It's long!
This page is comprised of a collection of articles on this issue.

There is more to this than you think. For many of you this is

going to seem pretty far fetched. For those of us who have

been researching and studying this issue for some time to see

if it is true or not ; we knew this IS happening, just didn't know

why until now. It's a worldwide population reduction action

starting with the US, Canada, and Mexico. Read the article

further down about the airplane mechanic who discovered

how the planes are fitted with this equipment and just how the

chemicals are put aboard without anyone's knowledge. We

now know WHY they are doing this. They want to reduce the

population by 80%, starting with the US, by infecting us with a

deadly Spanish Flu virus which they will give us along with a

required or flu vaccination for something else. The airplanes

are spewing out materials that will coat your lungs and make

you much more susceptible to this new LIVE virus that will be

included in the same shot as the dead virus. DON'T take flu

vaccinations! All the info is right here folks; you just have to

read it.




DMN Editors Note: Be aware that vaccines have been proven

to be deadly. Be very cautious about rushing out to find a

vaccine for any reason!



Chem Trails (why?) / Eugenics / New World Order plans to kill

the population off with a strain of Influenza-A (a deadly flu

virus) starting in the US soon first.


[ preamble: Sometimes there are messages that the whole

internet community shares with one another (like the Palm

Beach ballot cartoon); I deeply pray that this message

becomes one of those... it is not about anything else but the

*hope* that this emergency broadcast message will get

transmitted around the world and to many millions of people,

hopefully the billions of us. It is far more important than

"voting" - this letter is about "living". YOUR OWN LIFE MAY



This letter has absolutely nothing to do with "money" - it has

everything to do with your "life".

I pray you never catch the discussed deadly NWO/H1N1

Influenza-A flu virus now in stock to be soon released to the

majority of the Earth's population which includes you! That is

what this recent rash of high altitude chemical spraying above

densely populated areas in the US/Canada/Mexico that you

may be starting to become aware of is all about - to get

microfibers in your lungs to make the virus spread like an

unstoppable wildfire. They wanted all of us to build this entire

world for them; now they want to claim it for themselves.

Nobody with these microfibers stuck to the linings in their

lungs will be able to escape certain death without an

appropriate inoculation against the H1N1 "Spanish Flu"-strain

virus when it starts becoming an epidemic here in the US first.

I am taking a personal day from my other work to get this

message out. It is not my intent to fruitlessly scare you or

anybody. It is my intent to report these facts to you and inform

you! ]

People of the world,

This is the most frightening news. It is quite unbelievable. I will

say that first. It seems that no matter how much the world's

most outspoken freedom loving and patriotic activists, notably

our most beloved Alex Jones of, try to stay

on top of all this recent New World Order activity and

machination - we seem to be always one step behind the most

aweful plans. If I am wrong, so be it - if I am right - we must

stop it at all costs. Please judge for yourselves. In my case, I

have just become victim of it last night in Austin Texas. A

dense cloud layer of Ethylene Bromide and microfiber dust

was jettisoned out of KC-135 tankers above Austin Texas in

record amounts last night - as reported not in the least by the

local or national media - but shouted out at America to "Wake

Up" through cable access TV our of Austin Texas. I am still

coughing due to my first exposure to it - just like I was

informed last night - an hour before I become congested (I

usually do not go downtown where the concentration of the

chem trail substances is heaviest). I am still congested this

Thursday morning, Feb 28th as I type this emergency

broadcast letter out. This is not *laryngitis* floating around

folks - as your officemates might be complaining about

recently... I have just learned late last night/early this morning

about of the rash of chem trail spraying across the rest of

America as reported on the CACTUS

(Citizens against Chem Trails in the US), ,

site and others.

Chem Trails were sprayed heavily over Austin Texas (my

home town) last night. Perhaps you have seen these chemical

trails aloft in your own city/hometown. I learned of it as I sat in

on a public access show, Common Sense, at a local studio

here in Austin Texas -> the same studio that Alex Jones uses

to broadcast his show and latest series 9/11 - The Road to

Tyranny, see: . However I don't even think

Alex is, at this moment - prior to sending the message, fully

aware of the unbelievable horrible scheme being enacted on

the American populous right now. Please send this e-mail out

far and wide - or at least the important parts of it. (at the very

least pass the article or the link below around). The global elite

(yes, about 9 people control over 50% of the world's wealth)

want to kill you and your families off very soon (in a historical

perspective) with a deadly strain of "THE FLU" - genetically

engineered and known as H1N1 Influenza-A. WHAT!?! Why?

