There aren’t enough abortions/The UN wants more

By Dr. Laurie Roth Thursday, July 1, 2010

As usual, as the UN creates mythology and pulls moral codes from a sea of soiled international play books, we see them pushing for New Human Rights for Maternal Health so they can ‘empathetically’ slaughter more babies worldwide. Just this week I talked with a Representative from Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute about this aggressive push backed by Obama, Hillary, and our cherished abortion fans.

Here is the bottom line presented to the UN Human Rights Council by The Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights (OHCHR). The report talks about all the ‘unsafe abortions, physical and mental health needs of women, the need for non-discrimination and a high standard for mental and physical health. Naturally, to achieve all this respect for women, we need to drum the international beat and push for an international movement and then law, talking of ‘genuine human rights.’

Is the UN open to recommendations and opinions of any pro-life groups, looking at rights of all, including Babies? No. As with all other pro-abortion groups, the OHCHR deceitfully attaches a variety of rights to women and the need to change and challenge laws. Samantha Singson outlines their position beautifully in her article. “As part of their obligation to reduce maternal mortality, OHCHR claims that “ensuring women’s access to maternal health and other sexual and reproductive health services may require addressing discriminatory laws, policies, practices and gender inequalities in health care and in society.”

To make sure this kind of maternal respect is happening the OHCHR demands the creation of ‘monitoring mechanisms.’ Anyone ever heard that before? If they get their way, all women everywhere could hide behind their race, disability, stress, inconvenience, desire and imagined mental health issues to have one abortion after another. Those who will dare to stand up for the God given rights of ALL human beings, including those in the womb, are racists, hate human rights, and want suffering for the world. We have to be brought low and contained with draconian tracking and laws, monitored by the UN.

The UN blows my mind. They talk about endless ‘human rights’ issues, such as the continued push for ‘rights of the child’ and ‘rights of the mother.’ Never mind the real rights of women worldwide that are violated every day in Islamic countries. They couldn’t possibility comment and act on the forced clitorectamies to women by many Muslims, endless honor killings against women, lack of ability to drive, to work and dress as they want, beatings that are allowed and even guided under sharia law and being valued in Muslim Holy books as half the worth of a man. The UN couldn’t notice or act on all this horror against women because they are seduced, intimidated and compromised by dozens of Muslim-led countries controlling tone and movement throughout the UN.

This has never been about the rights of women. It is the push of progressive leftists hiding behind a sea of empathy words, to control population and groups of people throughout the world.

Margaret Sanger who started Planned Parenthood was a huge fan of Hitler and the Nazi party

Margaret Sanger who started Planned Parenthood was a huge fan of Hitler and the Nazi party. She loved Eugenics and wanted to see African Americans killed off with abortion. That was the main reason she formed Planned Parenthood, to target minority groups and get them to kill their own children. How tragic and sad to see that she has succeeded in her goal. Population rates are going down with Blacks in the US because so many abort their babies.

No one wants to be void of compassion, but when you make the very definition of life ‘relative’ you rob its God given worth. Now the killing fields can flourish. You might as well not only murder babies but grab up those pesky seniors in the way as well. Did I say the disabled and criminal population??? When life becomes a widget of diminishing worth, you have just walked into to Nazi Germany.

Life is unique, precious, and given by God. Seniors, babies of all ages, disabled and all people’s real rights for freedom, expression and life must be protected.

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Comment by fireguy on July 3, 2010 at 12:42am
Psalm 139 13-16

13 For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.

14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.

15 My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,

16 your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me
were written in your book
before one of them came to be.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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