London: British Prime Minister David Cameron will postpone publication of the Iraq war inquiry report until after the European Union referendum, leading to accusations that he is deliberately delaying controversial announcements.
Senior government sources confirmed that it is likely to be published after the June 23 vote, even though it will be handed to ministers next month. Mr Cameron had previously suggested he wanted to publish the report, which is expected to heavily criticise senior political figures, within two weeks of receiving it.

The prospect of a further delay was denounced on Friday by families who lost loved ones in the conflict.
The report of the six-year-long Chilcot inquiry has been repeatedly delayed after those criticised within it were given the right of reply, a process known as Maxwellisation.
Reg Keys, who lost his 20-year-old son Lance-Corporal Thomas Keys in the war, said the delay was adding to the families' pain.
Mr Keys said: "It has gone on far, far too long and it is just dragging out the agony of the families who want to draw a line under it. I can see no reason why a referendum should have any bearing upon the publication of the Chilcot inquiry. It is excuse after excuse."
Sir John Chilcot committed last October to hand in the report in the week beginning April 18. At the time the Prime Minister replied to Sir John that he hoped the report could be security vetted within two weeks, which would have led to its publication in May.
Roger Bacon, whose son, Major Matthew Bacon, was killed in Basra in 2005, added that if the delay was a "political decision" then it was wrong.
Matthew Jury, a solicitor representing the families of servicemen and women who died in Iraq, added: "The inquiry is meant to be independent. Once the report is delivered, whatever the reason, the government should have no right to delay its publication."
David Davis, the former shadow home secretary, said on Friday that he was seeking a motion in the House of Commons on April 14 demanding the government publishes the Chilcot report as soon as possible, and certainly within the Prime Minister's promised two weeks.
A No.10 source said Sir John had suggested "a June or July timetable" in his exchange of letters with Mr Cameron in October. The source said: "Due diligence and checks and balances have to be done as Chilcot himself as suggested. We can't specify a date until we have seen the report."
TheTelegraph, London
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