These globalists think a population between 400-500 million is

best for our planet. 9/10 are desired to be killed off by the New

World Order Global elitists. You may have heard rumors of

this already. However, they are not intending to use Anthrax

bacillus spores - for they stay around too long and are too

hard to get rid of... If you think I am crazy, then judge if I am

an intelligent person by looking at my resume:

. (of course this is a risk to release that to the public - but I am

only one person - and I concerned about the other 5-6 billion

of us at the moment!) Basically I am pretty/fairly

smart/literate/informed and I like to be aware of what is really

going on. I pray I can deliver the message now.

****** ->>> The purpose of all this chem-trail spraying is

revealed in detail below - it is to make it easier for an airborne

viruses to attach to the linings in your/our lungs. What is does

is "sensitize" you to airborn viruses. It will make it easier for

you to become infected - to "catch" the flu from others. That is

the purpose of Ethylene Di-Bromide and the microfibers being

reported and analyzed on the CACTUS website - and many

hundreds of other sites. Just do a search for

"chem trails eugenics" - and make sure you at least read the

article I have inserted below. (where a former government

scientist is trying to warn us of this master eugenics plan

through a posted letter to the public.)

It has become clear to me that the next wave of government

sponsored terrorism will not be an airplane crashing, or an

exploding building, or a tactical nuclear strike - but it will be the

murdering of most of the great majority of the US civilian

population one day soon - thru a cataclysmic flu

epidemic/pandemic over a period of mere weeks - all while it

is known that the populous will go into a state of mass

confusion - and only the elite and portions of our own military

will be properly inoculated against the deadly engineered

H1N1 Influenza-A virus - those who have been/will be preselected

to survive the "eugenic cleansing" of the Earth. (AIDS

and EBOLA are just other examples of government created

bio-terror that has been released in past decades - created for

their top secret population control studies enacted by Henry

Kissinger in the early 1960s.) (See the new book "Emerging

Viruses". This is the real truth folks - not the stories of a black

man having sex with monkey in Africa in the early 80s!

So, to answer your most probable first question -> Why here in

the US first? Because Americans would be the first to stage a

massive revolt if we knew of this plan being put into action first

anywhere else in the world. This is what the scientist also

agrees upon in his report below. Therefore, the spraying in

concentrating on us right now, US citizens first. This is not

"corn meal" being sprayed over our most densely populated

areas folks as the FAA has stated back recently to the

CACTUS group. This is a chemical mixture mixed with

microfiber particulate that will make a mass infection much

more prominent (and rapid) when the deadly H1N1 Influenza-

A Flu virus is released onto the public (an even more deadly

engineered derivative of the Spanish-Flu virus that killed

hundreds of thousands worldwide in the 1960s for those of

you who can remember.)

The H1N1 influence-A "Flu" that is planned to be released

onto the world populous by the power elite will not by released

by airborn spraying most likely - the eugenics plan now

revealed will release it in this (or next?) years "flu shots"! Live

H1N1 virus placed into the inoculation/"flu-shot" mixture folks!

-> Safe to say, by the time Bush's first term comes up the

global epidemics/pandemics will begin.

After that, the population will be reduced in just mere weeks.

See, Smallpox can't be used - because everyone over 30

years old has already been inoculated against the smallpox

virus - it is not as fatal as Influenza-A as well. Please read this

scientist's report below (and hopefully weep). A government

scientist has released the Bush/Eugenics/NWO (NEW

WORLD ORDER) plan for America and the rest of the world. I

am surprised everybody hasn't seen this website yet: The

goal: a world population less than 500 million. The goal in the

US - and 80% reduction in the population. These are the facts

folks - I just pulled it together from around the internet. I am

not an "info-terrorist" as I will likely be labeled by the

government. Although my house will likely be raided soon and

the computer I am typing on will be stolen.

