Thoughts re the Attack on Liberals by an Obama Front Man

Franklin's Focus 8/14/10

I and a host of fellow critics have been scolded in extremely harsh
terms by Obama's mouthpiece, Robert Gibbs. Among other comments,
Gibbs has suggested that persons such as myself and my ilk 'should be
drug tested'. He has never come even close to criticizing those of the
right with such harsh words. In the words of Sam Smith, Gibbs is
saying '... the left is to be scolded, the right to be coddled.' I
would put it this way. At bottom, those on the left are bad people,
and those on the right are good people.

Unfortunately, Obama is hardly ever openly labeled or seen as a closet
rightwinger. Yet he has surrounded himself with rightwingers in his
shadow cabinet. The problem that Gibbs and other puppets of the regime
have is that they become touchy when critics pull back the curtains on
whom Obama and his cabal really are. It's liking uncovering a latter
day Wizard of Oz who is nothing but a big fake. You will recall he had
no wizardry to offer a group of sad and disappointed applicants.

Despite the fact that Obama has kept or even enlarged the legacy of
Bush, Gibbs bridles at those who have taken note of that blatant
reality. Guantamo remains. Newly created secret torture camps have
been scattered abroad. The two Bush Patriot Acts, one hidden in other
legislation and the other passed by a hawkish Congress, have been
praised by Obama in private. He has said he believes the PA contains
many tools that would be useful. Useful for what? He has even
expressed a wish to enlarge the PA, rather than to eliminate it.

As for the huge concentration camps built by Bush, Obama tactfully
does not acknowledge their existence. A true lover of democracy and
freedom would immediately tear them down instead of doing what Obama
did, i.e the assigning of Blackwater mercenaries to man the camps in
return for a huge, not published contract. I submit that this is close
to some early Hitlerian actions. He secretly built huge, hidden
concentration camps before every launching the Holocaust.

As for the war in Afghanistan, it has been hugely enlarged despite
promises to shrink American military imperialism. A promise to end
discrimination against gays in the military has proved to be
worthless. He has shown a disdain for the doctrine of corpus delicti,
an attitude that is clearly neofascist. He has given a digitus
impudicus to this doctrine and shown us he plans to disregard that
formerly honored protection against arbitrary arrests and imprisonment.

He even claims a right to assassinate American citizens without a
trial or even declaring the reasons for ordering such murders. He also
claims the right to arrest and hold anybody by simply declaring them
to be persons of interest who might be troublemakers. These people
cannot have attorneys and could actually end up being imprisoned for
life. It is supposedly something about national security, which has
always been a useful umbrella term for covering unconstitutional acts.

The truth is that Obama and friends have repeatedly delivered a
digitus impudicus to the Constitution. When the hawkish Obama was
awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, he used his acceptance speech to defend
his military imperialism and his war against 'evil'. Talk about
chutzpah. He brashly assumed Bush's mantel and helped to soil that
prize forever.

What he has done secretly can scarcely be imagined. This is an
administration that is more secretive than what has been practiced any
previous GOP presidencies. Having a secret rightwing cabinet goes so
far to the right, one has to admire the stunning chutzpah of Obama.
Nixon and friends were rank amateurs compared with Obama. If Obama's
closet cabinet is not unconstitutional, the Constitution needs some

The shuffling of high military positions in the Middle East was one of
replacing top brass who were not fanatically devoted to waging latter
day Christian crusades against the infidels.

Those in the media who have expressed even modest critiques of Obama's
domestic and foreign policies are now being slammed by the White
House. That is a welcome turn of events IMHO. There is a crying need
to draw the obvious lines of battle. The more the Obama White House
alienates supposedly 'liberal' journalists, the better it will be for
public discourse.

Among all the revealing and often symbolic actions by Obama, I would
cite what he has done to destroy a democratic government in Honduras
and replace it with a dictatorship so as to place a huge military
presence in Honduras with large military airports and control of a
huge bay that opens toward Venezuela. The Honduras tale is one of the
saddest of all.

I find the absence of coverage by our fourth estate to be sickening.
Honduras IMHO is now a symbol of exactly what the Obama regime really
is about. Reactions in Latin America suggest that relations between
those countries and the U.S. have overnight sunk to an extremely low
level. I suggest that Americans traveling in Latin America today tell
everybody they are Canadian tourists.

Warmest regards,

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