This is a portion of a Natural News piece:
LIE #1) Cancer is caused by spontaneous bad luck, not cause and effect.
TRUTH: Cancer always has a cause. There is no such thing as “spontaneous” cancer without cause, and the cancer doctors who claim such phenomena exist are practicing nothing but “cancer voodoo” or pushing anti-science “disease magic” rooted in mysticism rather than reality.
LIE #2) There is no cure for cancer.
TRUTH: There are thousands of cures for cancer that already exist in the natural world and are being used every day all across the planet, outside the controlled monopolies of pharmaceutical medicine and toxic chemotherapy. Your body already knows how to cure cancer! It just needs the resources (and avoidance of toxic chemicals) to accomplish it.
LIE #3) Chemotherapy treats cancer.
TRUTH: Chemotherapy is a kind of “chemical carpet-bombing” approach to barbaric medicine that poisons the entire body. The measurable shrinkage of cancer tumors isn’t a “treatment” for cancer at all. Unless the cancer tumor stem cells are removed or destroyed, the tumor just grows back. And once the body is poisoned by chemotherapy, its immune response to cancer is permanently compromised, which is why cancer tends to return in multiple organs within 12-24 months after a person undergoes chemotherapy.
Learn the real story on cancer cures, cancer prevention and cancer industry fraud in The Truth About Cancer docu-series, beginning in just a few days.
LIE #4) There’s no such thing as an anti-cancer food or herb.
TRUTH: Anti-cancer medicines have been created by Mother Nature since the beginning of life on our planet. There are literally thousands of anti-cancer plant nutrients found in the foods at every grocery store (in just the fresh produce section!). The anti-cancer properties of these powerful foods (like turmeric, garlic, onions, ginger and broccoli) rarely receive any media attention because they can’t be patented and turned into high-profit drugs.
LIE #5) None of the chemicals used in personal care products cause cancer.
TRUTH: Popular personal care products are absolutely loaded with cancer-causing chemicals, including hormone disruptors, known carcinogens and fragrance chemicals that promote mutagenesis. Nearly all popular laundry detergents and fabric softeners are little more than cancer-causing cocktails of dangerous chemicals marketed in happy-looking boxes.
LIE #6) Pesticides and herbicides don’t cause cancer, either.
TRUTH: Pesticides only work because they interfere with metabolic processes and kill organisms. By definition, they are deadly, or they wouldn’t be used as pesticides. The world’s most popular herbicide, glyphosate, is molecularly very similar to VX Nerve Gas, the most toxic substance ever created by humankind… and developed as a weapon of mass destruction.
LIE #7) You’re destined to get cancer and there’s nothing you can do to stop it.
TRUTH: There’s nothing in your genes that programs you to have cancer. Your genetic code is actually a blueprint for perfect health. But when your body’s cells are bathed in toxic, cancer-causing chemicals found in food and personal care products, it causes good genes to turn bad (through mutations), leading to cancer. You have remarkable control over your exposure to (or avoidance of) cancer-causing chemicals.
LIE #8) Cancer doctors want to help you eliminate cancer.
TRUTH: Cancer doctors earn huge profits on chemotherapy, surgery and radiation treatments. It is in their financial interests that you have recurring cancer, creating repeat business for them. If they helped you eliminate cancer, they would lose your business and lose out on all the money they can make off your disease!
LIE #9) Mammograms catch cancer early and thereby “save lives.”
TRUTH: Mammograms emit ionizing radiation that causes cancer. The more mammograms you get, the more like you are to eventually be diagnosed with cancer… caused by the mammography! Additionally, there are so many false positives in mammography that statistics show mammograms ultimately harm 10 women for every 1 woman they might help.
LIE #10) A cancer diagnosis is always true and accurate.
TRUTH: Cancer diagnoses are frequently exaggerated or fabricated out of thin air by cancer doctors looking to make money off medically unjustified cancer treatments. Dr. Farid Fata, for example, was found guilty of criminal fraud for falsely diagnosing healthy people with cancer at his popular oncology clinic in Detroit. He deliberately lied to every patient who walked into his clinic, telling them they had cancer and that they would die without his chemotherapy. He poisoned thousands of people and is now serving time in federal prison for his crimes. (He’s just one of many criminal cancer doctors in the industry…)
LIE #11) The drug companies want to find a cure for cancer.
TRUTH: The drug companies want to keep milking cancer for profits, and they have no interest whatsoever in eliminating their revenue stream by curing cancer. To do so would be financial suicide.
