Website. (Accessed Apr. 13, 2018). Crown Agents work with the U.S. government,

Website. (Accessed Apr. 13, 2018). Crown Agents work with the U.S. ...

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The Crown Agents Foundation is the sole not-for-profit owner of Crown Agents social enterprise. The
Foundation drives the social mission that sits at the heart of Crown Agents. It has two important roles to
Firstly, the Foundation ensures that the work that Crown Agents undertakes makes the most positive social
impact on individuals and communities the projects and programmes it delivers, are designed to benefit.
Oversight of Crown Agents is the responsibility of the Crown Agents Council. The Council - a group of 12
individuals representing the members, meet every six months to review the work of the Crown Agents
social enterprise.
Secondly, profits generated from Crown Agents in the international development market are ploughed back
into the social enterprise, with some used by the Foundation to broker new partnerships for good, research
and grow the evidence for innovation in the sector and amplify insight and learning for the overall
improvement of the market.
In 2017 the Crown Agents Foundation will launch new a series of new initiatives with investment
from the business, to add additional social value to its work. The initial focus will be on new frontier
technologies and ways that we can ensure that they sustainably benefit, humanitarian and development
activity. Already, the Foundation has supported initiatives on solar energy and drones.
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Investigation into drones for development Our Foundation
is investigating the potential for new frontier technologies to
make major impact on the development prospects of poor
countries and save lives in humanitarian crises. We kicked
off our investigation with a panel discussion in
partnershipwith the RSA exploring the potential of
technologies such as drones for social good. Watch the
discussion here.
Drones are rapidly emerging as a potentially effective tool for
addressing the needs of people in crises and as a means to
overcome major development obstacles such as poor
infrastructure.Crown Agents Foundation is seeking partners
with whom to explore 3 areas; potential uses of drone
technology in international development; the regulatory and
consumer protection environment; and public trust and
engagement. Our Foundation is particularly interested in ways to ensure that local communities fully
participate in the consideration of new tech solutions, retain control over their application and benefit
directly from the use of new frontier tech.
Smart solar for Zimbabwe hospitals Crown Agents Foundation worked with Aleutia and DFID Zimbabwe
to secure ‘Frontier tech’ funding to trial a smart solar power solution for remote hospitals in Zimbabwe. The
‘SolarEnabler’ box provides intelligence on power consumption of hospital devices such as baby
incubators, scanners, etc and thereby improves allocative efficiency of power supply.
Open Contracting for health Transparency International is
advocating for the value of transparent procurement
processes and has partnered with the Crown Agents
Foundation and the Open Contracting Partnership to produce a
report: 'Making the case for open contracting in healthcare
procurement'. The report focuses on three case studies, including the Crown Agents success working with
the Ministry of Health in Ukraine on the supply chain for oncology drugs.
In the past, Crown Agents Foundation has successful supported capacity building in the least developed
countries by providing training and other professional development support to teams and individuals. It has
also supported the ability of least developed countries in be considered properly in economic and trade
facilitation talks. Some examples include:
Supporting a number of least developed countries strengthen their voice in trade negotiations by
facilitating an opportunity for their requirements to be properly brought to the attention of those leading
trade facilitation talks.
A workshop to help governments of West Africa maximise revenues from the extractive industry to help
alleviate poverty and low living standards. 40 people participated from government agencies,
international organisations such as the World Bank, International Tax Dialogue, GIZ, AusAID, UNDP
and the Revenue Development Foundation.
The sponsorship of 350 students on training courses and 27 seminars run supporting capacity-building.
Going forward, the Crown Agents Foundation has ambitious plans to diversify its approach, in partnership
with others. More information about these plans will be available in coming months.
4/13/2018 Crown Agents Foundation | Funds & Development 3/3
Your local office is Crown Agents, Blue Fin Building, 110 Southwark Street, London, SE1 0SU. See all offices
Copyright © Crown Agents 2017 | Sitemap | Privacy Statement | Whistleblowing
Members of the Crown Agents Foundation
Crown Agents Foundation members are united by their interest and experience in international
development and global affairs. Members come from the public and private sectors, NGOs and civil society
and they bring senior leadership and counsel to Crown Agents.
Home Crown Agents Foundation
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Since our incorporation in the United States, we have provided technical assistance services and support
to U.S. Government agencies, including the United States Agency for International Development (USAID),
Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), Department of State (DOS), Department of Defense (DOD), and
the United States Trade and Development Agency (USTDA).
