October 13, 2012
In the above video we explore a string of press reports covering threats to riot if Obama loses flooding twitter and Facebook. We also breakdown the fact that this will be used to take all Americans’ freedoms and is a threat to our republic.
Exactly. This is a total op.
This is a NWO order ploy to get people frightened and more divided. Those who are tweeting and commenting on FB are all in cahoots with the intelligence community and their NWO owners. Even more than division it's a chance to institute more of a police state. I've been an avid listener of Alex Jones for years and am beginning to think that in this case, he's either being fooled or is in the tank for Romney. He's focused most of his invesitgations against Obama. He sometimes admits that Romney is the same, but has never in recent memory done anything significant about Romney since Rand Paul went all in with Romney. Both candidates are controlled by the NWO. Neither is a good choice.
There are alot of ways to fake fb and twitter addresses and make them look like they are real. Much more difficult false flags have been perpetrated by the intelligence community, 9/11; the JFK, MLK, RFK assasinations; Gulf of Tonkin, etc. etc.
We need to look much deeper here.
I spoke with infowars reporter Melissa Melton three weeks ago about the possibility of race riots instigated by the PTB. I told her everything I knew from my sources.
Trouble is there are ignorant people from all walks of life easily coerced into a frenzy and Obama winning the popular vote and being denied the victory by the electoral college, with a little push from msm, could be all it takes to make Watts look like a food fight.
I know the city I'm from, and the hood I spent time in, there's plenty of people that would jump on that bandwagon. And it wouldn't be the first time. The last time we had riots they brought the national guard in, and yep, they were race riots. Again link to my blog about this first being brought to my attention in 2011:
Here is a blog I wrote back in 2011 when I first spoke with a police contact of mine. This is when I first heard about the possibility of race riots as I have addressed with other administrators on 12160 and a friend of mine on the infowars team. Click on the link below. Like I said they have been gearing up for this for a long time:
Fuck Zimmerman, the bitch chased a child down and murdered him. I hope he suffocates in the shit and dirt of his soul along with his bitch-made supporters. It's impossible to assassinate a bitch like Zimmerman, because only good people are assassinated. Killing him is justice in it's purest form. I hope they let his corpse rot in a sewer where it belongs. If he gets away with that bullshit, there will be riots and rightfully so. We can only take so much before it's time for some street justice. For everybody supporting that bitch, I hope the same shit happens to their children. I don't care about peoples' opinion of the aforementioned, but I'm vengeful and I love giving evil people an overdose of their own medicine. KILL ZIMMERMAN
If Obama was a real man who loved America and he heard about this~ it would blow me away if he came out on TV and said something to the American people and spoke directly to these tweeters and said that was not the way to do things and scolded them for acting like they had no mothers ut who would be ashamed of them ~ tell them to just stop it! It is not a way to come together and said we need to take a page from Jesus and love one another and do the right thing and say we had the most wonderful system in the universe that was fair and he would trust the American people to make the right choice for America! Even if i thought it was all bull shit ~ its the kind of bull shit that makes history and he would change the pages of History in a moment like that ~ he has been described as the great divider if he did something like that i swear the whole world would sit back in awe even though it is just the right thing to do and we shouldn't be rewarded for simply doing the right thing WE WOULD Reward him with another term in the HELL THAT IS AMERICA these days ~~ oh well ~ if wishes were horses beggers would ride
Twitchy first reported on the death threats on Sunday but a deluge of new ones have flooded in since, including the following;
“I swear if Mitt Romney becomes president, I’m gonna be the one to assassinate his ass!!!” (SOURCE)
“im telling you if romney gets elected somebody gon have to take a L and A. assassinate romney and ryan or B. obliterate the WH w/ them in it.” (SOURCE)
“If Romney becomes president , hella people gonna try to assassinate him.” (SOURCE)
“Soo Romney said black folks are free loaders n basically tryna get us back to slavery…..I will personally Assassinate dat mf.” (SOURCE)
“If Romney Get Elected Somebody Gotta Assassinate Him” Me Duh Nigha ??” (SOURCE)
“If Romney Get Elected Somebody Gotta Assassinate Him.” (SOURCE)
“Fuck Romney ima assassinate.” (SOURCE)
It is important again to stress that these are not newly created fake accounts, they are owned by people who have made thousands of previous tweets.
While some Twitter users later backed away from their threats, others seemed genuinely serious. View a selection of screenshots below.
One Twitter user called @Lilsprings received a barrage of criticism from other Twitter users after he threatened to kill Romney, forcing him to retract the threat.
Other Twitter users pointed out the stupidity of those making the threats.
While the Secret Service routinely harasses Americans for criticizing Obama, in one recent case vowing to investigate a man who hung an empty chair from a tree in his garden in reference to Clint Eastwood’s RNC speech, or even merely making a political You Tube video, there is no indication that any of the Twitter users who made these threats will be investigated.
When Ted Nugent compared Obama and the Democrats to a coyote who should be shot, he was investigated by the Secret Service. In 2009, an Oklahoma man was pulled over by cops and later received a home visit from the Secret Service because of a sign that criticized Obama over his stance on abortion.
It remains to be seen whether or not there will be any follow up on the threats. Although some users may choose to delete them, Twitter itself normally maintains a policy of leaving the tweets in place. Earlier this year, a Twitter account called ‘Kill Zimmerman’ which was wholly devoted to making threats to assassinate George Zimmerman was left untouched despite widespread media condemnation.
Let's remember that Obama's endorsement of gay marriage has alienated many black Christians, so they won't be voting for him.
We ALL know what this BS is ....Obama is trying to start civil unrest so he can declare ML and cancel the election. That would give him time to "take care" of Romney. It's so transparent, and this is the reason for all those EO's he sneak signed and the NDAA and thePatriot Act and Homeland Security and TSA. He's got everything covered except he hasn't got all the guns yet. Expect gun confiscation real soon!
all a buncha barry babble bullshit ;)
Put this in with the zombie ppl category ...w00t!!!
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