Weather Modification History, and Teachings of Demons! (Part 2)

1 Timothy 4:1 However, the inspired utterance says definitely that in later periods of time some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to misleading inspired utterances and teachings of demons, 2 by the hypocrisy of men who speak lies, marked in their conscience as with a branding iron.

In my first report, we covered the 1975 Weather Modification Treay between U.S. and Canada. We also covered some of the patents and products used to generate them. Since that Friday night, Montreal has been sprayed constantly for the last 2 weeks. We are back to 2 by 2 ever 15 minutes! Ashes ON THEIR HEADS as far as I'm concerned. In this part, I'd like to cover my contacts with the government during last week, a little history on how we got here, and we'll cover compartmentilization to some extent.

To begin with, I started by poking CBC here in Montreal. I called and reported to them that their weather forcast for the day "Sunny and Clear" , was already being undermined by chemtrail spraying. I informed the person answering me that at 7 A.M. they had announced sunny and clear, but that the planes had been spraying all morning, every 15 minutes, 2 by 2. So I told the person it was now 10 A.M. and the sky had become hazy and cloudy and cold due to the constant spraying, and that even BREATHING was becoming difficult. The person could make no explanation as to why CBC would never report on this, but suggested I contact Environment Canada to log a complaint. I informed CBC that they were failing miserably when it came to journalism and thus to some extent the budget cuts were warrented. I also stated that THIS was one of the reasons for the budget cuts: IF ANYONE COULD DO A GOOD REPORT ON THIS, IT WOULD BE CBC! To me and many others, this is WHY Harpo Bush was cutting the finances. YOUR GOVERNMENT CAN'T STAND THE LIGHT BEING SHONE ON THEM! Better to have us all chat and argue over who the best sell-out freemason is for the future; Harpo Bush or Mikeal Ignoramous? Or like yesterday, where the big BREAKING NEWS is Brad Pitt calling a film maker in Quebec. Yeah...with my kids staying in when they can't breath and running to tell me another big V is in the sky....I WAS REALLLY WORRIED ABOUT MR PITT AND QUEBEC FILM MAKER'S FUTURES!!!

So after nailing that coffin, I set my mouth to Environment Canada. Whenever I call these children I have all documents open, so as to have the right answers as they spew their scripted disinformation. I usually enjoy it...THEY DON'T! It was going on noon, so the woman took my message about my concerns over chemtrails and said someone would call me back. At 13 P.M., a man called me from Environment Casmada (my jokie name for them). He had a french accent and was very confrontational. Angry from the word go, he attemted to discredit me, telling me I was being fooled by someone. "Ehh? You got dat on da net, eh?? Ehhh?? You have been fooled my freind! Someone has played a trick on you! Eh?". I stated "First off you AIN'T my freind! Second, SO WHAT? What about the net?". "You've been foole"..."NAH-NO-NO-NO-NO!! It's YOU that's been fooled! I have the ORIGINAL DOCUMENT HERE, signed by Jeanne Sauve! You do know who Jeanne Sauve is , don't you?". He answers "No sir, I don't know dat persunnn!". I laughed out loud! If you live in Quebec, you'd know how much of a joke and a lye that statement was! There isn't a frenchman in Canada who DOESN'T know the star child Jeanne Sauve from Quebec. He was just so rude and ignorant that, even though I could quote document number and date, he still doubted and wanted to argue. I didn't call to argue with ANYONE! I'M NOT ARGUING! I CONFRONT AND EXPOSE! So I hung up on him! Let him argue with himself!

Well, low and behold, at 13:30 P.M., another man calls me from Environment Canada. So I start by asking "Why are you calling me? To badmouth me and doubt me and call me a nut like the last child?". He answers "No sir, no! I have the treaty here in front of me!" So I'm not so insane after all am I? He asks me "What do you think we should about it?" he asks. I told him Environment Canada has to justify it's existance, giving fines to backyard burners while blindly turning their eyes on this. I informed him that I was no longer waiting on someone to do something, I'm writing articles using THEIR documents and exposing the truth. I could care less what the Canadaian government does, especially since 3 days later a lady calls me from Health Canada to tell me they DENY the existance of chemtrails. I answered "I know, that's article 7 of the treaty "Nothing herein relates to or shall be construed to affect the question of responsibility or liability for weather modification activities, or to imply the existence of any generally applicable rule of international law". But hey, at least she DID know who Jeanne Sauvé is!