As an implementing partner of USAID, Crown Agents provides expertise in the areas of procurement,
public financial management, logistics, health systems strengthening, private sector development,
monitoring and evaluation, and agriculture. Our USAID track record includes the following:
Worldwide: Public Financial Management IDIQ, 2012-2017
Worldwide: Supply Chain Management System (SCMS), 2005-2015, subcontractor to PfSCM
Worldwide: Farmer to Farmer Special Program Support (SPS), 2008-2014
Worldwide: USAID | DELIVER I & II PROJECT, 2006-2015, subcontractor to JSI
Worldwide: Agribusiness & Agriculture Value Chain Development Assessment (AAVCD), 2010-2014
Worldwide: Agricultural Knowledge and Program Support Work (AKPS), 2010-2015
Worldwide: Climate Economic Analysis for Development, Investment, and Resilience (CEADIR), 2014 -
Worldwide: Business Growth Initiative (BGI), 2006-2011
Worldwide: Evaluation Services IQC, 2010-2015, subcontractor to AMEX International
Worldwide: Macroeconomic Foundations for Growth IQC, 2011-2016, subcontractor to The Pragma
Worldwide:Policy, Planning and Learning-Learning, Evaluation and Research (PPL-LER) IDIQ, 2015-
2020, subcontractor to Dexis Consulting Group
Worldwide: Rule of Law IQC, 2013-2015, subcontractor to Democracy International
Worldwide: Rural Agricultural Income and Sustainable Environment (RAISE) Plus IQC, 2004-2015
Africa: Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) I and II IQC, 2006-2012, subcontractor to Research Triangle
International (RTI)
Africa (COMESA countries + Tanzania): Support for Food Security Activities (SFSA) IQC, 2010-2015,
subcontractor to ACDI/VOCA
Asia and Middle East: Asia and Middle East Growth (AMEG) Best Practices Project, 2012 – Present,
subcontractor to Chemonics
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Bangladesh: Feed the Future Monitoring and Evaluation System Design and Initiation (FMSDI) Project,
Bangladesh: Trade Facility Activity (TFA), 2013 – 2018, subcontractor to IBI International
Bangladesh, Haiti, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, U.S.: Feed the Future Monitoring and Evaluation
System Support, 2011-2013
Egypt: Technical Assistance for Policy Reform II, 2006-2009, subcontractor to Bearingpoint
El Salvador: Access to Financial Services (IAFS) Program, 2011-2014, subcontractor to Global
Business Solutions, Inc. (GBSI)
Ethiopia: Health Center Renovation and Coordination Project, 2006-2009
Ethiopia: Agriculture Growth Program - Agribusiness and Market Development (AGP-AMDe), 2011-
2016, subcontractor to ACDI/VOCA
Guatemala: Policy & Regulatory Support for Economic Growth Project, 2011-2015
Liberia: Roberts International Airport Equipment Procurement under the Governance and Economic
Management Program (GEMAP), 2008-2010, subcontractor to SEGURA/IP3 Partners
Malawi: National Distribution and Management of Long Life Insecticide Treated Nets (LLINS) to Public
Health Facilities Nationally in Malawi, 2011-2015, subcontractor to Population Services International
Nigeria: Nigeria Expanded Trade and Transport (NEXTT) Program, 2012-2016, subcontractor to
Carana Corporation
Pakistan: Support for Privatization Activity (SPA), 2014 - Present
Rwanda: Private Sector Driven Agricultural Growth (PSD-AG), 2014-2019, subcontractor to
International Resources Group (IRG)
Tanzania: Training in Procurement and Anti-Corruption Strategies for the Prevention of Corruption
Bureau, 2007
Tanzania: Staples Value Chain (NAFAKA), 2011-2016, subcontractor to ACDI/VOCA
Turkmenistan: Agriculture Technology (AgTech) Program, 2012-2015
Zambia: Production, Finance and Improved Technology Plus (PROFIT+) Program, 2012-2016,
subcontractor to ACDI/VOCA
Crown Agents USA’s track record working with MCC, in both Threshold Programs and in Compact
Countries, includes the following:
Ghana: Financial Management and Procurement Systems Assessment Services Project, 2005-2006
Honduras: Procurement Oversight/Advisory Services, 2006-2011
Kenya: MCC Kenya Threshold Program – Reforming the Public Procurement System, 2007-2009
Mongolia: Procurement Agent Services, 2008-2013
Morocco: Procurement Services Agent and Procurement Oversight Advisor, 2009-2014
Namibia: Procurement Agent Services, 2009-2010
Tanzania: Procurement Agent Services and Oversight Advisory Services, 2008-2014
As a prime contractor for the Department of State Technical and Advisory Services for Program Evaluation
Requirements (TASPER) IDIQ, we provide monitoring and evaluation advisory services to State
Department bureaus and overseas missions. Our work under this contracting mechanisms includes the
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Your local office is Crown Agents, Blue Fin Building, 110 Southwark Street, London, SE1 0SU. See all offices
