Franklin's Focus 8/13/10
Underground Neofascism in Amerika

I append a back up to things I've been saying for a long time. I long ago argued that Obama's mother probably was a CIA asset, and she had prepared him for a CIA connection. Clinton also was a CIA agent, and was groomed by the CIA to become president. I've argued that Obama was similarly groomed for the presidency and ushered into office with considerable CIA support. This piece is a continuation of items past appearing in Undernews and my own little rag.

Once one understands all the chicanery that went into making Obama president, his actions and inactions become more understandable. His penchant for actually weakening all progressive legislation becomes more clear when one understands who his masters have been. His appointments in the military and State Department reflect Obama's commitment to the CIA and to the goal of one world government run by the U.S.

His deliberate undermining of such things as a progressive healthcare system, gay rights in the military, plus the retention of Guantanamo, the building of hidden international CIA torture camps, the retention of a system of huge concentration camps in the U.S., and so forth, are made more understandable if one knows that the man as youngster and a college student was a groomed asset of the CIA and an underground group that borders on neofascism.

His creation of a shadow cabinet filled with a dozen Trilateralist rightwingers was one of the strongest signals of all. His de facto positive attitudes toward the coal and oil industries, which are typically highly rightwing elements in Amerika, also becomes more understandable.

The need for a so called viable third progressive party (or more exactly a second party?) is as great as any imaginable need for this country. Unless that takes place, our Empire Amerika is headed toward an immense catastrophe.

Sam Smith, who printed the following piece in his recent Undernews digital newsletter, arguably is the most deeply informed journalist in Amerika today. The following piece would not have been published in his newsletter if he thought it was weak. He always depends on multiple sources. His website is a huge repository of what is what in Amerika.

Warmest regards,
An article by Dr Stuart Jeanne Bramhall raises interesting new questions about Barack Obama's curious past.

When someone moves from state senator to president in four years, it's wise to ask the old Chicago political question: who sent him?

Although the media myth is that Obama got his kickoff with a stunning speech to the Democratic convention in 2004. In fact, the speech was pretty bland, but it helped provide an excuse to put him in the running for what the establishment had come to accept: that is was time for a black or woman president.

There is more to the story, however, including evidence that Obama was involved in some way in intelligence, not unusual for bright young people over the past 60 years. And if they didn't choose a career in intelligence, then the CIA and others had at least vetted them for more conventional posts.

The Obama story smells of this process - not a conspiracy theory, just part of a familiar American history that the establishment doesn't want to talk about.

Including, for example, a young bright Arkansas student named Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton, according to several agency sources interviewed by biographer Roger Morris, worked as a CIA informer while briefly and erratically a Rhodes Scholar in England. Although without visible means of support, he traveled around Europe and the Soviet Union, staying at the ritziest hotel in Moscow. During this period the US government is using well educated assets such as Clinton as part of Operation Chaos, a major attempt to break student resistance to the war and the draft. According to former White House FBI agent Gary Aldrich, Clinton was told by Oxford officials that he is no longer welcome there.

The Obama story is still mostly empty and Dr Stuart Jeanne Bramhall's piece at least helps to raise issues that need to be considered.

For example, there is the seldom mentioned possibility that the Weather Underground was not what it seemed. Write Bramhall:

"Many former Students for a Democratic Society members believe the Weather Underground was actually a US intelligence creation, formed with the specific objective of infiltrating and shutting down SDS. This view is substantiated by FBI documents that came to light 1973 revealing the role of agent provocateurs in infiltrating and instigating much of the violence attributed to the Weathermen which [Obama friend Bill] Ayers used to have his weapons and bomb making charges dismissed.

"There is also considerable circumstantial evidence to support these allegations. First and foremost is the striking "coincidence" that many of the Weather Underground leadership were, like Bill Ayers, the sons and daughters of wealthy members of the corporate elite. Second is the report of contemporary SDS members that the Weathermen, who did no fundraising to speak of, appeared to have unlimited funds to spend on organizing and military style training. Third are their classic (successful) Cointelpro style tactics in destroying SDS. And last the troubling question of how Bill Ayers can openly brag about his terrorist activities in his 2002 book Fugitive Days and yet instead of facing the death penalty for conspiracy to commit murder, enjoys status and privilege as a tenured professor of education."

Bramhill's piece is one more stone in an uncompleted mosaic. Some other notes of interest:

Wayne Madsen Report, 2009 - WMR has obtained additional details on Business International Corporation, the CIA front company where President Obama spent a year working after graduating from Columbia University in 1983.BIC used journalists as non-official cover agents around the world. The firm published weekly and fortnightly newsletters for business executives. . .

