Update Dave: Lindsay's fight against the CRA and Income Tax Act.
Hi. All,
Below is an update from Dave: Lindsay.
As many of you already know Dave is a veteran who for years has been fighting the CRA (Canada Revenue Agency) and the unlawful ITA (Income Tax Act) and the corruption within the Canadian judicial system.
Dave is very knowledgeable on the law and legal matters, exposing many unlawful acts, as well as acts of perjury perpetrated by members of the the Canada Revenue Agency against innocent law abiding men and women.
The details of this case although Canadian and subject to Canadian law / jurisdiction will be of interest to those of you that reside in the USA, UK, Australia, and New Zealand since those jurisdictions have legal systems that are based on English common law. For example "income tax" is just as unlawful in the USA as it is here in Canada, and there are many people just like Dave that are courageously standing up for their rights and freedoms, their actions benefit all of us whenever a win occurs.
People such as (in the USA) Ex IRS special agent Joe Bannister, Republican congressman Ron Paul (Mr. Paul is also pushing for an audit of the Federal Reserve), Ex IRS agent Sherry Jackson (unlawfully jailed as an example, and who is dying in prison see HERE),
I must reiterate here for you all that Legal and Lawful are two very different things entirely, this video goes a long way in explaining this. Some people say that "ignorance is bliss" but without getting religious (another form of control) I will quote the bible "My people will SUFFER for lack of knowledge". Finally as they say in the upper echelons "you pay taxes so that we don't have to".
And now the update
Hi everyone. It's been a while for the latest update, partially as I've been away a bit and committed on a couple of other issues.
I was surprised to receive a phone call from the BCSC (BC Supreme Court) trial coordinator last week advising me that the appeal I have filed on the failing to comply with notices to file income tax return charges, is now
ready to be delivered. They wanted me in court today however this was not possible.
A date has now been set for Thursday June 17, 2010 at 2:00 pm in the Kelowna Courthouse where Justice Verhoeven will read his judgment into the record. I attempted to achieve this by way of an audio conference however the Justice would not permit this and actually wants me to be physically in the courtroom.
This will be a historic day one way or the other - hopefully the lawful way.
Will Verhoeven continue to maintain the long line of judicial corruption and criminal cover ups?
Will Verhoeven finally admit the correct definition of what a "person" is at law? I find it difficult to comprehend how he can maintain any other position, especially in presence of so many supporting authorities to confirm my interpretation, including English King's Counsel (KC) Justice Dowdall, in his
1928 treatise, The Word "Person".
Remembering how women, slaves, and even natives were never considered to be "persons", trial Judge Sinclair's findings that every man, woman, boy and girl are a "person" is either from a lazy judge who refuses to do his work, or a judge who was ordered to end the case anyway possible. Considering he based his interpretation upon that of a CRA witness who admitted 3 times on the stand that they "assumed" I was a "person" because they didn't know what it meant, there truly is not much weight to this finding.
Will Verhoeven finally recognize that the Coronation Oath promises of the Queen were taken illegally,as noted in the London Times, The Crowning Mercy by D.A. Scales, and Oonagh Gay, Parliamentary Counsel in England?
Will Verhoeven recognize, as did the Ontario Court of Appeal, that the Coronation Oath promises of the Queen are part of the Constitution of Canada, are "non-justiciable" and must be applied by the courts to statutory legislation?
Will Verhoeven concede that the Queen did promise to protect our property and uphold and maintain the laws of God, and that the ITA is, whether mandatory or voluntary, fundamentally contrary to God's laws, including usury?
And will Verhoeven try and get around the fact that the trial Judge Sinclair admitted on record, that at least two other unknown people interfered with the independence of MY udiciary, and ordered him to end my case, despite previously agreeing that he would hear my 7 constitutional issues if he failed to uphold the law on personhood?
This seems to me to be difficult and remembering that judges like the easy way out, I suspect he will either try and agree to this and grant the appeal and then refuse to hear the other matters as being moot, or he may grant the appeal and rule on the other matters trying to find someway to 'make law' from the bench and ignore over 1000 years of decided law on the points I raised above?