->>>> A former government scientist has recently released

this information, his own compiled research, to all of us as a

warning. Also, now having much less significance remarkably,

during my research tonight I learned that the War on Terror in

Afghanistan is not mainly about Oil. It is about Opium - the

profit margins are much higher in the opium trade. Afghan

Farmers have been encouraged to grow opium instead of

wheat! The 2002 crop was planted this last January - and

opium poppies are growing all over Southern Afghanistan right

now! WHY!?!?!?! The same reason folks! Total NEW WORLD

ORDER Global control of all the people of the Earth! (for more

information on that you can write me at

I am not risking my reputation (or life) for nothing here folks.

But I am one that has connected all the dots - and I am

stunned about what I have just learned; when I went out to

investigate what was making me choke and cough last night.

Imagine what could be next! - a pandemic of a deadly flu virus

that will wipe out the majority of the population of the United

states, Mexico, Canada, etc until the whole world's population

is reduced; where the chem trail spraying is happening more

and more right now - today! Imagine all our wealth and

property that will be left for the power elite to control after such

a eugenic "cleansing" of over 5 billion people... Please don't

fall and stumble here on your partisan Democrat/Republican

pride! Let that go! This is way above American politics! Even

Al Gore knows that this must be done to keep "Earth in the

Balance" - and his own life would be threatened by the global

elite if he came out with these substantiated facts. Al wants to

live obviously and he wants Tipper to live also and the rest of

his family. The "power elite" includes all of the Bush Family,

The bin Laden family of Saudi Arabia, Bill (and Hillary?)

Clinton, Al Gore and associates, the entire Bush

cabinet/administration, Tony Blair, the European Union, the

UN, the counsel of foreign relations, - all their friends and all

those wanting to be saved and play a role in on the "New

World Order". Killing 5000 or 5 billion - there is no real human

difference to these new World Order/Illuminati/power elite

traitors to humanity! They actually think they are doing a

*good* thing besides saving their own lives - they are

"cleansing" the Earth's abundant population! China is in on

this too Folks! They are controlling the Panama canal - and

some of our seaports on the East Coast right now! America

just gave the Panama Canal to the Chinese government for

goodness sakes folks! - right under your nose! CONNECT


If you only believe 1% of this, I ask that you inform others and

let them judge these facts for themselves as well. It is a basic

spiritual human trait to desire to protect others. There are

other solutions than a massive extermination of the population

of our planet; there has to be!... If you don't think the Bush

family can be the principle "leaders" of this New World Order

quest -> look no farther than the family history as it is exposed

in the Bush Family Unauthorized Biography -> See the

former Bush/Nazi party dealing exposed. Prescott Bush was

indicted by our own CIA shortly after WWII before his death for

laundering money for the Nazi party!!!, the biggest eugenics

group there has been so far. Then as you know - his son,

George Herbert Walker Bush rose to the top of CIA leadership

in the decades to follow! Then he become VP, then President,

and now he is calling the shots for his son - who is now

adroitly surrounded by the same Bush administration as

before! ( There, I think I said everything I needed to say to

whole world. I personally don't need any more proof folks. ) At

the end of this letter I will include google searches for these

keyword sets: BUSH EUGENICS and CHEM TRAIL

EUGENICS. (you will find more Bush family history links in

both those searches.) Another great compilation site for the

truth about Bush/Nazi/Eugenics is -

a Jewish reporter in NY who was arrested 40 times by Rudy

Guiliani over the past couple of years. I suggest everyone take

a deep look.


-Eric Rainbolt Austin Texas 512-280-5835 (my number should

never be infinitely busy or disconnected) Also you can contact

Alex Jones at 512-292-0070 (I hope he includes this info in his

next 9/11-The Road to Tyranny series) (my previous Selection

2000/Enron/Bush/New World Order coverage site.)

p.s. one of the hosts of last nights cable access show

"Common Sense", Bill, told me he is quickly selling his house

here in Austin Texas and moving to Costa Rica as soon as he

can. It was his last show. He talked at length about the

chemicals being released over his neighborhood. He simply

can't stand it anymore. He has taken some of the pictures of

the chemical trails being released high above by US military

aircraft. (You can see the actual chemical ports - the

chemicals are not being "burnt" by the jet engines.) Now I

know why. BTW, the release of these agents is otherwise

secretly known as "Project Cloverleaf" - even top airline

executives know about this!

