1. Contrail generation apparatus for producing a powder

contrail having maximum radiation scattering ability for a given

weight material, comprising:

a. an aerodynamic housing;

b. a jet tube means passing through said housing, said tube

means having an inlet at a forward end of said housing and an

exhaust at a rearward end thereof;

c. a powder storage means in said housing;

d. a deagglomeration means also in said housing;

e. means connecting said powder storage means with said

deagglomeration means for feeding radiation scattering

powder from said powder storage means to said

deagglomeration means;

f. the output of said deagglomeration means dispensing

directly into said jet tube means for exhausting

deagglomerated powder particles into the atmosphere to form

a contrail; and

h. means for controlling the flow of said powder from said

storage means to said deagglomeration means.

2. Apparatus as in claim 1 wherein said jet tube means is a

ram air jet tube.

3. Apparatus as in claim 1 wherein an upstream deflector

baffle is provided at the output of said deagglomeration means

into said jet tube means to produce a venturi effect for

minimizing back pressure on said powder feeding means.

4. Apparatus as in claim 1 wherein said deagglomerator

means comprises:

a. means for subjecting powder particles from said powder

storage means to a hammering action to aerate and

precondition the powder; and

b. a jet mill means to further deagglomerate the powder into

separate particles.

5. Apparatus as in claim 4 wherein pressurized gas means is

provided for operating said deagglomeration means.

6. Apparatus as in claim 1 wherein said radiation scattering

powder particles are titanium dioxide pigment having a median

particle size of about 0.3 microns.

7. Apparatus as in claim 1 wherein said radiation scattering

powder particles have a coating of extremely fine hydrophobic

colloidal silica thereon to minimize interparticle cohesive


8. Apparatus as in claim 1 wherein the formulation of said

powder consists of 85% by weight of TiO2 pigment of

approximately 0.3 micron media particle size, 10% by weight

of colloidal silica of 0.007 micron primary particle size, and 5%

by weight of silica gel having an average particle size of 4.5


9. The method of producing a light radiation scattering contrail,


a. surface treating light scattering powder particles to minimize

interparticle cohesive forces;

b. deagglomerating said powder particles in two stages prior

to dispensing into a jet tube by subjecting said powder

particles to a hammering action in the first stage to aerate and

precondition the powder, and by passing said powder through

a jet mill in the second stage to further deagglomerate the


c. dispensing the deagglomerated powder from the jet mill

directly into a jet tube for exhausting said powder into the

atmosphere, thus forming a contrail.

10. A method as in claim 9 wherein said light scattering

powder particles is titanium dioxide pigment.

11. A method as in claim 9 wherein said powder particles are

treated with a coating of extremely fine hydrophobic colloidal

silica to minimize interparticle cohesive forces.

12. A method as in claim 11 wherein said treated powder

particles are further protected with a silica gel powder.



The present invention relates to method and apparatus for

contrail generation and the like. An earlier known method in

use for contrail generation involves oil smoke trails produced

by injecting liquid oil directly into the hot jet exhaust of an

aircraft target vehicle. The oil vaporizes and recondenses

being the aircraft producing a brilliant white trail. Oil smoke

trail production requires a minimum of equipment; and, the

material is low in cost and readily available. However, oil

smoke requires a heat source to vaporize the liquid oil and not

all aircraft target vehicles, notably towed targets, have such a

heat source. Also, at altitudes above about 25,000 feet oil

smoke visibility degrades rapidly.


The present invention is for a powder generator requiring no

heat source to emit a "contrail" with sufficient visibility to aid in

visual acquisition of an aircraft target vehicle and the like. The

term "contrail" was adopted for convenience in identifying the

visible powder trail of this invention. Aircraft target vehicles are

used to simulate aerial threats for missile tests and often fly at

altitudes between 5,000 and 20,000 feet at speeds of 300 and

400 knots or more. The present invention is also suitable for

use in other aircraft vehicles to generate contrails or reflective

screens for any desired purpose.

The powder contail generator is normally carried on an aircraft

in a pod containing a ram air tube and powder feed hopper.

Powder particles, surface treated to minimize interparticle

cohesive forces are fed from the hopper to a deagglomerator

and then to the ram air tube for dispensing as separate single

particles to produce a contrail having maximum visibility for a

given weight material. Other object, advantages and novel

features of the invention will become apparent from the

following detailed description of the invention when considered

in conjunction with the accompanying drawing.

Drawing Descriptions:


FIG. 1 is a schematic sectional side-view of a powder contrail

generator of the present invention.