Or will he do the "Honourable" thing and grant my appeal, uphold my interpretation of what a "person" truly is at law, uphold God's laws as being part of our Constitution, and that the ITA is contrary to God's laws and is it is voluntary to be a "person"?
Amazingly, the Crown at the appeal hearing had to admit that the only 2 cases they were relying upon all along against my 250 pages of fact and demonstrated law, were not relevant! Thus the Crown really could only deal with the merits of the case of whether income tax returns were filed or not and was unable to contradict me on any other point. To have a judge rule adversely in the face of no argument or authorities by the Crown, is really to invite the judge to be practicing law from the bench and in reality, appearing as de facto lawyer for the Crown.
Maybe the Crown was told in advance, "Don't worry about filing any response, the judges have confirmed they'll look after this case". Remember what Judge Hogan said at sentencing last fall in Nelson Meikle's case here in Penticton: general deterrence is a factor to ensure that the public knows that no one is going to be overturning the ITA!
A cryptic message of saying that no judge is ever going to rule in our favour no matter how correct we are.
This truly will support Part 2 of our Person Solution Tour. I've not been able to devote any time to completing this project over the past month due to some unexpected obligations assisting others.
But this will be receiving a priority immediately after the judgment of Verhoeven is released later this month.
Meanwhile, the latest charge laid in this matter of failing to comply with an order of a judge to file a return, is still before the courts as they have failed to serve me with a summons as of yet. A successful appeal on any point, will render this charge moot as well, for want of any previous order to comply with.
I have noticed the RCMP that I am not the "person" charged and that they are prohibited from entering upon my property. To my knowledge, they only did so once and have not been back.
I've attached again a copy of our flyer outlining the release of our DVD on the Person Solution Tour - Freedom! Is the Denial of Personhood. This 9.5 hour course is the most accurate and documented work in Canada on these issues. It is a must for everyone who truly wants to understand how taxation is voluntary and how you can do so lawfully.
Freedom is likely not to happen in the courts - it will happen with your active participation in refusing to support these criminal governments and banksters.
Part 2 of our Tour will truly be the most exciting event of the year!
I would like to thank everyone for all your support and hope to see many of you in Kelowna on June 17.
I would urge everyone to forward this far and wide to inform as many men and women as possible of this most important decision and information.
in freedom I remain,
David-Kevin: Lindsay
Anyone living close to Kelowna, BC and interested in this issue and or wanting to show Dave some support. I urge you to go to the courtroom that day (17th June) for support and to show the PTB that people are interested in these proceedings.
Thanks all
Great news! After many requests and years of research and effort:
Our C.L.E.A.R. DVD on “Personhood” and the Coronation Oath promises of the Queen is now available!
Is the Denial of Personhood™... See More
How is a “person” related to your freedom?
The Income Tax Act of Canada (ITA0 s. 2(1) states:
“An income tax shall be paid, as required by this Act, on the taxable income for each taxation year of every person resident in Canada at any time in the year.”
The essential elements required to be obligated to pay an income tax are thus:
i. one must be a resident of Canada any time during the year;
(what is a resident?)
ii. one must have taxable income (what is income?);
iii. one must pay according to the ITA and rules and
regulations; and most importantly..
iv. one must be a “person”. (What is a "person"?)
If you are not a “person” then you are not subject to the ITA and have no legal duty to pay this tax. Being a “person” is voluntary!
Boost your Confidence against the CRA and the ITA
Over 860 slides are examined in approximately 9.5 hours of our professionally filmed and edited video course. Thousands of hours of extensive, library research and efforts over 12 years, plus hundreds of court appearances and experiences by many people, have been invested in this project and provide the basis for the accuracy of these documents and our presentation.
In our 6 disc DVD course, we provide you with the following critical information, kept silent by the legal community for decades:
How you voluntarily became a “person”
(DVD #3-4)
How you can terminate being a “person"
and the basis at law for so doing (DVD #3-4)
What jurisdiction is and how it is obtained,
both politically and judicially (DVD #1)
Dispel all myths – we have the most accurate
description of what a “person” is Canada.
