This 491-page court filing is a great summary of everything you have learned in the AIM School of Truth. We highly recommend that you review the filing as there may be information inside that can help you in your own lawsuits against the government. You can also see how much you have learned and how it all fits together – from Obama’s fake birth certificate to Kamala’s which shows she is not eligible to hold the office of presidency or vice presidency.
Also note that we are suspending the daily Cat Reports until after the election. There is much we need to do “on the ground” from now through the election and we want to be available to our Michigan team. We will still post original research and items like you see here. Meow.
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Kamala Devi Harris. (Oct. 20, 1964). Birth Certificate, m. Goplan Shyamala, Caucasian Indian, Age 26, f. Donald Jasper Harris, Age 26, Jamaican, File No. 64-295984, Alameda Cty. Oakland, CA.
Kamala Harris claimed twice in the vice presidential debate several nights ago that she was “black.” The evidence shows no black relatives going back to the early 1800’s. In fact, she is more white than black. Her great great grandfather, a British Jamaican Hamilton Brown was an Irish slaveholder attorney who often represented his fellow slaveholders in court and took slaves in lieu of fees. When slavery was legally abolished in the British Empire by the Slavery Abolition Act 1833, Hamilton Brown fought implementation of that Act in Jamaica, then started importing poor indentured servants from Ireland, Portugal and Germany with promises of prosperity, only to condemn them to a lives of servitude and documented abuse.
AFI. (Jul. 19, 2019). Kamala Harris’ Jamaican descendants led the British-Jamaican slave trade before the U.S. Civil War. Americans for Innovation.

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