Description of Preferred Embodiments:


The powder contail generator in pod 10, shown in FIG. 1, is

provided with a powder feed hopper 12 positioned in the

center section of the pod and which feeds a powder 13 to a

deagglomerator 14 by means of screw conveyors 16 across

the bottom of the hopper. The deagglomerator 14 produces

two stages of action. In the first stage of deagglomeration, a

shaft 18 having projecting radial rods 19 in compartment 20 is

rotated by an air motor 21, or other suitable drive means. The

shaft 18 is rotated at about 10,000 rpm, for example. As

powder 13 descends through the first stage compartment 20

of the deagglomeration chamber, the hammering action of

rotating rods 19 serves to aerate and precondition the powder

before the second stage of deagglomeration takes place in the

jet mill section 22. In the jet mill 22, a plurality of radial jets 24

(e.g., six 0.050 inch diamter radial jets) direct nitrogen gas (at

e.g., 120 psig) inward to provide energy for further

deagglomeration of the powder. The N2, or other suitable gas,

is provided from storage tanks 25 and 26, for example, in the

pod. The jet mill 22 operates in a similar manner to

commercial fluid energy mills except that there is no provision

for recirculation of oversize particles. Tests with the

deagglomerator show that at a feed rate of approximately 11/2

lb/min, treated titanium dioxide powder pigment is effectively

dispersed as single particles with very few agglomerates


The nitrogen gas stored in cylinder tanks 25 and 26 is charged

to 1800 psig, for example. Two stages of pressure reduction,

for example, by pressure reduction valves 28 and 29, bring the

final delivery pressure at the radial jets 24 and to the air motor

21 to approximately 120 psig. A solenoid valve 30 on the 120

psig line is connected in parallel with the electric motor 32

which operates the powder feeder screws 16 for simultaneous

starting and running of the powder feed, the air motor and the

jet mill deagglomerator.

Air enters ram air tube 34 at its entrance 35 and the exhaust

from the jet mill deagglomerator passes directly into the ram

air tube. At the deagglomerator exhaust 36 into ram air tube

34, an upstream deflector baffle 38 produces a venturi effect

which minimizes back pressure on the powder feed system.

The powder is then jetted from the exhaust end 40 of the ram

air tube to produce a contrail. A pressure equalization tube,

not shown, can be used to connect the top of the closed

hopper 12 to the deagglomeration chamber 14. A butterfly

valve could be provided at the powder hopper outlet 39 to

completely isolate and seal off the powder supply when not in

use. Powder 13 could then be stored in hopper 12 for several

weeks, without danger of picking up excessive moisture, and

still be adequately dispensed. Preparation of the light scatter

powder 13 is of a critical importance to production of a powder

"contrail" having maximum visibility for a given weight of

material. It is essential that the pigment powder particles be

dispensed as separate single particles rather than as

agglomerates of two or more particles. The powder treatment

produces the most easily dispersed powder through the use of

surface treatments which minimize interparticle cohesive


Titanium dioxide pigment was selected as the primary light

scattering material because of its highly efficient light

scattering ability and commercially available pigment grades.

Titanium dioxide pigment (e.g., DuPont R--931) with a median

particle size of about 0.3μ has a high bulk density and is not

readily aerosolizable as a submicron cloud without the

consumption of a large amount of deagglomeration energy. In

order to reduce the energy requirement for deagglomeration,

the TiO2 powder is specially treated with a hydrophobic

colloidal silica which coats and separates the individual TiO2

pigment particles. The extremely fine particulate nature

(0.007μ primary particle size) of Cobot S--101 Silanox grade,

for example, of colloidal silica minimizes the amount needed

to coat and separate the TiO2 particles, and the hydrophobic

surface minimizes the affinity of the powder for absorbtion of

moisture from the atmosphere. Adsorbed moisture in powders

causes liquid bridges at interparticle contacts and it then

becomes necessary to overcome the adsorbed-liquid surface

tension forces as well as the weaker Van der Waals' forces

before the particles can be separated. The Silanox treated

titanium dioxide pigment is further protected from the

deleterious effects of adsorbed moisture by incorporation of

silica gel. The silica gel preferentially adsorbs water vapor that

the powder may be exposed to after drying and before use.

The silica gel used is a powder product, such as Syloid 65

from the W. R Grace and Co., Davison Chemical Division, and

has an average particle size about 4.5μ and a large capacity

for moisture at low humidities.

A typical powder composition used is shown in Table 1. This

formulation was blended intimately with a Patterson-Kelley Co.

twin shell dry LB-model LB--2161 with intensifier. Batches of

1500 g were blended for 15 min. each and packaged in 5-lb

cans. The bulk density of the blended powder is 0.22 g/cc.

Since deagglomeration is facilitated by having the powder

bone dry, the powder should be predried before sealing the

cans. In view of long periods (e.g., about 4 months) between

powder preparation and use it is found preferable to spread

the powder in a thin layer in an open container and place in a

400?F over two days before planned usage. The powder is

removed and placed in the hopper about 2 hours before use.