CACTUS (Citizens Against Chemtrails U.S.)

WELCOME! You've reached the official website of

C.A.C.T.U.S. (Citizens Against Chemtrails U.S.), a grassroots

group dedicated to halting the aerial spraying of America!

Since 1998, US Air Force tanker planes have been intensively

spraying broad white plumes over virtually every major city

and rural area in the United States and Canada. Chemtrail

spray planes have also been sighted over England, Europe,

Australia, Mexico, Bahamas, Brazil, Croatia, and Puerto Rico.

Contrail? Condensation trails form above 33,000 feet when

hot engine exhaust momentarily condenses ice crystals into

pencil-thin vapor trails that quickly vanish like the wake behind

a boat, according to the U.S. Air Force. ...... VS ......

Chemtrail? Chemtrails look like contrails, but are much thicker.

Instead of quickly dissipating, chemtrails expend for hours,

joining together to form a thin, white veil that persists all day.

Thousands of eyewitnesses - including pilots, police officers

and military personnel - report seeing up to 8 or more tankers

laying chemtrails in x-patterns, parallel rows, tic-tac-toe or

cross-hatched lines.

The True Purpose of Chem Trails? 4-17-01

The following is reprinted from David Icke's Magazine

(Special thanks to Ken Welch)

So you haven't yet figured out the airborne conditioning-agent

release program that is being operated by the government. I'll

give you some hints, but first I'll give you a little information

about myself. I'm a retired government scientist with an

advanced degree in one of the health-related disciplines. I do

not use my real name for fear of retaliation, either against me,

or against members of my family. I always try to route my email

communications so that they appear to come from

another source, usually from one somewhere within the

government. Sometimes I use the internet resources of the

public library - whatever it takes to hide my true identity and

confuse those who don't want the sort of information I possess

to fall into the public's hands.

I have a small circle of friends who are, or were, in key

positions within our military and several government agencies.

These are not the very top level personnel, but mid to upper

mid-level people, scientists and analysts, who are in positions

where they can see the day-to-day activities of what's going

on, who are charged with implementing the details, but who

are never quite privy to the schemes behind the work they do.

Each of my contacts has been able to supply me with a

portion of the puzzle, but separately, none of them

understands the whole story. I'll tell you what I've pieced

together so far. But I have to admit that this information

frightens me because there is no place I can go with it. What

am I supposed to do - write my congressman? I believe that

would be like signing my own death warrant.

This whole chemtrail issue is related to the plan for decreasing

the world population to around 450-500 million -- and starting

with the US first. Why? The people of the US are the only

ones with even the remotest chance of stopping this. That is, if

they knew about it. That's why the US has to be the first to go.

You have to understand that the world's elite covet the US for

its geographic diversity - and they would love to return this

country to its condition as it existed prior to Columbus setting

foot here, but without the Native Americans this time of


You may have already heard how several national parks have

been designated as world biospheres - that's the plan for all of

North America, a giant nature park and playground that will be

devoid of annoying human beings (that would be us). And the

people actually involved in doing the spraying, as well as

those who will take part in the rest of the plans, are being

duped into believing they will be spared, that is, permitted to

live and remain on this continent as administrators and

caretakers of this vast nature preserve. I understand that

about 150 to 200 thousand people are projected as necessary

for maintenance purposes. But it's likely these people will not

be Americans. Those in charge wouldn't want to risk the

possibility of some sort of revolt, so the workers will probably

be brought in from Europe and Asia.

There are rumors floating about the internet that the

chemtrails are part of some sort of secret program the

government is doing to protect the US from future biological

attacks. Nothing could be further from the truth. The plan is to

sensitize, or condition, the US population to being wiped out

by influenza A. Over the past few years, people have been

encouraged to get flu shots to protect them against the

generally non-lethal strains that circulate through the

population during flu season.

