UFO Disclosure NOW 2010: Prophecy And The Antichrist

By Liz Colado

God’s Prophets: During the last days God will send prophets, seers, and psychics to speak to the people of the Earth, warning them of possible dire consequences for themselves and their children.

A prophecy is a divine message communicated to a prophet, whether man or woman, for the good of others. Prophecy is found throughout almost all world religions, but is primarily seen in the West as a part of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. (1)

During our time, we lay people have been told by various dominate religions that prophets, seers, and psychics are people being used in an evil manner. And certainly, that is possible. But God also sends these speakers, conduits of Him, who speak the truth. You will know these people by their love for others, not by celebrity, and not by greed. They are unknown quiet and humble people.

Isaiah—a book of the Bible, prophesies about End Times regarding seers and prophets,

“This is a rebellious people. Lying children,

Children who will not hear the law of the Lord;

Who say to the seers, ‘Do not see,’

And to the prophets, ‘Do not prophesy to us right things;

Speak to us smooth things, prophecy deceits.’" (Isaiah 30:9-10)

In the recent past, Jeanne Dixon was such a person. A devout Catholic, Jeanne professed her gift as being from God and she accurately foresaw such events as John F. Kennedy’s death and Mahatma Gandhi’s assassination. Prior to her own death in 1997, Jeanne gave a prophecy about End Times and the coming anti-Christ in 1962:

"Satan is now coming into the open to seduce the world and we should be prepared for the inevitable events that are to follow. I have seen that the United States is to play a major role in this development... I have seen a 'government within a government' develop in the US within the last few years... I see this 'government within a government' being controlled and financed by a well-oiled political ‘machine’ of one of our leading political families. With their eye on the White House, I see them discredit any man who occupies it without their approval, no matter how good his political programs may be.”

"They will --- through political intimidation, propaganda, and illegal sixth-column activities --- make every effort to show the nation that only their man, the one who heads their 'machine,' has the sole right to occupy the White House. Their campaign is going to cause great harm to our nation both here and abroad.”

"I 'see' this group succeed in taking over de facto control of the country. They will give rise to an upheaval in our social structure as never before seen. They will bring about increased social unrest and great discontent. Foreign subversive elements will --- as they did in the 1960s --- infiltrate the unruly factions and cause renewed fighting on the nation's campuses and in racial ghettos.”

"All of the evil in the masses will be swept toward an unknown frenzy by this ‘machine.’”

"I 'see' a member of this 'machine' ascend to power in New York City, enforcing new laws and regulations that will affect many households of that great metropolis.”

“The social and religious chaos generated by this political machine throughout the United States will prepare the nation for the coming of the prophet of the Antichrist. This political unit of the East will be the tool of the serpent in delivering the masses to him.”

"The False Prophet’s domain shall be the intellectual seduction of mankind. It means a mixture of political, philosophical, and religious ideology that will throw the populations of the world into a deep crisis of faith in God... One of his first duties and responsibilities in readying the world for the advent of his 'master' is to manipulate the available propaganda machines. With teaching and propaganda the prophet will cause people not merely to accept the Antichrist but rather to desire him with positive enthusiasm to create the conditions of his coming and to participate in organizing the frightful and terrifying despotism of his World Empire.”

"[The seemingly miraculous phenomena he will produce] will not be supernatural or preternatural events but rather prodigies of science and human achievements, but interpreted in such a way as to lead men away from God and toward the worship of the Antichrist... The prophet of the Antichrist and the Antichrist himself will be specific and identifiable persons!" (2)

And here it is: chaos, political upheaval, control by a government within a government. Isn’t that what’s happening right now in the United States?

Common sense tells me “Yes!” We are in social and religious chaos as individual groups fight it out for their rights, rather than working together for the good of all citizens.(3) There is a definite move toward a one-world currency. (4)

Millions of Americans, over 41.8 million, are now on food stamps.(5)

The jobless rate has not improved, holding steady at 9.6 percent as Americans in debt default on loans, cars, and their homes. (6)

The U.S. national debt currently waits at $13,631,422,980,775.60 (10/11/10). And it has been forecasted to continue to grow. (7)

Oh, and we’re still worried about a nuclear weapon being detonated in a major city. (8)

Americans, you know that your country is in peril. And here’s why: This is the time of preparation of the anti-Christ. Just recently, former President Jimmy Carter said, “This country has become so polarized that it’s almost astonishing…. Not only with the red and blue states… President Obama suffers from the most polarized situation in Washington that we have ever seen – even maybe than the time of Abraham Lincoln and the initiation of the war between the states.” (9)

United we stand, divided we fall. America is being deliberately divided.

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Comment by Swtnlovabl on October 12, 2010 at 2:30pm
Woot Woot !~ maybe I'll have a BIG welcome BBQ !!!
Comment by Central Scrutinizer on October 12, 2010 at 2:24pm
Aliens will be here in every major city tomorrow (10/13) according to a NORAD General. They'll straighten this mess out....w00t!

"Destroying the New World Order"



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