Table 1______________________________________CONTRAIL PO

FORMULATIONIngredient % by Weight_______________________

(e.g., DuPont R-931) 85 median particle size 0.3μColloi

Cabot S-101 Silanox) 10 primary particle size 0.007μSil

65) 5 average particle size 4.5μ________________________

Other type powder compositions can also be used with the

apparatus described herein. For example, various powder

particles which reflect electromagnetic radiation can be

dispensed as a chaff or the like from the contrail generator.

Obviously many modifications and variations of the present

invention are possible in the light of the above teachings. It is

therefore to be understood that within the scope of the

appended claims the invention may be practiced otherwise

than as specifically described.

Foreign References: Publication Country Date IPC Class

GB01022621 United Kingdom 3 /1966

Subject: Barium Affirmed in Chemtrails

The unusual presence of the element barium in the

atmosphere now appears to have been affirmed through the

methods of spectroscopy. Spectroscopy is the study of the

absorption and emission of light and other radiation by matter,

as related to the dependence of these processes on the

wavelength of the radiation. The results of the current

research are now sufficient to establish an analytical basis for

the formal investigation of radical atmospheric changes

induced by relatively recent aircraft aerosol operations. This

work further confirms the recent findings that have

substantiated the unusual presence of an alkaline salt form in

the atmosphere, as revealed through recent pH tests

conducted across the country. Barium compounds, especially

those of a soluble nature, are regarded as a serious health

risk, and they are commonly associated with respiratory


Research by this method will continue, but preliminary results

are provided because of the importance of the findings and to

support the claims that are made herein. It is recommended

that other researchers across the country participate within

this endeavor, in an effort to further refine the results of the

study. Spectroscopy provides an analytic tool that can be used

to establish the presence or absence of certain foreign

elements in the atmosphere that have been under

consideration for some time.


A Field Guide to Chemtrails

Chemtrails are a new phenomena which

has struck all over the world. It seems that

the government are using planes to spray

populated areas with a chemical solution,

which can make people very sick, but

why??. Normal contrails usually dissipate

very rapidly, are of relatively short length,

and show variability in their formation from the engines.

Chemtrails usually extend continuously and expand to

transform into a cirrus type cloud layer. Apart from the

repeated, intense, and unusual flight-patterns, odd illnesses

will sometimes strike people shortly after these chemtrail

episodes; multiple witnesses have also reported a cobweb-like

substance seen falling from the sky.

You should also know that a lab-analysis of some "goo" which

fell to the ground revealed the presence of biological-agents:

Pseudomonas Fluorescens, Streptomyces, and a restriction

enzyme used to create viruses. Further, a gentleman who

has been following the contrails around the country for years

had a medical test which discovered pathogens in his body --

the rare V2 Grippe virus among them -- pathogens that should

only be found in laboratories.

During the past several months, investigators across the

United States and Canada have been collecting photographs

and eyewitness accounts related to a widespread, ongoing,

and strangely anomalous phenomena that has been occurring

in our skies overhead. We are referring to the purposeful,

deliberate weaving of strange, lingering, and thickening aerial

contrails, better known as ChemTrails to most observers.

Most persons viewing these photographs and reading the

associated accounts have had little difficulty arriving at the

obvious conclusion that these documented aerial phenomena

represent anything but the normal contrail activity associated

with everyday commercial airline traffic.

To most observers, the feeling that there is something

disturbing, and even ominous, connected with these images

and reports, has been more than just a passing impression or

a temporary distraction. Those of us who have yielded to our

natural human curiosity and taken the time to turn off the TV,

go outside, and look up into the sky, have been rewarded with

a stunning first-hand observation of these strange

phenomena. This undeniable personal experience has

provided more than the reasonable and sufficient amount of

evidence required to lead many observers to the startling

conclusion that there is currently, an ongoing, nationwide,

government project underway across America and other

countries. At present, neither the purpose nor the scope of this

operation is fully understood. Two facts are known however?

that this strange contrail activity is not a normal, ordinary, or

every-day phenomena, and that this program, which seems to

have entered its operational phase during the fall of 1998, is

being simultaneously, repeatedly, and continuously executed

over virtually every populated community in the United States.

A Contrail Is Not A ChemTrail

ChemTrails are not the same as normal, everyday aerial contrails; there is a

definite observable difference in both the formation and behavior of these

two similar phenomena, which clearly distinguishes one from the other.