Copyright © Crown Agents 2017 | Sitemap | Privacy Statement | Whistleblowing
Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs Impact Evaluation for Small Business Development Centers,
Middle East, Africa, and Asia: Impact Assessment for the Global Innovation through Science and
Technology (GIST) Initiative, 2012-2013
Sustainable Buildings Initiative, 2012-2013
Evaluation of the International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) Transnational Crime and
Rule of Law Programs in the Russian Federation, 2012-2013
Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs (EB) M&E of Bureau Programs, Projects, and Activities
Agricultural Biotechnology Outreach Funds, 2012-2013
Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement (PM/WRA), Bureau of Political Military Affairs Program
Evaluation, Balkans, 2012-2013
Office of Environmental Quality and Transboundary Issues (EQT) Mercury Program Evaluation, 2013-
Evaluation of the Nexus Dialogue on Water Infrastructure Solutions, 2014-2015
El Salvador and Mexico: Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs Impact Evaluation for Small Business
Development Centers, 2012-2015
Vietnam: USTDA National Single Window (NSW) Customs Project, 2012
Global: DOD’s Cooperative Threat Reduction Integration Contract (CTRIC) II IDIQ, Subcontractor to
Raytheon, 2011-2016
Botswana: USTDA Procurement Advisory Services to the Ministry of Minerals, Energy and Water
Resources, 2015-2016
Home Our clients Our work with the US government
4/13/2018 Crown Agents - Wikipedia 1/5
Crown Agents Ltd
Type Private limited
Industry International
Founded 1833. UK statutory
public corporation,
21 March 1997 (Ltd.)
Headquarters Southwark, London,
England, UK
Area served Worldwide
Key people Marie Staunton CBE
Fergus Drake
Crow n Agents
Crow n Agents Ltd is an international development
company with head office in the United Kingdom. Its
main focus is to help governments around the world to
increase prosperity, reduce poverty and improve health
by providing consultancy, supply chain, financial
services and training.[1] In April 2016 its financial
services arm (Crown Agents Bank and Crown Agents
Investment Management) was sold to Helios
Investment Partners, leaving Crown Agents Ltd to focus
on offering expertise in the areas of "health, economic
development, governance and state building, supply
chain services and humanitarian response".[2]
Incorporated as a private limited company Crown
Agents Ltd has only one shareholder - the Crown Agents
Foundation, a not-for-profit company.[3] Crown Agents
Ltd's registered office is in Southwark, London.[4]
International development work
The Crown Agents Foundation
External links
Crown Agents logo
International development work
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Crown Agents is an international development company that helps countries to grow their economies,
strengthen health systems and improve financial management, through consultancy, supply chain
management and financial services.
Crown Agents works with clients in more than 100 countries, major multilateral agencies, such as the
World Bank,[5] European Commission, United Nations agencies and bilateral donors such as DFID,
KfW, SIDA, CIDA and the Danish, Japanese and U.S. governments.
It has provided governmental services as large as the Customs system of Angola,[6] transforming the
central medical stores in Zambia [7] and the Value added tax (VAT) system of Lesotho. It works on
sustainable development supporting more effective trade and transit corridors,[8] food security and
health systems strengthening.
Projects include improving the livelihood of poor and vulnerable people in South East Asia (SEACAP
SearchResearchDatabase.asp?ProjectID%3D3724)) and addressing the challenges of providing
reliable access for poor communities in Africa.[9] Crown Agents is active in the environmental change
arena[10] and is using emerging technologies to contribute to aid effectiveness and value for money in
various projects.[11] Helping governments to overcome corruption is another important development
task addressed by Crown Agents, including in the collection of tax and customs revenue.[12] Crown
Agents Bank is one of the UK's leading banks for disbursement of development aid.
Crown Agents is a member of the Partnership for Supply Chain Management, a partnership of 13
private sector, nongovernmental and faith-based organizations that implements the SCMS project,
providing a reliable, cost-effective and secure supply of products for HIV/AIDS programs.[13]
Crown Agents works across a large range of sectors, providing public financial management,
humanitarian and crisis response, banking and investment management, procurement and logistics,
food security, trade facilitation, health, IT consulting and training.