After this, I went back to researching. I'd heard and read that they had started working on the treaty in 71...years i was born. So I googled it. Found 50a1971.pdf - "PROTOCOL RELATING TO AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONVENTION ON INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ARTICLE 50(a), SIGNED AT NEW YORK ON 12 MARCH 1971. Entry into force: The Protocol entered into force on 16 January 1973. Status: 128 Parties. And when did Canada sign??? Canada 12 May 1971! 9 days before I came. Now I was curious about the original "Convention of International Civil Aviation". So I went and found it. I found 7300_orig.pdf - "CONVENTION ON INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION DONE AT CHICAGO ON THE 7TH DAY OP DECEMBER 1944 ". I've read it. I found article 3 the KEY article :

A r t i c l e 3 I
Civil and State aircraft
(a) This Convention shall be applicable only to civil aircraft , and shall not be applicable to state aircraft .
(b) Aircraft used in military , customs and police services shall be deemed to be state aircraft .
(c) No state aircraft of a contracting State shall fly over the territory of another State or land thereon without authorization by special agreement or otherwise, and in accordance with the terms thereof.
(d) The contracting States undertake, when issuing regulations for their state aircraft , that they will have due regard for the safety of navigation of civil aircraft .

So ALL state aircraft need not be identified or registered. Try counting or finding or confirming Chemtrail airplanes in the state's possession. According to this, they have no accounting to give where state aircraft are concerned. Yet notice C - the reason treaties must be agreed upon and signed. We must remember that in the 40's, I doubt very highly Germany and Japan were ASKED before bombers were flown over them. And I'm sure Hitler and others had demonic laws and regulation like this written to justify what the Germans were up to. When the day came though, all hand shaking agreements were dropped, as well as the bombs. So that's that for the history of "Leaders sticking to Agreements". Another fanatsy. But now the bad guys were finished (Germany and Japan) and it was time for the illuminated murders to turn on their own...US! So out come new nobleminded agreements full of fluff and fanfare. But since everything is done to advance the U.N. Globalist Luciferian agenda, I dug further to find which branch would "Co-Ordinate" such an effort (much like pandemics are co-ordinated). I found this... United Nations "World Meteorological Organization". Can anyone say "BABEL" or LUCIFER???

I know some will say "Ohh here he goes again!". Sorry....NOT! I could care less. See I read my bible ( over 100 times now) PROPERLY!! We came from perfection to stupideness, NOT stupidness to perfection, as Luci's lapdog Darwin would have you all beleive. We had PERFECT knowledge before the serpent began twisting it and turning us out all wrong. Ever wonder WHY anyone wanted to have the knowledge of bad??? I have. Who the HELL would want knowledge of bad? Look ya like IT??? Is it working out well for everyone so far?? I've already considered the last egyptian plague and the angel of death flying over claiming all firstborns except the Jews ( and even then only those who painted blood above their doors). Sounds like a biological race specific weapon to me. And who suffered from it? NON BELEIVERS! And why the firstborns and not any others. Could the older ones have received some kind of immunity the babies hadn't had time to receive? Anyone seen the heiroglyph with the helicopter that's over 5000 years old? If you listen to parrots, it means nothing. But I no longer listen to or beleive in parrots.

Even when it comes to Darkwing and his evolution fairytale, use your head. It's easy to pick apart. It states monkeys were here 1st. Then something stronger came and took over, so monkeys disappear. On to the next one, on to the next one, till we get here to us standing up and walking. If this is truly so, there should only be us and big foot just behind. We're here, can't find a bigfoot to save our lives ( or reputations), and there's those damn monkeys still swinging in the jungle. According to Luci and Darkwing, they are supposed to be dead. Lost out on the evolutionnary scale!?! Should all be dead and gone with just bones in museums remaining. WHY ARE ALLLLL THE MONKEYS STILL HERE?? WHY AREN'T THEY DEAD? WHERE'S BIGFOOT? WHERE'S THE PROOF? WHERE'S THE TRANSITION SPECIES?? A couple of human and pig bones mixed together and passed off as genuine until labs proved them insane!?! I know one thing...Monkeys are still here, just like when he created them. Another thing I KNOW...I'M NO MONKEY! Insult yourself if need be!

Anyways, even NAZI...uhhh..I mean NASA released a report in April 1971 too.

Report 71-5 April 1971
By: K. R. Biswas and A. S. Dennis
Prepared for:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Washington, D. C. 20546 NGL 42-001-004

Institute of Atmospheric Sciences
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
Rapid City, South Dakota 57701

Yes folks, they publish everywhere before they launch the full programs. I was born at quite an eventfull time as far as chemtrails go. Also the year the "Drug War" was started. Yeah, spray us with alluminum, thorium, barium, ammonia, drug us with vaccins and flouridation, then hypocrytically throw a god made plant called marijuana ( which helps reverse stress effects of chemicals and discern lyes from truth......TRY lying to a pot CAN'T!) together with all the UNIVERSITY TESTED man made drugs the CIA wants pushed to destroy the youth, and envelope the whole thing in a phony drug war. But THEY ARE SOOOOOO SMART, aren't they?