Normal contrails are composed of fragile ice crystals formed by aircraft

flying at altitudes of 31,000 feet or greater. At altitudes below 31,000 feet,

these normal vapor condensation trails are simply not able to form behind an

aircraft, regardless of its type or design. Above 31,000 feet, normal contrails

appear pencil-thin in construction when observed from ground level, and in

nearly all instances, tend to totally evaporate within a minute or so, rarely

extending for any appreciable distance behind the emitting aircraft.

ChemTrails on the other hand, have been observed being generated by

aircraft flying at altitudes as high as 33,000 feet and as low as 8,000 feet?

but generally, below 30,000 feet. Since normal contrails can not form at these

low altitudes, any contrail formation that is observed at these elevations is

probably not a contrail at all, but a genuine ChemTrail.

These normally manifest as billowy

smoke trails when viewed from the

ground, and tend to always become

broader and denser over time. They

generally do not evaporate, nor do they

dissipate at all. Over a period of several

hours, parallel ChemTrail formations

will eventually spread out to meet one

another and join together to form a

continuous, banded, cirrus-like cloud formation in the sky. Often a

fish-spine configuration will be observed after a given ChemTrail has

had sufficient time to mature. Shortly after this joining-up phase, what

just hours earlier was a perfectly clear blue sky, will now appear as a

structured, milky-haze overcast, unnatural in all respects.

Another distinguishing difference between contrails and ChemTrails

concerns their relative location or position in the local sky, as well as their

directional characteristics.

Aircraft emitting normal contrails are constrained by FAA regulations to

operate only over designated air routes; therefore, the contrails that they

generate will be found consistently only within local flight corridors, which

are easily discerned by an observer at any given geographic location on the

ground. In addition, air traffic along these designated routes is always

unidirectional. Aircraft flying in opposing compass directions are never

permitted to use the same air-routes, at the same altitudes?for obvious

reasons. Therefore, only those contrails that are formed within these

restricted air corridors, and consistently with the same vector or direction

should be considered normal contrails resulting from normal commercial

airline traffic.

There is one exception to this rule however. Occasionally, normal contrails

will be emitted by military air traffic, which do not always operate within

these flight corridor constraints. This deviation is due to the fact that the

military is generally exempt from commercial flight regulations during air

maneuvers and training exercises?but again, this is the exception and not the


Aircraft that generate ChemTrails are apparently not constrained to operate

within FAA designated air corridors either; nor are they required to adhere to

established commercial flight rules and FAA regulations. Consequently,

ChemTrail patterns will be observed lying both within and well outside of the

normal air corridors used by the commercial airlines. Unlike normal

contrails, these lattice formations can and do appear at any location in the

local sky, develop in any geographic direction or vector, intersect and

intercept one another as a matter of practice, and produce elaborate and

extensive cross-hatch or geometric patterns, which are often seen extending

from horizon to horizon. Any commercial airliner that attempted to engage in

these kinds of flight maneuvers would be guilty of violating just about every

known international flight regulation of commercial aviation. The ChemTrail

patterns laid-down by these regulation-exempt aircraft, generally appear as

either long parallel billowing furrows in the sky, as some variant of an

intersecting tic-tac-toe configuration or a simple figure X.It is believed that

these clearly discernible geometric patterns are used as a means of

identifying specific local ChemTrail formations, and facilitate the tracking of

their position, movement, and drift using satellite telemetry. This information

would be vital if it were necessary to determine critical operational values for

the various mission parameters needed to accurately position these latticetype

networks, so as to target selected geographic locations and populations

with their fallout.

Another very subtle parameter associated with ChemTrail phenomena is the

significance of the local surface wind speed over the dispersion area.

Empirically, ChemTrail missions tend to be suspended wherever and

whenever the ground wind speed reaches or exceeds 20 miles per hour. This

characteristic has been a consistent limiting factor throughout the range of

areas where ChemTrail activity has been observed. Normal contrail activity

is never subject to this restriction, and can be seen over a wide range of

measured surface wind velocities.

One of the most important distinguishing characteristics of normal contrail

formations is their pattern-configuration. Normal contrails are produced

through a complex interaction between an aircraft's jet engine, its exhaust,

and the temperature and humidity of the ambient atmosphere. Whenever

these contrails are generated, under the proper atmospheric conditions, the

number of simultaneous contrails emitted by any specific aircraft is always

directly related to the engine configuration of that aircraft. A 747, for

example, will leave a parallel four-element contrail in its wake, a DC-10 or

L1011, on the other hand, will emit a parallel three-element contrail, and a

737 or 777 will generate a parallel two-element contrail in the sky. In each of

these cases, the aircraft in question will generate only short-lived, fullydissipating,

multiple parallel contrails?always, at altitudes greater than

31,000 feet, and always in accordance with the number of engines in its

design. A multi-engine aircraft will simply not produce single-element

contrails as long as both engines are functioning properly. The number of

contrails therefore, that will be produced by any given aircraft is always the

same as the number of engines powering that aircraft?these numbers are

always equal.

