By Chuck Baldwin
September 8, 2010

My column last week announcing my family's and my decision to leave Pensacola, Florida, and move to Montana must have hit a nerve--and that's putting it mildly. Between my son, Tim, and I, we have received hundreds (no hyperbole) of emails. In fact, we have received hundreds of emails just from people who live in Montana. Altogether, the response has been overwhelmingly positive and congratulatory. But in truth, the reaction was much deeper than that.

See my column announcing our move to Montana.

Our decision to leave the sunny south and move to Montana has produced an avalanche of responses such as (paraphrased), "My family and I were praying about where to move, and now we know," and "God has already been moving in our hearts to do the same thing that you and your family are doing, Chuck," and "Make room for us," and "We just moved to Idaho, so we'll be neighbors," and "We know you are following God's will," and "We understand what you are doing and are praying for you," etc., etc. We have received hundreds of emails such as these.

As I said in my previous column, I believe Montana (and surrounding states) is in store for a FREEDOM RUSH. People all over America instinctively realize that things cannot keep going the way they are. The tyrannical tentacles of Washington, D.C., are making life a proverbial hell on earth for people all over the country, and, unfortunately, many (if not most) states are unwilling to resist the Crown's (excuse me, DC's) evil machinations. So, in the hearts of freedom-loving people there burns the question, "What do we do?" My family and I have answered that question. Our move is in response to the direct and definite revelation of God, in much the same way that our Pilgrim and Pioneer ancestors followed God's guiding light.

But, just as our patriot forebears met with intense opposition, so have we. We hit a nerve all right! As soon as the announcement was made, Big-Government loyalists (some calling themselves Christians, to boot) began attacking me in the most vehement manner possible. The meanest and most cruel accusations, lies, distortions, etc., that one could think of were instantly hurled against my family and me. (Thank God, the faithful members of Crossroad Baptist Church where I pastored for 35 years understand my heart and--though hurt--have overwhelmingly expressed their support and love for us.)

It is truly incredible! Just ask yourself, "Why in the world should other people care--one way or another--that my family and I would decide to make a move? What difference should that make to them?" People move all the time. Do others usually react with vicious slander and open hostility (mostly done anonymously, of course)? No. So why would they react this way because the Baldwins decided to move? I'll tell you why.


People realize that we have found the ultimate vehicle through which liberty can be transported to future generations. The principalities and powers that be recognize that what we are doing could lead to the restitution of genuine liberty in these States united. In short, they must feel threatened. They realize the potential of what we are doing is so great, so powerful, and so extensive, that it could literally change the course of American history. Yes, I truly believe that. Do I believe that I am that important or powerful? Not at all. I am only one man (a rather simple man, at that). But I know there is a great God in Heaven Who inspired great men of history to incorporate great principles of freedom into the minds and hearts of a great people, and by so doing changed the course of history at that time. And I am convinced that this same God and those same principles are just as revolutionary--just as powerful--today as they were then. Therefore, the principalities and powers that be are scared silly that others will be inspired to do as we are doing. So, they are attempting to assassinate my motives and character. Well, it won't work!

Everything that my family and I have been accused of, America's founders were accused of. Things being said about me were said about Patrick Henry and Sam Adams. We are being called the same dirty names as were the brave men and women of 1775 and '76. And just as our patriot forebears paid no heed to these insults and mischaracterizations, and marched forward, so will we!

Yes, we hit a nerve! For some, it was an inspirational nerve of courage, understanding, conviction, and support. For others, it was a nerve of anger, opposition, and perhaps even fear--or maybe jealousy. So be it! We always knew a line was being drawn in the sand, didn't we? It's about time we find out exactly where we stand in this freedom fight that is coming, because the fight is coming. With us or without us, the freedom fight is coming.

Again, I want to thank those of you who have poured out your love and support for this very difficult and life-changing decision that we Baldwins have made. I will continue to write this column. My web site will remain intact. And just as soon as possible, I will be back on the Internet, livestreaming my messages. Watch this column (and my web site) for announcements and progress regarding all of the above.

My web site is located here.

And to those of you in Montana (and surrounding states), we look forward to standing shoulder to shoulder with you in the great freedom struggle that is to come.

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P.S. My archived video sermons page is (and will remain) online, and very soon the most recent messages announcing this move will also be available online. Clich here.

*If you appreciate this column and want to help me distribute these editorial opinions to an ever-growing audience, donations may now be made by credit card, check, or Money Order. Use this link.

© 2010 Chuck Baldwin - All Rights Reserved

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Comment by Sweettina2 on September 8, 2010 at 3:23pm
Thank you for the link Doc, I forgot to do it. I wish the old blog system was back, I will have to pay more attention.

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