We must be MAD or have a collective DEATHWISH to allow elected putzes and NGO(un wef who etc.) to INFECT our countries with 3rd world savages

I don't belong to twitter but found this in my travels and urge all civilized  folks to see what these nasty imports are doing to our country( all WHITE COUNTRIES) and school children who are being beaten in the halls and having guilt instilled in their minds in the classrooms WE FKN PAY FOR. Folks these fkn savage niggers are behaving like this is south fkn africa and the legal system treats them like fine precious china,it has to stop.



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Comment by steve on February 23, 2023 at 8:05pm

Hey Rox, I am not "frustrated" call it more disappointed in my race for being the tolerant suckers they have become falling prey to words buzzybuzz words like racist and homophobe and the nigger word

I fell for none of these tried and true tricks plus I research the shit out of stuff, like it or not we have a vicious nigger problem in america and most other WHITE COUNTRIES infested with these primitive creatures are experiencing the EXACT SAME THING yes we have to eradicate the string pullers but the hoards of invaders must be eliminated first so our streets and homes are safe.

Listen what this world renowned author says about negroes.


Comment by FREEDOMROX on February 22, 2023 at 11:46pm

Sorry, must have missed that. Been a while.

Comment by steve on February 22, 2023 at 11:29pm

Hey Rox, Apparently you have not read the many many condemnations I have written calling for the heads of all traitors to the human race around the world. I am part of what is referred to as "the unorganized militia" where each man is king of his own place and has a loose affiliation with like minded neighbors who are also kings of themselves. As long as sheep stay in the system and keep feeding the system it will continue, I dropped out and live my life on my terms .


Comment by FREEDOMROX on February 22, 2023 at 9:26pm

Although I understand your frustration; I believe you are heading the wrong direction. If we are to stop this crap, we need to be going after the instigators, and those responsible for border flooding. Klaus Schwab, Council for Inclusive Capitalism, Tavistock Institute, Rand Corp., Club of Rome, UN, Global Young Leaders running the Biden Cabinet, and puppeteering the dottering old fool.

So many years we have put out the necessary information to any and all whom would listen, and this could all have been avoided 40 years ago. Instead we were the target of hatred, scorn, conspiracy theory, and accused of being traitors for forming  militias in the 90's; all with the willing compliance of the American  People. It's hard to have sympathy, yet I do. I have never and will never fail to act if I witnessed one of these attacks, and damn the consequences.

Henry David Thoreau comes to mind... "There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root."

I prefer the latter option, and go after the real evil ones bent on (I hate this line), World Domination.

Comment by cheeki kea on February 21, 2023 at 12:49pm

yeh good on you steve sure makes sense these days to move to whiter and brighter areas for ones own safety. I've scarpered out of town to a southern rural area mostly white, very few immigrants and just a small placid native tribe on the fringes. A much safer life than the potential for harm in the cities.

Comment by steve on February 21, 2023 at 12:28pm

Hey Kea, I live in a state that is 97% white we don't have this crap going on but just a few hundred miles from here is my hometown of baltimore where the fkn niggers are totally out of control,this is what they call "the kalergi plan" where they pump these low IQ minds full of lies about imaginary wrongs THE FKN juws ADMIT this in many documented videos and writings. Look no further than south africa to see the end results of these lies where worthless lazy niggers are now ONCE AGAIN begging the white debil for help and food. Here is a vid with a simple solution for the ones who caused this. It is called "time for guillotines" as we must eliminate those who would destroy our race .In fact it's so relevant I will post in discussions



Comment by cheeki kea on February 21, 2023 at 11:33am

steve these government provoked attacks on white children through Critical Race Theory in school in curriculums have been viscously projected on to innocent white women outside of school hours by senior black Female students. It has back fired to extremely dangerous levels and is increasing everyday. Sometimes police come and other times they don't give a flying toss. According to woke writer Irshad Manji which I have been reading to refresh knowledge on updated woke crap it seems the whole idea of CRT was to make white men and boys feel Shame for their skin colour and newly categorised label of privilege with no conversation allowed to be entered in to. From what has been seen though many white men and teenage boys have now retreated into various groups ( I'ld describe more as small loose confederates of friends and acquaintances with new interests in nationalism and white culture brotherhoods finding a place to fit in outside of society ) By default this now leaves all white women as the targets for public beatings and social justice which is also dished out on their innocent babies and children. A very, very, sad ill thought of and unconsidered result of the govts CRT of hatred and white racism. It's far too late now for this genie of doom to be put back into the bottle as these black bitches truly feel entitled to assault white ladies and their kids with the governments blessings. If there's anyone who has not taught their daughters martial arts by now then I fear it is way, way too late.  ( some examples from Australia )

Comment by steve on February 12, 2023 at 5:35pm

More nigger gang on one defenseless SCHOOL CHiLD than I can stomach ,it's like putting your child in the gorilla cage at the fkn zoo .We must separate ourselves from these VIOLENT PACKS OF PREDATORS. The system we pay for is criminally negligent and complicit in this and if you defend yourself you get JAILED so the only answer IS TO SEGREGATE AND QUIT FEEDING AND HOUSING THESE UNGATEFUL PARASITES.



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