On February 24, WMR reported: "For one year, Obama worked as a researcher in BIC's financial services division where he wrote for two BIC publications, Financing Foreign Operations and Business International Money Report, a weekly newsletter.

An informed source has told WMR that Obama's tuition debt at Columbia was paid off by BIC. In addition, WMR has learned that when Obama lived in Indonesia with his mother and his adoptive father Lolo Soetoro, the 20-year-old Obama, who was known as 'Barry Soetoro,' traveled to Pakistan in 1981 and was hosted by the family of Muhammadmian Soomro, a Pakistani Sindhi who became acting President of Pakistan after the resignation of General Pervez Musharraf on August 18, 2008. WMR was told that the Obama/Soetoro trip to Pakistan, ostensibly to go 'partridge hunting' with the Soomros, related to unknown CIA business. The covert CIA program to assist the Afghan mujaheddin was already well underway at the time and Pakistan was the major base of operations for the CIA's support . . .

Through its contacts with leading liberals around the world, BIC sought to recruit those on the left as CIA agents and assets. . . .

Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, and his father, Barack Obama, Sr., met at the University of Hawaii in 1960 in a Russian-language class. . . After marrying Indonesian national Lolo Soetoro, Dunham moved with Barack Obama, Jr. to Indonesia in 1966. . . Dunham left Indonesia in 1972, returning to Hawaii with her son. Dunham periodically made trips back to Indonesia, as well as to Pakistan, while working for the Ford Foundation and the U.S. Agency for International Development, the latter commonly used by the CIA for official cover agents.

Bill Blum, Anti-Empire Report - The question that may never go away: Who really is Barack Obama? In his autobiography, "Dreams From My Fathers", Barack Obama writes of taking a job at some point after graduating from Columbia University in 1983. He describes his employer as "a consulting house to multinational corporations" in New York City, and his functions as a "research assistant" and "financial writer." The odd part of Obama's story is that he doesn't mention the name of his employer.

However, a New York Times story of 2007 identifies the company as Business International Corporation. Equally odd is that the Times did not remind its readers that the newspaper itself had disclosed in 1977 that Business International had provided cover for four CIA employees in various countries between 1955 and 1960. The British journal, Lobster Magazine -- which, despite its incongruous name, is a venerable international publication on intelligence matters -- has reported that Business International was active in the 1980s promoting the candidacy of Washington-favored candidates in Australia and Fiji. In 1987, the CIA overthrew the Fiji government after but one month in office because of its policy of maintaining the island as a nuclear-free zone, meaning that American nuclear-powered or nuclear-weapons-carrying ships could not make port calls. After the Fiji coup, the candidate supported by Business International, who was much more amenable to Washington's nuclear desires, was reinstated to power.

In his book, not only doesn't Obama mention his employer's name; he fails to say when he worked there, or why he left the job. There may well be no significance to these omissions, but inasmuch as Business International has a long association with the world of intelligence, covert actions, and attempts to penetrate the radical left -- including Students for a Democratic Society -- it's valid to wonder if the inscrutable Mr. Obama is concealing something about his own association with this world.

Colony Net, 2008 - Astute readers may have begun to wonder how a struggling young college student with a divorced, middle-class mother managed to fund a three week trip to Pakistan. . . But Barry Obama-Soetoro was off shooting partridges in Pakistan, hosted by a young man named Muhammed Hasan Chandio. . .

A trip to Pakistan is no doubt more than a jaunt to a Florida beach. Few Americans would consider traveling there now, thinking it to be a dangerous place. In 1981, when one of Obama's possible two trips there occurred, it was less safe. Because of the war between Afghanistan and the Soviet Union, millions of Afghan refugees fled to Pakistan, which was under martial law. The Afghan "mujahedeen" fighters had bases in Pakistan, and they moved back and forth to fight the Soviets. . .

In the early 1980s, Pakistan was one of the destinations Americans were prohibited from visiting - it was on the State Department's list of banned countries. Non-Muslims were not welcome, unless they were on official business, formalized through the embassy of the country of origin. The simple truth is that no young American would have a reason to or be able to visit Pakistan in 1981, unless he was on official government business of which the State Department was aware. . .

Adding to the mix is the fact that Ann Dunham, Obama's mother, had visited at least 13 countries in her lifetime, and had worked for companies that required travel to Pakistan. Her employers appear to have included the U.S. Agency for International Development, the Ford Foundation, Women's World Bank, and the Asian Development Bank. Note that USAID and the Ford Foundation have (allegedly) been used as covers for CIA agents. . . .

Obama also was one of eight students selected to study sovietology by Columbia professor Zbigniew Brzezinski who, if he wasn't a CIA official, was as close as you can otherwise get. Brzesinski is now a member of Obama's inner circle [i.e. his 'shadow cabinet']


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