The type of aircraft that are most

frequently observed laying-down

genuine ChemTrail patterns, are

normally KC-10A or KC-135 tankers.

The KC-10A is a three-engine aircraft

and would therefore normally leave a

three-element parallel contrail in its

wake. The KC-135 however, is a smaller,

four-engine aircraft, and would therefore typically display fourelement

contrail. When used during ChemTrail missions however,

these aircraft have been observed laying-down only a thick and

billowy, single-element ChemTrail, while simultaneously displaying

no concurrent normal contrail activity. Two different mechanisms are

therefore at work here.

This pattern-configuration feature can

serve as a very good guide in helping to

distinguish between normal contrail

observations and true ChemTrails sightings, but it is not foolproof.

The military has been equipping their KC-10As and KC-135s with wing

tip mounted refueling pods, to permit multiple, simultaneous

refueling operations. If one of these aircraft is being used in a

particular ChemTrail mission, then the resulting dispersion will most

likely start out as two-parallel emissions. Eventually though, these will

merge into a single wide-band dispersion pattern, retaining all of the

other special characteristics associated with ChemTrail activity.

The other factor that might be working against this general rule, is the

likelihood that the military is experimenting with a number of different

spray-nozzle technologies having various geometries. Such research would

likely be aimed at controlling the specific flow and dispersion characteristics

of their equipment. Variability in the nozzle designs used to disperse the biochemical

cocktail, would probably add some additional variability to the

dispersion patterns being observed, but again, the predominate characteristics

of a genuine ChemTrail will eventually prevail.

One more distinguishing characteristic

of a ChemTrail than can help to separate

these from normal contrails concerns

the display of a vertical curtain-like

fall-off from a maturing ChemTrail.

Although the ChemTrail remains very

prominent in the sky, the vertical

curtain seems to roll off of the main

body and appears to descend toward the

surface in vertical sheets. The essential idea to keep in mind regarding

ChemTrails, regardless of the manner in which these bio-chemical

agents are being dispersed, is that all ChemTrails eventually coalesce

into a consistent, widely diffused footprint, which ultimately obscures

all or most of the entire sky with a clearly structured, solid milky haze.

The components constituting this bio-chemical soup do not

dissipate or disappear over time; instead, due to the higher specificgravity

of the host element being used, namely JP8+100 jet fuel, these

components simply settle to the earth and blanket everything within

their reach?human beings, animals, plants, soil, and water, as they

slowly descend through the atmosphere?through the air that we all


We can summarize the characteristic

pattern-configuration behavioral of

genuine ChemTrail activity with the

following two statements: First, that the aircraft used in these

operations tend to be flown at altitudes below 31,000 feet, because

no normal engine-related contrails are ever observed concurrent with

the emission of the ChemTrails. Secondly, that the biochemical agent

forming these ChemTrails is being emitted by a mechanical

component of the aircraft other than the engines?normally, this

component is the single, extended, rear mounted, refueling tail-boom.

There is one more distinguishing characteristic of unquestionable

ChemTrail activity that we should mention at this time?a very

pronounced refractory chemical signature, visible whenviewing

ChemTrail cloud formations illuminated by the sun.

When sunlight passes through a

ChemTrail, the chemical components making up the cloud tend to

refract sunlight in such a way as to render a yellow-orange-green halo

surrounding the sun at a distance of about 20 to 30 degrees of radius

on either side. Some researchers have indicated that this is best

observed using polarized sunglasses, but it can generally be seen with

or without a filter. This halo is not always completely circular and

continuous, but may on occasion, depending on the structure of the

ChemTrails, be expressed as colored prominences at irregular, and

scattered distances from the sun.

A dark-linespectral analysis of the solar spectrum exhibited by a

ChemTrail when illuminated by the sun may also prove particularly

useful in identifying ChemTrail activity, as well as providing valuable

information on its atomic makeup. To date however, we are not aware

of any such study or analysis, although this would seem to be both a

reasonable and logical undertaking, well within the capabilities of

most colleges and universities. Perhaps this will be attempted in the

near future. Ethylene dibromide has a mild, sweet odor. However, just

because you do not smell anything peculiar in the air does not mean

that the fallout is not making it all the way to the ground. They are also

using an additive to help camouflage this smell.

When the camouflage is not working

properly though, or the fallout is particularly dense, you will definitely

smell something very strange, that you have probably never sensed

before. It has been described by some observers as a metallic or

corrosive odor. Although we have also picked up the scent from time

to time, particularly in the early morning when the air is still, labeling

it is an altogether different matter. The closest comparable odor would

be malathion, which just so happens to be a pesticide! When you do

finally meet up with it, you will know it?the odor is very difficult to

forget afterwards.

