
1. freedom from arbitrary or despotic government or control.
2. freedom from external or foreign rule; independence.
3. freedom from control, interference, obligation, restriction, hampering conditions, etc.; power or right of doing, thinking, speaking, etc., according to choice.
4. freedom from captivity, confinement, or physical restraint: The prisoner soon regained his liberty.
5. permission granted to a sailor, esp. in the navy, to go ashore.
6. freedom or right to frequent or use a place: The visitors were given the liberty of the city.
7. unwarranted or impertinent freedom in action or speech, or a form or instance of it: to take liberties.
8. a female figure personifying freedom from despotism.


   /pɒˈstɛrɪti/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [po-ster-i-tee] Show IPA
1. succeeding or future generations collectively: Judgment of this age must be left to posterity.
2. all descendants of one person: His fortune was gradually dissipated by his posterity.

"and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity"

here we go.

1. To feel safe in my home, free from the encumbrances of Governments that wish to impose a different standard than that of my choosing, as long as I do no harm to others.

2. To be able to build a stable family as I see fit. This family will not be set up to fail, but built upon the solid foundation of the beliefs that I hold true.

3. The right to provide myself and my family a safe haven in which we can prosper. This includes the right to secure that haven by the honest means necessary in which my hands or a honest mind may be able to achieve without hindrances from outside influence.

4. The right to employ others in this task at their willing.

5. The right to express my beliefs to others if asked, in a peaceful manner without imposing my standards on others as a means of authority over all of their standards.

6. The right to firmly establish ownership of property acquired by honest agreement between granter and grantee.

7. The right to defend any and all of my family or possession's when ever or wherever it is necessary.

8. The right to refuse others the right to infringe on my family or property by peaceful means or other.

9. The right to join with others in defence of these liberties.

10. The right to do and practice all of these liberties without encumbrance of a government as long as I do no harm to others in the pursuit of these liberties.

11. The right to take these liberties with me and my family to anywhere in the confines of the US without hindrances.

12. The right to when accused, meet my accuser, and present my case before our peers that are well informed of the matter in a peaceful setting until the matter is settled by a consensus of our peers.

13. The right to a full disclosure of what I am being accused of along with a complete list of laws I have been accused of breaking and time to prepare a defence.

14. The right to have access to those statues and the full corporation of the people charged with the storing of laws.

15. The right to defend myself and store things for that defence or have on my person the arms nessasary to defend myself and family.

Well as for not knowing what being free is I agree but what have you done about it!!!!

I'll get back soon on more comments.


Daniel F. Swain

Ps. Check me on it !!!!!
Comment by Stan on April 9, 2009 at 1:56am
“…Obama refused to visit the cemetery as he said he did not want to offend the people of Germany!

Barack Obama stood on French soil, a land that our troops liberated in World War II, and called the United States arrogant.

In a nation still holding the remains of thousands of Americans who gave their lives on the beaches of Normandy, the life blood of Americans stained those beaches and Obama called the United States arrogant…”

More in:


I did visit American, Canadian, British and Polish cemeteries in Normandy. Normandy visit was my priority during bicycling through Europe.

The American Normandy cemetery is huge much much bigger then the other ones. It is in top condition with live wild roses on every single grave as are on 10,000 graves in Verdun Cemetery from the World War One that I also visited. The whole Omaha beach and Cemetery land was donated by France to the people of America.

Very short Juno beach allowed quick landing. Very long and shallow Omaha beach simultaneous attack was a huge strategic mistake that nobody wants to admit. British and Canadian army should land first on Juno beach and attack from the back bunkers guarding Omaha beach. Then there would be almost no American casualties on Omaha beach.

I did not go to German one…SS killed my two uncles execution style.
It is enormous shame on Barack Obama that he was afraid to offend the people of Germany and did not visit the NORMANDY AMERICAN CEMETERY.

The USA President not visiting this place is prove that he is an arrogant totally unpatriotic moron.

Bush was super idiot fulfilling banksters’ agenda. This black one is adding to banksters’ agenda his primitive stupidity and total lack of sensitivity.

Shame on you mister president!

Best regards,

Comment by Marklar on April 8, 2009 at 6:57pm
When did this country become "NOT A CHRISTIAN COUNTRY"?
--- Since it's inception.

Was it not based on Christian values and morals?
--- No, it was based upon Deist morals and values with heavy influence by both the ancient Roman Republic and native American tribal governments.

Was it not based on the belief that good will overcome evil?
--- Not at all. The mere suggestion is actually quite bizarre.

Those who promote this kind of theocratic propaganda have no concept of freedom whatsoever. Nuff said.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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