Now even in 2001 I found a bill being introduced:

1st Session
H. R. 2977
To preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benefit of all humankind by permanently prohibiting the basing of weapons in space by the United States, and to require the President to take action to adopt and implement a world treaty banning space-based weapons.
October 2, 2001
Mr. KUCINICH introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Science, and in addition to the Committees on Armed Services, and International Relations, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned

To preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benefit of all humankind by permanently prohibiting the basing of weapons in space by the United States, and to require the President to take action to adopt and implement a world treaty banning space-based weapons.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
This Act may be cited as the `Space Preservation Act of 2001'.

The problem, however, is in interpretations or the fine print let's say....

In this Act:
(1) The term `space' means all space extending upward from an altitude greater than 60 kilometers above the surface of the earth and any celestial body in such space.

My little problem with that? Well, when I'm watching them like this afternoon going over 2 by 2 every ten minutes is...I can see them! Their bottoms. They might be 20 km above me IFFFFFF! So once again, it's a screw job over words. Anything UNDER 60 km, shut up and stop complaining, even with the list of exotic weapons in the bill, there's NOTHING they'll do about it anyways. Just deny and refute it like my faithful Canadian parrot on the phone! But hey, for those who live where it's wide and open...go park something HUGE 60 kms from home, then go back and confirm to ALL OF US HERE YOU CAN STILL SEE IT! I doubt highly I'll ever get an answer on that one!

Finally (for today), I'll cover 1 more patent which deals with compatrtmentilization and why pilots would defend this without further research themselves. Remember back in the 80's, a prez puppet Reagan fired many pilots. And you and I were told it was a working contract dispute? Rethink that my freinds. The spraying from the 75 treay was well underway, and it seems to my logic, many OLD pilots knew something had changed and they didn't like it. The officials were probably trying to push propoganda training to TELL the old pilots what NEW things they were seeing in the rearview. An old pilot wouldn't fall for it. "That, sir , is a crock, I don't care how many reports and excuses you put in front of me! I've flown for 40 years all over this planet! NEVER have I seen things such as this! Why don't you try and tell me what's REALLY going on here!". Probably MANY pilots voiced their concerns, and those intelligent and knowledgable would be a risk of exposure. So they all get canned, and Church of Scientology star child Travolta drops films and starts earning flying hours piloting folks all over. Too bad your son was sacraficed on that wall of Scientology John! Wonder if it was worth it? So now they hire ALL students and begin afresh with the new "CONTRAIL" propoganda to put inquiring minds at ease. Every site I visit that defends this stuff sound like they all went to the same class together. Just water in tanks. Doesn't mean this, doesn't do that, blah-blah-blah!!! Just my imagination that most of the morgellons reports comes from chemtrail pilots and their families, eh?? Keep sticking your head up your butt and telling us all how fresh and clean our air smells!

Then the question comes, "Well how could so many know and not do anything!". Because if they put SOME of these demonic little recipies in the fuel, indeed which pilot would EVER know. He'll listen to his bosses when they EXPLAIN to him what that stuff is. Just smoke bud, don't worry! Only someone who is intelligent, discerning, and has dealt with eugenic governments before would be able to see through this. This next patent explains why those kegs are in my first article pic, different amounts in mixtures gives different outcome ( and I imagine pilots and crew will need to know when 1 barrel goes empty, though I figure a computer will just switch the intake from one empty to another full tank) and also explains some of these ingredients are MIXED IN WITH THE FUEL....thus some pilots unaware. I won't post all, it's too long, but I'll leav in some keys.

United States Patent RE29,142
Papee , et al. February 22, 1977

Combustible compositions for generating aerosols, particularly suitable for cloud modification and weather control and aerosolization process

A combustible composition for generating aerosols for the control and modification of weather conditions consisting of a readily oxidizable substance selected from the group consisting of aluminum, magnesium, alkali-metals and alkaline earth metals; an oxidizing agent selected from the groups consisting of: (a) sulphur and sulphur yielding compounds; and (b) organic and inorganic nitrates, alkali-metal and ammonium chlorates and perchlorates; The molar ratio of the oxidizable substance to the oxidizing agent being between 1.5:1 and 3.5:1 and a stable hygroscopic solid which does not directly participate in the combustion process of the combustible composition, said hygroscopic solid being present in an amount up to 40% of the total weight of the combustible composition, the oxidizable substance, the oxidizing agent and the hygroscopic substance having a particle size in the range of from -140 to +270 mesh, and a primer initiating the combustion of said composition whereby during combustion, a finely dispersed aerosol smoke consisting of moderately hygroscopic condensation nuclei, and a non-hygroscopic gas are simultaneously evolved, said gas acting to disperse said nuclei. .Iadd.