Parallel Side Effects

Strange and mysterious cloud formations are not the only byproduct

of the recent ChemTrail aerial campaign. There is in fact, another, far

more sinister side to this phenomena. Whether this is a byproduct or

the objective of these attacks is yet to be determined. In either event

however, the side effects associated with these ChemTrails are, and

should be, the primary focus of our attention, as this ancillary effect

could very well pose a particularly serious threat to every human being

living in the United States and Canada. As of this writing, there are no

known or observed health and environmental consequences

associated with normal contrail emissions?they appear at this time to

be both completely harmless and benign. This same statement

however, can not be made in the case of authentic ChemTrails. It has

been shown, albeit only empirically thus far, by many dedicated

researchers, and posted extensively on the Web, that the formation of

ChemTrails have a direct correlation to the localized, timesynchronized,

outbreak of a broad range of primarily, respiratoryrelated

illnesses. In light of this apparent relationship, ChemTrails

should not be considered inherently benign, but should be treated

with all due caution, prudence, and concern by those who are either

studying them or simply observing them.

By way of further elaboration?since this aerial campaign began in

earnest during the late summer or early fall of 1998; a secondary,

highly correlated, event has been observed that would seem to be

inescapably and directly related to this phenomena. The diligence and

dedication of a number of very competent researchers and bio-medical

professionals have uncovered what would appear to be a clear and

unambiguous link between the ChemTrail aerial campaign and the

simultaneous outbreak of near epidemic, flu-like illnesses. These

outbreaks have repeatedly swept the entire United States over the past

several months, always in the wake of a local ChemTrail attack. A

name has been tentatively given to this affiliated illness?

Respiratory Distress Syndrome?which has been associated with

a number of chemical, viral, bacterial, and fungal components, either

directly or indirectly related to the bio-chemical makeup of the

ChemTrails. We will discuss the detailed medical aspects of this

connection later in this article. For the time being however, it is

sufficient to understand that the characterization of these mysterious

contrails as ChemTrails, is not without a very logical and

appropriate rationale.

The term ChemTrail itself, was coined by Mr. William Thomas, a

highly respected and capable, Investigative Journalist from Canada,

who first uncovered, and made public, the enigmatic contrail issue and

its related medical ramifications.

The All-Too-Silent Media

One of the most interesting and telling aspects of this entire

phenomena has been its total and complete avoidance by the media?

all media?radio, television, and the press. Across the country,

countless eyewitnesses, with not only photographic proof-in-hand, but

with concurrent evidence in the skies above them, have been totally

ignored by all of the mainline media organizations. To date, and to

the best of our knowledge, not a single radio or TV network station,

nor a member of the syndicated press has dared to run a story

surrounding the nationwide appearance or purpose of these

ChemTrails. According to the current record, no individual researcher

has as yet been successful in attracting as much as the passing

attention of even the smallest of these news organizations. What is

even more interesting and disconcerting is the fact that, with all of the

widespread discussion surrounding this phenomena, its link to a nearepidemic

outbreak of a serious and debilitating range of illnesses, and

the daily skywriting in the very skies above their offices and studios,

not one member of the mainline media has come forward with a story

to discredit the data, contradict the evidence, or calm the growing

concerns and justified suspicions of the public?which is no more than

the very minimum response that we have a right to expect from any

news organization that claims to serve the needs of the people.

Did An Airline Mechanic Stumble Upon

The Truth?

(Note - We cannot confirm the following statement but the

implications are enormous, and we expect there will be serious efforts

to investigate and evaluate these allegations quickly. -ed.)

For reasons you will understand as you read this I can not divulge my

identity. I am an aircraft mechanic for a major airline. I work at one of

our maintenance bases located at a large airport. I have discovered

some information that I think you will find important.

First I should tell you something about the "pecking order" among

mechanics. It is important to my story and to the cause to which you

have dedicated yourself.

Mechanics want to work on three things.

The avionics, the engines, or the flight

controls. The mechanics that work on

these systems are considered at the top

of the "pecking order". Next come the

mechanics that work on the hydraulics

and air conditioning systems. Then

come the ones who work on the galley

and other non-essential systems. But at

the very bottom of the list are the mechanics that work on the waste

disposal systems. No mechanic wants to work on the pumps, tanks,

and pipes that are used to store the waste from the lavatories. But at

every airport where I have worked there are always 2 or 3 mechanics

that volunteer to work on the lavatory systems.

