By Chuck Baldwin
August 11, 2011

Last Saturday, Texas Governor Rick Perry unofficially launched his 2012 Presidential candidacy in Houston (in my opinion). Speculation is he will officially announce his intentions this weekend in South Carolina. If he does declare his candidacy, many election-watchers say Perry will become the GOP frontrunner, due to an extremely weak field of declared candidates. If Perry does declare his candidacy, everyone will know that the Houston event was staged for the purpose of launching his Presidential bid, rhetoric to the contrary notwithstanding.

If Perry declares his candidacy (and I'm confident he will), people should also realize that the Houston event was a precursor to the type of campaign that Perry will use throughout the Republican primary season. As a fellow Texan, it was not lost on Rick Perry how George W. Bush obtained the Republican nomination--and eventually the White House. In short, Rick Perry is going to use the G.W. Bush model to win a Presidential election.

Think about it: G.W. Bush won the White House after an extremely unpopular liberal Democrat had been President. Barack Obama's popularity is even lower than Bill Clinton's was--and Clinton was only the second President in US history to ever be impeached! Bush's campaign boss, Karl Rove, brilliantly painted G.W. Bush as being a wholesome "born again Christian," which played very well with a Christian electorate that was tired of being embarrassed by a lying, philandering reprobate living in the White House.

In 2012, the American electorate, especially the Christian electorate, is totally fed up with an incumbent President whom everyone knows to be extremely sympathetic to Muslim and Marxist ideologies. Plus, a sizeable percentage of the American people truly suspect that Obama was NOT born in the United States and is, therefore, not even qualified to be President. This is the stage upon which Rick Perry appears. It is a stage very similar to the one George W. Bush stepped onto in 2000. And just as Bush played the "born again Christian" card to the max in the 2000 Presidential campaign, so Rick Perry appears to be ready to do in 2012. That is what the Houston event was all about last Saturday.

Billed as "A Day of Prayer and Fasting," the event solidified Perry's preferred status among evangelical Christians. With the help of the American Family Association (which reportedly contributed up to a million dollars to the event), James Dobson's Focus on the Family, and Cornerstone Church's (San Antonio) Pastor John Hagee, Perry is all but assured of cornering the "born again" vote, just as G.W. Bush did in 2000.

One would like to think that America's Christians learned something from the two GWB administrations, but it doesn't appear that they have. I think it is safe to say that Dobson, Hagee, et al, would endorse ANYONE nominated by the Republican Party. They have already proven that, have they not? James Dobson went so far as to humiliate himself by endorsing big government John McCain in the 2008 general elections, even after vowing publicly that he would "NEVER" support McCain. During the primaries, however, the Republican candidate who can "talk the Bible" the best can expect the support of these clueless evangelical leaders. And this time around, it appears that Rick Perry is that man. You can rest assured if Perry doesn't win the nomination, Dobson and Hagee will be right there for whoever does.

For the record, I invite anyone out there who still labors under the delusion that George W. Bush presided over some kind of "born again" Christian administration to check out the vast amounts of information I have compiled on my web site that exposes Bush as being just another big government elitist, who did as much (or more) to strip America of its God-given liberties as any other President in history. See the record here.


Rick Perry: "I've never been proud to be an American"

Radical Christian group believes Gov. Perry will lead U.S. to godly...

Posted on 08.10.11

Forrest Wilder of the Texas Observer appeared on MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Show to discuss the New Apostolic Reformation, a evangelical Christian group that sees Texas Gov. Rick Perry as their chance to overtake the U.S. government.

Wilder previously reported that members of the religious movement told Gov. Perry that Texas was “The Prophet State,” which would to lead the United States into godly government, with the governor playing a special part.

“The theological basis for the New Apostolic Reformation movement is about taking control of the ‘seven mountains’ — government, media, family, arts and entertainment, so on and so forth,” he explained.

A number prominent members of the New Apostolic Reformation participated in “The Response,” Gov. Perry’s Christian prayer summit in Houston on August 6.

“The fact that he picked them to organize this event says at least that he is comfortable with them being on the stage with him. He very literally elevated this set of individuals.”

Watch video, courtesy of MSNBC, below:


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