Inventors: Papee; Henry M. (Rome, IT), Montefinale; Alberto C. (Rome, IT), Petriconi; Gianna L. (Rome, IT), Zawidzky; Tadeusz W. (Ottawa, CA)
Assignee: Consiglio Nazionale delle Richerche (Rome, IT)

Appl. No.: 05/362,680
Filed: May 22, 1973

Related U.S. Patent Documents

Application Number Filing Date Patent Number Issue Date

Current U.S. Class: 516/2 ; 102/334; 149/117; 149/19.1; 149/43; 239/2.1; 252/183.13; 252/183.14; 252/186.1; 252/186.24; 252/186.44; 252/187.31 Current International Class: A01G 15/00 (20060101); A01G 015/00 (); C09K 003/30 (); E01H 013/00 () Field of Search: 252/305,319,186 149/43 239/2R,2S References Cited [Referenced By]

U.S. Patent Documents

2232728 February 1941 Pleasants
2409201 October 1946 Finkelstein et al.
2614083 October 1952 Bailar, Jr. et al.
2633455 March 1953 Finkelstein et al.
3044911 July 1962 Fritzlen
3120459 February 1964 Coates et al.
3257801 June 1966 Martinez et al.

Primary Examiner: Lovering; Richard D.
Attorney, Agent or Firm: George H. Riches and Associates

Parent Case Text

This application is a continuation-in-part of our pending application Ser. No. 742,956 filed on June 19, 1968, now abandoned, which was a streamline continuation of our application Ser. No. 444,923 filed Mar. 22, 1965, now abandoned, and which was a continuation-in-part of our application Ser. No. 392,809 filed Aug. 28, 1964, now abandoned. .Iaddend.

.[.This application is a continuation-in-part of our pending U.S. application Ser. No. 742,956, filed on June 19, 1968, now abandoned..].


What we claim is:

1. A combustible composition consisting of a readily oxidizable substance selected from the group consisting of aluminum, magnesium, alkali-metals and alkaline earth metals; an oxidizing agent selected from the groups consisting of:

(a) sulphur and sulphur yielding compounds; and

(b) organic and inorganic nitrates, alkali-metal and ammonium chlorates and perchlorates;

the molar ratio of the oxidizable substance to the oxidizing agent being between 1.5:1 and 3.5:1 and a stable hygroscopic solid to be dispersed which does not directly participate in the combustion process of the combustible composition, said hygroscopic solid being present in an amount up to 40% of the total weight of the combustible composition, the oxidizable substance, the oxidizing agent and the stable hygroscopic solid having a particle size in the range of from -140 to +270 mesh, and a fused compound which burns initiating the combustion of said composition, whereby during combustion, a finely dispersed aerosol smoke consisting essentially of moderately hygroscopic condensation giant nuclei and a non-hygroscopic gas are simultaneously evolved, said gas acting to disperse said nuclei, thereby generating aerosol smoke and a non-hygroscopic gas which control and modify weather conditions.

2. Combustible compositions according to claim 1, in which the oxidizable substance is aluminum and the oxidizing agent is selected from the group consisting of inorganic and organic nitrates which are stable at room temperature.

3. A combustible composition according to claim 1 in which said stable hygroscopic solid is selected from the group consisting of metal halides.

4. Combustible compositions according to claim 3 in which the oxidizable substance is aluminum, the oxidizing agent is selected from the group consisting of sodium and potassium nitrates, the stable hygroscopic solid is selected from the group consisting of sodium and potassium chloride, and wherein the weight percentage of the chloride in the mixture is in an amount up to 40% of the total weight of the combustible composition.

5. A combustible composition according to claim 1 in which the oxidizing agent, the oxidizable substance and the hygroscopic solid are amalgamated in the presence of a binder selected from the group consisting of organic and inorganic binders, the resulting amalgam being enclosed within a container, thereby forming a combustible candle.

6. A combustible composition according to claim 5 in which the candle has a central core comprising a metal containing substance capable of yielding free metal by thermal decomposition.

7. Combustible compositions according to claim 1 in which the oxidizable substance is aluminum metal and the oxidizing agent is selected from the group consisting of sodium and potassium nitrates, and wherein the molar ratio of aluminum to nitrate is in the range of between 1.5:1 and 3.5:1.

8. A combustible composition according to claim 6 in which the metal of the metal containing substance is selected from the group consisting of sodium metal and potassium metal.

9. A combustible composition according to claim 6 in which the core has an outer casing formed of a polymer.

10. A combustible composition according to claim 6 in which the core has an outer casing formed of aluminum.

11. A combustible composition according to claim 6 in which the core has an outer casing formed of resin impregnated glass fibers.



This invention relates to combustible compositions, consisting of or comprising: mixtures of one or more easily oxidizable, powdered metals and one or more powdered oxidizing agents, which mixtures are able to generate aerosols to be employed, in particular, to control and/or to modify weather, such as to clear fogs, to modify clouds, to prevent hail.

This invention relates also to the process for the aerosolization of the reaction products of said compositions realized by oxidizing said metal/s with said oxidizing agents. More precisely, the compositions of the present invention are able to give, after "giant condensation nuclei" and/or "giant freezing nuclei" for the purposes stated above.

