In order for a big government that confiscates taxes, uses threats of imprisonment to control a frustrated and disenchanted public, and will even scheme to entrap those whose ideology is in conflict with their agenda, you must be misled! In reviewing the past recent years it appears not only is it not that hard, but it is the basis for which they operate! You are lazy enough to accept lies. They know this. You are gullible enough to believe the mainstream media, which they own. This they know too. Our federal government no longer operates under the constraints of the US Constitution. This they are aware that you most likely don’t know. Just like the press corps that is no longer free, they also know they can tell you who to vote for and who to hate. They are very successful at this because you have allowed them to get away with it!
Method to the madness
One of their most important tools is the false narrative. This is the backbone of their entire power as when the masses are naïve they are much easier to control. So, if you’re a Democrat candidate you will be sure and accuse those guys across the aisle of the same thing that you’re doing-lying! Since Democrats have adopted the entire Communist doctrine of political activism they know you will obey, you will blindly agree, and you will submit to the illusions they put in front of you. You have earned this medal of merit because you are easy to manipulate. They told you to hate Donald J. Trump, and you complied! Didn’t make a difference that the man worked 7 days a week on your behalf and remained in the White House many times while Congress was out on recess. Didn’t make a difference that his policies unleashed record economic growth, record employment of all races, security on the southern border, or the biggest tax break in US history. Why? Because you are too unconcerned, too pre-occupied, and too uninformed to care. Oh, and they told you already, “Hate Trump! You monkey!”
They know you
Each year you watch an orchestrated reality of conflicts, wars, economic uncertainty, higher cost of living, fear, and more fear and you have been trained like a monkey to look to the federal government and all the charlatans, pathological liars, and profiteers for the answers. And as you have done stupidly for decades you then trust the very government that has taken more and more of your money through unconstitutional taxation, overspending, and fiscal irresponsibility, you turn to them for faith in your future? Really? This may not apply to all of you but it applies disturbingly enough to the vast majority of your fellow countrymen who must have a mapped out play, well-rehearsed, for them to feel secure. The same routine spit out by the federal big government again and again for more than a hundred years. All the while telling you that you’re lucky to be here, and it’s the best place to live on the entire planet!
Stay in line!
You are predictable! They know this. If you’re not predictable and easily molded into a compliant worker bee, then you are a threat, a critical thinker, a self-reliant individual, and God do they hate that! If you’re self-employed and own a small business you are on their punishment list! Because, unbeknownst to you, small business owns the largest segment of the employed population in the country, yet where do all the bail outs go when the economy that they wrecked goes south? Why it goes to the big corporations like General Motors, Chrysler, or some other big union driven conglomerate that controls everyone there’s life. They know that you don’t realize that big business and big government go hand in hand along with the sold out, bought off media you listen to and watch every evening. That know that even when you’re not working that the programming must continue even when you’re finally home and having dinner on your reclining chair in front of the TV instead of at the dinner table where you should be with your family. Oh, and big government doesn’t want you to know that they hate the family so if they can break it up, upset the unity, that you will have no other loyalty but to them.
Who do they want you to worship?
However, let’s not stop there. It used to be that the Communists, statists, collectivists, Marxists, socialists, or progressives, they call themselves by many names, if they are not the ultimate authority in your life then God must also be removed. Because if you worship and pray to God you will be able to at least distinguish between who really is worth answering to and who is merely a mortal source of control in your life, if you bother to arrive at that realization. Am I speaking down too far to the lowest common denominator of American mentality? I wish I was but sadly I’m not. I am addressing the mainstream America with their dreams, lack of comprehension, and the trainability of livestock! This is where we are at today with all our technology making our lives easier, but turning our brains to mush!
Who ran to the nearest clinic, doctor’s office, or drug store to get an untested, controversial vaccine, that was already causing damages and injuries? Oh, of course the media suppressed those who knew better, but when you were confronted with reason, you rejected it like a good farm animal who remains in the corral, and by golly, you got that booster too while thinking you’ll need to get another booster and another and another. Why? Because they think for you and you think they are concerned for your health? I guess you didn’t recognize how incredibly stupid this all was when your friends began having seizures, myocarditis, permanent lung congestion, or other strange ailments they never had before? Oh, but it’s so uncomfortable to go against the grain and not be doing what everybody else is doing, right? At least you’ll die in plenty of company, right? Think! This is how your world has become.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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