We’re the mainstream media and we will tell you who to love, who to hate, who to elect, what to think, and we will do it in such a twisted way that only the public education you received dumbed you down enough to believe it! We have no accountability being that we own 90% of the corporate market so we can get away with repeated talking points that are total lies and make no sense as we assassinate the character of those we are ideologically opposed to. We’re not in business to actually give you the real, objective reporting you think we’re supposed to. We’re here to lobotomize you, hypnotize you, and get you to even embrace violence and destruction of public property as acceptable forms of demonstration. We will support those politicians who advocate violence, as it is a means to and end that we support!
We will tell you that O. J. Simpson had a right to murder his wife Nicole by almost decapitating her with a K-Bar as this would make up for the atrocities committed in the past against blacks by white people, who, we feel should be discriminated against! We are the mainstream media, we have no allegiance to the truth! We will sit in front of the President of the United States and talk over him and disagree over absolute fact with him, acting as though we know better! By golly, we’ll stand in front of burning public buildings and tell you that there’s a relatively peaceful protest underway! We’ll tell you that the clinical murder of fetuses in the womb is all about women’s reproductive rights!
You puppets need to remember that it is we, the mainstream media who will dictate to you what the truth is, relying upon the compromised education you got in public school to help us convince you not to use critical thinking! We don’t want you analyzing and seeing through the illusion we created for your eyes only. We want you content with lies that come from us! We’re not interested in true humanitarian causes as we support the UN, the WEF, and the Globalists who pay our salaries! Remember, our ideology is much different than yours, but that won’t stop us from lying through our teeth!
We’re the mainstream media and we will tell you that police cars being burned and innocent people being mobbed and beaten are justified we tell you that Democracy in America is being threatened even when we are actually in a Constitutional Republic. We will tell you that people unfit for office should be elected and we’ll talk over anybody we claim to be having a debate with when actually it’s just a shouting match as we interject more propaganda! We are the masters here, not you little people, who don’t have a right to your freedom of speech or freedom of the press and, as far as we’re concerned, not even a right to know!
Bear with us, if you think we’re assassinating the character of the President of the United States just because we don’t agree with him exposing the same corrupt political party (Democrats) who give us millions in taxpayer funds to go on repeating the talking point they want us to parrot! We’re the mainstream media, and arguably the most influential power in your society, so does it really matter whether or not we’re telling you the truth? Don’t pay attention to the conservative voice, those pesky Christians, or Constitutionalists, just sit back and let us inject your brains with what we want you to think! Make it easy on yourselves. Just go along with the other sheep, you’ll have plenty of company! Who needs the truth when you have us, the mainstream media to think for you! Who cares if your nation burns to the ground? Just listen to u, and you won’t care either, you can stare idly at the rioting, murders, and destruction assured by the mainstream media that it’s all justified like O.J. Simpson’s First Degree Murder!
We’ll even make sure that campus demonstrators know how to properly burn down college buildings! In fact, we’ll stand in front of buildings on fire in embattled cities under siege and tell you everything is relatively peaceful! We’re the mainstream media and you puppets need to get in line! Don’t question our integrity or you might find yourself on the wrong end of a humiliating interview designed to discredit your reputation! After all, we’ve been getting away with it for decades, so relax and enjoy the lies as we insult your intelligence!
"Destroying the New World Order"
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