The other mechanics are happy to let them do it. Because of this you

will have only 2 or 3 mechanics that work on these systems at any one

airport. No one pays much attention to these guys and no mechanic

socializes with another mechanic who only works on the waste

systems. In fact I had never thought much about this situation until

last month.

Like most airlines we have reciprocal agreements with the other

airlines that fly into this airport. If they have a problem with a plane

one of our mechanics will take care of it. Likewise if one of our planes

has a problem at an airport where the other airline has a maintenance

base, they will fix our plane.

One day last month I was called out from our base to work on a plane

for another airline. When I got the call the dispatcher did not know

what the problem was. When I got to the plane I found out that the

problem was in waste disposal system. There was nothing for me to do

but to crawl in and fix the problem. When I got into the bay I realized

that something was not right. There were more tanks, pumps, and

pipes then should have been there. At first I assumed that the system

had been changed. It had been 10 years since I had worked on one. As

I tried to find the problem I quickly realized the extra piping and tanks

were not connected to the waste disposal system. I had just discovered

this when another mechanic from my company showed up. It was one

of the mechanics who usually works on these systems. I happily turned

the job over to him. As I was leaving I asked him about the extra

equipment. He told me to "worry about my end of the plane and let

him worry about his!"

The next day I was on the company computer to look up a wiring

schematic. While I was there I decided to look up the extra equipment

I had found. To my amazement the manuals did not show any of the

extra equipment I had seen with my own eyes the day before. I even

tied in to the manufacturer files and still found nothing. Now I was

really determined to find out what that equipment did.

The next week we had three of our planes in our main hanger for

periodic inspection. There are mechanics crawling all over a plane

during these inspections. I had just finished my shift and I decided to

have a look at the waste system on one of our planes. With all the

mechanics around I figured that no one would notice an extra one on

the plane. Sure enough, the plane I choose had the extra equipment!

I began to trace the system of pipes, pumps, and tanks. I found what

appeared to be the control unit for the system. It was a standard

looking avionics control box but it had no markings of any kind. I

could trace the control wires from the box to the pumps and valves but

there were no control circuits coming into the unit. The only wires

coming into the unit was a power connection to the aircraft's main

power bus.

The system had 1 large and 2 smaller tanks. It was hard to tell in the

cramped compartment but it looked like the large tank could hold 50

gallons. The tanks were connected to a fill and drain valve that passed

through the fuselage just behind the drain valve for the waste system.

When I had a chance to look for this connection under the plane I

found it cunningly hidden behind a panel under the panel used to

access the waste drain.

I began to trace the piping from the pumps. These pipes lead to a

network of small pipes that ended in the trailing edges of the wings

and horizontal stabilizers. If you look closely at the wings of a large

airplane you will see a set of wires, about the size of your finger,

extending from the trailing edge of the wing surfaces. These are the

static discharge wicks. They are used to dissipate the static electric

charge that builds up on a plane in flight. I discovered that the pipes

from this mystery system lead to every 1 out of 3 of these static

discharge wicks. These wicks had been "hollowed out" to allow

whatever flows through these pipes to be discharged through these

fake wicks.

It was while I was on the wing that one of the managers spotted me.

He ordered me out of the hanger telling me that my shift was over and

I had not been authorized any overtime.

The next couple of days were very busy and I had no time to continue

my investigation. Late one afternoon, two days after my discovery, I

was called to replace an engine temperature sensor on a plane due to

take off in two hours. I finished the job and turned in the paperwork.

About 30 minutes later I was paged to see the General Manager. When

I went in his office I found that our union rep and two others who I did

not know were waiting on me. He told me that a serious problem had

been discovered. He said that I was being written up and suspended

for turning in false paperwork. He handed me a disciplinary form

stating that I had turned in false paperwork on the engine temperature

sensor I had installed a few hours before. I was floored and began to

protest. I told them that this was ridiculous and that I had done this

work. The union rep spoke up then and recommended that we take a

look at the plane and see if we could straighten it all out. It was at this

time that I asked who the other two men were. The GM told me that

they were airline safety inspectors but would not give me their name.

We proceeded to the plane, which should have been in the air but was

parked on our maintenance ramp. We opened the engine cowling and

the union rep pulled the sensor. He checked the serial number and

told everyone that it was the old instrument. We then went to the parts

bay and went back into the racks. The union rep checked my report

and pulled from the rack a sealed box. He opened the box and pulled

out the engine temperature sensor with the serial number of the one I

had installed. I was told that I was suspended for a week without pay

and to leave immediately.