This invention further relates to an aerosolization process of various substances which are contained in mixtures comprising one or more easily oxidizable, powdered metals and powdered oxidizing agents, the aerosolization being the consequence of the combustion of the above defined mixtures and/or of the melting or vaporization of suitable salts embodied in the mixtures.

Also the methods now in use to produce aerosols present various disadvantages, since they require dispersing or burning devices or other bulky and/or heavy apparatuses which in turn require special equipment for their transport and functioning.


This invention provides a solution to the above mentioned difficulties, which are encountered in preparing, dispersing and activating the substances for purposes of cloud-condensation and fog-clearing. An object of the present invention is to provide a combustible composition consisting of cheap, easy to be found and to be employed substances suitable to be transformed into aerosols particularly useful for weather control and/or modification.

Another object of the present invention is to obtain aerosol constituted by giant condensation and/or freezing nuclei.

Further objects of the present invention are:

(a) the obtainment of giant, monodispersed nuclei, that is substantially uniformly sized nuclei;

(b) the obtainment of giant, monodispersed nuclei, whose sizes may be adjusted at will within wide limits;

(c) to provide a method for the preparation of the described compositions;

(d) to realize compositions of substances able to burst or to burn at a controlled rate therefore influencing respectively a limited or a wide zone of the atmosphere;

(e) to provide devices suitable to contain, to preserve and to burn said composition;

(f) to apply the devices, containing the composition according to the invention, to carriers for transporting them in the atmosphere zones fixed in advance;

(g) to utilize, when suitable, the combustible compositions also as propellents for the carriers (i.e. jet fuel).

The above mentioned and other objects will be evident to a man skilled in the art from the following description of the present invention.

The invention, in particular relates to a combustible composition for generating aerosols for the control and modification of weather conditions consisting of a readily oxidizable substance selected from the group consisting of aluminum, magnesium, alkali-metals and alkaline earth metals; an oxidizing agent selected from the groups consisting of:

(a) sulphur and sulphur yielding compounds; and

(b) organic and inorganic nitrates, alkali-metal and ammonium chlorates and perchlorates;

the molar ratio of the oxidizable substance to the oxidizing agent being between 1.5:1 and 3.5:1 and a stable hygroscopic solid which does not directly participate in the combustion process of the combustible composition, said hygroscopic solid being present in an amount up to 40% of the total weight of the combustible composition, the oxidizable substance, the oxidizing agent and the hygroscopic substance having a particle size in the range of from -140 to +270 mesh, and a primer initiating the combustion of said composition whereby during combustion, a finely dispersed aerosol smoke consisting of moderately hygroscopic condensation nuclei, and a non-hygroscopic gas are simultaneously evolved, said gas acting to disperse said nuclei.

Among the more suitable metals to realize the present invention, we may indicate: Al (first of all), Mg, alkaline metals, alkali-earth metals and other readily oxidizable metals.

We have found that aluminum is the most suitable metal since, besides being relatively cheap, it may be considered inert at room temperature (this characteristic is an important factor for safety in the preparation and transportation of the described compositions), it yields remarkable heat of combustion which favours a good continuity of reaction and a good aerosol dispersion. Moreover it is available on the market in the suitable purity and particle size. However, magnesium, as well as other metals highly reactive at room temperature, may be used if suitable expedients are adopted, as for example that of incorporating and lining the composition granules with suitable inert and/or binding substances. One suitable expedient to prevent hazards is to separately heat the mg and oxidant to about C. and on mixing, they are pasted with small amounts of melted paraffin and then amalgamated together. In practice, the pasting (mixing) is done on the presence of polymers which, after setting, "segmented charges" are obtained and the ingredients are safer to handle since the reactive, powdered mixtures are coated and immobilized by the solid polymers.

The metals, as already indicated for aluminum, are used in their finely divided, powdered form.

The oxidizing agents more suitable for the compositions according to the present invention must preferably meet the following requirements: to be stable at room temperature, to be easy to grind preferably hydrogen-free, able to react with the metal with gas development (particularly nitrogen) which favours aerosolization.

The oxidizing agents are preferably selected from the following classes:

(a) inorganic and organic nitrates; special mention is made of sodium and potassium nitrates which have proved particularly useful;

(b) sulphur or sulphur-containing substances; or also in the following ones:

(c) alkali-metal or ammonium chlorates and perchlorates;

(d) chlorinated hydrocarbons such as carbon tetrachloride and chloroform;

(e) peroxides.

However, substances belonging to the chlorates and perchlorates class which are shock sensitive, require inert binders for safe use is mixed and packed together with reducing agents. If mixed, we have found that aluminum sulfide, which forms during combustion of compositions containing powdered aluminum and sulfur, is a very good ice-nucleating substance. The above mentioned oxidizing agents must be finely ground in order to allow a regular combustion and a complete mixture utilization.