Each year the US government has guessed which strains

were most likely to spread. They seem to always guess right -

don't they? This flu season, the government protected people

with a trivalent vaccine that included the A/Beijing/262/95-like

(H1N1) and the A/Sydney/5/97-like (H3N2). It also contained

the B/Beijing/184/93-like hemagglutinin antigens. For those

not familiar with virology, the H and N refer to proteins on the

outside of the virus, the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase,

which are responsible for the virus attaching to, and then

invading, a host cell. The public has been quite pleased with

the success of the vaccines offered so far. But that will change

in the future.

Researchers at the US Army Medical Research Institute of

Infectious Diseases (or USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick in

Frederick MD have reconstructed and modified the H1N1

Spanish Flu virus, making it far more deadly than it ever was

back when it was responsible for the 1918-1919 flu pandemic

that killed over 20 million worldwide and over 500,000 here in

the US. Consider that it could have killed many more, but back

then, people couldn't hop on a jet and travel from New York to

L.A. in five hours. Now, our ability to travel will increase the

spread and will be our downfall.

The flu vaccines contain killed virus and protect the body well

against challenge by that particular strain, but work poorly

against other strains not included in the inoculation. At some

point, the vaccine stockpile will include the more lethal

modification of the 1918 H1N1 in its live form. Most people

receiving this vaccine will simply be renewing their annual flu

shot, and the vaccine will still include the inactivated version of

the more benign form of H1N1 (as was included in this year's

vaccine). The presence of the milder strain in the inoculum will

slow down the progression of the more lethal H1N1 form, so

people will become sick more slowly - but they will still

eventually die. It will just take a few weeks longer.

In the meantime, they will be carriers for the lethal form of the

virus, passing it on to everyone with whom they make contact.

And as people hear that others are dropping dead from the flu,

they will flock to get their own vaccination. And the entire

population will be more receptive to infection because their

lungs will have been pre-conditioned to guarantee it.

If you will remember back to 1968 and '69, the Hong Kong flu,

which was influenza A type H3N2, killed over 30,000 people in

the U.S. alone. That was a fortuitous learning event for some

because it taught them that the flu could still conceivably be

used to wipe out a population. But at the same time, it pointed

out the need to precondition the populace so that those who

might normally be resistant could be rendered susceptible.

Hence the development of the vaccine program and the aerial

spraying procedures to condition the population. The purpose

of the chemicals in the chemtrails is to help the viral envelope

fuse with lung cells, permitting easier penetration and


But what about those few individuals who don't succumb to

the flu? Probability alone demands that there will be some

who survive - pockets of the population that are either not

reached or somehow (and this is less likely) are resistant to

the lethal H1N1 strain. At this point you must also remember

that our military personnel have been immunized against a

variety of pathogens, including the anthrax bacillus.

For those geographically isolated areas where the flu doesn't

do its job, it's a fairly simple matter to lay down anthrax spores

and then send in what's left of the military to take care of

anyone still breathing. The anthrax spraying will probably

come under the guise of a flu protection program to save

those still alive after the epidemic. And the military, having

been exposed to civilians with the flu, will eagerly await their

own flu shots. I should emphasize that this is a last resort

scenario. Those orchestrating the plan will not want to use

anthrax until all other possibilities are exhausted - this

because of the long-term viability of anthrax spores. To scatter

them over the countryside would mean the area would be

dangerous for use by humans, at least those not vaccinated

against the bacteria.

And think about this for a moment. Why do you suppose

agencies like Fish and Wildlife are so eager to reintroduce

wolves and other species into areas of the country which

haven't seen these animals for generations. It's all part of the

plan to restore this land to what the elite envision as its early

paradise-like state, with wild animals freely roaming the

uninhabited plains and forests. Granted, it will take some time

to clean up the place and to maybe destroy a lot of small

towns that might otherwise be considered a blight on the

landscape. But for the global elite it will be a small price for us

to pay for their enjoyment.

-- Reference:

-- Reference: Chuck Shramek's home page.

