By John Galt
December 6, 2010
Ah the silver bullet crossed the $30 mark and the J.P. Morgue is probably drinking a lot of the Coors Light tonight in absolute panic. As the traders at JPM drink themselves into insolvency (one can hope) and the United States accelerates the train on the tracks of insolvency with the Bernank flapping his gums on 60 Minutes last night, the stories that were once thought to be woo-woo and crazy are now coming true on a daily basis. The news on the DREAM Act, Wikileaks, Censorship, and the 1984 coalition running our nation is going to fill two hours up and cause most of you to experience the pleasure of your head exploding. That is if you fail the proper application of duct tape for this show.
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Thank you again to all of my listeners and God Bless you,
-John Galt.
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