Crown Agents Ltd has subsidiaries in Africa, Asia and the US.
Crown Agents is owned by "The Crown Agents Foundation", a company limited by guarantee, whose
objectives include the alleviation of worldwide poverty. Crown Agents allocates sums from its income
to the Foundation's social and developmental objectives and applies these at the Foundation's
The Crown Agents Foundation
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Members of the foundation are organisations with a keen interest in international development and
include firms, non-governmental organisations and international bodies.
These include: British Expertise,The Aga Khan Foundation, The Chartered Institute of Building, The
Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply, Christian Aid, Charities Aid Foundation, African Medical
and Research Foundation, British Council, CARE (relief agency), Commonwealth Business Council,
Concern Worldwide, CIBC FirstCaribbean International Bank, Practical Action, International Business
Leaders Forum, International Chamber of Commerce, Transparency International and The Royal
Commonwealth Society. The British Department for International Development is represented among
the Foundation's members.
Prior to 1997, Crown Agents was a UK public statutory corporation, overseen by the British Ministry of
Overseas Development.[14]
Crown Agents originated as a body conducting financial transactions for British colonies. Agents were
first appointed in 1749 to transfer and account for grants made to colonies from the British
Treasury.[14] These representatives were known unofficially as 'Crown agents' from at least 1758, and
were accountable to colonial governments, though selected on the recommendation of the British
government.[14] A single body was created in 1833, when the Crown agents' business was consolidated
under two Joint Agents General for Crown Colonies with an office of several staff.[14] In 1861 the office
was renamed Crown Agents for the Colonies.[14] Crown Agents' responsibilities on behalf of colonial
governments included accounting for Treasury grants, purchasing supplies, recruiting certain staff and
raising capital on the markets. Crown Agents also oversaw specific colonial projects, such as certain
postage stamp issues and some infrastructure construction.[14]
As decolonisation accelerated, the office was renamed Crown Agents for Oversea Governments and
Administrations in 1954, and the rules were changed to allow it to take on projects for independent
states (Iraq being the first example).[14] Crown Agents expanded its activities to include more
international development projects and investment management. The world's first sovereign wealth
funds were managed by Crown Agents.[15] Its anomalous status as an autonomous body with close
links to government came into question, and in 1979 Crown Agents was brought under government
control as a statutory corporation. From 1987, shifting attitudes to state ownership of business and
changes in British international development strategy led the government to support full privatisation
of Crown Agents. It became a private company in 1997, ending its formal ties to the British
1. Crown Agents website (
4/13/2018 Crown Agents - Wikipedia 4/5
Sunderland, David (2004). Managing the British Empire: The Crown Agents, 1833-1914. Boydell.
ISBN 0-86193-267-6.
Sunderland, David (2007). Managing British Colonial and Post-Colonial Development: The Crown
Agents, 1914-1974. Boydell. ISBN 1-84383-301-8.
2. "Press Release" (
01/crown-agents-sells-financial-services-businesses). Crown Agents. Retrieved 22 July 2016.
3. Group structure shown at Duedil (
4. "Companies House Webcheck" ( Archived from the original (
on 29 December 2008. Retrieved 20 March 2013.
5. Crown Agents Newsletter Managing Debt (World Bank website) (
6. Customs reform and modernisation in Angola (Kenya Revenue Authority website (http://www.kra.
7. MSL website ( Archived (
9/ 2010-02-16 at the Wayback Machine.
8. Linking Dar to Durban (This is Africa, FT magazine (
y.php/aid/94/Linking_Dar_to_Durban.html?current_page=3) Archived (
rban.html?current_page=3) 2011-07-17 at the Wayback Machine.)
9. AFCAP (
10. Crown Agents to install Japan-funded $8.6m solar plant in Uruguay (http://www.newenergyworldn
11. Crown Agents ensuring safety and speed with mobile money transfer technology (http://mobilemo
12. Honesty for Hire (Hoover Institute) (
4F-0FE0-1950-E5BBAD1BA9BF4D7E) Archived (
E) 2011-07-26 at the Wayback Machine.
13. SCMS website (
14. "Crown Agents - Our History" ( Retrieved
17 December 2016.
15. "Our History" ( Crown Agents Bank. Retrieved
22 July 2016.
External links
4/13/2018 Crown Agents - Wikipedia 5/5
Crown Agents main corporate website (
Crown Agents Bank website (
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This page was last edited on 3 April 2018, at 06:16.
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