In an interview with the Evening Standard marking the fifth anniversary of his resignation, the former Prime Minister also discussed his relationship with Gordon Brown.
Wednesday 27 June 2012
Tony Blair has admitted he would be prepared to become Prime Minister again, in an interview marking the fifth anniversary of his resignation.
During the interview, which appears in the London Evening Standard newspaper he guest-edi..., Blair says that although he would be prepared to accept another term in office, he understood it was unlikely to ever happen.
Blair described his relationship with Gordon Brown during the interview, saying he hadn’t wanted to resign as Prime Minister, but “felt I had to” in order to avoid “a very bloody battle internally which I thought would damage the country as well as the party.”
He also accuses Brown of leading Labour to an inevitable election defeat by failing to get to grips with the identity of the party.
Blair told Evening Standard Editor Sarah Sands, “The problem for the Labour party was that it couldn’t make up its mind whether to stay New Labour or not, so it didn’t really and then in my view defeat was inevitable after that.”
Speaking of how much British politics has changed since his time as Prime Minister, Blair said that although he was in office during a period of enormous world events, including 9/11, it had been “in one sense very calm”.
“There was a predictability about government and an inherent stability. I did not foresee the tumult which would follow — the financial crisis and the aftermath of that,” he added.
Discussing his life since leaving office, Blair said: "I am seeing a lot of the world and I have learned an immense amount in the past five years. One of my regrets is that what I have learned in the last five years would have been so useful to me [as prime minister]. Because when you see how the world is developing you get a far clearer picture of some of the issues our country is grappling with."
"What I can do is contribute to the debate, whether it is Europe or the Arab spring or areas to do with economy and public service reform here."
Setting out his predictions for the future of British politics, Blair said: “I think the Lib-Dems will struggle at the next election. My advice to the Labour party is to sort ourselves out with a strong modern policy.
“Ed Miliband has made a conscious decision that he is going to keep the Labour party in the centre, and that is sensible.”
Read the full interview here.
Since Tony Blair left office, five years ago today, he has witnessed unprecedented change around the world. It is a time for visionary decisions and he would like to be at the heart of the debate
Sarah Sands
27 June 2012
The offices of Tony Blair in Grosvenor Square have a slightly G20 feel to them. The furnishing is muted in the style of an international, corporate hotel. An orchid wilts in the corner. There are photographs of the former prime minister with Nelson Mandela, the secretary-general of the United Nations, Arnie Schwarzenegger, and crowds of laughing African children. There is an array of global awards, titles inscribed on glass and stone. There is a view of the American Embassy from the window. Downstairs, men and women with sleek suits, quiet voices, and probably Harvard business degrees filter out of meeting rooms. A muscular, dark-eyed man with an ear piece fiddles with his phone in the lobby.
The fresh world of the former New Labour prime minister was rapidly assembled five years ago today, when Blair walked out of the House of Commons to a standing ovation, following his 10 years as premier.
His last words were: “I wish everyone, friend or foe, well and that is that, the end.” A notable friend and foe was his chancellor Gordon Brown, who had forced an ultimatum in September 2006. Blair stresses that he never wished to go but accepted his Chancellor’s determination that he should.
The tall, gym-toned, lightly tanned politician in the expensive blue suit and open shirt, who manages to look both coiled and relaxed, his mid-blue gaze both concentrated and far away, is doing fine on his own.
What were his memories of June 27, 2007? Again the gaze, out of the window and far beyond: “It was very strange because I had been preparing to go ever since I was forced out because of the events of the previous September, so in one way I didn’t want to go but I felt that I had to. The only choice would have been to have fought a very bloody battle internally which I thought would damage the country as well as the party.”
The day became stranger because of Blair’s misunderstanding of the protocol. He thought he would return to the House of Commons after handing his resignation to the Queen at Buckingham Palace but instead it was all over, and Brown already in the job. Blair’s new life had begun.
“It was completely bizarre because I sent a text — my first text to a friend — and I hadn’t realised that my name didn’t automatically come up. So my text said: ‘Hi, how are you? Be good to see you.’ And the reply came back: ‘Sorry, but who are you?’”
At the time, it must have seemed an existential question. But the former prime minister quickly established a London office for his Foundations dedicated to Faith, Sport and Africa. He also started to make some serious money and joined the global elite.
Yet, aged 59, he is not finished with British public life. He has kept his accent rather than assuming the transatlantic cadences of the Davos crowd, although, by the way (a peculiarly Blairite phrase), he has a preference for the word “smart” rather than “bright.”
He travels for more than half the year, but he and his family are still rooted in London. When I ask if he is a UK tax payer, he answers categorically: “Yes, I pay 50 per cent tax on all my earnings.”
In Tony Blair’s view, economics and politics are currently formidable and largely ungovernable so it is a time for visionary decisions. Naturally, he would like to be at the heart of these. Remember, his departure was untimely.
“The job is never finished, that is one reason why I feel the things going on mean it is worth my talking,” he says. “If people want to listen, then listen — and if not, that is fine. My new life is very busy and I spend more than half my time on unpaid work in the Middle East and my Foundations.
“But I am seeing a lot of the world and I have learned an immense amount in the past five years. One of my regrets is that what I have learned in the last five years would have been so useful to me [as prime minister]. Because when you see how the world is developing you get a far clearer picture of some of the issues our country is grappling with.”
Blair has said that he would like to do a big job in public life again, but when I try him on a job description, he looks wry, and reminds me that he was prime minister for 10 years: “What I can do is contribute to the debate, whether it is Europe or the Arab Spring or areas to do with economy and public service reform here.”
