We wonder why women get treated so badly around the world?... Here is why

Areas around the world treat treat their dogs better than they do a human being.  The sad thing is Women are treated like slaves or worse.  Women and children left to starve in the streets.  Women not allowed an education, or have access to health care. Girls taught from a young age to obey the men in the family or suffer death.  They have no control over their own bodies, none over their minds.  Sad because the female population could pull many of the same countries out of poverty.  Heath care could save many during child birth, and those that die from diseases, that in countries that don't block women from education or health care never would suffer the loss of a human being from those same diseases.

There will come a day when the last men of the earth will be asking what to do because there are not enough women for the population of men.  This has already started in places like China and India. 

There will be no one to nurse the men to health, and no one to educate the men because in these type situations it's a known fact that the family, health, education, food, and water are the first to show signs of deterioration when a population is hurting their own population.  When you can't support a community only by using it without the necessary tools in place that replenish over the years...then everything suffers.  It's the same for the female and male population.

I want to believe if women began demanding change from men, then perhaps they would have a chance to change other men's attitudes.  Deep down though I realize from seeing news broadcast and social post that women in certain areas can't speak up because to do so they could be stoned to death.

So along comes a newspaper that decides to prohibit the publishing of photos that show women since it considers the female body to be immodest.  Really?  Do they know what immodest means?  It means "lacking humility or decency"  In other words the female is dirty, scum.  Lewd is another word for immodest.  So is indecent, and brassy. Good gosh people! This Jewish paper thinks women are dirty!   Perhaps it's not the women whom are dirty but instead it's the men that have dirty minds?  Some reason they feel that women are the cause of all of their eye, hand, and mouth lust problems.  Instead I tend to believe they were not raised to respect women. Unfortunately a lot of men, and some total religions suffer from this. It's high time men take responsibility for themselves. Stop blaming women for your nasty thoughts. Learn some respect and stop pointing fingers at women.

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