The additives considered in the present invention are solid, stable, hygroscopic substances, which do not directly participate in the combustion process of the combustible composition and are preferably inert to the products of combustion and have prolonged activity towards water; they, besides being used as "condensation" nuclei, also have the purpose of controlling combustion rate, developing gas in order to favour aerosolization, stabilizing the composition and the like; further, they are preferably selected in such a manner that they form active dispersions by aerosolization of the combustile compositions during the combustion process.

The additives are generally mixed with the compositions as fine powder or can constitute the core of the charge. Some of the additives, as hereinafter mentioned, must be placed in a core and kept out of direct contact with the composition.

In particular we have found, under microscope analysis, that the combustion products of the compositions comprising aluminum, nitrates, sodium or potassium chlorides, contain aerosolized sodium or potassium chlorides, whose crystal lattices are altered or defective; as already noted, the so altered chlorides show a remarkable electric activity allowing their application in weather control.

.We have also found that combustible compositions containing for example finely divided aluminum metal, a suitable powdered oxidizer, such as sodium or potassium nitrate and a suitable amount of sulfur powder, can yield an aerosol of low hygroscopicity but of strong ice-nucleating action. In fact our tests have established that aluminum sulfide, formed in the reaction acts as a very active ice-forming substance from supercooled water; combustible, sulfur-containing compositions, such as above described, gave excellent results in this sense.

The container may be made of suitable material inert at room temperature, water-proof, and of a size suitable for the particular use, for example, tubular segments made of suitable metals or of glass-fibers impregnated with suitable resins may be used. In particular we have found that by employing thin-walled containers made of aluminum or anticorrosive, high-percentage aluminum, aluminum-alloy, they are burned during the composition combustion so realizing both the advantageous effects of producing other active aerosols and of avoiding the damages caused by eventual relapse of the container if the charge is burned aloft. A suitable container for this purpose is a tube made of anti-corrosive aluminum, 3.5 cm. in diameter, 1 mm. wall thickness and 25 cm. in length, the bottom of which is welded closed. It is to be understood that the foregoing dimensions are given by way of illustration and is not to be taken as a limitation since it will be apparent that other sizes of tubes may be employed.

Similar results can be obtained also employing containers of suitable magnesium alloys; pure magnesium, unless protected with coatings, is not suitable for this purpose, due to its reactivity.

The container, after being charged with the paste, is heated at a temperature suitable to solvent and moisture evaporation and then is cooled. The priming device is then introduced and the container open-end is tightly closed.

If a delayed aerosolization is desired, which may be obtained with a controlled composition combustion rate, the paste is uniformly packed in the container; in this case the primed charge can be constituted by gunpowder introduced above and in contact with the paste, wherein a fuse is immersed; the container sealing may be realized for example with a paraffin, tar or polymer plug wherefrom a fuse emerges.

If, on the contrary, an instantaneous aerosolization is desired, the charge in the container may be suitably shaped, for example by shaping it suitably hollow, compressed and primed with a suitable priming device.

The containers charged with dispersing aluminum compositions and primed as described, may be used immediately as aerosols generators, or may be safely handled, transported and/or stored for long periods of time, without deterioration.

The devices, prepared as above described, can be used as follows:

(a) They can be used at suitable places on the ground, vertically with fuse up, initiating the dispersion by igniting the fuse;

(b) they can be transported and ignited where desired in the atmosphere, by introducing them as rocket-nose inorifices made in the front part of small inexpensive rockets.

We have quite successfully tried out in the field both of the above applications; however, any other application means, which, under the circumstances, may be more suitable to transport the devices in the atmosphere zones where the compositions according to the present invention have to be aerosolized, is equally comprised within the ambit of the invention. For example, the devices may be dropped or towed behind from airplanes in the clouds and here ignited; alternatively the compositions of the invention may be used to fill suitable shells for mortars and then sent and ignited in the clouds, with possibly a larger degree of accuracy than could be obtained using small pyrotechnic rockets.

Some interesting characteristics of the compositions object of the present invention are shown in the accompanying drawings, which summarize in part our tests.

FIG. 1 shows the slope of the compositions combustion rate plotted against the molar ratio of the components, for loosely packed compositions constituted by aluminum and potassium nitrate. These tests are performed in aluminum cylinders of 9 mm. diameter.

FIG. 2 shows graphically the results of tests similar to the preceding ones, performed on the same compositions after sinterization thereof; the apparent density of the so prepared compositions was about 1.1 g./cm.sup.3.

FIGS. 3 and 4 show the slope of the combustion rate plotted against the percentage of the potassium chloride additive contained in mixtures aluminum, potassium nitrate and potassium chloride. The mixtures of FIG. 3 were packed in tubes of 13.7 mm. diameter, while the mixtures of FIG. 4 were not packed and were contained in tubes of 9 mm. diameter. The molar ratio aluminum to potassium nitrate was of 3.5:1 in both cases.

