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The Pharmaceutical Industry controls America through the Secretary of Health and Human Services when “emergencies” arise of a public health nature.


This was the first legislative inroad to total pharmaceutical “martial law” control of America and the usurping of the civil liberties afforded citizens through the U. S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. The four “laws” we will present below are the controlling pieces of legislation during this illegally declared “pandemic”, or state of public health emergency.

Why should America give over control of all citizens to a person who may not be a doctor, knows nothing about pandemics or viral infectious diseases, is a political appointment, and has dubious connections to the National Institute of Health?

The answer is clear: Lobbyists for the largest pharmaceutical interests in America wrote the emergency health laws (pandemic laws) and “idiot” politicians, who obviously did not read the laws, voted resoundingly for laws that abnegate and violate the U. S. Constitution – making the law automatically illegal, null and void, and an obvious bid for total control of America through the Department of Health and Human Services and their international agents.

The first law below, known as the Public Health Service (PHS) Act, was only the beginning of the levers of control being handed over to the Department of Health and Human Services and the National Institute for Health (with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization standing in the wings).

We will walk through each law and point out some of the criminal politicians who sponsored the bills knowing full-well they were illegal, odious, and violated the U. S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. You will notice that the “authority” to declare and manage emergencies starts with the president, devolves to the Director of Health and Human Services (a non-elected, non-medically trained political appointee), then to the Assistant Director for Preparedness, (a Senior Executive Services officer), to “government agencies” and international “interests”, to the National Institute for Health, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and finally to the worst globalist (communist) organization – the World Health Organization which run by an Ethiopian Marxist who knows nothing about viruses, pandemics, or medicine and openly supports Chinese interests over American’s health.


U.S. Code 42 U.S. Code § 247d – Public health emergencies

(a) Emergencies: If the Secretary determines, after consultation with such public health officials as may be necessary, that—

(1) a disease or disorder presents a public health emergency; or

(2) a public health emergency, including significant outbreaks of infectious diseases or bioterrorist attacks, otherwise exists, the Secretary may take such action as may be appropriate to respond to the public health emergency, including making grants, providing awards for expenses, and entering into contracts and conducting and supporting investigations into the cause, treatment, or prevention of a disease or disorder as described in paragraphs (1) and (2). Any such determination of a public health emergency terminates upon the Secretary declaring that the emergency no longer exists, or upon the expiration of the 90-day period beginning on the date on which the determination is made by the Secretary, whichever occurs first. Determinations that terminate under the preceding sentence may be renewed by the Secretary (on the basis of the same or additional facts), and the preceding sentence applies to each such renewal. Not later than 48 hours after making a determination under this subsection of a public health emergency (including a renewal), the Secretary shall submit to the Congress written notification of the determination.

U.S. Code 42 U.S. Code § 300hh – Public health and medical preparedness and response functions –

  • In general: The Secretary of Health and Human Services shall lead all Federal public health and medical response to public health emergencies and incidents covered by the National Response Plan developed pursuant to section 314(6) of title 6, or any successor plan.
  • Interagency agreement: The Secretary, in collaboration with the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, the Secretary of Transportation, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Homeland Security, and the head of any other relevant Federal agency, shall establish an interagency agreement, consistent with the National Response Plan or any successor plan, under which agreement the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall assume operational control of emergency public health and medical response assets, as necessary, in the event of a public health emergency, except that members of the armed forces under the authority of the Secretary of Defense shall remain under the command and control of the Secretary of Defense, as shall any associated assets of the Department of Defense.  (July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XXVIII, § 2801, as added Pub. L. 107–188, title I, § 101(a), June 12, 2002, 116 Stat. 596; amended Pub. L. 109–417, title I, § 101(2), Dec. 19, 2006, 120 Stat. 2832.)


Sponsor:                     Sen. Burr, Richard [R-NC] (Introduced 07/18/2006)

Committees:                Senate – Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions

Com. Reports:             S. Rept. 109-319

Latest Action:             12/19/2006 Became Public Law No: 109-417


Sen. Kennedy, Edward M.                  [D-MA]           07/18/2006

Sen. Enzi, Michael B.                         [R-WY]           07/18/2006

Sen. Harkin, Tom                               [D-IA]             07/18/2006

Sen. Gregg, Judd                                [R-NH]            07/18/2006

Sen. Frist, William H.                         [R-TN]                        07/18/2006

Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A.                  [D-MD]           07/18/2006

Sen. Hatch, Orrin G.                           [R-UT  ]           07/19/2006

Sen. Clinton, Hillary Rodham            [D-NY]           07/19/2006

Sen. Roberts, Pat                                 [R-KS]            07/19/2006

Sen. Isakson, Johnny                          [R-GA]            07/19/2006

Sen. DeWine, Mike                            [R-OH]            07/19/2006

Sen. Alexander, Lamar                       [R-TN]                        07/19/2006

Sen. Bayh, Evan                                 [D-IN]             09/28/2006

Sen. Chambliss, Saxby                       [R-GA]            11/16/2006


SEC. 2801. Public Health and Medical Preparedness and Response Function.

