Vegetable's & Fruit for Health and Beauty

Vegetable's & Fruit for Health and Beauty


Good Health, Fruits and vegetables proved to be very beneficial for health.
Not only to eat, but fruits and vegetables are also used as a beauty
Tomatoes Tomatoes contain many vitamins and skin to soften hands. Here's how: mix the tomato juice in the same amount of lemon juice and glycerine (can be purchased at pharmacies). Put on your
hands and do massage with movements such as hand washing.

Cucumber Cucumber juice contains astringent materials useful to serve as a tonic for oily skin facial. It also serves as a
bleach. For tonic face: grated cucumber and strained sufficiently. Apply
the liquid to the entire face using a clean cotton. To bleach: mix the
grated cucumber about half the fruit with two tablespoons of fresh milk
mature. Dab on the face and neck every day.

Papaya To shed skin cells that have died, use papaya which has softened as a mask and leave for 30 minutes. Papaya is
eaten every day can also prevent wrinkles on the skin. Substance in
papaya can be rejuvenating collagen.

Strawberries Eating strawberries can calm the mind. It also has a bleacher for dull skin. When mixed with butter to soften dry skin.
Here's how: mix one tablespoon of butter tea that has been heated with
fresh strawberry juice to taste. Apply this mixture on face and leave
for half an hour.

Beet The cause of sagging and wrinkled skin, among others due to the destructive oxidation and reduce muscle tissue
elasticity. Bit is a protection against oxidation. These types of bulbs
have a substance which is very helpful manganese production of healthy
collagen. Grated beet taste, then use as a mask for several minutes.

Leaf Lettuce This leaves contain a sedative and can make the facial muscles relax. Make leaf lettuce as a food menu as often as
possible. Result, the tension lines on the face will disappear.

Potatoes Potatoes can make the tired eyes shining back and can eliminate swelling in the eye. Here's how: parutlah
potatoes, then place in a thin cloth or gauze. Kompreslah eye for
several minutes.

Apple Apples can neutralize the excess oil on the face making it suitable for oily skin. Parutlah apple taste and Dab
on the face about 30 minutes.

Lime Lime has a privilege as a bleach and refreshing, especially for tired skin. Here's how: Beat an egg yolk (for
dry skin / normal) or egg white (for oily skin), lemon juice and half
skin enter into the mix. Let the eggs overnight in order to absorb the
oil from orange peel. Dab on the face for 30 minutes, then rinse with
warm water.

Orange Water and oil contained in sweet orange peel is useful as a cleanser and tonic for dry and normal skin. As a
cleanser: enter the peels into the warm water, then puncture the skin an
orange stick with a knife edge. Let the orange peel in water until the
night before and use to wash the face next day.

Pomegranate When eaten, the seeds of the pomegranate can calm the nerves. As for skin, especially white pomegranate, could be a drug
to prevent discharge. Here's how: pomegranate skin is dried, finely
ground, and brewed with hot water, then drink. Pomegranate skin can also
be boiled, then the water was drunk.

Melon & Watermelon Of the various fruits, melons and watermelons liquid cold keep longest and best used as a compress for sunburned skin. How: meat sliced fruit and wrapped with gauze. Put on
the face about 30 minutes, after rinse with cold water.(Good
Health/Maria Etty)

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