FIGS. 1 and 2 reveal usable molar ratios Al:KNO.sub.3 ranging from 1.5:1 to 3.5:1.

The present invention is illustrated by the following examples which do not limit the same.


A paste made of 120 gms. of powdered aluminum metal of about 20 microns in average particle size diameter, and of 100 mgs. of sodium nitrate added with 70 gms. of sodium chloride, which were ground to pass through an ASTM standard sieve of 270 mesh .times. inch.sup.-.sup.1, was amalgamated mechanically in the presence of small amounts of acetone, loaded into a tube of anticorrosive aluminum, 3.5 cm. in diameter, 1 mm. wall thickness and 25 cm. long, the bottom of which was welded closed.

Charges, such as described above, were fitted as nose-cones into small, pyrotechnic rockets of 1000 and 3000 meters vertical range respectively. These were fired into congested cumuli, and the dispersion of the aerosol within the cloud led to a speedy modification of the same, often followed by local precipitation, as monitored by photography from a distance and at regular time-intervals, as well as by monitoring downwind from the site. The above experiments were carried out at a suitable time of the year from a mountain ridge 1500 meters high. This was about the height of the cloud-base at the time.


A paste made of 100 gms. of powdered aluminum metal, about 20 microns in average particle-size diameter, and of 50 gms. of fine sulfur powder and 80 gms. of sodium nitrate which was ground to pass through an ASTM standard sieve of 270 mesh .times. inch.sup.-.sup.1, was amalgamated mechanically in presence of small amounts of acetone, loaded into a tube of anticorrosive aluminum alloy 3.5 cm. in diameter, 1 mm. wall thickness and 25 cm. long. This was followed by stepwise desiccation in a stove with the temperature increasing from about to C., cooling, priming with gunpowder and fitting with a fuse, after which the tube was sealed.

(b) Mixtures, at gramme-molecular ratios of:

were added with sodium chloride, and amalgamated with 15% of total weight of dry reagents, of fused paraffin, at about C. Those mixtures, when tightly packed and burned in containers such as described under (a), yielded a smoke of MgO and alkali, as well as particles of sodium chloride; hence it is thought that this could be a way of dispersing hygroscopic salts. Observations, such as described under (a) showed that here again the heat generated was relatively low.

FIG. 7 shows rates of burning of those probes, against the percent of total weight in NaCl, of the mixture. Lack of inter-action with water indicates here too the absence of magnesium nitride, in the aerosol.

(c) Mixtures, at gramme-molecular weight ratios of Mg:NaNO.sub.3 =8, were added with sulfur powder, and amalgamated with 15% of total weight of dry reagents, of fused paraffin, at about C. Those, when tightly packed and burned (with rates shown in FIG. 8) in containers such as described under (a), yielded a smoke of MgO and alkali, which contained large amounts of magnesium sulfide. The heat evolution was much higher here than in the probes (a) and (b) as revealed by microscopic examination of aerosol captured on greased slides which showed a fair amount of used spherules of magnesium oxide, which, in turn, contained coloured magnesium sulfide. The aerosol prepared in this manner nucleated ice at C. Furthermore, since the magnesium sulfide reacts slowly with atmospheric moisture, this combination could probably be used as a source of hygroscopic nuclei. Combustible compositions based on Mg are quite lighter (per unit volume) but they would generate less heat (per unit volume) than their aluminum counterpart.

(d) Combustion of tightly packed candles of the three types above described, but prepared in tubes made of an anticorrosive aluminum alloy, which were welded closed at the bottom ext. diameter 3.5 cm., wall thickness 2 mm., and 25 cm. long, was carried out in order to confirm the possibility of using larger charges in practice. The charges contained approximately 200 gms. of solid mixture each a molar ratio of Mg:NaNO.sub.3 =8; 15% of dry-solid weight in paraffin and: no additive, 20% NaCl, and 15% S, respectively. The charges burned fast and with rates in agreement with those measured in the laboratory, and projected burning sparks of magnesium into the air. The same favourable combustion effect was obtained upon igniting, pyrotechnically, a similar charge contaning sodium chloride, which was sent to an altitude of about 1000 meters by means of a pyrotechnical rocket.

The present invention possesses a number of important advantages, in that they provide a solution to difficulties encountered in preparation, dispersion and activation of cloud-precipitating and fog-clearing substances. The use of aerosols which are generated by combustion or explosion of suitable combustible compositions, enables large amounts of active smoke to be dispersed efficiently and at low cost, and eliminates the use of bulky and often expensive dispersing equipment. The variety of additives and possible components of the charges, opens wide fields of application; the ease of storage of units prepared and the possibility of using various sizes of standard charges increases the versatility of the method. The charges are shock proof and can be transported safely, as indicated by a 3000 mile test in automobile, on a batch of 40 units of types described in Examples 1 and 2.