Sky Samples Analyzed

by William Thomas with Erminia Cassani

VICTORIA, British Columbia, Canada, April 22, 1999 (ENS) -

As unmarked tanker-type aircraft continue spraying skyobscuring

chemtrails over regions of the U.S. and Canada,

this writer and American journalist Erminia Cassani have

obtained laboratory tests of fully-documented samples of

aerial fallout. The samples were tested by a U.S.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) licensed facility.

The two samples were taken from aluminum-sided structures

in separate states nearly a year apart after their respective

owners went outside in the wake of low-flying aircraft to find

dwellings and outbuildings splattered with a brown, gel-like


Trained in the health sciences, Cassani carefully took samples

from the second incident which occurred at 2:00 pm on

November 17, 1998. The samples were taken from property

directly under the flight approach path to Thomasville airport,

an old airport once used for commercial flights but now used

only for small planes. However, the woman whose house and

property the sample substance fell upon, observed that

military aircraft have recently been using this airport for "test

runs" circling the immediate area and returning to the

Thomasville airfield. This facility is located a 45 minutes drive

from the Harrisburg International Airport in Pennsylvania.

Noting nearby military hangars filled with big helicopters,

Cassani videotaped a house splattered on all sides, as well as

the driveway. The reporter also interviewed a man living near

the main runway who claimed that a similar goo had hit his

house the previous October.

Cassani became ill with flu-like symptoms and was sick for

four days after obtaining the sample. When a marine biologist

at a nearby university started working with the gel material, he

too immediately developed upper respiratory symptoms. The

woman whose house had been struck also caught the"flu."

Two weeks before Christmas 1998 she suffered a heart


Coliform tests by the state Department of Health were

negative. But when the university Ph.D. biologist turned his

microscope to high power, he found the glass slide teeming

with a protozoan life form he said was "very resilient to very

cold temperatures."

The laboratory staff who eventually received our sample for a

complete analysis had never seen cell cultures bloom so fast.

Cell cultures normally take several days to grow; ours

flowered into brilliant colors within 48 hours of being placed in

petri dishes.

Exclaiming that, "It was all over the plate," the biologist who

examined our first sample wanted to know where we had

obtained this "bio-hazard" material.

No markers for jet fuel were evident. But the TNT and fueleating

Pseudomonas fluorescens found in our sky sample is

listed in 163 Pentagon patents for bioremediation.

Sometimes employed against oil spills, Pseudomonas

fluorescens can consume jet fuel as a primary food source.

This bacteria can cause upper respiratory illness and serious

blood infections in humans.

Unlike P. flourescens, the streptomyces present in our sample

is rarely found in outdoor samples. Used to make several

antibiotics, this fungus can cause severe infections in humans.

Also isolated in our sample was a fluorescent-type of bacteria

found in distant coral reefs, which can be used as a "marker"

in lab tests.

Another bacillus contained a "restriction enzyme" used in

research laboratories to "restrict" or cut DNA material for

transfer to other organisms. A computer search for this usually

benign bacteria turned up Streptomyces and P. flourescens on

the same reference page - as well as the American Type

Tissue Culture Corporation. U.S. Senate documents show that

this Maryland company made at least 72 shipments of germ

warfare cultures to Saddam Hussein's scientists between

October 1984 and October 1993.

Our second sample was obtained from the U.S. eastern

seaboard after Cassani tracked down a woman whose house,

barn, cars, lawn and driveway were covered by a similar

brown gel on January 17, 1998. This homeowner noticed

planes making "tic-tac-toe clouds" and "weird designs" in the

sky before the goo fell - possibly from clogged spray nozzles.

She had been at church while neighbors watched a large

aircraft circling so low it rattled windows and almost hit a barn,

before climbing toward a disused commercial airfield recently

renovated for military flights. When the homeowner took a

scraping into the local lab, she was told of similar incidents in

the vicinity.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) dismissed the

substance - which resisted power-washing and months of

weathering - as "corn meal."

But despite being stored for a year at room temperature, our

EPA registered lab found this second batch of dried-out gel

teeming with the same bacilli present in our more recent

sample. Streptomyces was again found, as well as a bacteria

capable of causing a painful ear infection.