Okay, I say. Let’s go for the obvious one. If you were offered another term as prime minister would you take it?
“Yes, sure, but it’s not likely to happen is it, so…” If Blair were to return to government in some role, he would find a very different Westminster. His departure was followed by the turmoil of MPs’ expenses, the defeat of Brown’s Labour government and an era of Coalition. What does he make of it all?
He replies that although he was in charge during a period of enormous world events, including 9/11, it was “in one sense very calm”. He adds: “There was a predictability about government and an inherent stability. I did not foresee the tumult which would follow — the financial crisis and the aftermath of that.
“The problem for the Labour party was that it couldn’t make up its mind whether to stay New Labour or not, so it didn’t really and then in my view defeat was inevitable after that.”
What are his predictions for the next election?
“I think the Lib-Dems will struggle at the next election. My advice to the Labour party is to sort ourselves out with a strong modern policy. Frankly you can’t tell what will happen, if there will be a Coalition or not, but I suspect it will be far more of a two-party fight next time.
“Ed Miliband has made a conscious decision that he is going to keep the Labour party in the centre, and that is sensible.” How does Miliband’s immigration speech and view of business fit with Blair’s global view of competition?
“I think the hardest thing for any political party now is to work out what has really changed since the financial crisis and what hasn’t. My view is that you still in order to win from the Labour perspective have to have a strong alliance with business as well as the unions. You have got to be very much in the centre ground on things like public sector reform.
“But I understand that some people think the financial crisis has altered everything. And the mood is against this — personally I don’t think that’s correct.”
The new political environment is unprecedented, according to Blair.
“We live in an era of uniquely low predictability. I think whereas I was in a time in which people had their bearings and you had a pretty reliable compass to guide you through, today it is very different.
“Today the level of uncertainty is such that it calls upon political leaders to take very big decisions and there are two types of politician. There are reality creators and reality managers. And for much of the post war period those who have managed reality have been absolutely adequate. I think we are embarking on a period both in the economy and foreign policy where we are going to have to create reality.”
London is a particular beneficiary of the Tony Blair era. His enthusiasm for immigration helped power the London economy. His belief in gay rights saw London become one of the great gay capitals of the world. How does he reconcile, as a committed Christian and a gay rights campaigner, the conflict with the Church over gay marriage?
“This is a contentious issue all over the world. I am and always have been on the pro-gay rights side of things but I totally understand the objections from a religious point of view. It is one of those things you are going to have to resolve in the end. You have got to take a decision.”
What concerns him is the rise of “aggressive secularism” in Britain.
“There is an aggressive secularism here — the aggressive secularism actually has a common link with the aggressive view of religion. Both want to define religion in a way that a large part of the middle ground would find abhorrent. So that is why people of faith have to stand up and be counted and say this is not what we think religion is.”
Tough decisions can be local as well as global and spiritual. Asked for his advice to the Government and the Labour party about Heathrow’s capacity problem, Blair sighs: “It is tough because it is so important that Heathrow remains a crucial international airport — so I am on the pro-expansion side. A new airport is worth examining. It is worth mentioning that China is about to build 70 new international airports in the next 10 years. We should get this in perspective.”
Blair may wish to return to British public life but he is still enjoying his sabbatical from it. While he is busy, he concedes that it is less stressful and he has the pleasure of tackling issues of most interest to him.
“The problem with being prime minister is that you have to deal with everything that comes across your desk. I spent six months dealing with foot and mouth disease. It wasn’t a motivating life purpose, it just had to be done.”
And what of the lunatic existence portrayed by Alastair Campbell in his diaries? A 24/7 soap opera?
“The thing about politics is it is about really important things — politics is the deciding of the really big questions in an atmosphere that is often characterised by the smallest sense of intrigue, disputes and disagreements. You just have to steel yourself to make sure you do take the big decisions and don’t get lost in the small disputes.
“You have a range of personalities, there is a limited number of top jobs and a large number of people want them. And all this happens in the full glare of publicity. It is not that politicians are bad people. If people knew the truth they would be pleasantly surprised.”
Prime Minister Blair was not afraid of taking the big decisions. The war in Iraq remains the most contentious of these — although he does urge the long view: “The Middle East is undergoing a revolution of which Iraq is part.”
He cites Iraq’s growing economy and falling infant mortality rate as potential for a resolution: “It will end up with a happy ending but it has to go through what the whole region has to go through which is to put religion in its proper place and to realise democracy isn’t just a technical system but an attitude of mind.”
He makes a comparison with Northern Ireland, on the day that the Queen shakes hands with Martin McGuinness. “I think it is fantastic that we have come so far. The Queen’s is a magnificent gesture and thoroughly typical because it must be very difficult for her — it is a sign of how much has changed.”
Today is not only the anniversary of Tony Blair’s departure from office. It is also a month to go until the Olympics. Tony and his wife Cherie’s relentless search for votes was the key to winning the bid. The former prime minister even chased potential voters into the lavatories in Singapore.
“I went to the men’s room for a pee and was standing next to a bloke I assumed was British, obviously western. I started chatting to him and he turned to me and said in a strong Nordic accent: ‘Why are you asking me these questions?’ And I realised that he had no idea who I was and thought I was trying to pick him up.”
Today Tony Blair takes my place as editor of the Evening Standard. He has embraced the role but I am confident that it is not the big job he is looking for. Anyone interested in politics will witness his return open-mouthed.
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