(a) In General. —The Secretary of Health and Human Services shall lead all Federal public health and medical response to public health emergencies and incidents covered by the National ResponsePlan developed pursuant to section 502(6) of the Homeland Security Act of 2002, or any successor plan.

(b) Interagency Agreement.—The Secretary, in collaboration with the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, the Secretary of Transportation, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Homeland Security, and the head of any other relevant Federal agency, shall establish an interagency agreement, consistent with the National Response Plan or any successor plan, under which agreement the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall assume operational control of emergency public health and medical response assets, as necessary, in the event of a public health emergency, except that members of the armed forces under the authority of the Secretary of Defense shall remain under the command and control of the Secretary of Defense, as shall any associated assets of the Department of Defense.

SEC. 102. Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response. 

(a) Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response.— Subtitle B of title XXVIII of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300hh–11 et seq.) is amended—

(1) in the subtitle heading, by inserting ‘‘All-Hazards’’ before ‘‘Emergency Preparedness’’; 42 USC

(2) by redesignating section 2811 as section 2812; 300hh–11. 42 USC 300hh.

(3) by inserting after the subtitle heading the following new section:

SEC. 2811. Coordination of Preparedness for and Response to All-Hazards Public Health Emergencies.  

(a) In General. —There is established within the Department of Health and Human Services the position of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response. The President, with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint an individual to serve in such position. Such Assistant Secretary shall report to the Secretary.

(b) Duties. —Subject to the authority of the Secretary, the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response shall carry out the following functions:

(1) Leadership. —Serve as the principal advisor to the Secretary on all matters related to Federal public health and medical preparedness and response for public health emergencies.

(2) Personnel. —Register, credential, organize, train, equip, and have the authority to deploy Federal public health and medical personnel under the authority of the Secretary, including the National Disaster Medical System, and coordinate such personnel with the Medical Reserve Corps and the Emergency System for Advance Registration of Volunteer Health Professionals.

(3) Countermeasures. —Oversee advanced research, development, and procurement of qualified countermeasures (as defined in section 319F–1) and qualified pandemic or epidemic products (as defined in section 319F–3).

(4) Coordination.—

(A) Federal Integration. —Coordinate with relevant Federal officials to ensure integration of Federal preparedness and response activities for public health emergencies.

(B) State, Local, and Tribal Integration.—Coordinate with State, local, and tribal public health officials, the Emergency Management Assistance Compact, health care systems, and emergency medical service systems to ensure effective integration of Federal public health and medical assets during a public health emergency.

(C) Emergency Medical Services. —Promote improved emergency medical services medical direction, system integration, research, and uniformity of data collection, treatment protocols, and policies with regard to public health emergencies.

(5) Logistics. —In coordination with the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, the Secretary of Homeland Security, the General Services Administration, and other public and private entities, provide logistical support for medical and public health aspects of Federal responses to public health emergencies.

(6) Leadership. —Provide leadership in international programs, initiatives, and policies that deal with public health and medical emergency preparedness and response


H.R.307 – Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Reauthorization Act of 2013

113th Congress (2013-2014)

Sponsor:                     Rep. Rogers, Mike J. [R-MI-8] (Introduced 01/18/2013)

Committees:                House – Energy and Commerce; Veterans’ Affairs | Senate – Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions

Latest Action:             03/13/2013 Became Public Law No: 113-5.

Roll Call Votes:          There have been 2 roll call votes


Rep. Burgess, Michael C.                   [R-TX-26]       01/18/2013

Rep. Eshoo, Anna G.                          [D-CA-18]      01/18/2013

Rep. Green, Gene                               [D-TX-29]       01/18/2013

Rep. Pallone, Frank, Jr.                      [D-NJ-6]          01/18/2013

Rep. Waxman, Henry A.                    [D-CA-33]      01/18/2013

S.242 – Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Reauthorization Act of 2013

Sponsor:                     Sen. Burr, Richard [R-NC] (Introduced 02/07/2013)

Committees:                Senate – Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions

Latest Action:             Senate – 02/07/2013 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. 

Notes:                          Became Public Law 113-5 on 3/13/2013.