Three other molds in this second sample included a "black

yeast" stockpiled by the U.S. Army as a "bioremediation

organism" that thrives on TNT and petroleum spills. This black

yeast can also cause a nasty upper respiratory infection - as

Cassani discovered when her left lung became painfully

infected with black mold that could have come from the

sample she handled.

We decided to withhold the name of our testing facility after an

environmental lab in Ohio was besieged by calls from a militia

organization claiming that a jet fuel additive identified by Aqua

Tech Environmental Inc. was part of a conspiracy to cull the


Larry Harris brought the controversial sample to Aqua Tech for

analysis. A registered microbiologist who once worked on top

U.S. biowarfare projects, Harris says that a lab technician

immediately identified his sample as JP-8 aviation fuel similar

to dozens of samples being brought in by sick pilots and

ground crew.

But after the harassing phone calls began, another chemtrails

investigator who was with Harris when he submitted the fuel

sample to Aqua Tech told ENS that the "lab went cold" and

would no longer confer with them.

A copy of Aqua Tech's report on Harris' sample has been

obtained by this reporter. Submitted on September 17, 1997

and labeled "Jet Fuel," lab report number MEL 97-1140

identifies more than 15 toxic petroleum products - including

toulene and styrene, as well as traces of the banned pesticide

ethylene dibromide (EDB). Currently used as a JP-8 jet fuel

additive, EDB was banned by the EPA in the late 1970s as a

known carcinogen capable of causing severe upper

respiratory reactions at repeated low-level exposures.

Harris charges that Aqua Tech altered its test results to

"almost undetectable amounts" of EDB in order to fend off

crackpots, protect government contracts and discredit his


Aqua Tech insists its report is accurate.

Despite efforts to protect her identity, our own friendly biologist

turned edgy and cold after finding few references to our toxic

samples in medical books or Internet databanks. When

Cassani suggested that this lack of information seemed

strange, the microbiologist laughed uneasily and said, "Well,

the whole thing is strange, the samples, where they came

from. So I'm not surprised."

Similar encounters with a gel clinging tenaciously to porches,

pick-up trucks and patrol cars have been reported across the

USA - from Arizona's remote Mogollon rim to Aptos and

Fresno, California and North Seattle, Washington.

The most publicized incident occurred in August, 1994, when

gelatinous globs began raining on Oakville, Washington about

80 miles southeast of Seattle.

After local residents became sick with vertigo, lethargy and

severe shortness of breath, a lab technician found human

white blood cells in the sky goo. At the Washington State

Department of Health, registered microbiologist Mike

McDowell also discovered the sample swarming with

Pseudomona flourescens and Enterobacter cloacae.

Serratia marcescens was found in yet another gel sample

obtained in Idaho in late March, 1999. Often causing upper

respiratory infections resulting in pneumonia, Serratia

marcescens was sprayed into the New York subway system in

1953, and over Dorset, England from early 1966 to 1971 by

the military in both countries. Serratia marcescens was

supposedly withdrawn as a biological warfare stimulant in the

1970s when this infectious agent was deemed too hazardous

for use on friendly "test populations."

E. coli, Serratia marcescens, and Bacillus glogigii were

sprayed over UK population centers to stimulate biowarfare

attacks in the 1960s and 1970s, the London Telegraph

reported in May of 1998. All three agents can cause disease in

humans including pneumonia and chest infections. According

to recent admissions by the British Defense Ministry, a

Canberra jet bomber was modified with spray tanks to "act as

a spray aircraft for research into defence against biological


Microscopic examination of spider web-like fallout obtained in

Sallisaw, Oklahoma in October, 1997 also turned up

enterobacteria, which can cause gastrointestinal illness.

Despite these findings, microbiologists caution that the

Oakville, Idaho and Sallisaw samples could have been

contaminated by "background" bacteria present in the soil.

Experimental lab material found in our samples remains

unexplained. As outbreaks of staph, recurrent pneumonia and

meningitis continue to be reported in hospitals by newspapers

across the USA, Cassani and I note that staph-related

organisms turning up in test samples of airborne spray can

cause pneumonia and meningitis.

