By Judi McLeod February 24, 2015
“Stop, thief!” should be the universal alarm for this Thursday when, in daylight, Barack Obama boldly makes away with the Internet.
“Stop, thief!” can be heard daily on the street corners of the world when vulnerable old ladies and others are being relieved of their grocery money and identification by purse snatching, knockout-practicing thugs.
By Friday, the Worldwide Web, intended to belong to all, forever more will be known as ‘ObamaNet’.
Obama did not create the Internet, the idea originated with the U.S. military. The Internet, the main means of communication for the masses, was not Obama’s to steal.
Even Communist China, which jails bloggers accused of writing against the state, couldn’t be more audacious.
When the unread-by-Congress-and-public-at-large 332-page regulations in Obama’s ‘Net Neutrality’ are in place, the little guys’ means for reaching out to the communication world will be no more.
n short, Obama is cutting off access to the Net for little people, but leaving it wide open for his government, opportunistic governments like his own and Islamic terrorists who use it for recruiting, and sending out grisly YouTubes celebrating the deaths of their hostages.
All things pass, but the Selfies of the rich and powerful are forever.
Start bracing yourself now for Thursday, Feb. 26, 2015 and you can mark it on your calendar as ‘The Day Online Communication Died’.
Once the dastardly deed passes into ‘law’, Obama will have plunged the world of communication into inky darkness. He will have turned the lights out on what he perceives as the dissident world.
Most significantly, Obama will be able to aim all slings and arrows at people already in the dark over the next two, interminably long years.
Propaganda now becomes the proverbial piece of cake.
Having bled the poor dry with his “just $5 more” emails to “-Friend” for going on seven years, fundraising at he international level will bring in millions for the ‘we’re-here-forever’ Democrats.
What will be left if millions will no longer be able to get to Internet giants like the Drudge Report?
For those not savvy enough to know that talk show radio is better, cable television will be all that’s left. You will be left with talking heads like Bill O’Reilly, who last night bloviated that Rudy is wrong; that Obama really is a cross-his-heart upstanding patriot and really does love America.
Here’s hoping that many Americans realize that the takeover of the Internet by Obama and his power-crazed Democrats is meant to demoralize, depress and to send the masses into hopeless despair, from which there is no coming back.
That’s Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’ at soul-corrupting work.
Don’t make it easy for them.
No matter what, keep right on truckin’.
Americans, who have been forced to live on top of the Marxist Misery Index for the past six plus years, have survived all outrages tossed their way on an almost daily basis peaking at every Friday dump.
For the sake of their own children and grandchildren, survive is all they can do.
Let’s take a cursory look at how quickly ordinary people will begin to feel the sting of Obama’s ‘Net Neutrality’ bullet.
For starters, experts are saying that operating on the ‘Net will be much slower; that the Internet in North America will be as slow as the slow-as-molasses one in Europe.
Counter this move by honing up on a Job-like patience.
Avoid rushing in to overreact mode. Wait to see how any of the 332 changes in Obama’s playbook are actually going to affect you personally.
Remember that there’s a silver lining in even the most ominous cloud.
When it comes to staying in touch with loved ones, people become crafty and creative. Where there’s a will, there’s always a way, even if that way inconveniences you.
At the end of the day, the Obama strategy, which works to worry you and cost you sleepless nights and makes you want to give up, inadvertently may be creating a vacuum that will one day lead to the administration’s defeat.
Without the Internet, or one too expensive or too slow to use, people will begin meeting each other in person again. They will congregate in coffee shops, in malls, at the barbershop, in pubs or down at the local legion.
Who knows, now that they’re coming out of their basements to meet others face to face, people may begin to love each other; to share with each other, rather than just clicking on to Facebook’s weak and insipid ‘like’, and show that love in a myriad of positive ways.
Best of all:
Technology is such that someone from the masses may come up with another Internet, one that remains accessible to not just politicians and terrorists, but to all. Why not? The technology is there.
Meanwhile, Obama has assembled all the toy soldiers on his end of the board, oblivious to the fact that the toy soldiers at the other end are real people with nothing to lose because they are already long-suffering, proven survivors.
Copyright © Canada Free Press
Judi McLeod is an award-winning journalist with 30 years’ experience in the print media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared on Rush Limbaugh,, Drudge Report,, and Glenn Beck.
Judi can be emailed at:
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