Antony C. Sutton



Unexplored Facets of Naziism

PART ONE: Wall Street Builds Nazi Industry

Chapter One

Wall Street Paves the Way for Hitler

1924: The Dawes Plan
     1928: The Young Plan
     B.I.S. — The Apex of Control
     Building the German Cartels

Chapter Two

The Empire of I.G. Farben

The Economic Power of I.G. Farben
     Polishing I.G. Farben's Image
     The American I.G. Farben

Chapter Three

General Electric Funds Hitler

General Electric in Weimar, Germany
     General Electric & the Financing of Hitler
     Technical Cooperation with Krupp
     A.E.G. Avoids the Bombs in World War II

Chapter Four

Standard Oil Duels World War II

Ethyl Lead for the Wehrmacht
     Standard Oil and Synthetic Rubber
     The Deutsche-Amerikanische Petroleum A.G.

Chapter Five

I.T.T. Works Both Sides of the War

Baron Kurt von Schröder and I.T.T.
     Westrick, Texaco, and I.T.T.
     I.T.T. in Wartime Germany

PART TWO: Wall Street and Funds for Hitler

Chapter Six

Henry Ford and the Nazis

Henry Ford: Hitler's First Foreign Banker
     Henry Ford Receives a Nazi Medal
     Ford Assists the German War Effort

Chapter Seven

Who Financed Adolf Hitler?

Some Early Hitler Backers
     Fritz Thyssen and W.A. Harriman Company
     Financing Hitler in the March 1933 Elections
     The 1933 Political Contributions

Chapter Eight

Putzi: Friend of Hitler and Roosevelt

Putzi's Role in the Reichstag Fire
     Roosevelt's New Deal and Hitler's New Order

Chapter Nine

Wall Street and the Nazi Inner Circle

The S.S. Circle of Friends
     I.G. Farben and the Keppler Circle
     Wall Street and the S.S. Circle

Chapter Ten

The Myth of "Sidney Warburg"

Who Was "Sidney Warburg"?
     Synopsis of the Suppressed "Warburg" Book
     James Paul Warbur's Affidavit
     Some Conclusions from the "Warburg" Story

Chapter Eleven

Wall Street-Nazi Collaboration in World War II

American I.G. in World War II
     Were American Industrialists and Financiers
        Guilty of War Crimes?

Chapter Twelve


The Pervasive Influence of International Bankers
     Is the United States Ruled by a Dictatorial Elite?
     The New York Elite as a Subversive Force
     The Slowly Emerging Revisionist Truth

Appendix A

Program of the National Socialist German
Workers Party

Appendix B

Affidavit of Hjalmar Schacht

Appendix C

Entries in the "National Trusteeship" Account

Appendix D

Letter from the U.S. War Department to
Ethyl Corporation

Appendix E

Extract from Morgenthau Diary (Germany)



 Dedicated to the memory of Floyd Paxton — entrepreneur, inventor, writer, and American, who believed in and worked for individual rights in a free society under the Constitution


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Comment by truth on August 28, 2013 at 10:52am
Comment by apeman2502 on August 27, 2013 at 11:25pm

  A person would be unexpectedly thrilled by finding out just how treasonous and back stabbing the Bush cabal is, by tradition. Antony Sutton is tops as a serious scholar to understand behind the scenes in today's military Industrial Complex. Less than two weeks after Prescott Bush flunky Richard Milhouse Nixon was innaugurated in 1968, the MIC were pushing for self-destructive capabilities for the World Trade Centers I, II, and 7, the Sears & Roebuck tower, and the Fukushima reactor array being pushed into place by the Rockefellers and cooperative Japanese government personnel. Though WTCs 4,5, and 6 were rigged to blow up also, it was not done until the hours directly before 9-11-2001.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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