LIE #12) Komen for the Cure raises money to try to eliminate cancer.
TRUTH: The corrupt, dishonest Komen group is a front for the cancer industry. It rakes in money from donations and uses most of it to run mammography clinics in poor, inner city neighborhoods where people can be diagnosed with cancer and turned over to chemotherapy treatments for sick profits. Komen for the Cure is running a medical racket and has zero interest in curing cancer. It’s the same racket we’ve been promised since the 1960s: If we just had a few more billion dollars in funding, we’d find a cure!
LIE #13) Cancer is an “enemy” that has “invaded” your body, and it should be eliminated by attacking the body with chemical weapons.
TRUTH: Cancer is actually just your body’s own cells multiplying out of control. It’s not something you “catch” or something that “infects” your body. Modern medicine’s makes a huge mistake in treating cancer like an infectious disease, bombarding the body with chemicals to try to eradicate the cancer. But the cancer is your body’s own cells gone haywire, so to kill the cancer, they have to very nearly kill YOU at the same time!
LIE #14) Once the drug companies find a cure for cancer, they’ll give it to the world for free.
TRUTH: The drug companies are interested in profits, not saving humanity. The very idea that drug companies would spend billions of dollars developing a drug and then give it away for free is laughable. All these people giving money to “search for the cure” don’t realize that the cure will never be released to the world for free, even if it is ever found in the realm of pharmaceuticals. Drug companies seek profits, and profits come from controlling the treatments while keeping people diseased. They don’t come from finding a cure and releasing it for free.
Discover the truth about cancer that “they” don’t want you to know! Click here to register for the Truth About Cancer Summit, and watch dozens of top interviews for FREE.
LIE #15) Having a double mastectomy prevents breast cancer.
TRUTH: Chopping off body parts that might someday get cancer is perhaps the most foolish way imaginable to attempt to avoid the disease. There’s a sexist component to this, too: Ever notice that cancer doctors never tell men to cut off their testicles to prevent testicular cancer? Maybe they will soon recommend people chop off their own heads to prevent brain cancer, too…
LIE #16) Sunlight causes cancer (and sunscreen prevents it).
TRUTH: Sensible sunlight exposure actually PREVENTS cancer by generating vitamin D in your skin. Most people are horribly vitamin D deficient, and it’s low vitamin D levels that encourage tumors to grow throughout the body. (This is why most tumor growth happens in the winter, by the way.) Vitamin D is such a powerful nutrient that it alone has been shown to prevent more than 80% of all cancers. But it has to be consumed in much higher doses than typically used.
LIE #17) The only reason we haven’t already cured cancer is because we haven’t invested enough money in it yet.
TRUTH: This is the same lie repeated since the 1960s… a claim that the cure for cancer is just around the corner, and we only need more research money to finally solve it for good. But what this lie utterly neglects to admit is that the cancer industry isn’t interested in a cancer cure. There’s far too much money to be made from cancer patients, cancer donations, cancer research and cancer drugs. Cancer is a multi-billion-dollar industry, and nobody in the industry is actively trying to make themselves irrelevant.
LIE #18) Modern cancer treatments are highly effective and backed by scientific evidence of their efficacy and safety.
TRUTH: The real scientific evidence shows that chemotherapy only works on about 2% of cancers. For the other 98% of patients receiving chemo, it’s just a deadly poison that damages their heart, liver, brain and kidneys. (See Questioning Chemotherapy by Ralph Moss.) As with nearly everything in the pharmaceutical industry, the scientific “evidence” on cancer treatments is distorted or fabricated to favor the financial interests of the drug industry.
LIE #19) There is no link between diet and cancer.
TRUTH: Unless you are a smoker, what you eat is the #1 determining factor of whether you get cancer or avoid it. The foods you consume daily have a direct, measurable and irrefutable influence on cancer: either preventing it or causing it.
LIE #20) The cancer industry wants to put itself out of business.
TRUTH: Ultimately, the “great lie” of the cancer industry is that it wants to make itself obsolete by solving cancer. This lie is predicated on the laughable premise that every cancer expert, cancer doctor, cancer non-profit, cancer research facility and cancer drug company wants to bankrupt itself by eliminating cancer forever. Any intelligent person knows that people who are steeped in the profit of cancer will never give up those profits, even if it means making sure people stay sick and diseased. (Your suffering is no concern to them. They need profits!)
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