Finally, I'll leave you this geo-engineering pic so you can see how far reaching this demonic pollution planning goes. Should clear up quite alot as far as accountability. Not every pilot, ship's captain, or any other OPERATORs knows what is going on, this is for sure. They'd have to be shown 1st

luggnutz (U.N. "Persons" I.D./Deceased) - Witness

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Comment by findingthetruth on May 12, 2011 at 9:08pm
wth??!! if i didnt look this up myself i would be skeptical... its even happening over my town in uk and the populations small..
Comment by luggnutz on February 13, 2011 at 2:00pm
Kidney beans and other beans in the same form help maintain-clean-rebuild the kidney, milk thistle and lecithin help protect the liver, unpasturized apple cider vinigar helps clean out and unblock pours in the skin, kelp with iodine for the thyroid and stop brushing with flouride to unblock the thyroid and help regulate weight and send out repair cells...
Omega 3 fish oil and omega 3-6-9 as well as sardines and herrings and mackeral....all his help to detox-clean-protect-fight against these chemtrails. It has been observed that after spraying, populations in the imidiate are become agitated and personnal negative energy rises ( fights and arguments ). The omega 3 will help fight that, as well as celery sticks and 70% cocao tablets to help keep the blood pressure down. So if you see trails overhead, try to stay inside, and do not ALLOW yourself to get angry or prevoked....FORCE yourself to rise above it.....and watch everyone else jumping around like angry grasshoppers....never knowing why or what has been done to them. Solutions too...not just problems !
Comment by luggnutz on June 9, 2009 at 12:34pm
A freind sent me an email about 2 asparin a day. I replied I trust oil of oregano, colloidal silver, and marijuana oil by my bedside 1st. She emailed back with a question many ask me. I think my answer should clear things up.

Hi luggz
Thanks! I'll look into making my own tooth paste, it'll be better and
probably cheaper too. Hey just out of curiosity: anything from Jehovah on stuff like tabaco or cannabis?

Funniest thing my life. When I was young and would hurt myself at work ( falling on my back from 8 feet in the ail onto cement floor- pulling a muscle- etc.) I'd go to doctors like everyone else. They'd NEVER prescribe me pills. NEVER Always "Don't want to get you hooked young man!" But about the 2nd or 3rd time like this, I began to realize someone was watching over me. As freinds accumulated little pill bottles and all the pains and side-effects that come with them , I realized I was being kept clean inside. Used my hard head most of the time and got over sickness much faster than others, or didn't get sick at all when everyone else did! And though I've smoked green since 17, NOTHING ELSE!!! So everyone who EVER critisized me has had bottles upon bottles and tooth pastes upon tooth pastes....MORE DRUGGED THAN ME AT ANY TIME!!!!

And drug testing?? I knew I'd fail on the pot, but never realized ALL those who brush with flouride??? Don't bother testing folks. I CAN GUARANTEE YOU ARE DRUGGED! But one of my 1st tests, I was worried that morning. Then me and MRS did it before I left. Go for the test. An hour later the nurse informs me the test failed because some of my little men were swimming in it, and they couldn't complete or get an accurate result from this. SO EVERY TIME I WAS TESTED AFTER THAT, I MADE SURE MY MEN HAD SWUM BEFORE THE TEST. And got evrey job I ever applied for (Over 100). Go figure.

Many question natural plants. It is for sure one must educate themselves properly and step lightly, but when it comes to this world, they've certainly twisted it upside down. With that in mind....(and the fact that since I smoke indian, I don't get sick or weak and can relax and think clear), this is the message I got.
Genesis 1:
29 And God went on to say: “Here I have given to YOU all vegetation bearing seed which is on the surface of the whole earth and every tree on which there is the fruit of a tree bearing seed. To YOU let it serve as food. 30 And to every wild beast of the earth and to every flying creature of the heavens and to everything moving upon the earth in which there is life as a soul I have given all green vegetation for food.” And it came to be so.
31 After that God saw everything he had made and, look! [it was] very good. And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, a sixth day.

whereas now we live....
1 Timothy:1 However, the inspired utterance says definitely that in later periods of time some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to misleading inspired utterances and teachings of demons, 2 by the hypocrisy of men who speak lies, marked in their conscience as with a branding iron; 3 forbidding to marry, commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be partaken of with thanksgiving by those who have faith and accurately know the truth. 4 The reason for this is that every creation of God is fine, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, 5 for it is sanctified through God’s word and prayer over [it].

Now go to youtube, watch the "Rick Simpson Story".....and you answer me...who seems to be following teachings of demons....Rick.....or those he tried to contact and inform (Gov. and various cancer orgs")??? See what they did to a man who cured cancers for himself and freinds FOR FREE, and what our Government has done to him. Or what the various cancer orginization told him. JAW DROPPING!

Hope this helps. I know, anything I get from Jehovah SURE HELPS ME. If not for pot, I'd have given up and in and may well not be here anymore with all the worldly pressure I faced back in youth.


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