Sen. Harkin, Tom                               [D-IA]             02/07/2013

Sen. Enzi, Michael B.                         [R-WY]           02/07/2013

Sen. Casey, Robert P., Jr.                   [D-PA]                        02/07/2013

Sen. Alexander, Lamar                       [R-TN]                        02/07/2013

Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A.                  [D-MD]           02/07/2013

Sen. Isakson, Johnny                          [R-GA]            02/07/2013

Sen. Roberts, Pat                                 [R-KS]             02/07/2013

Sen. Chambliss, Saxby                       [R-GA]            02/07/2013

Sen. Warren, Elizabeth                       [D-MA]           02/11/2013

Sen. Bennet, Michael F.                     [D-CO]            02/11/2013

PUBLIC LAW 113–5 —March 13, 2013

TITLE I—Strengthening National Preparedness and Response or Public Health Emergencies 

SEC. 101. National Health Security Strategy.

(a) In General.  —Section 2802 of the Public Health Service

Act (42 U.S.C. 300hh–1) is amended—

(4) assume other duties as determined appropriate by the Secretary’’; and

(3) by adding at the end the following:

(d) Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise Strategy and Implementation Plan.  —

(1) In General. —Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this subsection, and every year thereafter, the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response shall develop and submit to the appropriate committees of Congress a coordinated strategy and accompanying implementation plan Deadline.

127 STAT. 166 PUBLIC LAW 113–5—March 13, 2013

For medical countermeasures to address chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats. In developing such a plan, the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response shall consult with the Director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, the Director of the National Institutes of Health, the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Commissioner of Food and Drugs. Such strategy and plan shall be known as the ‘Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise Strategy and Implementation Plan.


H.R.34 – 21st Century Cures Act

Sponsor:                                 Rep. Bonamici, Suzanne [D-OR-1] (Introduced 01/06/2015)

Committees:                            House – Science, Space, and Technology | Senate – Commerce, Science, and Transportation

Committee Reports:                S. Rept. 114-146

Latest Action:                         12/13/2016 Became Public Law No: 114-255.

Roll Call Votes:                      There have been 3 roll call votes


Rep. Rohrabacher, Dana                     [R-CA-48]       01/06/2015

Rep. Johnson, Eddie Bernice              [D-TX-30]       01/06/2015

Rep. Smith, Lamar                              [R-TX-21]       01/06/2015

Rep. Sablan, Gregorio                        [D-MP-AL]     01/06/2015

Rep. DeFazio, Peter A.                       [D-OR-4]        01/06/2015

Rep. Schrader, Kurt                            [D-OR-5]        01/06/2015

Rep. Herrera Beutler, Jaime               [R-WA-3]        01/07/2015


12/13/2016      Became Public Law No: 114-255.

12/13/2016      Signed by President.

12/08/2016      Presented to President.

12/07/2016      Resolving differences — Senate actions: Senate agreed to the House amendment to the Senate amendment to H.R. 34 by Yea-Nay Vote. 94 – 5. Record Vote Number: 157.

11/30/2016      Resolving differences — House actions: On motion that the House agree with an amendment to the Agreed to by recorded vote: 392 – 26 (Roll no. 592).

10/06/2015      Passed/agreed to in Senate: Passed Senate with an amendment by Unanimous Consent.

09/22/2015      Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Reported by Senator Thune with an amendment in the nature of a substitute. With written report No. 114-146.

01/07/2015      Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill Agreed to by voice vote.(text: CR H87-90)

01/06/2015      Introduced in House


The 21st Century Cures Act is a United States law enacted by the 114th United States Congress in December 2016. It authorized $6.3 billion in funding, mostly for the National Institutes of Health. The act was supported especially by large pharmaceutical manufacturers and was opposed especially by some consumer organizations. More than 1,400 registered lobbyists worked on this bill, representing more than 400 different organizations, mostly pharmaceutical companies. Of 455 organizations registered to lobby on the bill, the top five by number of reports and specific issues were:

  1. Roche Holdings – F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG is a Swiss multinational healthcare company that operates worldwide.
  2. Blue Cross Blue Shield.
  3. Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America PhRMA
  4. Amgen – an American multinational biopharmaceutical company – one of the world’s largest independent biotechnology companies.
  5. American Hospital Association.


Subtitle A–National Institutes of Health Reauthorization

(Sec. 2001): This bill amends the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize the NIH through FY2020.

Subtitle I–Vaccine Access, Certainty, and Innovation

(Sec. 3091): The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices must: (1) consider the use of newly licensed vaccines at each regularly scheduled meeting, and (2) make timely recommendations for vaccines designated as breakthrough therapies and vaccines that could be used in a public health emergency.

(Sec. 3092) The CDC must review the processes of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.