Learn the history of this word in Canadian
taxation law. Discover both the legal formula
describing a “person” at law as well as the
‘mathematical’ formula – facts don’t lie!
Discover judicial admissions that courts have
been using the style of fonts without your
knowledge to illustrate the difference
between a man created by God and a
“person” for 100 years. (CD #1)
The Monarch’s Constitutional basis to govern
since 973 A.D. (ie: tell you what to do) is in
the Coronation Oath.
-- What did HMTQ promise each of us in
that Oath and how does this relation to
all taxation?
-- The London Times and authors admit
the Queen took an “illegal” oath to
become Queen! How does this relate
to all taxation? (DVD #1-2)
What is property? We provide you with the
most accurate information on property rights
in Canada! Property is a constitutional right!
Did you know that property includes your
labour, skills, knowledge, experiences AND
TIME?!! What relationship does this have to
income taxes? (DVD #2)
What is a Law?
It is a command to act or forebear.
Who issues these commands in Canada?
God – then,
Her Majesty the Queen
Are there limits to what HMTQ can command?
Yes, HMTQ agreed to them in her Oath.
Does the ITA, conform to God’s laws?
Absolutely not.
The Constitution Act 1982 is not exhaustive!
That's right! You have more rights and
freedoms independent of the Charter than in
Detailed court and legal procedures; what
steps you can take to avoid appearing in
court. (without giving legal advice)
- How you can appear in court if you are too
late and unable to avoid it – what to file
and what to say.
- Professionally drafted legal notices,
supporting affidavits and detailed
instructions, and what effect these have at
Legal journals just discovered. Judicial papers on the English and European history of the word “person” in general use, law, psychology and theology, and its applications in modern law. (all in CD#1)
And so much more.
Read to the end to learn the Secret to not being a “person”!
This is the most complete, accurate and detailed analysis of these issues in our freedom movements throughout the Commonwealth. All our information is solidly based in documented principles of law, with attention to detail and accuracy of law that is unmatched.
Is the Denial of Personhood™
Cost: $200 + $10 shipping.
Volume discounts available.
Speaking arrangements are also available.
Contact us by email below.
Our new address is: 2210 Main St.
Suite 100, P.O. Box 21006,
Penticton, British Columbia,
V2A 5H0. Fax: 250 492-0549.
NOTE: We are now using our C.L.E.A.R. email address for
outgoing mail only, at: freedommeansfree@gmail.com.
We have set up a new email address for all orders, correspondence, responses, and individual emails, at: clear@clearfreedom.org.
Thanks to everyone across the country who have waited patiently for us to complete this incredible project.
C.L.E.A.R. Objectives:
Our objective with this video is pure education. It is to expose the many myths that exist on these issues once and for all and to serve as a complete guide and foundation for Part 2 of our Person Solution Tour:
Cooperative Activist Resistance
the CAR principle.
Part 2 is where this education, knowledge and understanding will come to fruition. It will be the first and successful attempt to unify people across the country in our stand to refuse to support the corrupted IMS through a variety of unique and lawful methods developed and supported by C.L.E.A.R. and others.
Part 2 is the real Solution to elimination of usury, with all its attending ill effects, and will begin shortly across Canada!
If you want to be involved in our national efforts in Part 2, if you want to be part of the Solution, you need to know this information to support you.
What is the IMS?
The present insane monetary system – or usury!
Insanity is working 45 000 hours of your life to pay interest on debt money borrowed by the Gov’t that is mathematically impossible to pay and that Parliament can create itself without interest or inflation.
After almost 100 years of borrowing, only $37 billion of the national debt of about $560 billion is principle, with the rest being interest. What about provincial, municipal and individual interest?
Is there a conspiracy to monopolize the issuance of money/credit for the benefit of the usurers?
“According to Trajedy and Hope the important and compendious work of Dr. Carroll Quigley, an outstanding scholar of liberal outlook, such conspiracy certainly exists, and is vast in scope to say the least....
…Every conclusion arrived at as a result of study of the fragments of information available in respect to money and its creators in the world of the Ancient Civilizations, indicates the existence of a far reaching conspiracy in respect of
"Destroying the New World Order"
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