-- Related report:

CHEM TRAILS Stories about

suspicious chemical trails in the sky have been floating about

for months now, years actually.

It is all right here folks -> it is now right in your face. What are

you going to do about it? Our Creator gave you, everyone) the

power to care, to act, to affect change -> it is a divine gift,

please use it!

Google search: bush eugenics

Bush, Giuliani, eugenics, sprayed chemicals and other horrors

This site contains the essays of Robert Lederman. To view a

directory of his work, along

... - 5k - Cached - Similar


giuliani, bush, bloomberg, rudy, wtc, enron, donna hanover, ...

... were going to do, but he left out how we knew. How we

knew is the key to understanding Giuliani, the Bush

administration and what really happened on 9/11. ... [ More

results from ]

The Eugenics movement

... George Bush is a major voice in the eugenics movement

and is surrounded by like-minded people - Boyden Gray (his

legal advisor) and William Draper III (head of ... - 7k - Cached -

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The Bush Gang

... a common denominator. The America they reflect is the oil,

pharmaceutical, armament, Wall Street and eugenics interests

long associated with the Bush family. ... - 13k -

Cached - Similar pages.

Index for: George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography ...

CHAPTER 3: RACE HYGIENE Three Bush Family Alliances

Bush and Farish The Congress on Eugenics Bush and Draper

Bush and Grey Notes for Chapter 3. ... - 16k - Cached

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The Konformist - GW Bush: "It Would Be Easier If I Was ... ...

West Nile Virus, Bush, Giuliani, Manhattan Institute, Eugenics. . ... - 24k - Cached -

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... State Tactics) (718) 743-3722

Lederman articles on the Bush connection to Nazis, eugenics

and drug companies. Also articles on West Nile - 16k -

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The GW Bush Gang ... To learn more about this topic...Please

Check out these Links. Bush and Eugenics

links ... - 21k - Cached -


... Past articles by Robert Lederman can be found at: West

Nile Virus, Bush, Giuliani, Manhattan Institute, Eugenics info ... - 31k - Cached - Similar


The GW Bush Gang

... Bush and Eugenics links html - 21k -

Cached - Similar pages Google search: chem trails eugenics

MW's Photo Index

... of the Mushroom House, ". Chem Trails ! Chem Trails

Poison Sunset ! ".

... Camelback

Background, Mar. 8th, 2001. Turgid Cactus, Sahuaro on

Viagra, Mar. 8th, 2001. ... - 37k -

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ChemTrails in the Sky of Manitoba

... By the extent of the trails, they were operating for ...

CACTUS (Citizens Against Chemtrails US ... WebLinks.

Chemtrail Message Boards : Chem Trail Tracking USA.

Clifford ... - 27k - Cached - Similar pages

CentrEx Alternative News - CHEMTRAIL WATCH ... here to

add a Link!!

Chem Trails

Chemtrail Central Happy Sprayday ... Over

Wisconsin Lifeboat News *CACTUS* - [Citizens Against

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CACTUS (Citizens Against Chemtrails US) ... EMAIL CACTUS IF YOU WOULD

LIKE TO ... leaving behind the chem formations which were

on ... aircraft, forming chemical trails in the atmosphere ... - 40k -

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Nesting Place of WiseQuakker

... CACTUS - Citizens Against ChemTrails US Chemtrail and

Company ... as of 08/21/2001) Louisiana

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(OCAC ... - 21k - Cached - Similar


chem trail watchers still seek answers ... above. In still other

cases, the trails are suspected to cause weblike residue on

... of Citizens Against Chemtrails US (CACTUS);

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Crank Dot Net | chemtrails ... the official website of CACTUS,

a grassroots group dedicated ... illness related to the trails.

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Comment by CHUCK W. on August 17, 2010 at 10:32pm

Comment by CHUCK W. on August 17, 2010 at 10:16pm
Comment by CHUCK W. on August 17, 2010 at 10:15pm
?? I'M DENSE?/
Comment by Swtnlovabl on August 17, 2010 at 10:02pm
Comment by CHUCK W. on August 17, 2010 at 9:57pm


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