(Sec. 3093) HHS must: (1) report on ways to promote innovation in the development of vaccines


Subtitle A—

(Sec. 2001): National Institutes of Health Reauthorization.  

(Sec.) 402A

(a)(1) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 282a(a)(1)) is amended—

(1) in subparagraph (B), by striking ‘‘and’’ at the end;

(2) in subparagraph (C), by striking the period at the end and inserting a semicolon; and

(3) by adding at the end the following new subparagraphs:

(D) $34,851,000,000 for fiscal year 2018;

(E) $35,585,871,000 for fiscal year 2019; and

(F) $36,472,442,775 for fiscal year 2020.’’


Sponsor:                     Sen. Burr, Richard [R-NC] (Introduced 05/08/2019)

Committees:                Senate – Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions

Latest Action:             06/24/2019 Became Public Law No: 116-22


Sen. Casey, Robert P., Jr.                   [D-PA] 05/08/2019

Sen. Alexander, Lamar                       [R-TN] 05/08/2019

Sen. Murray, Patty                              [D-WA] 05/08/2019

This bill reauthorizes, revises, and establishes several programs and entities relating to public-health emergency preparedness and response. Among other programs, the bill reauthorizes through FY2023 and revises:

  • the Public Health Emergency Preparedness cooperative-agreement program administered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
  • the Hospital Preparedness Program administered by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response,
  • the CDC situational-awareness and bio-surveillance program,
  • the Emergency System for Advance Registration of Volunteer Health Professionals,
  • the National Disaster Medical System,
  • the Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps,
  • the National Advisory Committee on Children and Disasters,
  • the Strategic National Stockpile, and
  • the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority.
  • In addition, the bill provides statutory authority for several existing programs, including the Children’s Preparedness Unit within the CDC and the Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise. The bill also establishes new programs and entities, including a trauma-center grant program to support military trauma teams.


06/24/2019      Became Public Law No: 116-22.

06/24/2019      Signed by President.

06/13/2019      Presented to President.

06/04/2019      Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill Agreed to by voice vote.(text: CR H4245-4262)

05/16/2019      Passed/agreed to in Senate: Passed Senate without amendment by Voice Vote.(text: CR S2930-2946)

05/16/2019      Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S2929-2946)

05/08/2019      Introduced in Senate


The careful observer noticed that with each new bill, more and more control of public health emergencies left the president’s authority and was given gradually over to non-elected officials in the Department of Health and Human Services who became autonomous agents working for pseudo-governmental agencies and international interests (globalists) – NIH/CDC/WHO etc.

American sovereignty was consciously removed step-by-step by pharmaceutical interests who clearly are only interested in “vaccines” for illnesses (flues, corona virus, etc.) that have never responded effectively to vaccines. Not one word is said in any of the “laws” that address creating “treatments” for these illnesses, even though dozens of effective treatments are used in many other countries — except America due to the C. D. C. and N. I. H. not allowing them to be used or studied.

The treasonous plans of these “health” laws violate the U. S. Constitution intentionally. America sovereignty has been overthrown by pharmaceutical corporation (vaccine warlords) and their “bought and paid for” government agents who take their orders from multi-national, anti-national, globalists groups. The United Nations World Health Organization gave terrible advice to all of the flunkies below them that ultimately killed more people than it helped or healed. This was by design.

We are in a horrible “vaccine war” and our bloodstream is the battlefield – the enemy being the “drug lords” who are immune from prosecution when it comes to vaccines and immunizations. Due to odious, illegal laws, we are losing the battle. President Trump has defunded the W.H.O. and many other globalists aspects of the United Nations and called into question the efficacy of the C.D.C. These are great steps forward but we need to do more.

Action Plan

  • We must eradicate these “international health/medical influences” and rescind the above referenced laws.
  • We must remove the obvious interests of pharmaceutical companies implicit in these odious laws.
  • We must call into question the loyalty of any politician who sponsored these sedition health laws or voted for their passage.
  • We must reclaim American sovereignty and regain the right to protect our bloodstream from mandated vaccines and immunizations that have failed to stop the illnesses they claim to counteract.
  • We must remove all pharmaceutical lobbyists from Washington D. C. and assure that no more laws are written by these globalist, anti-American corporations and foundations.
  • We need to rewrite all laws concerning public health emergencies and remove all foreign influence or alignment with the United Nation’s international recommendations concerning pandemics and health emergencies.
  • We must indict and prosecute the leaders of the W.H.O., the C.D.C., and the N.I.H. for their consciously perpetrated attempt to overthrow America through a “fake pandemic attack” based on lies, false statistics, and bad medical advice which was another attempted coup de’ tat against the President of the United States and the citizens of America.

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