I sat at home the first day of my suspension wondering what the hell

had happened to me. That evening I received a phone call. The voice

told me "Now you know what happens to mechanics who poke

around in things they shouldn't. The next time you start working on

systems that are no concern of yours you will lose your job! As it is

I'm feeling generous, I believe that you'll be able to go back to work

soon" CLICK. Again I had to pick myself from off the floor. I made the

connection that what had happened was directly connected to my

tracing the mysterious piping. The next morning the General Manager

called me. He said that due to my past excellent employment record

that the suspension had been reduced to one day and that I should

report back to work immediately. The only thing I could think of was

what are they trying to hide and who are THEY!

That day at work went by as if nothing had happened. None of the

other mechanics mentioned the suspension and my union rep told me

not to talk about it. That night I logged onto the Internet to try to find

some answers. I don't remember now how I got there but I came

across a site dealing with chemtrails. That's when it all came together.

But the next morning at work I found a note inside my locked locker.

It said, "Curiosity killed the cat. Don't be looking at Internet sites that

are no concern of yours."

Well that's it. THEY are watching me.

Well you already know what they are doing. I don't know what they

are spraying but I can tell you how they are doing it. I figure they are

using the "honey trucks". These are the trucks that empty the waste

from the lavatory waste tanks. The airports usually contract out this

job and nobody goes near these trucks. Who wants to stand next a

truck full of sh--. While these guys are emptying the waste tanks they

are filling the tanks of the spray system. They know the planes flight

path so they probably program the control unit to start spraying some

amount of time after the plane reaches a certain altitude. The spray

nozzles in the fake static wicks are so small that no one in the plane

would see a thing.

NB: We found it interesting that our site received a visit

from Boeing within 4 HOURS of this article appearing on the

web! - Another case of Echelon at work???

Wanna find out more about Chemtrails???

Click on www.chemtrailcentral.com and


Sent: Friday, February 08, 2002 6:05 AM

Subject: Chemtrail Exposure Illnesses -- Home Grown

Terrorism, your tax

dollars at work!

(Comment: After the September 11 attacks, it "seems" that

there is more Chemical spraying going on over U.S. cities.

This "home grown" terrorism in our own skies in broad daylight

seems to go unnoticed by the majority of the population

except when they get sick from it. Then they wonder what the

heck caused their illness or the sudden death of a family

member. I received this list of symptoms and illnesses linked

to the "Chemtrails". You might want to print this out and keep

it on hand.)


Over the past three years, through research and the personal

accounts of many individuals, it has become apparent that the

barium salt mixture, polymer fibers, and other chemicals in the

atmosphere are the irritants that are either directly or indirectly

responsible for health problems on the rise in the United

States and elsewhere. These chemicals are absorbed rapidly

from the gastrointestinal tract and are deposited in the

muscles, lungs, and bone. Listed herein is an overview of

health problems reported to researchers from private citizens.

1) Nose and lung bleeds (the latter including several reports

from nursing homes of elderly dying from lung bleed outs, we

believe being directly attributable to atmospheric aerosols);

2) Asthma and allergies;

3) Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) (fungus on

the lungs in both infants and adults),

4) Flu, Bronchitis and Pneumonia (in epidemic proportions,

with doctors commenting to their patients on the many weeks

it sometimes takes to improve and the lack of effective

antibiotics to treat, including reports of pets having the flu,

whole families being decimated), meningitis

(inflammation/infection of the brain);

5) Upper respiratory symptoms (wheezing, dry cough),

including Pulmonary Distress Syndrome (PDS) (in newborns,

infants and adults alike), Sudden Infant Death (SIDS), and

increased nationwide reports of the sudden death of athletes

(reported in the news media as having possibly been

attributable directly to air particulates/pollution);

6) Deaths from black mold; black or red mold on food crops

(farmers reporting pH changes of soil and water), in buildings

and ventilation systems (including school buildings);

7) Arthritis-like symptoms and muscular pain (young and old

alike, sometimes crippling, and in pets);

8) Gastrointestinal distress (young and old alike, and in pets);

9) Bladder and yeast infections (includes bed wetting, not just

in infants but adults);

10) Extreme fatigue (young and old alike);

11) Ringing of the ears, dizziness (increasingly reported

immediately preceding or after a storm or weather system);

12) Blurry vision / nervous tics after exposure to the air


13) Dry/cracking skin and lips, rashes, sores and fungal

infections, aging of the skin;

14) Mental confusion/slow thinking and/or the feeling of

mentally "being in a fog" (young and old alike, increasingly

reported after actually being in heavy mists and fog banks);

15) Autoimmune disorders (LUPUS, thyroid, Crohn's and

Addison's Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis). It should be noted

that many of the private citizens check the HAARP

magnometer and note spikes, as well as the existence of

aerosol operations underway directly overhead when health

symptoms or illness occur. It should also be noted that data

from the Yahoo Chemtrailtrackingusa Club of aerosol

operations corresponds frequently with pockets of outbreaks

across the nation.

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