The US Military has confirmed that a Plasma ring forms in a bullseye – RING shape when targeted high frequency radio waves cross each other while hitting the upper atmosphere.
Experiments were done using HAARP to produce plasma rings, and super heating in the atmosphere.
The attached diagram is from the DTIC military .mil government site.

Above: Diagram from the US Military DTIC .mil website, showing the studies done on the Plasma Rings generated by HF (high frequency) pulses of radio waves, when two beams cross, a “ring” area forms which can be seen on RADAR, and which causes a super-heating of the area in the sky.
People said that the rings we were seeing appear across multiple systems were glitches, Birds and Bugs, Bats, and Background Clutter (just to name a few of the debunked excuses people tried to give over the years).
People came to my pages, professionals took to the media, forums were created against me, all saying it was impossible for radio waves to cause heating, or to create plasma rings. Many people called me a conspiracy theorist for saying HAARP rings were being generated by pulses of Radio Frequency.

October 15, 2011 – The same pattern shown in the US Military HAARP ring plasma documents showed up across multiple (but not all) RADAR stations across the Southeast USA 2 days before a huge storm outbreak. Only a few stations producing the plasma out of dozens across the South and East coast. These rings were first said to be PHOTOSHOPS done by me, then the deniers backtracked, and said these were just mass flocks of Birds and Bugs all over the place for hundreds of miles in all directions. As it turns out, these were man made plasma rings due to over pumping the area with RADAR.
Now we come to find out they actually have used HAARP to make (and study) the superheated plasma rings which form when High power radio transmissions are crossed, and targeted at the upper atmosphere.
We call the area where the beams cross a “SCALAR”. The SCALAR being the area which is manipulated by the radio waves.

A few RADAR pulse / HAARP ring plasma heating examples as observed from multiple weather RADAR systems.
The RADAR is observing the reflective plasma rings that it is creating ITSELF!

Above: October 22, 2011 – RADAR pulse HAARP ring appears over Saint Louis Missouri. The weather forecast for the region was to be “clear” over the week of the World Series 2011 here in St. Louis. Instead, 2 days after this RADAR pulse, storms with damaging winds hit the direct center of the Ring in Weldon Springs, MO (St. Louis).

Above: October 4, 2011 – Sioux Falls RADAR station pulse causes storm intensification directly over the transmitter. Plasma heating of a storm causing a real time storm effect. Heavier precipitation directly due to the pulses of energy creating CCN (cloud condensation) and wind rotation directly above the transmitter.

Above: June 28, 2013 – Dover Air Force Base (Delaware) – Large RADAR pulse HAARP ring forms over the transmitter and military base. Hours later, a tornado formed directly over the military base transmitter. A tornado warning was issued ONLY for Dover Delaware hours after this pulse (see below).

Above: Two screenshots of the ONLY tornado warning to be issued over the area on the East coast. The only location to be hit by tornadic rotation is Dover Delaware – directly over the transmitter that sent out the pulse hours before.
So, I guess I was just a few years ahead of my time.
Trying to explain plasma physics to deniers who were saying it could not be done … people calling me names and making fun of me for researching the topic??!!
Nevermind the HUNDREDS of previous times this has happened.
Now we come to find out that the people who denied the possibility, really just don’t understand plasma physics very much.
Here are a few past videos I’ve made on the subject of weather modification, plasma generation, heating using RF :
This video below shows that the US Navy created a multiple KM wide plasma sphere (ring) in the Atmosphere, and sustained it for over an hour using low MHz High Frequency transmissions from HAARP.
Observations of the ring were done using Microwave RADAR to watch the ring / 3D sphere shaped plasma form. Proof that RADAR is the way to observe the rings in question.
Our common NEXRAD weather RADAR pulses are done in the single MHz band as well. As it turns out these pulses from NEXRAD RADAR actually match HAARP rings in appearance and in radio bands: (NEXRAD actually pulses in the low MHz band, but normally operates in the GHz microwave band).
Microwave (and HF) transmissions can induce actual wind rotation above the transmitter:
High power transmissions (lasers and HPM) can induce CCN formation, Cloud Condensation Nuclei – water droplets which form into clouds, and precipitation.
Using Dual beams, one transmission can strip electrons, forming super heated plasma, while the other beam then “pumps up” and “sustains” the plasma .
Real life example of a RADAR pulse (HAARP ring from a RADAR station) done during a storm… plasma heating of Hurricane Irene.
Deniers at the time FIRST tried to say this was me photoshopping the feeds somehow. Deniers then backtracked on the photoshop claim, and instead changed their denials to say this was a “glitch”. After we provided multiple other instances reaching back through the year, the deniers then backtracked further and said it was a normal “switch” between clear air mode and precipitation mode on RADAR?
After we proved it was not a normal switch between RADAR modes, the deniers then tried to say we were seeing “Birds, Bugs, and Bats”. 
Now we know, the ring shape is plasma forming in the upper atmosphere due to High Frequency (and microwave?) pulses of radio waves.
The plasma causes heating, and wind rotation, as well as CCN (cloud condensation nuclei water droplets) to form in addition to the electron cascade (precursor to lightning).
In other words, summed up, everything I found (and made public) about Radio Frequency induced plasma rings is proved correct, and everyone who said it was “impossible” is now proved wrong.
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